
Those years, we were in the days of "ice love"

author:Uncle Jack stayed at home

Have you ever had a friend who grew up with yourself; sang together to bless; encouraged each other; chased girlfriends together; liked the same girl together; sat under the bus sign on your birthday together and shared a small cake the size of a palm; experienced the joys and sorrows of the growth stage together; and experienced the life and death moments of the earthquake together. He is my confidant for 35 years, "Kobayashi".

From childhood to adulthood, we are the same age, we are blessed and share the same difficulties, but the two of us get along, he is more like my brother. Naughty and noisy, I am always indispensable to his ding-dong. When I was in middle school, the Kobayashi family had a commercial building in the night market of their hometown, the first floor of the whole building was the ice room, the second floor was the steakhouse, the third/fourth floor was the KTV, and the fifth floor was where we lived. The first / second floor restaurant is called "Ice Love", the opposite side of the restaurant is the park, next door is the video game store, there is a roadside stall selling rice cakes at the mouth of the park, every day at 12 midnight to close the stall, a bowl of rice cakes and tribute pill soup is Kobayashi, Kobayashi's brother and brother and I often go to the night snack, sometimes on a whim, Kobayashi's brother will take his girlfriend and two of us to go with the fart worm [Nice MTV], MTV is the sister of the holy land, Kobayashi's brother always picks horror movies to see, he sits in front of the girlfriend, Kobayashi and I sat in the back holding pillows and watching in fear and trembling. It was a lot of drama that the three of us used to play at the time.

When the summer vacation came, I helped in the restaurant almost every day, Kobayashi and I ordered steak outside, and Kobayashi's brother worked hard in the kitchen to fry the steak, which we will never forget for a lifetime. Kobayashi's brother is also halfway out of the house to learn to fry steak, fried steak has no special tricks, look at the almost discolored it feels almost; to know that the iron plate is not cooked to spit on a spit to try the temperature; steak accidentally fell on the ground, quickly picked up and drizzled with black pepper sauce, it became black pepper steak.

At that time, I liked to play video games, and often halfway through, he would be able to find me in the video game store next door as long as he saw me disappear, and like my brother, he would go to the electric toy store and pull me back to continue to work hard. The two of us just shuttled between the whole building every day. When we were free, we would go to the KTV on the 3rd floor to play with a sister. She has long flowing hair, is dressed quite individually, and sings quite charmingly, and we guess she has always had a crush on Kobayashi's brother, although she never admits it. However, she was very nice to both of us and often gave us something to eat.

There is a small fruit stall in front of the video game store. The fruit stall owner's son and we were classmates and good friends, named Kunwei. His mother also has a bit of a local background. Therefore, Kobayashi and I were often taken care of by him at school, so as to avoid idle people looking for trouble. He would often come to the ice shop and visit the door. The life of those days was also inseparable from Kun Wei's participation.

We both fell in love with a female classmate at the same time. Who knew it was so dramatic, she actually liked Kobayashi. After she refused, I felt extremely sad, and I hid in the storage room alone, drinking and dropping bottles. Kobayashi couldn't see it and tried to come to me to comfort me, I was drunk too much and went crazy with wine, and actually got into a fight with him. It was the first time we had a fight since we were growing up. Of course we were together in a few days.

In the days of ice love, it was a certain youth memory of my youth with Kobayashi, which recorded the important life mark of me and Kobayashi, and a few years later, every time we talked about it, we still remember it vividly.

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