
Wow my little freedom! Popular voice actors are free to suspend their work and study overseas

author:MAXdoge Anime ACG

Debuted in 2001 and performed in Volleyball Boy!! "Freedom of Entry", a popular voice actor singer with characters such as Takashi Sugahara and "Assuna" Andhinamatsu, officially announced the news of his suspension on the official blog yesterday, and is expected to go overseas to study alone after the end of his solo concert in January 2017, when voice actor and singer activities will be suspended until the end of the study abroad trip.

Wow my little freedom! Popular voice actors are free to suspend their work and study overseas

Since graduating from college and becoming a social animal, it is difficult for people to travel or study for a long time. Earlier, the "the world is so big, I want to see it" that was popular on the Internet has become a well-known paragraph for netizens. Our freedom is even more to be free! This is a voice actor version of "The world is so big I want to see the story everywhere" This suspension was published in the blog "Wish Release Day" article, and Izuno First asked everyone if they had listened to the second album "DARE TO DREAM", and then published the news that they would temporarily close after the personal concert in January 2017, because they had considered studying abroad many times before. Although I have been talking to the firm about this matter since a few years ago, I have always felt that it is not timely so I have postponed it so far, but in order to move forward, I have recently made a decision.

Wow my little freedom! Popular voice actors are free to suspend their work and study overseas

In the text, he expressed that he simply wanted to study abroad, hoping to meet more people and learn more languages and performance methods through this action. As for how long the suspension will last, although it cannot be publicly stated, Iino Freedom believes that it will be shorter than everyone thinks, and please rest assured that fans. Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the partners and many fans who have supported his study abroad behind him, and I also ask everyone to look forward to the freedom to return to the wilderness after more refinement.

Then take this opportunity to get to know one of our "freedoms to go to the wilderness"!

Wow my little freedom! Popular voice actors are free to suspend their work and study overseas

Yumino, a Japanese male voice actor from Tokyo, belongs to a firm. He joined the troupe at the age of 4 and participated in a number of film and television series, and at the age of 13, he starred as the male protagonist Hakuryū in Miyazaki's work Spirited Away, and has since embarked on the road of voice actor. The voice is clean and pure, and it is mentioned in "D·N· When playing the protagonist Niwa Daisuke in "ANGEL", he was welcomed by many female audiences with a clear and unpolished juvenile voice that appropriately showed the gentleness and simplicity of the character. Later, in "FACNIR of the Firmament", he starred in Kasugai Kohiro, who had a thick appearance and a complicated heart, and was widely praised for his vivid expression of the character's contradictory emotions. In 2005, he served as the voice of the protagonist Wolf in the popular anime < Wing Chronicles >, and in order to distinguish herself from the performance of the character's voice actress Suko Kumai in "Magic Card Sakura", she focused on shaping the character's affectionate, brave and persistent side, and won more female supporters.

It's not just voice actors! Still an actor, a singer! Awesome, my freedom!

It's time to show off his work!

Spirited Away, White Dragon 2001 (First dubbing!) )

Wow my little freedom! Popular voice actors are free to suspend their work and study overseas

At the age of 13, Irino Free began his career as a voice actor, and Entero Free was auditioned to become a voice actor for Bai. In the face of this young actor, Director Miyazaki's first words were "read more". Therefore, Iino followed the instructions of director Miyazaki and read Natsume Soseki's "Sanshiro" and other books.

《D·N· ANGEL》 Daisuke Niwa 2003

Wow my little freedom! Popular voice actors are free to suspend their work and study overseas

As the protagonist in the popular anime D.N.ANGEL, he is even more compelling. Daisuke Niwa is a lovely child, a 14-year-old child, as beautiful as a fruit and as bright as the sky. The little free soft voice is like a marshmallow, the acting skills are also good, of course, can not be the same day as the famous voice actor predecessors of the Mesozoic Generation, but the experience of entering the wild is quite rich, and the change of voice line is also very natural.

Wing Chronicles, Little Wolf 2005

Wow my little freedom! Popular voice actors are free to suspend their work and study overseas

In the < Wing Chronicles> served as the voice actor of Little Wolf, which made him more popular. The little wolf in "Wings" gives people a kind feeling.

"The Garden of Words and Leaves", Takao Akizuki, 2013

Wow my little freedom! Popular voice actors are free to suspend their work and study overseas

A 15-year-old high school student who aspires to be a good shoemaker is paired to the fullest. It tells that almost every day, I will work while making. Because of family reasons, personality is beyond the precocious puberty of age. One rainy morning, Takao, who was skipping class, was thinking about the design of shoes in the garden when he met Bai Xiangli...

"The Blazing Angel of the End" Yuichiro 100 Nights 2015

Wow my little freedom! Popular voice actors are free to suspend their work and study overseas

Amatsu (Todomatsu) 2015

Wow my little freedom! Popular voice actors are free to suspend their work and study overseas

Pink, the last son, and the black belly, are the heaviest of the six brothers center machine, and the struggle for custody is exposing his heart. Favorite part is the navel eye (bad taste). Although he is poisonous to his brothers, he likes his brothers the most. Well, it's time to study abroad!

Then, we can only wait for the return of the study in the wilderness! Will bring us better works! Thank you Mr. Irino!

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