
Foreign Film Critics: "In Love Diagnosis"

author:Waiting is a feeling

"In Love Diagnosis and Treatment" captures many of the characteristics of millennials' lives and even social problems: the economy is globally integrated, and the work is becoming more and more detailed; freelance workers do not have basic medical care and living security; the public health care system is overloaded, and so on. How does such a new generation fall in love? Is it similar to Chinese millennials?

Foreign Film Critics: "In Love Diagnosis"

At the beginning of the movie, I saw the protagonist Weng working on the computer all day, and I thought he was a graphic designer. More than ten minutes after the play began, I found out that he was not responsible for the design, only responsible for retouching the drawings, and was best at using Photoshop software. He is a freelance worker and is well known in the industry, known for his professional care and punctual delivery. Weng always refuses to come to work, and is accustomed to staying up to catch the death line, and as a result, because the work pressure is too great, he has a rash all over his body. He was not employed by any company, had no medical insurance, and in order to save money, he got up early in the morning to see a doctor in a public hospital, and as a result, he met a trainee dermatologist Yan, who fell in love at first sight and was sick physically and mentally at the same time.

Many years ago, I saw Cai Lan's predecessors write that Thailand is a Buddhist country, the national temperament is docile, especially suitable for engaging in the service industry, so Thai hotels are often selected as the world's best hotels, because the service is intimate enough. I haven't been to Thailand for a long time, and the Thai movies I've watched in recent years are mainly horror movies, so I don't know much about the gentleness of Thais. But this time watching "In Love Diagnosis and Treatment" really felt the gentle side of Thais, and there is a kind of tenderness that is rare in Hong Kong and even Hollywood love films.

Foreign Film Critics: "In Love Diagnosis"

It is said that the protagonist Weng lives under the pressure of the dead line every day, the customer's requirements are harsh, he is not full of dry fire, he should be complaining, while working while cursing the customer's ancestors eighteen generations. But Weng is very calm from beginning to end, whether it is the first half entangled with the death line, or the second half lost all his work because of a mistake, every day looking at the sky, Weng treats it with a normal heart, in short, to do his duty, whether it is a retoucher or an obedient patient.

As an intern doctor in a public hospital, the workload is also frightening, and the hospital has a long queue before the opening of the clinic every day, and she has to cope with the specialist examination herself. But Yan's gentle and careful is like an angel incarnation, and the audience will fall in love with her at first sight like Weng, and will not deeply investigate whether her medical skills are clever.

Foreign Film Critics: "In Love Diagnosis"

In addition to the main line of love that sees once a month and seems to have nothing, the enthusiasm of several protagonists and supporting characters for their work also brings a vitality to the film. Although Weng is a retoucher and just a small screw in the advertising project, he loves his work passionately, saying that he is happy as long as there is a job, and he loves to see the calendar full of dead lines. His partner Jie and another new retoucher, Jie Jie, are also people with a good working attitude. The heroine Yan is careful and gentle with the patient and has great respect for her work. In the end, she did not develop further with Weng, perhaps partly because of the principle that doctors and patients cannot fall in love.

In short, it is very strange, similar scenes, placed in Hong Kong, it is difficult to imagine that the protagonist and the story can maintain this tenderness. The only scene in the play where there is a scolding scene is when the uncle of one of the patients scolds her for cutting off his nephew's illness, but it is only a sentence and a sentence, not vicious.

In addition to love, Weng's friendship with his work partner Jie and the convenience store owner is also very good-looking. The convenience store owner looks nonsensical at first glance, but wants to go one level deeper, a person who is accustomed to working all night, the convenience store is his second home, this friendship comes naturally and interestingly.

"In Love" is not a crazy hilarious comedy, but I laugh more times when I watch it than I watch a lot of comedies. Those jokes are heartfelt, gentle and gentle.