
Share Music 8

author:I created a dust removal mat

Dear Chenyu,

It is said that today is World Book Day, and when it comes to reading, whether it means reading or reading, I don't do a good job. You can only comfort yourself with Mencius's letters as if they were no books. But I've seen a lot of background reports in recent years, involving literature, politics, religion, culture and art, military, sports, technology, finance, etc., and it has also greatly enriched my spiritual world, well, let's continue to talk about music.

36,Leaving On A Jet Plane (Peter, Paul & Mary)

This is actually the masterpiece of the famous country singer John Denver, but I like the cover version of this trio, and the harmony is more pleasant when most people sing, or it may be because Denver also happened to die from jet plane accident. The song reminds me of the scene when the wanderer says goodbye, Oh, Baby, I hate to go. We live between farewell and reunion, pursuing our dreams and freedoms, travel is the opposite of nostalgia, especially in the spring, people will be particularly eager to travel, I'm leaving on a jet plane, I don't know when I will come back again...

37. Ride on the back of a silver dragon (Miyuki Nakajima)

My peers, who were the big stars of Japan at that time, still created their own works, indirectly influencing the Chinese generation. Teresa Teng, Faye Wong, and many others are singing her songs, and the familiar walking wind and rain, the woman who is easily injured, the original you are here, the deep Pacific, etc. all come from her creation, and this silver dragon is said to have been turned into Chinese pop song by Fan Weiqi. It is impossible not to have the highest respect for such a talented woman. There are really too many of her good songs, you are interested in slowly exploring, I can only throw bricks and jade here.

38,Blowing in The Wind (Bob Dylan)

Such as the thunderous Bob Dylan, almost everyone has heard his song, even if many people think his voice is very ordinary, but still love him, the Nobel Prize in Literature has also given him groundbreaking, a lyric writer, is not too little genius, so everyone seems to be particularly tolerant? For this song, I prefer the version of his former girlfriend Joan Baez, and a Live with the two of them on stage with two guitars, which also deeply touched my heart. Baez said that there are diamonds and rust in her memories, and in her memories that are more brilliant than diamonds, there should be a more famous ex-boyfriend Jobs, and the Apple founder's mobile phone is Baez's songs.

39, Vincent ( Dana Winner)

A high-frequency song that you will hear on many occasions is really beautiful, but after listening to it more, it is not as exciting as when you first heard it. But it was very late for me to know that this Vincent was actually referring to the painter Van Gogh. A lot of singers (including Chinese) can sing this song perfectly, so I just downloaded a version of it, and of course it was very good. One of my favorite sentences is: This world was never meant for what as beautiful as you. The world of painters is wonderful, maybe we would not listen, we are not listening still, perhaps we never will.

40, Top of the World (Karen Carpenter)

In the age of the card tape recorder, Carpenter's songs were the most popular foreign language songs, and almost everyone would sing them yesterday. In contrast, I prefer the current top of the world song. Melodies are particularly catchy, I don't hear this, I always unconsciously sing I'm on the top of the world, looking down on creation, and the only explanation I can find.. No matter what age or situation we are, with your love, it is as if we are standing on the top of the world, the top of life, you can embrace the strange world, ready to accept the challenge.

Frank Xia