
Evil does not suppress righteousness -- a truth that the United States does not understand or believe in

author:Taiwan Strait Net

Source: Voices of the Straits

Following the US State Department official Hua Ziqiang's "erroneous use" of UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 "to prevent Taiwan's meaningful participation in the United Nations" on the 21st, on October 26, US Secretary of State Blinken issued a statement "supporting Taiwan's meaningful participation in the United Nations system."

Obviously, this is another escalation of the US action to undermine the one-China principle and to set its sights on its separatist act of "Taiwan independence." The U.S. attempts to blackmail China by challenging China's bottom line, but such an act is unlikely to succeed. The Chinese Embassy in the United States has issued a statement on this issue, saying that "the Chinese side expresses strong dissatisfaction with and will never accept this," indicating that China is ready to "face" the provocations of the United States.

The United States has repeatedly stated to China that it has "no intention of changing the one-China policy," but what people have seen is that the United States has recently intensified its efforts to constantly use various occasions to hype up the Taiwan issue, help Taiwan expand the so-called "international space," and openly challenge the one-China principle. What the United States has repeatedly shown to the world is its inconsistent and discredited rogue political face.

Blinken claimed that Taiwan "has become a democratic success story" whose values are "consistent with the values of the United Nations," questioned the reasons for Taiwan's inability to participate in the ICAO assembly and the World Health Assembly, and sly argued that "allowing Taiwan to participate meaningfully in the United Nations system" is not a political issue, but a pragmatic one. Blinken's statement is a typical concept of stealing and confusing the public.

As is known to all, the United Nations is an intergovernmental international organization that only sovereign states can join; although the mainland and Taiwan have not yet been fully reunified, the jurisprudence and facts of the fact that the two sides of the strait belong to the same country have never changed, and GENERAL ASSEMBLY Resolution 2758 has long since completely resolved the issue of China's representation in the United Nations politically, legally, and procedurally.

The Taiwan-related issue is a serious political issue, not a so-called "democracy" or "value issue," and Blinken's lies cannot deceive the international community. This is not only because the one-China principle is also the universal consensus of the international community, but also because all countries in the world understand what it means if they accept this set of fallacies. If the United States can divide China in this way today, tomorrow it can split another country under this or some other pretext, and maybe one day it will be its turn.

Blinken's statement indicates that the Next Step for the United States will be to rally its accomplices and set off a storm within the United Nations system that challenges the one-China principle, but it is also foreseeable that what awaits it will be a shameful failure.

50 years ago, the United States tried to create "one China, one Taiwan" or "two Chinas" at the United Nations, but it failed miserably. Today, the United States is openly supporting and cheering up the "Taiwan independence" forces in the international arena, and its attempt to challenge international law and the basic norms governing international relations, including the one-China principle, will be even more bloodied.

The reason why the United States can foresee the failure is not only that China's strength and influence are not what they used to be, nor is it that the United States overestimates the demagogic ability and coercive energy of its own set of "value diplomacy", but more fundamentally, it does not understand or believe in the basic truth of the world that "evil does not suppress righteousness" in its bones.

After the founding of New China, the United States obstructed the restoration of the people's republic of China's legitimate seat in the United Nations for a long time, and also tried to create "one China, one Taiwan" or "two Chinas." However, with the joint efforts of all the peace-loving and justice-loving nations of the world, the American plot was ultimately defeated. This fact reveals a simple and simple truth, that is, justice will triumph!

But now it seems that the United States, which is accustomed to hegemonism as a blessing in disguise, has not learned a lesson from it, emphasizing "art" over "Tao", superstitiously believing in the use of strength and skill, but ignoring the truth power of the world's simple laws.

"There is no reason why the United States is undefeated by "getting more help from the Way and helping more than helping the Wrongdoers" has been suffering for a long time, but the United States is still obsessed with it?

What Taiwan society needs to understand is that the mainland understands the thoughts and feelings of Taiwan compatriots on participating in international activities, but the participation of the Taiwan region in the activities of international organizations such as the United Nations must be handled in accordance with the one-China principle. On the basis of adhering to the one-China principle, proper arrangements have been and will be made in the future. However, all kinds of so-called "expanding international space" activities aimed at "independence" by the DPP authorities and the "Taiwan independence" forces are absolutely impossible under any pretext.

Regarding Blinken's statement, the DPP authorities as usual are "thank you." However, "relying on the United States to seek independence" and "relying on foreign countries to seek independence" are nothing more than illusions after all. All acts aimed at undermining the one-China principle and splitting the country will only end in failure.

And those "Taiwan independence" diehards who organize, plan, and carry out acts of splitting the country and undermining national unity will also be severely punished. Those who say "thank you" today, echoing Blinken's attempt to split China, may one day be put on trial.