
Three kinds of potted plants, the color of golden is very festive, good looking is worth raising this period of introduction: three kinds of potted plants, the color of golden is very festive, good looking is worth raising osmanthus kumquat bergamot

author:Potted stacks

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > This issue of the introduction: three kinds of potted plants, the color of golden is very festive, good looking worth raising</h1>

Text/Potted Plant Stack (original flower knowledge, plagiarism must be investigated, welcome flower friends to share the collection)

What colors can express the festive seasons we Chinese? This is probably only the big red and golden yellow. At festivals, weddings, and even some of life's most important celebration moments, red and gold tend to appear the most frequently. Around the Spring Festival, a pot of flowers and pots of these two colors can also add a lot of festive joy to the living room. Today we will bring three kinds of potted plants, some flowers bloom golden, some fruits yellow orange orange, are good flowers, let's take a look!

Three kinds of potted plants, the color of golden is very festive, good looking is worth raising this period of introduction: three kinds of potted plants, the color of golden is very festive, good looking is worth raising osmanthus kumquat bergamot

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > osmanthus flower</h1>

Although the osmanthus flowers are small, they have distinct characteristics and obvious advantages. The floral fragrance is long and fragrant, the smell is intoxicating, the plant is malleable, and the varieties are diverse, both those that can be raised in the yard and those suitable for potted bonsai. In particular, the color of the flowers is both yellow relatively light and elegant, as well as bright golden yellow. Osmanthus is also a flower variety that is not difficult to manage. It likes to be warm, while strong resistance to stress, both high temperature resistance, but also more hardy, suitable for most parts of the country to raise. Osmanthus flowering period in the Mid-Autumn Festival, the day of the reunion of thousands of families, the family put a pot of golden laurel, the flower color means beautiful, gui and "expensive" homophony, good looking and good!

Three kinds of potted plants, the color of golden is very festive, good looking is worth raising this period of introduction: three kinds of potted plants, the color of golden is very festive, good looking is worth raising osmanthus kumquat bergamot

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > kumquat</h1>

Around the Spring Festival, potted plants with golden flowers and fruits are especially popular, such as kumquats. Good kumquat potted plant, fruitful, enduring, golden in color. This appearance not only has a symbol of harvest, but also has the meaning of festivity and money full of trees, so that kumquat is more popular with the public, so that its price soars at this time. There are many friends who buy potted plants during the Spring Festival, but after the Spring Festival, they lose their vitality due to poor management, and many kumquats also face this end. In fact, the maintenance of kumquats is not so difficult. It prefers a warm and humid environment, the north should be placed in a heated room; watering can not be too much too frequent, because kumquats are afraid of waterlogging; in addition, the gentle sunlight in winter will make the color of kumquats look better, and the plants are more vibrant, so choose a sunny location for it!

Three kinds of potted plants, the color of golden is very festive, good looking is worth raising this period of introduction: three kinds of potted plants, the color of golden is very festive, good looking is worth raising osmanthus kumquat bergamot

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > bergamot</h1>

In addition to kumquats, there is also a kind of potted plant around the Spring Festival that is very popular, it has no fruitful fruit, but the color is as usual golden, and this side is the bergamot. The bergamot has a unique shape and a fresh and long taste, it is worth mentioning that the bergamot can hang on the branches for 3-4 months, unlike most fruits, which will fall on their own when ripe, and the viewing time is longer. It is understood that the bergamot also has a pleasing function: the mature golden bergamot color is golden, which means that the beauty adds to the festive room, it overflows with aromatic taste, and can also eliminate the odor in the room, purify the indoor air, inhibit the growth of bacteria, and it is simply too suitable for the north of the haze weather to be placed indoors. In terms of management, bergamot is also more suitable for growing in a warm and humid environment, and sunlight will be more conducive to the opening of flowers and the growth of bergamot fruit. It is not tolerant of severe cold, very afraid of frost and drought, the northern winter should pay more attention to these growing conditions.

Three kinds of potted plants, the color of golden is very festive, good looking is worth raising this period of introduction: three kinds of potted plants, the color of golden is very festive, good looking is worth raising osmanthus kumquat bergamot

Golden yellow in our country has always been a symbol of honor and wealth, but also a beautiful meaning and festive meaning, if the home can place a few pots of flowers or fruit pots with such a color, it must be able to give people a positive attitude to life, to the living room to a rich and happy atmosphere. The end of the year is approaching, are you interested in raising such a potted plant?

Today's Topic Discussion:

What else are the golden flower potted plants? Flower lovers are welcome to interact below!