
Men imagined that female classmates filmed their own ugly videos to spread, long-term tailgating, harassment threats! After a class reunion, he actually killed the mother and son of the female classmate

author:Henan Business Daily

A class reunion eventually pushes Peng Lisha (not her real name) into the abyss of death.

Men imagined that female classmates filmed their own ugly videos to spread, long-term tailgating, harassment threats! After a class reunion, he actually killed the mother and son of the female classmate

Peng Lisha

Because of participating in that party, Zhou Dan (pseudonym), a junior high school male classmate who was not familiar with Peng Lisha, lived in imagination every day. He imagined that Peng Lisha would make a video and audio recording of her drunken ugliness and spread it among her classmates, and print it as a flyer to distribute in the town.

As a result, he has been stalking, tailing, harassing and threatening Peng Lisha for a long time.

In February 2020, Zhou Dan stabbed Peng Lisha with a dagger, but was not taken by the local police.

Men imagined that female classmates filmed their own ugly videos to spread, long-term tailgating, harassment threats! After a class reunion, he actually killed the mother and son of the female classmate

In October of the same year, Zhou Dan drove into Peng Lisha, who was riding a motorcycle to send her children to school, killing Peng Lisha and her 14-year-old son and injuring her niece who was also in the car.

Now, the police officers who had committed dereliction of duty have been dealt with; Zhou Danyi has also been sentenced to death.

Recently, Peng Lisha's family filed a state compensation for the Shuangfeng County Public Security Bureau in Loudi City, Hunan Province, demanding compensation totaling more than 5.9 million yuan, including death compensation, consolation payment for mental damage, and alimony for the elderly.

Deliberately deadly impact

"It was 80 kilometers per hour and it hit me very quickly."

It was October 12, 2020, at 6:50 a.m. Villager Huang Jing (pseudonym) is walking along a cement road on the south side of Hongquan Village, Jingzi Town, Shuangfeng County, Hunan Province. Suddenly, a small red car sped forward and crashed into the motorcycle in front of it. After the collision, the trolley kept pushing the motorcycle to the ground forward, and the road was dusty.

During this period, Peng Lisha first fell off the motorcycle and rolled directly under the field ridge on the side of the road. The trolley pushed the motorcycle forward and hit a telephone pole, and was still moving forward.

"It is estimated that it was pushed forward about 70 to 90 meters before stopping." Huang Jing said.

After the car stopped, it immediately reversed backwards and rolled over Peng Lisha's 14-year-old son.

After the driver Zhou Dan got out of the car, his mouth was still saying: "What about Peng Lisha?" What about Lisa Peng? After no one was found, he drove away.

That morning, when Peng Lisha's cousin Peng Jin (pseudonym) went out to send her children to school, she happened to meet Zhou Shan driving to Peng Lisha's house. When meeting the car, Zhou Dan said: "Peng Jin, this time I let you go." ”

Seeing that the direction of Zhou's single car was his cousin's house, Peng Jin quickly called his cousin Peng Lisha, but the phone was no longer answered.

After walking forward for a while, he found that his cousin's motorcycle had fallen to the side of the road, and her son had fallen to the ground, no longer breathing.

Peng Jin eventually joined the police and found his cousin next to the roadside.

After Being Taken to the Hospital, Peng Lisha died due to ineffective rescue.

This is not the first time to commit a crime

Peng Lisha and Zhou Danben are ordinary junior high school classmates, and there is no intersection in life.

At the beginning of 2017, more than a dozen junior high school students met in advance to eat at Peng Lisha's home to reminisce about the past. When Peng Lisha went to the street, she met Zhou Dan by chance and invited him to come with her.

Classmates all came to her house for a party, and Peng Lisha was very happy.

But after the party, Zhou Dan began to come to Peng Lisha's house many times to "find trouble" and asked her for videos and recordings. Peng Lisha had no idea what the recording was. Zhou Shan said that she was ugly at the party, and Peng Lisha took a video of the process of being ugly and posted it online, and also printed a leaflet to distribute in the town. Peng Lisha felt a little inexplicable, because she didn't do anything.

"Zhou Dan didn't go crazy that day, and Peng Lisha didn't shoot anything." Peng Lisha's classmate Maori (pseudonym) verified and verified with multiple classmates, saying that the two had no contradictions or disputes before. Maori also mediated in front of Zhou Dan, "but Zhou Dan just didn't believe it."

From 2017 to 2018, Zhou Dan went to Peng Lisha's house many times and hung around her home, asking her to hand over the video or lose money; in the 30th lunar month of 2018, Zhou Dan even came to Peng Lisha's house with a steel ball gun to threaten.

Peng Lisha once went to run a fruit business in other places, during which she also received threatening text messages from Zhou Dan.

Later, she returned to her hometown.

Nightmares ensued. At about 10 p.m. on February 26, 2020, Zhou Dan sneaked into Peng Lisha's house, grabbed her hair, and stabbed her in the neck with a long knife.

Fortunately, the family found out in time to stop Zhou Dan, tied him up and handed him over to the police, and sent Peng Lisha to the hospital.

Men imagined that female classmates filmed their own ugly videos to spread, long-term tailgating, harassment threats! After a class reunion, he actually killed the mother and son of the female classmate

Peng Lisha's critical illness notice

This time, Peng Lisha was still lucky, although she was notified of her critical illness that night, her body basically recovered after more than a month of recuperation.

However, 8 months later, Peng Lisha still could not escape the clutches of the devil. Zhou Shan drove her to death, and her 14-year-old son was killed.


In the first-instance judgment, Zhou Dan admitted in his confession that he himself had conjured up the relevant facts.

Men imagined that female classmates filmed their own ugly videos to spread, long-term tailgating, harassment threats! After a class reunion, he actually killed the mother and son of the female classmate

Verdict of first instance

Zhou Dan confessed that at the beginning of 2017, about 10 junior high school classmates gathered at Peng Lisha's house. After the party, Zhou Dan was very depressed because of the death of his mother and the cheating and divorce of his wife, so he broke the matter of Peng Lisha's recording.

Zhou Dan once asked those who attended the class reunion for verification, but those classmates said that they did not remember.

However, at that time, Zhou Dan felt that the people around him had different eyes on him. He decided that there must be a recording, and firmly believed that Peng Lisha played the recording to others.

Later, Zhou Dan did not get the business of pulling stones in the village, and he also felt that Peng Lisha stirred up the yellow and cut off his financial road.

Zhou Dan also heard that Peng Lisha printed more than a hundred leaflets and distributed them in the old department store on Tic-tac-toe Street, which made him stink his reputation. Subsequently, he began to constantly threaten and intimidate Peng Lisha.

Zhou Dan also admitted that there were no emotional disputes or economic disputes between him and Peng Lisha.

After the incident, the public security organs found a lot of white sand cigarette box paper with written words on Zhou Dan's home, which read, "What should I do this year?" How? "How to deal with the recording incident, how to act", "The problem of retaliation" and so on. Nail guns, steel marbles, and high-power nail projectiles were also found.

According to the verdict, Zhou Dan tried to commit suicide with a modified nail gun after driving a rental vehicle into Peng Lisha, but did not succeed and then fled.

At about 4 o'clock on October 24, 2020, Zhou Dan was arrested by cadres and police officers of the Shuangfeng County Public Security Bureau.

Dereliction of duty is dealt with by the police

"If Zhou Dan's sister had been punished by the law, it would have been possible that the tragedy would not have caused the following."

Peng Lisha's brother-in-law, Chen Gang (pseudonym), told Jimu News that after her sister was stabbed on the evening of February 26 last year, her family immediately reported to the police. But after the police came, they took Zhou Dan away that night and "released it the next day."

Men imagined that female classmates filmed their own ugly videos to spread, long-term tailgating, harassment threats! After a class reunion, he actually killed the mother and son of the female classmate

Zhou Dan's judgment also wrote that after the incident, the Shuangfeng County Tic-Tac-toe Police Station dispatched police to deal with it, but did not take criminal compulsory measures against Zhou Dan.

After Peng Lisha was injured, her father repeatedly reported the problem of malfeasance at the local police station to the local superior department, and has not been properly dealt with.

In October 2020, after Peng Lisha and her son were killed, her family repeatedly approached the Loudi Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, reflecting that the relevant police had seriously derelicted their duties and dereliction of duty, and had not taken custody measures against Zhou Dan, a criminal suspect who had been in the house for more than half a year, resulting in Zhou Dan brutally killing the two again. Eventually, the relevant departments were prompted to start an investigation.

Men imagined that female classmates filmed their own ugly videos to spread, long-term tailgating, harassment threats! After a class reunion, he actually killed the mother and son of the female classmate

According to the relevant report of the Loudi News Network on June 12, 2021, after the investigation and verification of the Loudi Discipline Inspection Commission, the problems of He Mou, director of the Tic-Tac-toe Police Station of the Shuangfeng County Public Security Bureau, Ge Mou, former deputy captain of the traffic police brigade of the Shuangfeng County Public Security Bureau, and Zhu Mou, deputy captain of the legal brigade of the Shuangfeng County Public Security Bureau, are true.

At present, He Mou and three other people have been retained and transferred to the judicial organs one after another. The report also said that the Loudi Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision actively communicated and coordinated with relevant functional departments to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the victims' families to the greatest extent.

Apply for 5.9 million state compensation

In the May 25 verdict of the first instance, Zhou Shan was sentenced to death for intentional homicide and five years in prison for illegally manufacturing firearms, and the combined decision was to carry out the death penalty and deprive him of his political rights for life. At the same time, the compensation for economic losses was 129,000 yuan.

On September 27, according to an administrative complaint provided by Peng Lisha's family to Jimu News, her family members planned to apply for state compensation.

The family believes that in the Injury Incident on February 26, Zhou Shan had the intention of committing the crime, and the Shuangfeng County Public Security Bureau should file a criminal case and detain him. Even if the conditions for filing a criminal case are not met, causing minor injuries to two people, they should be given administrative punishments, with the highest administrative detention and fines.

However, after the Shuangfeng County Public Security Bureau dispatched the police, it did not take any compulsory measures against Zhou Dan, resulting in Zhou Dan carrying a screwdriver to Peng Lisha's house again on April 5, 2020, and the police still did not punish him after calling the police. This led to the eventual murder tragedy.

According to the Law on State Compensation, the victim has the right to obtain compensation for an offence committed by an administrative organ and its staff in the exercise of administrative authority that causes bodily injury or death to a citizen.

In the complaint, the family requested confirmation that the Shuangfeng County Public Security Bureau had violated the law by failing to perform its statutory duties in accordance with the law for Zhou Dan's illegal facts on February 26, 2020 and April 5, 2020.

At the same time, it requested that the Shuangfeng County Public Security Bureau be ordered to pay Peng Lisha's mother and son 3895160 yuan in death compensation and funeral expenses, 1363306 yuan in consolation for mental damage, and 149,740 yuan in alimony for the elderly, totaling 5408206 yuan. It is requested that the defendant be ordered to pay Peng Lisha's niece medical expenses, follow-up treatment expenses, disability compensation, and consolation money for mental damage, etc., totaling 554,271.04 yuan.

Source: Jimu News

Original title: "Heartbreak! After a class reunion, he actually killed the mother and son of the female classmate! The reason is unbelievable"

Editor: Liu Mengge Shi Shangjing

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