
The Centennial Letters audio | Ba Jin and Yang Hansheng, who are closely related because of a movie

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Brother Han Sheng: I am very satisfied with watching "Ten Thousand Family Lights". So natural and so real. Preaching that doesn't tire of teaching gives us some lessons. What's wrong? People who have suffered will slowly understand. There are natural shortcomings, I don't want to say, but what things do not have shortcomings? Have we seen more perfect? With such achievements, you can also be proud. Ba Jin Sixteen Japan City Xujiahui Triangle Kunlun Film Company annoyed to turn Yang Hansheng Mr. Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point Reporter Huang Tijun This is a congratulatory letter written to the screenwriter Yang Hansheng after Ba Jin watched the movie "Ten Thousand Lights" in 1948, and it is also a "feeling after watching", saying that after watching it, it is "very satisfied, because it is so natural and so real." Ba Jin was happy for Yang Hansheng and others, congratulating them that "with such an achievement, you can also be proud." It can be seen that Ba Jin gave a high evaluation to "Ten Thousand Lights". Both Ba Jin and Yang Hansheng were pioneers of China's new cultural movement, both literary figures with outstanding works and achievements, and at the same time, the two formed a deep personal friendship in the revolutionary journey of seeking liberation and freedom for the motherland and the people. Ba Jin and Yang Hansheng are their pen names. Among them, Ba Jin was born in 1904, his original name was Li Yaotang, and Yang Hansheng was born in 1902, his original name was Ouyang Benyi, and the two were Fellow Villagers in Sichuan, with an age difference of only two years. Therefore, the compatriots and the same age make the two wandering literary youths have a special identity with each other. In the exchanges, Ba Jin honored Yang Hansheng as "Brother Hansheng", while Yang Hansheng affectionately called Ba Jin "Lao Ba". So what kind of movie is this movie that makes Barkin feel "very satisfied", "Ten Thousand Lights"? The film was co-written by Yang Hansheng and Shen Fu, produced by Kunlun Pictures, and released in July 1948. The basic plot is: Shanghai after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. Hu Zhiqing, an employee of Weida Trading Company, and Qian Jian, a manager, have friendship with fellow villagers and classmates. Hu Zhiqing worked for the company day and night, and his wife Ran ran a good family, a family of three, and was still able to maintain food and clothing. The old mother, whom Zhiqing had not seen for ten years, took her second son Chunsheng and his wife to Shanghai to join Zhiqing due to the difficulties of rural life. Inflation, soaring prices, increased the burden of intellectual purity, difficulties in life, and caused contradictions and discord between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Qian Jianru was sponsored by Mother Hu in his childhood, and when he grew up, he was good at drilling camps and became a rich family, still secretly engaged in gold and US dollar speculation. Zhiqing painstakingly advised, but was jealous, and was fired from the company with his friend Xiao Zhaotong. Youlan was aborted due to lack of physical strength, in urgent need of money, the old mother was clamoring to return to her hometown for travel expenses, Zhiqing raised funds without a way out, once took a bus to find a wallet, but then returned the wallet to the owner, but was falsely accused of being a thief and was beaten. Zhiqing was ashamed and indignant, dazed and confused, and was actually hit by a car, fortunately taken to the hospital by passers-by. Zhiqing staggered back from the hospital and saw that the old mother and Youlan had understood each other with the help of Xiao Zhao, Ah Zhen and others, and the family was reunited again, and they began to have a new understanding of life. The film reflects the reality of inflation, unemployment of urban citizens and bankruptcy of rural peasants after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, especially the pain, sorrow, struggle and awakening of petty-bourgeois intellectuals. The Shanghai Ta Kung Pao held a special symposium and devoted two full-page pages to the speech. Since then, this film has been repeatedly encountered at home and abroad, and the popularity has not faded. Ba Jin did not participate in the symposium, but after watching the movie, he was very satisfied, so he wrote the above letter to Yang Hansheng with an excited mood, thus becoming a witness to the red friendship between the two after 70 years. By the time he wrote this letter in 1948, Barkin had already finished his riptide trilogy "Home", "Spring", "Autumn" and the love trilogy "Fog", "Rain", "Electricity", and in 1946 Chinese New Year's Eve wrote his last novel, "Cold Night", it can be said that Barkin has become a world-recognized famous writer. The "Ba" in the Six Great Masters of Modern Chinese Literature "Lu Guo Mao Ba Lao Cao" is Ba Jin. In May 1946, Ba Jin, his wife Xiao Shan, and daughter Xiaolin returned to Shanghai from Chongqing and continued to work as editors and publishers of the Publishing House of Writings and Cultural Life, editing and publishing a large number of works by progressive writers. In the same 1946, Yang Hansheng also went from Chongqing to Shanghai, and after various efforts, in 1947, the two film companies of "Lianhua" and "Kunlun" were merged and reorganized into Kunlun Film Company, and Yang Hansheng was the director of the Choreography and Directing Committee, and successively filmed the next episode of "A River of Spring Water Flowing Eastward", "Before and After Dawn", "Ten Thousand Lights", "The Spring Light That Cannot Be Turned Off", "Beautiful People's Walk", "Hope in the Human World", "Sanmao Wandering" and "Crow and Sparrow", and other outstanding progressive films, and launched a struggle against the Kuomintang reactionary films. Judging from the domestic situation, at this time the civil war has already begun, where China is going, and the struggle between progress and backwardness, light and darkness, affects the hearts of hundreds of millions of people. The letter reflects Barkin's joyful mood of seeing petty-bourgeois intellectuals awakened and inspired after watching the progressive film "Ten Thousand Lights.". In 1979, Yang Hansheng resumed his position as executive vice chairman of the All-China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. In 1981, Ba Jin was elected chairman of the Chinese Writers Association. Although the two are one in Beijing and the other in Shanghai, they often use the opportunity of meetings to meet and exchange greetings. In 1986, the two met for the last time, taking advantage of Ba Jin's visit to Beijing for a meeting. When parting, affectionately at the same time, I threw my fists in my hands and hugged them goodbye. On Ba Jin's birthday in 1992, Yang Hansheng called Ba Jin "the conscience of a writer" in a congratulatory message. In the same year, Ba Jin sent the complete collection of the newly published "Caprice" to Yang Hansheng, and personally inscribed "Thank you for your encouragement, thank you for your concern... I wish you a long and healthy life! It is touching that nearly half a century after writing the above letter, in 1994, the ninety-year-old Ba Jin vividly recalled the writing of this letter. At this time, Yang Hansheng had died in 1993 at the age of 91. In his letter to Yang Hansheng's daughter Xiaohua, he wrote: "Hansheng is a beloved friend of mine, and he has made great contributions to the cause of revolutionary literature in our country. "I watched Han Sheng's film "Ten Thousand Family Lights" in Shanghai, and I was very moved, and when I returned home, I immediately wrote a letter of thanks, not to speak kindly, but to move my feelings... The sound of him calling me old ba is still in my ears. Eleven years later, in 2005, Barkin died at the age of 101. What is particularly interesting is that their common old friend and peer, born in 1900 and died in 1999, another literary figure, Mr. Bing Xin, put them together in 1987 and evaluated them together. Bing Xin said: "I deeply know that after sixty years of writing, Han Sheng, like Ba Jin, will continue to write works that have made greater contributions to the cause of Chinese literature and art with his sincere feelings! A small letter can play the role of "a leaf to know the autumn". The letter that We heard today from Mr. Ba Jin to Mr. Yang Hansheng 70 years ago seems to let us relive the voice of the ancestors who pursued progress and called for awakening in that era of change, and at the same time, we cannot but be moved by their deep friendship of fighting side by side and supporting each other, and turn this feeling into a kind of forward force... Anchor: Zhu Ruotong Post-editing: Zhu Ruotong

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The Centennial Letters audio | Ba Jin and Yang Hansheng, who are closely related because of a movie

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