
Carry forward the spirit of heroism and martyrdom, gather the strength to forge ahead - Shizuishan Municipal People's Procuratorate launched a party day activity to watch the theme of "Changjin Lake"

author:Shizuishan Municipal People's Procuratorate

In order to solidly promote the study and education of party history, carry forward the spirit of patriotism, pay tribute to heroic models, inherit the spirit of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and continue the red blood. On October 15, the Shizuishan Municipal People's Procuratorate organized all party members and cadres and policemen to watch the major revolutionary historical theme film "Changjin Lake", through the vivid display of the film, to gain an in-depth understanding of the history of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and to encourage the cadres and policemen not to forget their original intentions, keep in mind their mission, and forge ahead.

Carry forward the spirit of heroism and martyrdom, gather the strength to forge ahead - Shizuishan Municipal People's Procuratorate launched a party day activity to watch the theme of "Changjin Lake"

The movie "Chosin Lake" takes the Battle of Chosin Lake in the Second Campaign of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea as the background and tells a magnificent history: The story in the film takes place in the winter 71 years ago, when the 9th Corps of the Chinese Volunteer Army went to fight in the DPRK without hesitation, and they defeated "more steel and more gas" with "less steel and more gas", and with extraordinary tactical design and superior will, they launched a deadly duel with the all-round US troops armed to the teeth, and finally defeated the arrogance of the enemy. This great victory has invigorated the national spirit, boosted national self-confidence, and made the world re-understand New China. Scenes of cruel and fierce war shook people's hearts, the tenacious bloody battles of heroes were gripping, and the tragic and heroic sacrifices of revolutionary martyrs brought people to tears.

Carry forward the spirit of heroism and martyrdom, gather the strength to forge ahead - Shizuishan Municipal People's Procuratorate launched a party day activity to watch the theme of "Changjin Lake"
Carry forward the spirit of heroism and martyrdom, gather the strength to forge ahead - Shizuishan Municipal People's Procuratorate launched a party day activity to watch the theme of "Changjin Lake"

After watching the film, everyone could not calm down for a long time, burst into tears, and were shocked by the heroic spirit of the volunteer army who was not afraid of difficulties and was not afraid of life and death, and wrote down their heartfelt experience of watching the film, saying that they should take the revolutionary ancestors as an example, keep firmly in mind the mission of the original heart, strengthen the belief in victory, carry forward the "three unbelief" spirit of Comrade Yang Gensi, a special combat hero, faithfully perform their duties, show their responsibilities, and shoulder the procuratorial mission in the new era with practical actions.

Zhu Yanjia, Comprehensive Business Department: "The heroism of heaven and earth, the thousand autumns are still awe-inspiring." The movie "Chosin Lake" magnificently shows the battle story of the People's Volunteer Army that is not afraid of strong enemies, brave to shine the sword, and dare to sacrifice, and the military soul of "less steel and more gas" has greatly shocked my spiritual world. As communist party members and procuratorial cadres and policemen in the new era, first, we must remember history, remember heroic martyrs, and deeply study the people's volunteers' iron will and amazing execution power in laying down their lives and forgetting their lives and forgetting their lives to accomplish their tasks; second, they must think of danger in times of peace, base themselves on the present, safeguard national security with practical actions of "being responsible for everyone," and make due contributions to "national rejuvenation." History should not be dusted and forgotten, and we salute the heroic People's Volunteer Army! The spiritual monument of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea will stand forever!

Shi Chunxia, Seventh Procuratorial Department: 70 years ago, when there was a huge disparity in strength, Chinese rushed up with his chest with a bloody courage. Defeated the US imperialists. Today we stand up and get rich and strong, and we will not be afraid of all kinds of challenges and violations, and today's years are quiet because of yesterday's hardships. Cherish this quiet and good years, so as to be worthy of this red country laid by the martyrs. We should guard this country and build a new China. It is a heavy historical task that we must never forget.

Liu Huijuan, Fifth Procuratorial Department: "There are no heroes who can't freeze and can't die, and there are no heroes who can't die, that's the glory of soldiers!" "Every soldier of the Volunteer Army to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea is a hero in our minds!" When the enemy's planes were bombing wildly, tanks were running rampant, machine guns were firing intensively, and every soldier was completely naked, they did not flinch, but fought bravely against the enemy's guns and bullets with their flesh and blood, and spelled out one bloody road after another with the huge disparity in the equipment of the enemy and us, which made the US troops stunned and those of us sitting in front of the screen moved. When the charge horn sounded, when the American general saluted the volunteer soldiers frozen into ice sculptures, when Yang Gensi picked up the explosive package for the defending camp and died with the enemy... This scene could not help but bring tears to the eyes. Salute to the Volunteers to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea who fought for our happiness!

Zhao Xiaoli, Second Procuratorial Department: Through watching the movie "Chosin Lake", I deeply remembered the name of Lei Suisheng, the seventeenth soldier hero of the seventh company of the artillery platoon leader, and there are no heroes who cannot die in the world, but only the glory of soldiers. In order to protect the comrades of the Seventh Company, Ray Dad, who is experienced in combat, resolutely and painstakingly pulled out the smoke-filled identification bombs, and in the continuous bombardment of the US high-altitude bombs, he risked his life and drove the jeep alone to transport the marker bombs away from the area where the Seventh Company was located, and the jeep became the target of bombing. Heroes are also mortals, and they are also afraid, and when the tough guy Ray Daddy is rescued from under the wheel of the jeep, he says" "There are no heroes in the world, but they are carrying the weight for us, and they overcome their fears for the faith in their hearts, and they stride forward without hesitation until they are martyred!"

As procuratorial cadres and policemen of serious crime departments, they should uphold the spirit and tenacity of the volunteer army, do not believe that there are cases that cannot be handled well, do not believe that there are tasks that cannot be completed, do not believe in difficulties that cannot be overcome, seek truth and be pragmatic, watch over the mission in ordinary posts, burn life in the persistence of doing practical things for the people, strive to turn every case into an iron case with the ultimate craftsman spirit, strive to be a loyal practitioner of the procuratorial cause, never forget the original intention, live up to the glory of life, and defend the glory of the procuratorate in the new journey of forging ahead into a new era.