
The top ten dangerous creatures of the ocean, the king squid is not the first, the first three are beyond your imagination

author:It's hard to live

There are few places on Earth that are more dangerous and mysterious than the oceans. The sea is incomparably deep, and human beings only know five percent of the sea. At the bottom of the ocean, thousands of meters deep, it is likely that there are many predators. Lurk in the darkest position, quietly waiting for the arrival of the prey. Today, let's take a look at the ten most terrifying creatures in the deep sea, especially the last three, which may be beyond your imagination.

The top ten dangerous creatures of the ocean, the king squid is not the first, the first three are beyond your imagination

The tenth place anglerfish, when it comes to deep-sea creatures, is rarely as frightening as the anglerfish. Although only the size of a coffee cup, their appearance is quite frightening, and they come in two hundred different varieties. At the front of each species hung a conspicuous bait that he used to attract prey, and as soon as the prey got closer, it would bite it with its impressive teeth. Although anglerfish are extremely dangerous to humans, they live far away from the ocean floor and have no contact with humans at all.

The top ten dangerous creatures of the ocean, the king squid is not the first, the first three are beyond your imagination

The ninth deep-sea arowana, the deep-sea arowana, is an extremely ugly but unusually ferocious predator. It has a huge head and many long, pointed fangs, and lives on the seabed more than 1500 meters deep. There is no visible light here, so its body surface is composed of photoreceptor cells, which emit a faint glow in the deep sea, and due to the harsh environment of the deep sea, its eyes have evolved into a barrel. Combined with the jaw light emitter bait, it is constantly flashed back and forth to lure the prey, and when the prey is close, it will bite with its fangs until they die.

The top ten dangerous creatures of the ocean, the king squid is not the first, the first three are beyond your imagination

The eighth needlefish, which are only a meter long and weigh only six kilograms, are much more dangerous than they seem. Because these fish not only have long sharp mouths. There is also a tendency to jump out of the water, and its speed can reach seventy kilometers per hour. Unfortunately, this makes their habitat in the Indian and Pacific Oceans a truly terrifying area where they will be drawn to the lights on board. Often jump out and pierce unsuspecting sailors. As a result, it is widely believed that fishermen who work fishing in lively areas are more dangerous than sharks.

The top ten dangerous creatures of the ocean, the king squid is not the first, the first three are beyond your imagination

Seventh piranha. Throughout the Amazon River, there is a herd of carnivorous fish known as piranhas, these crazy carnivores are fifty centimeters long and weigh about five kilograms. They are not only carnivores. They also have extremely sharp teeth, which they usually use to hunt down small prey such as worms, crustaceans and fish. They often look for plants and insects to meet their dietary needs. However, when food is scarce, piranhas also gather together to prey on large prey, usually eating a large creature within minutes. In some cases, however, humans are also one of the victims. While this is extremely rare, unfortunately. They have led to some very terrible deaths.

The top ten dangerous creatures of the ocean, the king squid is not the first, the first three are beyond your imagination

The sixth cuspid fish, the cuspid fish, inhabits particularly deep parts of the ocean, and although they most often inhabit 500-2000 meters, the middle of the abyss belt, which is as deep as 5000 meters, is their terrifying home, where the water pressure is terrible and the temperature is close to freezing. There is a lack of food here, so the fish eat whatever they see. It is a deep-sea assassin with a frightening face, and it is also one of the deepest inhabitants of the seabed, it is named for its large teeth, the two largest teeth on the left and right of its head are simply too large, relative to its size, its teeth may be the largest of the marine fish, so some fish that are larger than them have also become its meal.

The top ten dangerous creatures of the ocean, the king squid is not the first, the first three are beyond your imagination

The fifth poisonous snakefish, the venomous snakefish, which generally appears in the water layer 80-1600 meters below the surface of the sea, is one of the most abominable fish in this depth of the ocean. Their teeth are like the teeth of a venomous snake, long and protruding. There are many light emitters on the body, and these light emitters are used to lure prey. The mouth is very large, and the stomach is very elastic like a rubber, so it can swallow prey that is the same size as itself. And their stomach can also play a role in storage, if there is more food, swallow more, put into the stomach to store. Venomous snakefish are vertical migratory fish day and night, staying at depths of more than 1500 meters during the day and more than 600 meters deep at night. It is one of the fierce predators in the depths of the ocean.

The top ten dangerous creatures of the ocean, the king squid is not the first, the first three are beyond your imagination

The fourth lamprey, the odd-looking lamprey, is a parasitic fish that likes to adsorb on other animals and feeds on blood. When hunting, they attach their mouth plates to their prey, followed by a tongue full of delicate teeth. Piercing the skin of prey and finally sucking their flesh and blood until the prey dies, it can survive in the ocean or freshwater lake, and is an extremely dangerous and adaptable invasive species.

The top ten dangerous creatures of the ocean, the king squid is not the first, the first three are beyond your imagination

The third tank jellyfish, which lives mainly in tropical waters, is a light blue transparent jellyfish shaped like a box. They have no brains, no hearts, no bones or muscles, but they are the most toxic creatures on Earth known to man, with as many as sixty tentacles and at least twenty-four eyes. Can actively hunt fish, crabs and other animals, its tentacles are highly toxic to the human body, once accidentally attacked, we will feel severe muscle pain. In just two minutes, all organs of the body will be completely exhausted. According to authoritative statistics, in the past twenty-five years, nearly 100 people have died because of it.

The top ten dangerous creatures of the ocean, the king squid is not the first, the first three are beyond your imagination

The second king squid, this is a true deep-sea behemoth. They live deep in the Pacific Ocean, the longest vertebrate in the world, according to scientists' estimates, their body length can even reach more than twenty meters, is the protagonist of many ancient sea monster legends, and even during the Second World War, there are shipwreck crews reported that their friends were eaten by these creatures in the darkness of the night, and there are also reports of squid running to the surface of the sea and dragging the people on board into the sea. Although all those reports have not been officially confirmed, in many of the drawings they have been painted as terrifying and powerful predators.

The top ten dangerous creatures of the ocean, the king squid is not the first, the first three are beyond your imagination

The first great white shark, although the great white shark is not as dangerous as the movie Jaw and the shark, it is still one of the most dangerous animals. It is 7 meters long. Weighing usually more than three tons, the great white shark is huge. He uses his great strength and 300 jagged teeth to attack his prey. Such as sea lions, seals, baby-toothed whales and turtles. Humans are also sometimes its food. Although sharks don't like human taste, they often hold humans as seals. And when they take a bite and realize their mistake, they usually swim away. Unfortunately, even a mistake is enough to kill a person.

The top ten dangerous creatures of the ocean, the king squid is not the first, the first three are beyond your imagination

If the ocean is compared to a handful of fine sand, human understanding of the ocean is nothing more than a grain of sand. The ocean is too big, too many unknowns for us to discover. In addition to these weird creatures. Deep in the ocean floor, it is likely that there are many terrible species that humans have not yet discovered. Therefore, at all times, we must have a reverence for the ocean. Ask you in front of the screen, which marine life do you think is the most dangerous? Friends, please write your opinion in the comment area?

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