
How important was a strange case during the Northern Song Dynasty that made the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu talk about it for 17 years?

author:Interesting view of the history of the wild

There was a very strange case during the Northern Song Dynasty, which allowed Manchu Wenwu to discuss for seventeen years, but this case did not involve any dignitaries and dignitaries, but it took 17 years to finally conclude the case.

How important was a strange case during the Northern Song Dynasty that made the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu talk about it for 17 years?

In the first year of Song Shenzong, there was a peasant maiden named Ah Yun in Dengzhou, and Ah Yun's father died when Ah Yun was young, and his mother also died of illness a year before Song Shenzong ascended the throne. Ah Yun was promised to a man surnamed Wei, and the two sides made a marriage contract just waiting for the wedding to be completed.

Unexpectedly, Ah Yun heard that her future husband looked so ugly that she wanted to repent, and she wanted to kill her fiancé to achieve her goal. She secretly came to her fiancé's house, and while her fiancé was asleep, she slashed more than ten knives at her fiancé, and because it was dark and dark, these ten knives did not cut to the point, and the most serious thing was to cut off one of her fiancé's fingers. The painful fiancé woke up immediately, and Ah Yun fled in a hurry, and the fiancé reported to the official. The government soon found Ah Yun's head, and Ah Yun quickly confessed to his crime after going to court. The government sentenced Ah Yun to death for murdering her husband in accordance with the Song law and reported it.

It is said that the matter ends here, but I did not expect that this was the beginning of this matter. After the official government reported it, Xu Zun of Dengzhou Zhizhou did not agree with the punishment of Ah Yun, Xu Zun believed that Ah Yun was engaged at the time of serving the funeral of his mother, such a marriage itself was illegal, since the marriage was not established, how did it come from to murder her husband. Therefore, Xu Zun was convicted of murder but the person who killed him did not die, and he could be spared a death.

How important was a strange case during the Northern Song Dynasty that made the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu talk about it for 17 years?

Xu Zun again presented the matter to the Dali Temple, but the Dali Temple did not accept Xu Zun's conclusion, believing that the death penalty should still be imposed for the murder of her husband, and the Court of Trial also recognized the judgment of the Dali Temple. Xu Zun was still not convinced, believing that Ah Yun had confessed everything when he first began to interrogate him, which was a self-surrender plot. The matter reached the hands of Song Shenzong, who saw that there was a disagreement in the case and handed it over to the Punishment Department for retrial, which approved the method of Dali Temple and sentenced Ah Yun to death again. After reporting it to Song Shenzong, Song Shenzong felt that Ah Yun was pitiful and allowed Ah Yun to pay money to redeem his crimes.

Later, Xu Zun was promoted to the position of secretary of Dali Temple, but Yushitai impeached Xu Zun for saying that in Ah Yun's case, Xu Zun's sentence was inappropriate and he could not serve as the secretary of Dali Temple. Xu Zun countered that the punishment of the Punishment Department and the Dali Temple was inappropriate. Yu Shitai also accused Xu of following the law and asked the emperor to submit the case to Hanlin Scholars for discussion. Song Shenzong also had to hand over the case to Sima Guang and Wang Anshi for discussion. As a result, Wang Anshi supported Xu Zun's approach, while Sima Guang supported the punishment of Dali Temple and the Punishment Department.

Seeing such a result, Song Shenzong had no choice but to put the matter above the court and let the Manchu ministers discuss the matter together. At this time, the court was also divided into two factions, one advocating heavy punishment and the other advocating light punishment. In the end, Emperor Shenzong of Song still supported Wang Anshi, who advocated a light sentence, so he was sentenced according to Wang Anshi's opinion, but the courtiers of the heavy punishment faction still did not accept it and continued to play.

How important was a strange case during the Northern Song Dynasty that made the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu talk about it for 17 years?

Later, wang anshi reform was begun, and Song Shenzong trusted Wang Anshi more, so Ah Yun was sentenced to exile because the marriage was illegal, and the exiled Ah Yun encountered amnesty and restored his freedom and married and had children.

In a flash, 16 years passed, and after the death of Emperor Shenzong of Song, Emperor Zhezong of Song succeeded Sima Guang as chancellor. Ah Yun's case was brought up again, and there was a final reversal in this matter, and Ah Yun was finally sentenced to death.

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