
Wuhan has good weather again on the weekend, with the maximum temperature reaching 25 °C

author:Yangtze River Daily

Three-day forecast for Wuhan City

Daytime today: Sunny and cloudy

Tonight: Cloudy

Maximum temperature: 23 °C, Minimum temperature: 13 °C

Humidity: 50%-95%, Wind: Northerly winds of 2 to 3

Central City: Maximum temperature 24°C, minimum temperature 14°C

Tomorrow's weather: cloudy to cloudy, with a short period of light rain in the local area

Maximum: 22 °C, Minimum: 12 °C

Humidity: 60%-95%, Wind: Easterly wind 2 to 3

Central City: Maximum temperature 23°C, minimum temperature 13°C

Weather the day after tomorrow: sunny to cloudy

Maximum: 24 °C, Minimum: 12 °C

Humidity: 50%-95%, Wind: Northerly winds of magnitude 2 to 3

Central city: Maximum temperature 25°C, minimum temperature 13°C

(Source: Wuhan Meteorological Observatory)

【Editor: He Equation】

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