
Hengyang: Fully implement the policy of benefiting the disabled and truly realize that no one is missed

author:Red Net
Hengyang: Fully implement the policy of benefiting the disabled and truly realize that no one is missed

Hengyang Disabled Persons' Federation sinks 12 counties and municipalities in the city to carry out the supervision of the disabled to get rid of poverty.

Red Net Moment Correspondent Lu Qiangwen Reporter Wang Min Hengyang reported

In order to further grasp the implementation of the city's poverty alleviation for the disabled, conscientiously find out the existing problems, and consolidate work responsibilities, the Hengyang Disabled Persons' Federation concentrated its energy, strength and time, and from May 12 to 13, led by three leaders of the association and the leaders of the discipline inspection and supervision team of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Supervision Commission in the Civil Affairs Bureau, 4 inspection teams were sent to 12 counties and municipalities in the city to carry out the supervision battle of the disabled people's poverty alleviation.

The inspection team adopted the method of "four noes and two straights", randomly selected more than 3 poor households with disabilities in 1 village in the urban area of Douzhan County, and visited more than 40 poor families with disabilities, monitoring households with disabilities and marginal households with disabilities. Through the working method of "going to the house to check the safety of housing, approaching the body to check medical security, sitting down and asking the children to check education subsidies, and reaching out to open the pipe to check the safety of drinking water", the inspection team went deep into the peasant households, talked with the disabled people about the family routine, talked about changes, asked about income, talked about plans, and fully understood the implementation of the door-to-door evaluation of the disability certificate, the two subsidies, medical insurance and pension insurance payment, rehabilitation assistance, barrier-free transformation and education assistance, and whether there was corruption and work style problems in the field of poverty alleviation.

"Do you know what funds are on the passbook?" Are the living allowances for persons with disabilities in difficulty and the nursing allowance for severely disabled persons paid in full and on time? Liu Hongdan, secretary of the party group and chairman of the Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation, carefully checked the details of the funds for the assistance of the disabled at the home of Zhang Xiaorong in Guanghui Village, Dongyangdu Town, Zhuhui District, and publicized the policy of helping the disabled.

Liu Qingfan, head of the discipline inspection team, and his party came to Longchi Village, Shouyue Township, Nanyue District, which is a provincial-level poor village and a typical mountainous village. There are currently 16 people with certified disabilities in the village, of which 15 are included in the establishment of a card for poor households. Through the way of township neighbors leading the way, Liu Qingfan and his party randomly visited 3 families with disabilities who had set up archives and established cards, carefully calculated the income and expenditure of the families of the disabled, and fully affirmed the implementation of the village's policy of benefiting the disabled and the measures for poverty alleviation and support.

At the home of Wang Chengyou, a first-class intellectually disabled person in Baishui Village, Chejiang Town, Hengnan County, Zhang Guisheng, member of the party group and vice chairman of the Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation, conscientiously read the passbook and the poverty alleviation manual, asked his guardians and village cadres about the current situation of the lives of the disabled and the implementation of the policy of guaranteeing the bottom line, and instructed the two village committees to increase their care for the intellectual and mentally disabled.

Zhang Hanying, member of the party group and vice chairman of the Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation, and his party came to visit the home of Liu Chunsheng in Huanheqiao Village, Xintang Town, Hengdong County, Liu Chunsheng belongs to multiple disabilities, the eldest son died of illness in 2016, the younger son belongs to the third-level intellectual disability, is a typical family with multiple disabilities, the old and the disabled, relying on the elderly to raise the disabled family, the current family has been included in the government policy guarantee, "two worries and three guarantees" is not a problem.

After the on-site visit, the inspection team went to the disabled persons' federations in various counties and urban areas to understand the progress of the work of poverty alleviation for the disabled and the evaluation of the disabled by suspected disabled persons, and gave feedback on the problems found during the visit.

The inspection team pointed out that it is necessary to decompose the task of poverty alleviation for the disabled to households, compact the work responsibility to the people, quantify the time to tackle the tough problems to the sky, and resolutely win the battle against poverty for the disabled on time and with high quality; it is necessary to promote the implementation of comprehensive security policies such as education, minimum guarantee, medical insurance, endowment insurance, rehabilitation assistance and barrier-free transformation for the poor and disabled in accordance with the requirements of "three guarantees, three precisions, and three implementations"; promote the centralized care of the disabled with severe poverty, and solve the problem of "getting rid of poverty and not solving difficulties" for the severely poor disabled; we must continue to increase the intensity of the evaluation of the disabled and apply for certificates. Four types of key targets "suspected disabled persons provide door-to-door assessment services for the disabled in the countryside, open up the last kilometer of the disabled person's certificate, ensure that all suspected objects that meet the conditions are included in the scope of policy guarantees, fully implement the policy of benefiting the disabled, and truly realize that no one is missed."