
Guo Shiqiang is too fierce! Going south to Guangzhou to start a business put the Liaoning youth training even pot end, spending heavy money to hire him is too cost-effective

author:Wonderful review of the CBA

There are less than 2 weeks to go to the new season of the CBA League is about to open, the current CBA teams are beginning to prepare for the new season to prepare for the final preparations, fans are also very much looking forward to the new season of the CBA League, but as a Liaoning team fan who has just won the National Games championship, recently was ruined by a piece of news to ruin a good mood, that is, in the Guangzhou Basketball League registration list, the head coach representing Guangzhou Dragon and Lion is the former Liaoning Youth Team Meritorious Coach Yue Pengfei, and there are a number of Liaoning Youth Team players are also listed, Among them, everyone is most concerned about the number one star of the Liaoning youth team Liu Jinyu is in the first place, which is also a complete confirmation of Liu Jinyu's departure from the Liaoning team and the rumor of joining the Guangzhou team, which makes many Liaoning fans very angry, because the Guangzhou team is not from the Liaoning youth training bowl to grab meat to eat, this is to go together with the pot.

Guo Shiqiang is too fierce! Going south to Guangzhou to start a business put the Liaoning youth training even pot end, spending heavy money to hire him is too cost-effective

Guo Shiqiang went south to Guangzhou last year to start a business

In the summer last year, after the Liaoning team suffered 4-3 losses and was dismissed, Liaoning Meritorious Coach Guo Shiqiang had the idea of going out to start a business, at that time this decision was still supported by many Liaoning fans, after a number of clubs handed out olive branches, Guo Shiqiang chose the most sincere Guangzhou team, Guo Shiqiang did show his value, last season under his coaching, Guangzhou team not only greatly strengthened its morale, but also defeated Haoqiang in the last 4 games of the regular season, and finally pressed the whistle to complete the goal in the playoffs. However, from the current point of view, the Guangzhou team spent a lot of money to hire Guo Shiqiang is not only his coaching ability, but also the strong appeal of Guo Shiqiang in the Liaoning basketball world, like the original Liaoning team assistant coach Zhang Qingwu is the first time to follow Guo Shiqiang to join the Guangzhou team, and this summer, Guo Shiqiang's good friend Yue Pengfei because of the fall with the Liaoning team, he also chose to run to Guo Shiqiang for the first time.

Guo Shiqiang is too fierce! Going south to Guangzhou to start a business put the Liaoning youth training even pot end, spending heavy money to hire him is too cost-effective

Yue Pengfei defected to Guo Shiqiang for the first time

As we all know, Liaoning is the province with the most basketball talents in the country, not only in the national team has always had Liaoning players, that is, among the CBA league players, these years have always been the first position of Liaoning players, but the Liaoning team has only won a championship trophy in the CBA League, which is also because the brain drain of the Liaoning team is too serious, and the reason why the talent loss of the Liaoning team is so bad is also because the Liaoning coach uses his influence, like Li Chunjiang to help Guangdong Hongyuan team introduce Wang Shipeng, Zhou Peng and other national players Other celebrities like Li Xiaoyong and Wu Naiqun also brought a lot of good seedlings from Liaoning, but after all, they have left Liaoning for too long, and on the appeal of Liaoning basketball, the strongest is Guo Shiqiang, the meritorious coach who led the Liaoning team to win the National Games and the CBA double.

Guo Shiqiang is too fierce! Going south to Guangzhou to start a business put the Liaoning youth training even pot end, spending heavy money to hire him is too cost-effective

Liu Jinyu joined Guangzhou with his mentor Yue Pengfei

Guo Shiqiang has been coaching the Liaoning team in the front line and youth training after retirement, although he left the Liaoning team because of poor performance, but his reputation in Liaoning is very high, many fans still call Guo Shiqiang "uncle", last season he coached the Guangzhou team is the second home team of many Liaoning fans, the fans are like this, especially for young players and other coaches, although Guo Shiqiang did not take the initiative to recruit Liaoning coaches to go south to Guangzhou with him, but he is in this is a living signboard, The most obvious is the Liaoning youth team meritorious coach Yue Pengfei, after a complete fallout with the Liaoning team, the first time I thought of my good friend Guo Shiqiang, under the introduction of Guo Shiqiang became the head coach of the Guangzhou youth team, if Guo Shiqiang still has some scruples about the Liaoning team to dig seedlings, then Yue Pengfei is considered to be unscrupulous, he joined the Guangzhou team is not a person, not only the liaoning youth team number one star Liu Jinyu brought, other disciples can take away Yue Pengfei is also all taken away.

Guo Shiqiang is too fierce! Going south to Guangzhou to start a business put the Liaoning youth training even pot end, spending heavy money to hire him is too cost-effective

The Guangzhou team list appeared a number of Liaoning youth team players

Judging from the published list, Yue Pengfei has decided to take away Liu Jinyu, Zou Jinpeng, Zhang Hengrui, Li Jiazhe and others this time, plus Liu Yancheng and Jiao Ruizhi, who joined the Guangzhou youth team before, this is simply the team of the Liaoning youth team, and also dug up Jiao Boqiao, Cui Yongxi, Wang Quanze and other national youth main forces, it can be seen that after Guo Shiqiang joined the Guangzhou team, he has been promoted to the best team in the national youth training seedlings, and it has to be said that the Guangzhou team spent a lot of money to hire Guo Shiqiang last summer, and the digging players had to start from Liaoning. Other regions can only dig up at most one, while Liaoning can directly dig a wave, and the Guangzhou team is too cost-effective.

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