
Huang Qing, leader of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, and his party went to our county to carry out investigation and investigation

author:Chenchen Prefecture
Huang Qing, leader of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, and his party went to our county to carry out investigation and investigation

Conduct squatting research

From June 17 to 18, Huang Qing, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and member of the Municipal Supervision Commission, and Zhong Yiming, director of the Party Work Style and Government Style Office of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, came to Guiyang to conduct research and study on the centralized management of corruption and work style in the field of benefiting the people and farmers, the special management of corruption and work style in the field of poverty alleviation, the safety of handling cases, the special struggle to eliminate criminal syndicates and evil forces, and the special rectification of "umbrella fighting" and "Bishui Chenzhou" special rectification. Zhang Jiuhui, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee, secretary of the county discipline inspection committee, and director of the county supervision commission, accompanied the investigation.

In two days, the research team went to the Guiyang County Sewage Treatment Plant, Baoshan Sewage Treatment Plant, Zhenghe Town, Tangshi Town, County Finance Bureau and other places to learn more about the development of relevant work of each unit and the difficulties and problems in the work through on-site visits, data inspection, centralized discussions and individual interviews, and put forward opinions and suggestions, which pointed out the direction for the next step of the work in our county. In view of the existing problems, the person in charge of the relevant department said that it will pay attention to the implementation of rectification and reform to ensure that all work is fully completed.

Huang Qing, leader of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, and his party went to our county to carry out investigation and investigation
Huang Qing, leader of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, and his party went to our county to carry out investigation and investigation

June 17

On the morning of the 17th, the research team went to Guiyang Sewage Treatment Plant and Baoshan Sewage Treatment Plant. While listening to the situation report of the Guiyang Branch of the Municipal Ecological and Environmental Protection Bureau and the relevant person in charge of the sewage treatment plant, the research team inquired and checked the operation of the sewage treatment plant, and at the same time, hoped that the relevant functional departments would fully support the operation of the sewage treatment plant, effectively solve the local sewage treatment problems, and improve the quality of the residents' living environment.

Subsequently, the research team went to Harmony Village of Zhenghe Town to check the publicity of village affairs and held discussions and exchanges with Zhenghe town and village cadres. Huang Qing affirmed the practices and results of the county's village-level financial disclosure and the disclosure of funds for the benefit of the people and farmers. He pointed out that the disclosure of village affairs should be made public in all its elements, and openness is the best supervision; it is necessary to do a solid job in detail in the work of making village affairs transparent, carry out it in an in-depth and sustained manner, effectively guarantee the masses' right to know, make decisions, participate in, and supervise, and use more sunny, more extensive, more democratic, and higher quality supervision to help overcome poverty and win a decisive victory.

In the afternoon of the same day, the research team went deep into Tangshi Town to investigate the work of resolving the backlog of letters and visits, held discussions and exchanges with relevant personnel, and listened to the report of the relevant responsible persons of the town party committee and government on the handling of letters and petitions in the field of poverty alleviation, as well as the report on the investigation and handling of the relevant responsible persons for the handling of letters and petitions. After listening to the report, the research group affirmed the handling of letters and petitions in the field of poverty alleviation in Tangshi Town, and demanded that we should take the initiative to act in accordance with discipline and regulations, increase the intensity of handling and completion of letters and petitions, and improve the speed and quality of the handling. Subsequently, the research team went deep into the homes of petitioners to conduct visits and conducted research, and made a return visit on the resolution of petitions and demands.

Huang Qing, leader of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, and his party went to our county to carry out investigation and investigation
Huang Qing, leader of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, and his party went to our county to carry out investigation and investigation

June 18

On the 18th, the research team went to the county forestry bureau, the county civil affairs bureau, the county housing and construction bureau, the county finance bureau and other places, respectively, conducted field research on the relevant work, and held discussions and exchanges with the relevant responsible persons of each unit. At the same time, the research group demanded that we should further improve our political position, focus on goals and tasks, strictly implement work responsibilities, strictly follow the requirements of various work, make overall plans, and take effective measures to solidly promote various work and achieve tangible results.

Huang Qing, leader of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, and his party went to our county to carry out investigation and investigation
Huang Qing, leader of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, and his party went to our county to carry out investigation and investigation

【Source: Guiyang Qingfeng】

Copyright belongs to the original author, a tribute to the original

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