
Can you make hundreds of thousands of dollars by bargaining? The "Queen of Bargaining" is real

author:Modern Express

Do you know the profession of "bargainer"? On the evening of September 3, the TV series "My Bargain queen" starring Lin Xinxin, Wu Jinyan and Wu Qilong was officially launched, and Xia Qian, played by Wu Jinyan, was a "bargaining queen", not only can cut anything, but also cut the wind and water. What exactly is the job of a bargainer? Is it true that a single business can earn more than 100,000 yuan? Recently, the Modern Express reporter interviewed a number of bargainers to reveal the secret for you.

Can you make hundreds of thousands of dollars by bargaining? The "Queen of Bargaining" is real

△ "Bargaining Queen" Xia Qian (played by Wu Jianyan)

As big as the house as small as the mattress, they can "chop" anything

In the play, Xia Qian, a bargainer played by Wu Jinyan, uses his extraordinary communication skills to win a hotel for his customers that has no schedule for a long time, which is impressive.

What does a real bargainer look like? Yang Qingqing, the 35-year-old chief bargainer of the bargain house, has been in the industry for 14 years and is a leader in the industry. He introduced that in fact, bargainers take advantage of the inflated prices of goods and the asymmetry of information between merchants and consumers. As a professional bargainer, you need to have excellent professional product knowledge, always research, eat through the industry, often run the market, and grasp the dynamics in a timely manner.

Can you make hundreds of thousands of dollars by bargaining? The "Queen of Bargaining" is real

△ Yang Qingqing live bargaining

Bargainers "cut" almost everything, from large houses to mattresses, from building materials circles to second-hand houses. Yang Qingqing said that if it is a group purchase meeting, buyers and sellers will be present, by the bargainer as a "lubricant", the use of professional skills to help buyers to reduce prices, and although the merchants in this process has been compressed profits, but harvested a large number of orders, in fact, is a win-win situation.

With the development of the Internet, bargainers have come online. Xiao Chen, an automobile bargainer in Jiujiang, Jiangxi, mainly does car evaluation and bargaining on the website, and works together online and offline. He told reporters that their bargaining model is mainly to "bridge" between customers and manufacturers, eliminating the need for middlemen to earn the difference. "Many people have the misunderstanding that bargaining is similar to group buying, but it is not. Group buying is a lot of people buying things together to enjoy the discount, and bargaining is a car I also help you cut. ”

He once "cut" more than 5,000 yuan of furniture to 750 yuan

Before 2007, Yang Qingqing worked in a cabinet factory, when he was responsible for sales in the entire Jiangsu region. Once, the company participated in the activities of the group purchase network, he went to the stage as a manufacturer representative to accept the bargain, the first time was "cut", he felt that the other party was really powerful. Later, he joined a group buying network, and the responsibility of bargaining fell to him.

Can you make hundreds of thousands of dollars by bargaining? The "Queen of Bargaining" is real

In the past 14 years, Yang Qingqing has gone from non-professional to professional, and has "recorded" prominently all the way. At a bargaining meeting, he quoted a merchant for more than 5,000 yuan for a four-piece set, including a bed, a mattress, and two bedside tables, to 750 yuan, "According to the cost price, the merchant is at a loss." However, on the same day, the brand received more than 1,000 orders, and these customers who placed orders were bound to drive the sales of other products of the brand. The reason why the merchant sells at a loss is also to see this. ”

Not long ago, Yang Qingqing also helped a customer in Nanjing cut house prices. "The customer himself cut 770,000, but still felt a little high, so he found us, we finally helped him cut another 70,000 yuan, and finally 700,000 transactions."

Yang Qingqing said that the main reasons that can really bargain are limited to large consumer goods that are opaque in the market, such as building materials, furniture, decoration and so on. "Some goods can't be priced, such as Apple's mobile phones, there is no room for bargaining."

Cutting a single can get more than 100,000 commissions

Many people are curious, such a powerful profession, the income must be very considerable, right? Cai Zhaoguang, the founder of the relatives who bought a house, told reporters that the fees of bargainers mainly depend on the effect of sharing. Take the house bargaining as an example, by the customer to bargain first, the customer really can not cut or do not want to spend time bargaining, the scene sends a signal, on this basis by the bargainer then bargaining, more cut down the price, 6:4 points, the buyer accounts for the majority, such as cutting 300,000, the bargainer collects 120,000 commissions, can not cut down no charge.

In the case of company bargaining, there is such a small story. A Beijing customer who wanted to sell his house thought that his house would definitely increase in price and would not give way. Bargainers proposed that the seller's house from the sale in June last year, the price was lowered three times, the first time to 15.5 million, later to 14 million, and now it has become 13.5 million, according to this trend, the house will have to be further reduced in price to have a transaction possibility.

"The bargainer made a 'mutual no loss' plan: according to the customer's previous three quotation reductions, the house price was determined to be 13 million, and finally the bargainer successfully cut 500,000." Cai said.

It is not easy to do, and many people have changed from full-time to part-time

In Yang Qingqing's view, the bargainer is a collection of wisdom and physical strength. In addition to good eloquence and strong logical thinking ability, it is also necessary to have rich industry knowledge. "For example, there are more than 20 major items in the building materials category, and each item must understand at least 10 brands, which is a total of more than 200, and the knowledge requirement is very large." Cai Guangming believes that the bargaining industry is actually very difficult to do, the bargaining division business has been pushed for four years, from the original full-time bargainer to more part-time bargainer.

But they're also sticking with it. "Recently in the special recruitment of New Oriental lecturers as bargainers, before there were New Oriental lecturers applied to be bargainers, eloquence and psychological grasp of customers is very good, the effect is not bad." In the future, I want to do a platform like Didi Taxi and develop into a part-time bargainer. Cai Said.

At present, Yang Qingqing's team has more than a dozen bargainers, and there are more than 30 people who have external cooperative relations. He said that in addition to the identity of the bargainer, he is also a consumer, and the existence of the bargainer is actually caused by information asymmetry, and he hopes that in the future, the merchant can price more fairly and reasonably.

Xiao Chen, who is born in the 90s, is full of energy and has great confidence in the future. "Since last year, our cars have been sent to the whole country, and at present, among the new energy vehicles in Jiujiang City, we are the largest shipment, and we hope to be the first in Jiangxi Province in the future!"

Modern Express +/ZAKER Nanjing reporter Xu Suning Song Jingwei trainee reporter Ding Mengsha

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