
Why is it that King Kong, who is called "the entry level of literary play", has so few people who can be good?

author:Love to play

As the bearer of the literary and play world, Pan Kong is almost like a thesis topic among the literary players, around how to plate, how to plate well, down to mengxin, up to the veteran, there is no one who does not bother to think King Kong.

Among them, there are many people who share the same feelings with this playmate: they love anti-alkali and are easy to spend, this thing is really too difficult to play!

Why is it that King Kong, who is called "the entry level of literary play", has so few people who can be good?

Although it is always called an entry-level literary play, there are too many places that King Kong can pay attention to.

Why is it that King Kong, who is called "the entry level of literary play", has so few people who can be good?

Playmate @zhouyou614

Let's start with this step of brushing: how to brush? What brush to use? How hard do you use not to brush your teeth? How often is the brush?

Previously, the old disk wrote that a plaything friend brushed 13 brushes a year to achieve this delicate and shiny paste.

Why is it that King Kong, who is called "the entry level of literary play", has so few people who can be good?

It can be seen how important it is for King Kong to brush this way in the process, of course, some people will definitely say that they have also seen only the Plate and not brushed King Kong, and the effect is just as good.

Why is it that King Kong, who is called "the entry level of literary play", has so few people who can be good?

But in fact, we clean the Kongo and use the brush to evenly brush the sweat into the texture, not only for simple coloring, but also to remove the stubble on the kongo, so that the pulp can be wrapped faster.

After all, everyone is rushing to see the results as soon as possible, in the brush this step to do a good job, the future will only be half the effort, but also better avoid dust accumulation gaps, gray and ugly.

Why is it that King Kong, who is called "the entry level of literary play", has so few people who can be good?

Solved the brushing step of the primary operation, into the summer of the playmates if you play King Kong is likely to encounter the following picture of this situation.

Why is it that King Kong, who is called "the entry level of literary play", has so few people who can be good?

At night, I slept and didn't do anything, I wore it when I went out, and when I came back, I was all white. How can people not be broken!

In fact, this situation is more common, especially in the summer, people who sweat a lot wear a string to go out for a walk is tantamount to letting the string end a lifetime in advance, sweat soaking excessively, less oil, and soon all anti-yellow, anti-white.

Therefore, in the summer, although you can take advantage of the hot weather to brush, do not overdo it, especially do not sweat too much.

Why is it that King Kong, who is called "the entry level of literary play", has so few people who can be good?

In addition to the large area of anti-alkali on the surface, there is also a situation that the gap is piled up white, at this time it can only rely on the brush, or the success of King Kong must be indispensable to the brush, if the dry brush has no effect, everyone can only consider going into the water to start over.

Why is it that King Kong, who is called "the entry level of literary play", has so few people who can be good?

Let's talk about the third "stumbling block" of King Kong - panhua.

King Kong is the most prone to color aberration, that is, the head and tail, if only the appearance of the color difference, just need to take advantage of the spring and summer to add more disc brush to chase color. The color difference between the head and tail, the old disk is very recommended before the "bundling" method.

Why is it that King Kong, who is called "the entry level of literary play", has so few people who can be good?

In this way, you no longer have to worry about the situation that the head and tail can't brush, which is really beautiful.

In general, Pan Kong needs a lot of skills, and the old pan expects everyone to be able to successfully transform their Own Kong this summer!

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