
2021.10.10 Blockchain Evening News

author:First bit

1. Paid Network will establish a strategic partnership with Plutos Network, a multi-chain synthetic asset issuance and trading platform.

2.Founder of Real Vision: His crypto portfolio contains 70% ETH and 5% BTC.

3. The Swiss non-profit think tank 2B4CH plans to propose that the central bank hold part of BTC as a monetary reserve asset.

4.Decasonic launches a $20 million fund that will invest in blockchain, NFTs and more.

5. Kava Proposition 65 is being voted on to propose the addition of SWP/USDX TWAP to the system feed price.

6. The U.S. FB cooperated with Israeli police to arrest 26 people in cryptocurrency fraud cases.

7. The transaction volume of the NFT project MekaVerse exceeded $72 million three days after its launch.

8.Saber and Albridge launch their first Avalanche USDC pool at Solana.

9.DeFi Stablecoin Revenue Agreement Inverse Finance launched a new on-chain proposal to upgrade "governance" to GovernorMills.

10. Chief Consultant of Huawei Financial Digital Transformation: 5G news and digital yuan will change the payment method and form.

11. Decentralized mutual fund Sheesha Finance has partnered with capital operator Ziliqa Capital.

12. Meta-Universe Asset Collateral Lending Platform XCarnival passed four rounds of CertiK audits.

13. The tron mascot "Boniu Tronbul!" jointly launched by APENFT and Tron Tron!" It will be launched tomorrow in the form of a blind box.

14.The Filecoin network will undergo a v14 Chocolate network upgrade on October 26.

15.Ribbon proposes to decide on the processing plan for the airdrop event to be returned to ETH, and Divergence Ventures agrees to donate its seed round of RBN tokens.

16. Decentralized Marketplace Waggle Network has partnered with Lithium Finance, an oracle agreement.

17.Vee . Finance announced a partnership with DeFi security agency Lossless to recover the stolen $35 million as quickly as possible.

18-Bitmain announced that Antminer will stop shipping to Chinese mainland.

Editor Miao Miao, thank you for your liking and attention!

Will keep updated, hope to have more powder every day, as soon as possible to break through the ten thousand! [Come and see me] [Come and see me] [Send heart] [Send heart] [Teeth] [Teeth]