
What are the personality characteristics of the popular West Highland Dog?

author:Zhi Yong double warm man

In recent years, there is a kind of dog that has swept the whole network, and many people blindly follow the trend, which is the West Highland Terrier. It is impossible to raise it without understanding its personality characteristics, so Xiaobian will quickly popularize the character characteristics of the West Highlands today.

What are the personality characteristics of the popular West Highland Dog?

West Highland is very loyal to the owner, sensible and cheerful, full of emotions, self-confidence and pride, alert and brave and suitable for being a family dog. It has a friendly personality, has a strong desire to perform, and is a supporting role for dogs that are often photographed in movies. West Highland white terrier is relatively quiet, will not randomly roar and bark, if you raise this kind of dog at home, it will not disturb the rest of the family, nor will it disturb the neighbors, it is also more suitable for apartment life.

What are the personality characteristics of the popular West Highland Dog?

But West Highland is very clingy to the owner, like to stay with the master at all times, if separated for a long time, may produce separation anxiety, and even depression, the owner may need to have a lot of time to accompany them.

What are the personality characteristics of the popular West Highland Dog?

However, Xiaobian would like to say that each personality varies from dog to dog, and there is no exact same dog, so please understand it well before choosing to breed or not to breed, do not let them become stray pets. Please use pet adoption instead of purchasing.

What are the personality characteristics of the popular West Highland Dog?

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