
We're not SpongeBob, but we have powerful...

author:HHPX Wang Xunya teacher 4519

As the backbone of an enterprise development, the strength of middle and senior management personnel in decision-making planning, organizational ability, team leadership, comprehensive operation, execution control and communication ability directly affects the overall situation of enterprise transformation and development.

Are you experiencing the following pain points?

1. In the face of complex and changeable uncertainty and ambiguous era of change, we feel the pressure of management work

2. Employees frequently change jobs, and the turnover rate remains high, which makes us feel that the leadership team is overstretched

3. Although the goal is set, in the face of the ever-changing environment, the plan can never catch up with the changes, and it is difficult to achieve performance

4. The epidemic has made enterprises digitally transform like a fast train, but we don't know where to start?

5. In the face of various management problems of enterprises, they do not know how to use innovative tools to efficiently solve them

I believe that many enterprises have encountered this situation, we have to face the superior up, we also have to face the subordinate, we have to upload and issue. We are middle-level forces, we are not SpongeBob SquarePants, but we need to have a strong heart, superb communication skills, and the ability to respond to emergencies.

Landing training is undoubtedly the best choice.

Maybe we are not young, maybe we have suffered from work, but we have a heart that loves life and pursues the efficient development of enterprises. We are not SpongeBob SquarePants, but we have a big heart. Xinjiang training, let us see the willow dark flowers bright another village.