
The banner of faith was held high, praising the centenary of the anniversary, and the symphonic choral concert "Banner of Faith" celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China was staged

author:Music Weekly
The banner of faith was held high, praising the centenary of the anniversary, and the symphonic choral concert "Banner of Faith" celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China was staged

The whole audience sang "Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China"

With one heart to the party, compose a beautiful chapter together; praise the centenary, and play the chords of the prosperous world for a long time. On the evening of June 25, the symphonic choral concert "The Banner of Faith" celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China was held at the Tennis Center of The Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center (Xiao lotus).

The concert was hosted by the Hangzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Hangzhou Municipal People's Government, organized by the Propaganda Department of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Hangzhou Culture Radio and Television Group, the Management Committee and the Government of the Party Committee of the Hangzhou High-tech Zone (Binjiang), the Hangzhou Performing Arts Group and the Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Symphony Orchestra Alliance of the Chinese Musicians Association as the supporting unit.

As the most important performance activity in Hangzhou to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Party, "Banner of Faith" is composed of nearly 200 people by the Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra, the Central Opera House Symphony Orchestra and the member units of the China Musicians Association Symphony Orchestra Alliance, composed of the Central Opera Choir, the Xiaoshan District Teachers' Choir, the Zhejiang Foreign Chinese College TheNew Choir, the Zhejiang Water Conservancy and Hydropower College Zhejiang YOUNG Choir, the Zhejiang University City College Morning Rhyme Choir, the Hangzhou Art School Wujiu Youth Choir, The Hangzhou Times Primary School Small Mill Choir and other choirs of nearly 400 people, as well as many well-known domestic artists enthusiastically participated. With majestic momentum, full of emotions, and surging emotions, nearly a thousand cast members finally jointly presented the best quality of Hangzhou's good voice, in the name of Hangzhou, celebrating the centennial anniversary.

Literature and art are the clarion call of the times, representing the spirit and style of the times. As a literary and art academy, on the occasion of the centenary of the founding of the party, it is of the significance of creating a century grand ceremony at the right time, which is to cast a chinese chapter for the new era of mankind, erect a monument to the prosperous new era, raise the flag to lead the way for the great changes that have not occurred in a hundred years, and create brilliant chinese civilization for a thousand years. "The Banner of Faith" is a work commissioned by the Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Party. Focusing on the theme positioning of "a hundred years of style and great achievements", Yu Long, chairman of the Symphony Orchestra Alliance of the China Musicians Association and chairman of the hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra Art Committee, served as the artistic consultant, the lyricist Zhu Hai served as the literary script creator, and the young composer Yang Fan served as the composer. In Zhu Hai's view, the history of the party is a history of youth struggle, a history of countless enthusiastic young people struggling for the future of the Chinese people and the development of socialism over the past hundred years. Therefore, at the beginning of the creation, "The Banner of Faith" highlighted the concepts of "youth" and "faith", in the name of youth, the banner of faith was held high, paying tribute to the Communist Party of China, singing the music of the new era of people first, and singing the good wishes and voices of the next hundred years.

Conducted by Yang Yang, artistic director and chief conductor of the Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra, the concert of the evening was conducted by Yang Yang, and through various artistic expressions such as lead chorus, recital of soundtrack poems, symphonic performance, instrumental performance, etc., with a total of 7 chapters, including the overture, "Stirring Youth Pursuit", "Bloody Youth Dedication", "Striving For Youth And Progress", "Magnificent Youth Reform", "Eternal Youth Rejuvenation", and the epilogue, reproduced the CPC from its founding to its growth and growth, and led the Chinese people to achieve a series of great victories. The grand course that culminates in a great renaissance.

A hundred years of struggle, the realization of dreams is in this dynasty; a thousand autumns of great deeds, a hundred years is only the prologue. In the evening, in the melody of the symphonic chorus "Meet for the Hundredth Spring", the Qiantang River sounded the sincere praise of the people of Hangzhou for the centenary of the founding of the party. Recitation artists Chen Duo and Hongyun lead the audience into history with high-pitched and loud voices, starting from the red boat in Jiaxing South Lake, and with the music in the classic party history story, tracing the historical leaps and bounds of the Chinese Communist Party leading the Chinese people from darkness to light, from barren to rich, from weak to rich. Recitation artists Tianming, Sun Xiaoxiao and Dong Yong brought three passionate "To Youth" recitations to the audience, from Li Dazhao to Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping, we used music to greet youth. The whole concert also included Yang Fan's newly composed symphonies "Red Boat Song" and "Taste of Truth" for the work, as well as the male solo "Xijiangyue Jinggangshan" showing the spirit of Jinggangshan, the symphonic chorus "Defending the Yellow River" that embodies the determination to defend all of China, the lead chorus "Revolutionaries Are Always Young" that placed hope on young people, the instrumental concerto "The Story of Spring", "Into the New Era" and "Jiangshan" that praised the reform and opening up, and the piano and symphonic chorus "New Heaven and Earth" that showed the style of the leaders of the great powers. As well as the lead chorus "Hello, Hangzhou" that shows the masculine beauty and atmospheric beauty of Hangzhou. The whole performance gave full play to the richness of the chorus and the symphony of the orchestra, conveyed the epic feelings of magnificent ups and downs and the red spirit of courage and fearlessness, and displayed magnificently, passionately reproduced, and symphonically presented the strong vitality and infinite possibilities of the "centennial youth" of the Communist Party of China.

Finally, the whole audience sang "Under the Brilliant Sunshine" and "Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China". The beautiful melody and sincere lyrics show the firm belief and determination of the people of Hangzhou to always follow the party in the new era. Cut through thorns and thorns, bravely move forward, the power of youth is exalted; drumming and urging, chasing dreams and sailing, what remains unchanged is the pace of youth. Youth sets off again, the magnificent journey has begun; moving forward, the second centenary goal, is just in front of the continuous victory of youth.


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