
Reverence for the Lord, Reverence for Virtue, Reverence for Wisdom - The Difference between Eastern and Western Civilizations and the Future of Mankind

author:Dr. Yang Lin of Tsinghua Economic Management

About the Author

Yang Lin, winner of the college entrance examination, doctor of economics in the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University, founder of market creation economics theory, put forward the economic theory of market creation for the first time, and successfully explained the mystery of the British industrial revolution and the Chinese miracle on this basis. Known as "the first person in the world's economics"

Chapter Two: Reverence for the Lord, Reverence for Virtue, And Reverence for Wisdom — The Past, Present, and Future of Human Civilization

Section 1

Any society, if it wants to establish a social order, must have its own core values, or the core criterion of society. This core criterion is the key to the society's internal mobilization and maintenance of internal order. This core criterion will determine the direction of the use of wisdom in this society and the long-term direction of social development. Reverence for the Lord, reverence for virtue, reverence for wisdom. These are the three directions for the development of human civilization, namely, strengthening the piety of religious beliefs, strengthening personal morality, and strengthening scientific literacy and the improvement of scientific knowledge. Religion, morality, and science became the center of the construction of the internal order of the society, forming a civilization centered on morality (Confucian civilization), a civilization with religion as the core (European and American civilization, Western civilization), and a science-centered civilization (Greek civilization). The starting point behind the direction of Chongde's development is the Confucian culture of East Asia, the starting point behind the direction of Chongde's development is Christianity from the Middle East, and the starting point behind the direction of Chongzhi's development is Greek science. The history of human development is actually the history of these three development directions colliding with each other.

The civilization of the Lord was characterized by irrationality, and thus brought to Europe the so-called dark Middle Ages and a long and protracted religious war and military confrontation. Chongzhi's civilization is characterized by extreme rationality, so while bringing about scientific and modern civilization, it has also brought the pain of two world wars, nuclear weapons, colonialism, the opium trade and the black slave trade.

Chongde's civilization is in between, with both rational and irrational components, and moral admiration, in this case, a new way of thinking has emerged, that is, empiricism, all decision-making based on experience, which is typically represented by Chinese medicine and China's economic development strategy after the reform and opening up.

Corresponding to the three civilization directions, the first civilization of worship corresponds to the traditional Christian civilization, and for a long period of time, Christian civilization is actually a political system of theocracy. The main thing here refers to religion, which was Christianity in the early stage and a new religion represented by political correctness and universal values in the later period, the "liberal democratic theology". God in the past was the Christian God of the Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit represented by Jesus Christ, and now the new God represented by political correctness and universal values, the God of Freedom and Democracy.

In the past, the Western world could not speak in public in the past without touching Christianity or criticizing Jesus, and now speaking in public cannot touch political correctness and universal values, nor can it violate the God of freedom and democracy. There can be no public opposition to democratic freedoms, no open opposition to homosexuality, opposition to immigration, opposition to drug use, opposition to freedom and other politically correct topics. The essence of worshiping the Lord is the unity of the church and state, and the "Lord" here actually refers to a religion, which is Christianity in the early stage and a god of political correctness, universal values, and freedom and democracy in the later period. In fact, political correctness and universal values have now become a new religion, liberal democratic theology. So there are now two "Lords" and two religions in the Western world, the New Lords — liberalism, universal values, political correctness, liberal democracy God, and the old Lords — Christianity, God, Jesus Christ. The two masters now have deep contradictions within the Western world, such as the US Republican Party President Trump supporting the old master, the old religion - Christianity, and the Democratic Party supporting the new lord, the new religion - liberalism, liberal democracy theology. The contradictions between the two sides are very large, but in general, now that the old christianity in Western countries is gradually declining and declining, people are more in a state of atheism to support liberal political correctness, universal values, liberal democratic theology, new masters, new religions - extreme liberal values, which are already the new "lords" with solid foundations in Western countries. Now that extreme liberal policies such as the legalization of drugs, gay marriage, and freedom to bear arms have been widely recognized by Western countries and Western societies, pornography, gambling and drugs have been legalized in most Western countries, which is obviously opposed by the old religion, Christianity. However, Christianity, as an old religion, has few believers in the Western world, and now the media and cultural public opinion circles in Western countries mainly promote liberalism. Christianity, socialism, communism, and the traditional values of the family at the core have been discredited as obstacles to individual freedom in the context of Western political correctness. Even the normal management of their children by parents has been regarded as a mistake that hinders freedom, which shows that the new masters and new religions in the Western world- liberal democratic theology, liberalism, have a very deep influence.

In Europe and the United States, the contradiction between the old religion, Christianity, and the new religion, liberal and democratic theology, is relatively profound. However, the reality of the two is different, Christianity is not a man-made religion, but more like Buddhism, Islam, Taoism and other traditional religions, with typical religious overtones, relatively virtual, relatively weak binding force on people. However, liberal democratic theology is a man-made religion, not a typical traditional religion, very real, liberal democratic theology has its own norms and requirements in all aspects of society: education must be happy education, quality education, can not let students learn too much pressure, otherwise it is to make students unfree; in politics must be a country with separation of powers, multi-party governance, parliamentary politics, can not be a country with only one ruling party, to carry out regular rotation of political parties; the economic system must be a complete free market economy. There can be no state-owned enterprises, no government forces involved in economic activities, financial liberalization, and no financial supervision; in terms of sexual orientation, we must actively encourage sexual openness, encourage prostitution, encourage drug abuse, encourage homosexuality and LGBT and other sexual liberation movements; in terms of national ethnic groups, we must actively diversify the composition of ethnic groups, avoid the emergence of a situation in which the main ethnic group is dominant, try to achieve ethnic pluralism through immigration, and avoid the emergence of a majority nationality in a country, because the main ethnic group may hinder the freedom of ethnic minorities In terms of culture, actively promote cultural liberalization, oppose the traditional culture of various countries, achieve cultural pluralism, introduce foreign cultures and foreigners, and avoid the emergence of subject culture, because subject culture may hinder the freedom of other cultures. This kind of "liberal democratic theology" clearly opposes subjectivity, and the country requires the introduction of immigrants, dilutes the main ethnic groups, implements racial pluralism, and culturally requires the introduction of foreign cultures, dilutes the main culture of the country, and realizes cultural pluralism. These practices against the dominant ethnic group and the main culture are mainly aimed at protecting the freedom of ethnic minorities and minority cultures and avoiding the oppression of the main ethnic group and the main culture.

In short, liberal democratic theology has strict norms for all aspects of society, while traditional Christianity does not put forward various norms for secular life in various societies, and Christianity does not think that there are any differences between different political systems such as democracies, centralized governments, and monarchies, but only generally believes that god should be believed. As long as you believe in God, the monarchy of the king is good, the dictatorship of the dictator is good, and the republic is also good. Therefore, Christianity's emphasis on faith in God has produced a variety of state systems and social systems at the institutional level, and monarchies, republics, and dictatorships have all appeared in Christian society. Christianity also has no clear rules on education, which makes students miserable and the huge learning pressure is not contrary to Christian doctrine. Therefore, compared with liberal democratic theology, Christianity is a very virtual religion, but Christianity itself and liberal democratic theology have a great conflict, the main reason is that Christianity advocates a return to the traditional family, advocates restraint on human behavior, and suppresses people's desires. This is something that cannot be tolerated by liberal democratic theocratic religions, which advocate the elimination of all bondage to human beings, not only the shackles of traditional religions on human nature, but also the binding of various morals on people, including actively promoting the encouragement of homosexuality, the legalization of drugs, the encouragement of the introduction of foreign immigrants and foreign cultures, and the practice of racial and cultural pluralism. However, most people in European and American societies are now believers in liberal democratic theology, and traditional Christianity has obviously declined under the impact of liberal democratic theology.

In the Western world, the Lord of the past was a religion, the present Lord is still a religion, the "Lord" of the past is Christianity, and the present "Lord" is political correctness and universal values. To worship the Lord is to think that there is only one "Lord" in this world, and this "Lord" is the core of the world movement. In the past, the religion of the Western world was Christianity. In Christianity, this core is called Jehovah, then the whole world is created by the Creator and is also governed by the Creator, of course, the main work of our human beings is to revere the Creator, that is, to worship the Lord. In modern times, new religions—universal values, political correctness, liberal democracy—have replaced Christianity as the core of the operations of the Western world.

Now "Lord" has changed from Christianity to liberalism, universal values, and political correctness. The whole society serves universal values, and people must obey them without any doubt or any attack or questioning of universal values. In the past, since the religion of worship was Christianity, everything in society revolved around Christianity. The result of this way of thinking is that there are a large number of religious paintings, religious buildings and large-scale religious projects, and the whole society is carried out around religion, which is characterized by the rule of religion, the management of the whole country in a religious way, and eventually the whole society becomes a theocratic society. This situation has produced a large number of works of art with religious themes, including music, paintings, architecture, handicrafts, and various religiously-centered works of art. These works of art have infiltrated the spirit of religion into all aspects of society, in fact, the strength of the whole society has been invested in the propagation of religion and helping everyone to believe in religion, using various works of art and folk life, and using this way that the people like to hear and hear to improve the religious literacy and religious feelings of the whole society.

In the Christian era, there were many religious wars - the Crusades, aimed at occupying the holy city of Jerusalem, european countries repeatedly sent troops to attack Jerusalem, and countries launched protracted battles near Jerusalem. Religious wars are an important feature of the worship of the main civilization, and the struggle for religious holy places has become the starting point of many wars.

In modern times, this religion has become a new religion, that is, universal values, liberalism and political correctness, and this liberalism represented by universal values has become the core of the operation of Western society. As a result, a large number of think tanks, civil society organizations, non-governmental organizations and various organizations funded by the government have been generated to promote universal values. Even the promotion of universal values throughout the world, the launching of color revolutions in other countries, the attempt to overthrow the "non-democratic" governments of other countries in the world, and the launching of new religious wars are an important feature of the new religions of the modern West. This new religious war, the color revolution, can be understood as a new crusade, which not only created drastic changes in Eastern Europe and regional turmoil such as the Arab Spring and the Latin American Spring, but also tried to create color revolutions in China and Russia, which has become the main source of threats to world stability.

The evaluation of a person is mainly to see whether his religious belief is firm, a person with firm religious belief can fully affirm him, a person with flawed religious beliefs can completely deny him, and to a certain extent, religion has kidnapped the values of the entire society. Religiously-centered societies are inherently repressive and innovative. For example, the copernican Galileo and Bruno scientists have proved in different ways that the earth revolves around the sun, not the sun revolves around the earth, which is the famous theory of heliocentrism. In fact, these three great scientists brought great disasters to themselves because of their scientific theories. Bruno was sentenced to death by the Holy See and burned to death in Campo de' Fiori, Galileo was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Holy See, and died while serving his sentence, Copernicus was the luckiest, because Copernicus saw the situation wrong, so Copernicus insisted on publishing his theory to the society after his death, although his theory annoyed the Holy See, but because Copernicus had died at this time, the Holy See also did not give him anything. Become the only one of the three scientists who has not personally harmed himself because of this theory. Everything centered on religion, including the lives of the inhabitants, is also a life centered on religion, not a secular life. In modern times, as long as anyone touches the red line of political correctness, the whole society must work together to suppress this person. Western countries claim to have freedom of speech, but whenever it comes to politically correct topics, people are basically silent and silent, and once there is any problem in speaking, they will immediately encounter the blow of the whole society. This kind of brainless theocracy is very severe, and many celebrities often get banned if they accidentally say something that is not in line with political correctness. For example, Nobel Prize winner Watson said that women's genes determine that women's IQ is 5 points lower than men's average, and as soon as this statement came out, they were immediately banned by the whole society, all jobs were fired, and finally they could only sell their Nobel Medal medals in exchange for living expenses.

However, as liberalism became the new dominant religion, the old religion, Christianity, was seriously squeezed and attacked, and the struggle between the two forces within the Western countries was also more serious, and this struggle weakened the ability of the Western countries to unite with the outside world to a certain extent. For example, in the attitude towards China and Russia, although liberals have always wanted to attack "non-democratic" countries such as China and Russia, the Christian forces are not opposed to "non-democratic" countries, and the Christian forces do not value democracy, but hope to do business with China and Russia to make money, buy goods from China, and buy energy from Russia. Therefore, the hostile attitude toward China and Russia within western countries is not very resolute.

This kind of historical purification has made the Western countries have a guiding ideology similar to religion for a long time, and then rely on this guiding ideology to unite the whole country, which is a deep and indelible religious feeling. The biggest feature of Western society is that it has strong religious feelings, religious consciousness and religious forces. This kind of religion was Christian in the early stage, and in the later period it was universal values, liberalism and political correctness, including the current mainstream Western economic theory, which also contains the value judgment of political correctness and universal values, and is not a completely objective scientific theory. Mainstream Western economics is an academic doctrine that serves new religions—liberalism, political correctness, and universal values. Is modern mainstream Western economics an objective doctrine? It is controversial, and to a large extent, that modern mainstream Western economics is an academic branch of the West's new religious forces—liberalism, political correctness, and universal values. The meaning and value of its existence, like religious painting, religious music, religious opera, and religious art, is to serve a new religion, not to be strictly objective. Just like the traditional European painting music, handicraft art, etc., all social welfare is in the service of Christianity, almost all ancient European paintings, musical works, and buildings are works of art that describe the religious content of Christianity. Works of art, buildings, in fact, is a tool to serve Christianity, many of the ancient western paintings are religious paintings, mainly to praise Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, saints and other religious figures as the theme, while showing the value of art, play a role in serving religion. Therefore, when we treat modern mainstream Western economics, we must see the religious color behind this mainstream Western economic theory - it contains very strong liberal and universal value value judgments. We must see that mainstream Western economics pays great attention to political correctness, extremely respects liberal democracy, and strongly respects liberalism. Mainstream Western economics itself, like the ancient Works of Art in Europe, is not objective, but has a strong value judgment - all government regulation is bad, it is to reduce economic efficiency, it is to cause institutional distortions and destroy the optimal allocation of economic resources; all small-scale government reforms and deregulation reforms that reduce government regulations, reduce government functions, reduce government organizations, and deregulate reforms are all good, and can increase the efficiency of resource allocation, enhance economic vitality, and activate the economy's inherent innovation ability. This is the value judgment of the "two whatevers"—that anything that leans toward big government is bad, and anything that leans toward small government is good. Even the historical celebrities of many Western countries cannot be objectively and fairly evaluated, and the political strongmen in history - Caesar, Napoleon, Bismarck, Peter the Great, Frederick the Great, etc. have been smeared as dictators and executioners, and they are bad people who violate human rights and freedoms, and their evaluation of history has gradually lost objectivity. In essence, modern mainstream Western economics is a highly religious discipline. It is a subjective discipline that implicitly contains liberal, universal values, and this kind of value judgment, rather than an objective science.

The second social development direction of chongde is typical of the river of traditional Chinese culture. Behind the far-reaching Confucian culture in East Asia is a great emphasis on one's morality, one's self-denial, and one's benevolence, righteousness, and wisdom, such as after the death of his parents, he wants to worry about his family, he wants to keep filial piety for his parents, and he wants to give up the work he is doing. In this case, the whole country attaches great importance to the importance of individual morality. Including in the selection of officials, advocating filial piety and honesty, that is, choosing people who honor their parents and live a simple life to become officials, whether they have talent or not is not important, filial piety or filial piety to parents is the most important! In various doctrines, it also attaches great importance to the importance of morality, including the conscience of Yang Ming Xinxue, as well as the existence of Heavenly Principles of Cheng Zhu Lixue, the annihilation of human desires, and the most primitive self-denial and retribution of Confucian culture. Of course, the corresponding three principles and five constants, the monarchs and subjects fathers and sons, were also proposed to help improve the moral level. Of course, this way of attaching importance to morality has also formed a moral kidnapping to a certain extent, and even treated morality as a political issue, raising moral issues to the height of political issues. It is true that overemphasizing morality is suspected of suppressing human freedom, but this is a question of degree, not of essence. The undeniable fact is that the culture of Chinese reverence has indeed improved the moral level of Chinese. The difference between Chinese and Western cultures is that Chinese culture is heavier and lighter, and western culture is more important than people and light things. For example, in Western painting, people are always the largest, the surrounding other landscapes and the environment at that time are relatively small, the entire Western painting works are to highlight people, while Chinese paintings are relatively small, the surrounding scenery is relatively large, people are only as part of the scenery, and integrated into the scenery as a whole. Therefore, Western culture tends to be more arrogant, while Chinese culture tends to be more humble, of course, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Western culture is conducive to the development of human potential and human innovation ability, but it is easy to lead people to extremes, resulting in uncontrollable tragedies. Chinese culture is relatively repressive of people's self-awareness, but it is also a kind of protection for people themselves. However, Chinese culture should learn from the West, highlight people more, and guide people's potential and innovation ability to play more. Western culture should learn from Chinese culture the humble spirit possessed in Chinese culture, and avoid various contradictions caused by self-righteousness and self-centeredness.

Reverence for the Lord, Reverence for Virtue, Reverence for Wisdom - The Difference between Eastern and Western Civilizations and the Future of Mankind
Reverence for the Lord, Reverence for Virtue, Reverence for Wisdom - The Difference between Eastern and Western Civilizations and the Future of Mankind
Reverence for the Lord, Reverence for Virtue, Reverence for Wisdom - The Difference between Eastern and Western Civilizations and the Future of Mankind
Reverence for the Lord, Reverence for Virtue, Reverence for Wisdom - The Difference between Eastern and Western Civilizations and the Future of Mankind
Reverence for the Lord, Reverence for Virtue, Reverence for Wisdom - The Difference between Eastern and Western Civilizations and the Future of Mankind
Reverence for the Lord, Reverence for Virtue, Reverence for Wisdom - The Difference between Eastern and Western Civilizations and the Future of Mankind

The direction of China's social development of chongde will bring four characteristics, the first is that some people will become more hypocritical, because the moral requirements are too high to meet. It can only be pretended to be achieved, and it becomes an actor, with hypocritical characteristics, some things seem to be out of selfish interests, but they must be covered with a coat and shell of benevolence, righteousness, and wisdom, and they are called pigs and tigers.

The second is that it will gradually develop into a super humane society, because an important aspect of morality is that others have helped you, you have to help others to repay other people's human feelings, so from this point of view, the social development direction of Chongde will definitely evolve into a humanistic society, everyone helps each other to help each other, and eventually becomes a human society, human feelings are greater than rules, a large number of rules are useless, social operation takes rules as explicit rules, human feelings as unspoken rules, and becomes the norm of society. The so-called human society mainly comes from three kinds of people - benefactors, relatives, friends, benefactors who have helped him a lot in his life, fertility, nurturing and raising his relatives, and friends who accompany him throughout his life, and no Chinese can get rid of a network of human feelings woven by the three kinds of people: relatives, benefactors, and friends. Even in a country like China, a person's success or failure depends on what kind of person is his benefactor (his noble energy), what kind of person is his friend (his quality of friendship), and what kind of person is his relative (his birth environment). China has always emphasized private morality over public morality, and what we attach importance to is often the morality of relatives, benefactors and friends, which is similar to the morality formed by blood as a bond, which is the category of private morality. The kindness of the benefactor and the companionship of the friend can also be understood as a kind of blood, so we should pay attention to the grace of the benefactor and repay it with a gushing spring. We must pay attention to filial piety to our relatives, filial piety is as great as heaven, filial piety has three, and no queen is greater. There are friends who pay attention to righteousness, righteousness is thin and cloudy, and stick knives into the two ribs of friends. If a person in China does not honor his relatives, does not know how to be grateful to his benefactors, and betrays his friends every day, then he will become a person with a bad reputation in such a society as China, which attaches great importance to morality, and it is difficult for the whole society to tolerate him.

The third is the blind superstition of the worship of authority, the elderly and the old theory, in the context of the prevalence of filial piety culture, filial piety to parents has been generalized into filial piety to all elders. The elders here are often only older, not from the parents of people, but because of their older age, they should be treated with special respect. Over time, Chongde became chonglao and chonggu. Suppress people's creativity, suppress young people. Because respect for the elderly and respect for elders is an important aspect of morality and filial piety, reverence has largely become reverence for the ancient and the elderly. For the elderly, for the elders, for the original theories and former scholars who had previously made academic contributions, they became extremely blindly worshipped, not standing on the shoulders of giants and looking forward, but kneeling in front of giants, creeping to bow to giants, and the overall thinking dimension only stayed at the stage of my annotation of the Six Classics. So much so that it only stays in the interpretation of the original theory and the original theory, and cannot innovate and develop the original theory. Whenever someone makes innovations, questions the theories of the predecessors, and opposes the existing theories, they will be criticized and satirized as nonsense, and the entire mainstream trend of thought has become a one-sided maintenance of the existing theories and traditional theories, and a dogmatic and rigid understanding of the theories of the predecessors, resulting in a unique kind of corruption, more pedantic thinking, and lack of academic innovation ability. There is no innovative ability and innovative spirit of academic theory. Chongde evolved into reverence for the elderly and the ancients, for the elderly, for the authority, for the elders, for the people with high moral standing, but did not leave room for new innovations, nor for young people to put forward new theories. This involves the difference between "the Six Sutras Note Me" and "I Note the Six Classics". Traditional Chinese culture has always advocated that I note the Six Classics and opposes the Six Classics. "I annotate the Six Classics" means that I try my best to understand the original meaning of the Six Classics, to make annotations to the Six Classics, to expound the original meaning of the Original Author of the Six Classics when he wrote the Six Classics, I cannot have my own understanding, but can only be faithful to the understanding of the original author, and I need to make annotations to the original author that conform to the original author's original intention. I note that the Six Sutras are to pick up the wisdom of the human teeth and kneel before the giants and bow down to the giants. It is to explain other people's theories according to the thinking of others, but the era when the author wrote the Six Classics at that time was different from the current era, and the author's experience was different from the current commentators, blindly and mechanically understanding the original ideas in the Six Classics, it was easy to ignore the changes of the times and produce wrong understanding. But this obvious absurdity and comicalness of the Six Commentaries on me is advocated by traditional Chinese culture, because this practice is more humble and not arrogant, because it does not add to the commentator's own understanding. The meaning of "The Six Classics Note Me" is to borrow the philosophical principles of the Six Classics to expound my own ideas, and to stand on the shoulders of giants and look forward. After reading through the Six Classics, I borrowed their reasoning to explain my own ideas, and quoted the sentences of the Six Classics to explain my own thoughts. This is tantamount to having the Six Classics serve me and explain myself in the language of the Six Classics, which is equivalent to writing another Six Classics myself. The Six Classics I wrote reflect my own era, I am the author, but I only refer to the spirit and principles of the Six Classics, which is completely different from the original Six Classics, which is opposed by traditional Chinese culture, because it is relatively arrogant and not humble enough, but this is the real innovation. In ancient China, only Wang Yangming's psychology advocated the "Six Classics Of Notes on Me", advocated innovation, and advocated having his own thoughts and self-independent personality, so it was regarded as a heretic of Confucianism in all ages and was suppressed.

The fourth is the rise of the doctrine of the Legalists, because the social development direction of Chongde extends the human society, hypocrisy, sublime antiquity, and reverence for the elderly may lead to the complete inefficiency of social operation, so it is necessary to form a doctrine to hedge against this inefficiency - ancient wars were frequent, and all countries had to try to protect themselves, and if the pedantic spread caused by Chongde was allowed to cause systematic inefficiency, then inefficiency could lead to the destruction of the country. This doctrine is the doctrine of the legalists, which improves the efficiency of society with its coldness and ruthlessness, shapes efficiency with iron blood, and in the face of severe punishment and harsh law - authority can be broken, hypocrisy can be broken, the elderly can be imprisoned, and human feelings can no longer evade criminal law. Therefore, China's dynasties and dynasties have been a social governance system that combines external Confucianism and internal law and Confucianism and law, rather than simply acting in accordance with established rules, and the doctrine of jurists relies on laws and decrees to reshape the foundation of Chongde society and save Chinese society from the quagmire of inefficiency. However, the legal system emphasized by the legalists is highly rigid, lacks flexibility, lacks adaptability, attaches too much importance to enforcement in the process of implementation, and ignores different special situations in various places, resulting in a large number of cool officials who only care about law and discipline, disregard human feelings, and disregard the conditions of the world.

In a society of reverence, people attach great importance to morality, as long as a person is morally flawed, he can completely deny this person, and as long as a person does a good job morally, he can fully affirm this person. The direction of the efforts of the entire civilization is to continuously improve the moral level of the individual, using various ways and cultural systems to promote the improvement of the moral level of the whole society, including the use of various arches and various incentive measures to reward those who have a relatively good moral level, and at the same time use various ways to combat and punish those who are less morally inferior. This way is typical of the so-called rule of virtue, and the use of morality to manage the entire country. This way of evaluating individuals morally is typical of the lofty way of thinking. For example, in China, it is not possible to say something contrary to moral concepts in public, because the supremacy of morality in Chinese society is the same as the supremacy of political correctness in Western society, and the cultural tradition with deep historical roots cannot be challenged. Therefore, Chinese society is not allowed to say things that violate moral concepts, at least in public, and all public words and deeds must conform to moral requirements.

Section II

Just like in Western society, it is not allowed in public to spread other ideas that are inconsistent with Christian ideals, and it is required that all words and deeds conform to Christian requirements. Western societies are also now not allowed to express politically incorrect or unconsumed views in society. Because today, the lord of Western society, that is, the religion of Western society, has become political correctness and universal values, but the state is still a social system similar to theocracy. But the historical flow of worship in Western societies has not changed, except that the "Lord" here has changed from the Christianity of the past to a new religion called liberalism, political correctness, and universal values. It is just that the center of Chinese culture is morality, and the center of Western culture is religion, and this religion was Christianity in the early stage, and liberalism, universal values and political correctness in the later period. Therefore, in modern Western society, it is not allowed to publicly publish remarks that are contrary to political correctness and universal values, and if anyone dares to publicly publish remarks that violate political correctness and universal values, a situation of joint attack will be formed under the heavens. Of course, As a typical country of reverence, China is also not allowed to publicly make remarks that violate morality, and if anyone dares to publicly make remarks that violate morality, it may also form a situation in which the whole world will strike together. Of course, you can understand it as a kind of moral kidnapping, but it can also be understood as the respect of the whole society for morality as a human virtue, which is actually a typical characteristic of secular society, and it is still different from the theocratic society - the theocratic society, the rigidity of religion is far stronger than the morality of the reverence society, in the reverence society, if someone openly spreads illegal and moral remarks, at most it is only marginalized by society, but the society will not kill him, but also leave him living space. Because tolerance itself is also a part of morality, society should also show tolerance to these people while cracking down on moral corrupt elements, and tolerance is part of "benevolence" and a kind of morality. Therefore, those who spread speech that violates moral standards in China are only marginalized by society and will not be killed. But in Western societies, religious devotion overrides everything, and those who spread statements that violate religious doctrines can be killed or hit very hard. Therefore, there is a bottom line for reverence, and this bottom line is the tolerance emphasized in moral "benevolence". There is no bottom line for the worship of the Lord in the Western world, for the sake of the "Lord" can wage war, can kill people, can play conspiracies, can subvert the regime of other countries, can create color revolutions, and can let countless people die and be displaced. Reverence is far more rigid than reverence, and reverence mainly stays in the stage of verbal condemnation -- the whole society acts in unison to condemn the person who violates morality, but does not kill him, after all, benevolence itself is also an important part of "virtue".

An important manifestation of Chongde is retro and sublime, and the characteristics of Chonggu are that they do not advocate the spirit of questioning, do not advocate the ability to speculate, do not advocate theoretical innovation in existing theories, and even do not advocate innovation itself, always suggest that the whole society should follow the "way of the first king", follow the existing theories, just make annotations to existing theories, and cannot create new theories. That is, all theories can only annotate existing theories, but cannot question existing theories, and must not innovate existing theories. For example, our dynasties and dynasties have had many commentaries on the Four Books and Five Classics, but no scholar has dared to write a book that says that it is the 10th classic after the Four Books and Five Classics. Even Wang Yangming's mental studies did not dare to write a book to challenge the Four Books and Five Classics, but could only be compiled into a collection of letters in the form of letters, and the name "Transmission and Practice" was circulated in the world, and it was not compiled into a complete academic theoretical system, and now it is only a scattered letter and his views on many issues in the letters, which has become a great regret for posterity.

The innovations in Chinese history are all in some non-mainstream fields, such as in the field of Buddhism Chinese very innovative, wrote the only Buddhist sutra in the world that was not written by Shakyamuni, called the "Altar Sutra", which was written by a Chinese called Liuzu Huineng, which is an original classic, challenging all the existing Buddhist scriptures, putting forward a completely different understanding of Buddhist thought from the existing Buddhist scriptures, and embodying a strong courage to innovate. Because we know that all the sutras that can be called Buddhist sutras were written by Shakyamuni, but there is only one Buddhist sutra in the world that is recognized by the Buddhist community that was not written by Shakyamuni, but written by one of our Chinese, liuzu Huineng, who directly challenged traditional Buddhist theories and Buddhist concepts, put forward new Buddhist theories and Buddhist concepts, and founded a new Branch of Buddhism, called Zen Buddhism, such as the Shaolin Temple, which is an important monastery of Zen Buddhism. In addition, in the marginal fields of fortune telling, feng shui, and looking at the same, China's innovation ability is fully expressed, and often every once in a while a subversive new theory is proposed, resulting in many schools in these fields, no mainstream academic norms, a hundred flowers blooming, a hundred schools of thought, and even people are confused. Of course, Buddhism, fortune telling, etc., as the weak areas of Chongde culture' rule, have produced more original innovations, but in the mainstream areas where Chongde culture has a relatively strong ruling force, there is basically no innovation. In our mainstream Confucian culture, there are basically only commentaries on the Four Books and Five Classics, and we cannot write a book that puts forward different views from the Four Books and Five Classics. Chonggu is to follow the way of the ancestors, to follow the way of the ancestors, and not to question the views of the ancestors, let alone challenge the views of the ancestors, and not to put forward their own views that are different from the views of the ancestors, which suppresses innovation to a certain extent. Therefore, in the history of China, there will always be only commentaries on the Four Books and Five Classics that have not written a book that is juxtaposed with the Four Books and Five Classics, nor have we put forward views that are different from the Four Books and Five Classics. The consequence of this is that our entire nation is overly worshipping existing knowledge, including mainstream Western economics with neoliberalism at its core, which we have introduced from the West. In fact, this theory also has some imperfections and places to be corrected, and even serious errors. However, it is very regrettable that China has introduced this theory for nearly 100 years, and almost no scholar has made a substantial revision of the mainstream economic theory, and cannot put forward a more profound question about the mainstream economic theory. However, the historical river of Chongde has greatly improved the moral level of Chinese, making the general moral level of Chinese relatively high in the world, laying a moral foundation for the development of China's reform and opening up.

The third way of thinking is sublime wisdom, the wisdom of intelligence, but here intelligence does not refer to wisdom, but to science and speculation, which is typical of the Greek culture. Greece's geographical location as a world trading port, a central hub of Eurasian trade, was of extreme strategic importance, so wars often broke out. Greece is the connection point of Eurasia, and has a very important geographical significance in maritime trade, as long as it controls Greece, it can control the entire Eurasian continent of communication, Greece is the birthplace of science, but also the world's earliest maritime trade boom region. Wisdom and innovation often accompanied wars, because Greece was in a state of war for a long time, including wars with the Persian Empire and Rome, and almost all of its neighbors were at war. So Greece is very strange, it is a very warlike people, it is also possible that its geographical location causes other countries to covet Greek land, so they want to attack Greece. In short, for various reasons, Greece has been in a state of war for a long time, in order to gain advantage in the war, Greece began to develop science, so there are many modern scientific components such as mathematics, science, physics, chemistry, biology in Greek culture, which have become the source of human scientific thinking and scientific knowledge. In the lofty society, science is placed on the tip of the social pyramid, and in the whole society, it is impossible to make remarks that violate science and oppose science, and if anyone dares to make remarks that violate science and oppose science, it will also form a situation in which the whole world will strike together. The development direction of Chongzhi is the development direction with the strongest innovation ability, but its social stability is not as good as the development direction of Chongzhi - through a "lord" to gather the consensus of the whole society and form a highly stable social structure; its social morality is not as good as the development direction of Chongde - through the joint efforts of the whole society, improve morality. So after Greece's prosperity reached its peak, it inevitably declined. Because under the direction of the development of chongzhi, people's rationality is highly developed, at this time people will be more selfish, the whole society is filled with an atmosphere of selfishness and arrogance, the country is difficult and unwilling to sacrifice for the country, everyone thinks of their own selfish interests, this extreme selfishness makes Greece fall at the peak of civilization. Chongzhi's development direction is actually a historical development direction that uses the resources of the whole society to promote the development of science, which was later imitated by Europe and East Asia, and promoted the industrialization of Europe and East Asia, which is often caused by continuous war. The historical development direction of reverence in Chinese society is actually a way of development that uses the power of the whole society to promote the improvement of morality, and the historical development direction of the worship of the Lord in Western society is actually a way of development that uses the power of the whole society to promote the reverence and love for religion. After the Opium War in 1840, China fell into a continuous dangerous situation, not only experienced many wars, but even faced the pressure of an arms race to this day - Taiwan has not yet been reunified, and U.S. troops are stationed in China's neighboring countries, which is not friendly to China.

Science, morality, and religion constitute the three directions and three dimensions of human social development. In modern times, both China and Europe realized the importance of science in fierce wars—the European Renaissance began with the continued military confrontation between the Italian peninsula states and Ottoman Turkey, and China gradually entered the track of chongzhi from 1840 onwards. Europe no longer kidnaps scientists in Rome's Campo de' Fiori and captures witches at will, and China no longer denounces science as a treacherous trick, on the contrary, Both Europe and China actively embrace science and regard science as a matter of life and death for the country! However, the development direction of the three societies is different, the development direction of China's sublime virtue is to improve morality, the development direction of Western society's worship of the Lord is to improve the belief in religion, and the development direction of Greek culture's sublime wisdom is to improve the level of science. The three social development directions place morality, religion, and science at the tip of the social pyramid.

Therefore, the social characteristics of the three regions are different, and Chinese society actually has the highest moral level in the world because of its long-term efforts to improve morality. Because Western society has long developed in the direction of religious belief, it actually has the strongest religious belief force in the world. In the early stages, it was christianity, and in the later period, it was the belief in liberalism, political correctness, and universal values. The strength of this faith is unmatched by any region in the world. Western societies will wage wars over liberalism, political correctness, and universal values, while bringing in immigrants from the Middle East, Latin America, and Africa to demonstrate the new religious beliefs of political correctness and universal values. In ancient times, Europe launched a century-long crusade for the sake of the old religion, Christianity, and the modern Western countries launched color revolutions and foreign wars to subvert the regimes of other countries around the world for the sake of the new religion, liberalism and universal values. The wars of the West in recent decades have been fought to sell democracy. In ancient times, European countries also fought wars for religious reasons, and there were three more serious religious wars, the Crusades, the French Religious Wars and the 30 Years' War, of which the war between Catholicism and Protestantism - the 30 Years' War was the most tragic, almost making the German region of central Europe ten rooms and nine empty, most of the region more than 80% of adult male deaths, becoming the highest proportion of deaths in European history, even World War I and World War II did not cause such a high proportion of deaths. Greek culture, because of its long-term development in the direction of science, actually possessed the world's strongest scientific knowledge and scientific literacy and scientific thinking ability, and became an example for other civilizations and countries around the world to learn from.

Western countries have achieved their rise by learning from the social development direction of Greece Chongzhi, and China has also achieved its rise because of learning the direction of Chongzhi's social development. The rise of China and Europe and the United States stemmed from the study of Greek science. But Europe and the United States are by no means the inheritors of Greek scientific civilization, and China is the inheritor of scientific civilization. The religious centrism of Europe and America is inherently incompatible with the scientific spirit. The Western countries have recently gradually returned to the direction of the direction of the social development of the lord, and everything centered on new religions - liberalism, political correctness and universal values - has in fact deviated from the direction of the social development of the wisdom advocated by Greek civilization. Chongzhi demands seeking truth from facts and relying on speculation to seek truth, rather than sticking to certain dogmas. To this day, the social force of reverence in Chinese society is still very large, so if anyone in Chinese society dares to publicly make remarks that violate moral standards, it will definitely form a situation in which the whole world will strike together. In Western societies, the social forces that revere the Lord are still very strong, so in Western societies, if anyone dares to make statements that go against the new religion,— political correctness and universal values—it will also form a situation in which the whole world will fight together. This has led to an extremely strange phenomenon in Western society, on the one hand, at the media and political level, all the media and politicians are smearing China. However, european and American enterprises are actively developing economic and trade exchanges with China, and residents of European and American countries are buying goods produced in China. Although China's economic and trade ties with Europe and the United States are getting closer and closer, After all, China does not meet the fundamentalist requirements of liberal democratic theology, and China is after all a "non-democratic" country. It can be seen that this kind of religious prejudice has become an important obstacle affecting the relations between China and Europe and the United States.

This also involves the question of whether it is compatible, and the social development direction of chongzhi is extremely incompatible with the social development direction of chongzhi in essence. However, the social development direction of Chongde is essentially compatible with the social development direction of Chongzhi. Because the rigidity of religion is far stronger than the rigidity of morality, religion is an extremely strong belief, and morality is a relatively soft constraint relative to religion. Therefore, a society that emphasizes the sublime wisdom may be compatible with morality, but the theocratic society must not be a society that reveres the intellect. The reason for the rise of the West is that a large number of Greek literature and Greek culture spread to Europe, pulling European civilization from the direction of the development of the lord to the direction of the development of the wisdom, which in turn triggered the modern industrial revolution and the rise of the West.

In the course of the 500-year-long war, Western countries have pushed the direction of Chongzhi's social development to the extreme, improving their war capabilities through scientific and technological means, producing more advanced weapons, and obtaining better combat results. This kind of historical change of trajectory is under the situation of huge war pressure, and what appears is the internal driving force that turns the huge war pressure into the trajectory of civilization. Through 500 years of continuous cruel wars and mergers triggered by war, Europe has changed from thousands of small countries to more than 10 large countries, war has caused the life and death of countries, through the war of survival of the fittest, eliminating countries with weak scientific and technological levels, leaving countries with strong scientific and technological levels, to promote the rapid progress of the whole society toward the direction of chongzhi development. It directly detonated three industrial revolutions and formed a breakthrough in huge productivity. Western society has become the center of human civilization, and Eurocentrism has become an important trend of thought in the development of human civilization.

But this does not mean that the West can always maintain its position as the world's first, nor does it mean that Western-centrism will always be established. Because from the current trend, the Western countries are returning to the old historical road of worshipping the Lord, but the "Lord" here is no longer the Christianity of the past, but has become a new religion - liberalism, political correctness and universal values. British Prime Minister Theresa May, French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and the leaders of Europe's three most powerful countries are childless. In fact, about two-thirds of the EU countries have no children with their top leaders, and the fertility rate of white Europeans has fallen to an all-time low. One of the basic doctrines of liberal democratic theology, which encourages non-procreation, non-marriage, maximization of personal value and personal happiness, abandonment of the shackles of the family, and complete freedom of the self, may lead to a sharp decline in the population at low fertility rates. In order to solve the problem of underpopulation in Europe, European countries have tried to disrupt the political situation in the Middle East through war, deliberately creating a large influx of refugees to supplement the shortage of population and labor. To some extent, this practice is not fundamentally different from the world black slave trade dominated by Britain in the 19th century and the 18th century, and it is through national power and means of belief that the labor force is caused by a large area and long-distance migration, making up for the shortage of labor force. The only difference was that the slave trade was that Britain used troops and merchant ships to go to Africa to catch slaves and buy slaves, and then transport them to the Americas, and the overall population was transported in an orderly manner, and there were very few sinking of transport ships. However, the process of Europe absorbing the influx of refugees from the Middle East mainly relies on the smuggling of refugees themselves, and the process is extremely disorderly, and many smuggling boats sink during transportation, resulting in a large number of refugee deaths.

Although this new population movement was the initiative of refugees from Middle Eastern countries to flow into Europe, it seems to be different from the British-dominated black slave trade in the 18th and 19th centuries. The slave trade was when European colonists went to Africa to catch some black slaves and forcibly sold them to the Americas. At this time, the black slaves actually went to the Americas passively, and the current situation is that refugees from the Middle East are willing to come to Europe. But the significant similarity between the two is to make up for the shortage of labor, a large number of people are introduced from the outside. In the past 30 years, the United States has also had the problem of labor shortage caused by the declining fertility rate of White Europeans who are the main body of society, and the solution to this problem in the United States is to deliberately create political instability, military coups and civil wars in Latin America. Throwing latin American countries into chaos and then leading the people of these countries to immigrate to the United States allows the United States to absorb a large number of young laborers from Latin America to solve the problem of labor shortage caused by low fertility rates. But this way of dealing with the infusion of the labor force population of other countries by creating political turmoil and social crises in other governments abroad is essentially a suicidal act of drinking and quenching thirst. Because in the long run, using this approach to make up for the shortage of labor will lead to fundamental and irreversible changes in the country's demographic structure. The end result is the replacement of the population of the country by the labor force imported from abroad, which eventually leads to extinction and extinction.

This return to the direction of the direction of social development of the lord has caused great difficulties to Western society. There are two main points, the first is that under the requirements of political correctness and universal values, Europe and the United States have given a large number of preferential treatment to immigrants imported from Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. The large amount of transfer payments and benefits given to these migrants through the social welfare system allows migrants and refugees to have better income and living conditions without working, and to have high welfare benefits without having children, resulting in high fertility rates among immigrants and refugees. Immigrants have high fertility rates, much higher than those of local whites, resulting in profound changes in the demographics of Europe and the United States. In 2019, the proportion of white people in the total population in the United States is only 60%, and the age is generally older, while the proportion of white people in the United States in the total population in 1980 is about 80%, according to relevant research, the proportion of white people in the total population in the United States will drop to about 30% by 2050, and the population structure of the United States will be randomly reversed. The same is true in Europe, the population of blacks and Muslims from the Middle East is increasing rapidly, while the number of whites in Europe is decreasing, white people are mainly middle-aged and elderly, while blacks and Muslims from the Middle East are mainly young people and children, so in the future European demographic structure, white people will be at a more serious disadvantage, and black people and Muslims from the Middle East will become the main population in Europe. 60% of newborn babies in Paris are black, the young labor force in many European countries is already Muslim from the Middle East, and the proportion of white people in Europe in the total population is declining, and studies have shown that in 2050, the proportion of white people in the total population in the European Union is about 50%, forming a reversal of the european demographic structure.

The second is that, instigated by new religions, political correctness and universal values, Europe and the United States are caught in a continuous religious war. Europe, the United States and other countries have pursued a policy of democracy with the barrel of a gun in their hands, and have used military means to promote a democratic system of separation of powers, multi-party rule, and parliamentary politics around the world. On many occasions, they have used military force to overthrow the so-called "authoritarian regimes" of other countries, forcibly used military means to promote democracy, and used military force to export democracy to the whole world. Although good results have been achieved – color revolutions and regime changes have taken place in many regions. However, the Western war behavior of vigorously promoting democracy and government has caused great disasters to all mankind and caused great hidden dangers and profound crises to Western society itself. Many areas attacked by Western military forces have adopted various methods to resist the occupation forces and puppet governments of Western countries, causing huge casualties to Western countries, and the United States has suffered hundreds of thousands of casualties in the Iraq War and the Afghan War. Western countries are caught in the ocean of people's wars of the local people. At the same time, these countries are very dissatisfied with the West, and even launch terrorist attacks in various ways everywhere to retaliate against Western countries, causing great trouble to Western countries, and the US World Trade Center was destroyed by terrorist hijacking planes. In the stage of worship in Western history, there were also a large number of wars for religious reasons, and it turned out that most of these religious wars were harmful to Europe. Recently, Europe and the United States have even targeted the spearhead of religious wars at nuclear-armed powers such as China and Russia, believing that China and Russia have not achieved political party rotation in accordance with the principle of taking turns in ruling the country, but have long been governed by a ruling party, classifying China and Russia as "non-democratic" countries and objects of color revolutions, which has brought great danger to European and American civilization.

The three major religious wars that occurred in the history of Europe, the Crusades, the French Wars of Religion and the 30 Years' War, the three religious wars, especially the 30 Years' War, which were extremely tragic, were religious wars between Catholics and Protestants, resulting in the death of more than 60% of the male population in the German region of Europe, almost bringing a devastating blow to the German nation, and the causes of these religious wars were only different sects, different views on different theological ideas, not a conflict of interests. The winning side receives no financial benefits. The difference between Catholicism and Protestantism, which is merely a number of theological ideas with different views, mainly on the religious status of the Virgin Mary, is not essentially a serious real conflict of interest. But a considerable part of the wars in Western history have been religious wars, wars of the gods rather than wars of men, and of course ultimately caused great harm to man. The wars of religion in Europe actually weakened European civilization and caused great damage to European countries. In fact, only foreign colonial wars and wars against each other for colonies in European countries can bring practical benefits to European countries, and all the wars in European history that have been driven by religion have caused great harm to Europe without bringing any benefit to Europe.

From the perspective of the historical law of human development, the society of reverence for the Lord and the society of the revered intellect must be incompatible, but the society of reverence for virtue and the society of reverence for wisdom may be compatible, because religious belief is a rigid constraint on human behavior, while morality is only a soft constraint on human behavior. Morality is far less binding on human behavior than religion, but it is only a soft constraint and social consensus, far less powerful than the binding ability of religion on people. Therefore, when political correctness and universal values become a religion, when a society re-enters the path of social development of the Lord, the tolerance of this society becomes very low.

Of course, the society of reverence may have a group of more hypocritical people, and in a society of reverence, hypocrisy is the biggest problem, and on the surface, words and deeds conform to moral norms, but behind the scenes, they seriously violate morality. The society of reverence may cause some people to disguise themselves in hypocritical ways, to conform to all moral norms, but this is not the case in reality, so the society of reverence does have a group of actors. But the society of reverence does have a very high degree of social tolerance, which is far stronger than that of the society of the lord - China can interact with any country, while the West cannot interact normally with "non-democratic" countries, and in the context of the United States, normal interaction with "non-democratic" countries is not allowed, and when the United States interacts with "non-democratic" countries, it must interact while criticizing these "non-democratic" countries. This has created special difficulties for the diplomacy of the United States and other Western countries.

The development direction of Chongde, although it may be more hypocritical, but the ability to tolerate is very strong, can tolerate many people and many things. Therefore, the society of reverence and the society of wisdom are not inherently incompatible, but can be tolerated by each other. The biggest problem of the reverence society is that morality is too high, and sometimes the moral standard is too high, and even becomes a kind of moral kidnapping, so that all people's behavior is centered on morality, and even some people who cannot meet higher moral standards can only make themselves look like they have reached that high moral standard by pretending. In the society of worship, there is no such inclusiveness, and in the society of worship, it is essentially a kind of religious kidnapping, and they will fight wars because of religion, attack other countries for religion, and kill and destroy countries for religion. But in a virtuous society, people do not wage war because of morality, but at most verbally condemn things that do not meet moral standards.

The reverence of the society is mainly verbal condemnation, and some behaviors that do not conform to moral norms will be condemned by the language of the whole society. But there will be no war, nor will there be any vicious events such as the Holocaust, but war and the massacres produced by war are the norm in a society of worshippers. For example, Daniel Povi, a senior scientist of Xiaomi, a ph.D. from the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, and a world authority on speech recognition and artificial intelligence, is a typical example. After being forced away by "political correctness", daniel Povey, a Chinese scientist, chose to join Xiaomi in China. At the 2019 Xiaomi Developer Conference held on November 19, 2019, Daniel made his public appearance for the first time. As the father of Kaldi, an open source tool for speech recognition, he said at the meeting that the reason for making such a choice is not only because of Xiaomi's emphasis on independent research and development, but also because of the pure and ultimate open source culture of Chinese Internet companies represented by Xiaomi, as well as the concept of openness and sharing. Daniel's visit to China stemmed from an accident at Johns Hopkins University. In April 2019, protesting students chose to occupy The Garland Hall, a school building, because of their opposition to the establishment of a police station on campus and the signing of a training contract with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), as a sign of racism. Unfortunately, in this occupied building, there is a CLSP (Speech Language Processing Center) computer room and his research data that Daniel is responsible for maintaining. In order to retrieve the data and experimental equipment, he had to try to enter the teaching building to retrieve the experimental equipment. After unsuccessfully trying to apply to the school to enter the building, he took his tongs to the building in an attempt to retrieve his server and lab equipment from the students. Unfortunately, he failed. Because of this, Daniel was accused of being a racist by the students. After the incident, the school first gave him administrative leave, and then on August 8, Daniel was simply fired for "endangering the safety of students". Daniel then tried to join Facebook, but facebook rejected Daniel's job application because of a suspected politically incorrect incident. He was unemployed for a long time, and eventually Daniel had to go to China to find a job, and finally chose Xiaomi as his home, as to why he chose China, his own explanation is because "I think it is easier to get along with Chinese because they do not have American 'political correctness'." This shows that in a society like China's reverence, its social tolerance is higher than that of western worshippers.

Of course, the culture of reverence for the Lord and the virtue is actually not enough to develop science and nurture science, because these two civilizations do not advocate innovation in essence, or even suppress innovation. The main reason is that the culture of reverence for the Lord and the virtue itself has a repressive attitude towards one's creativity. It does not advocate innovation and individual creation in the field of science, but advocates the observance of the ancient established systems and cultures and existing technologies, and relatively does not encourage innovation in technological cultures and institutions. Therefore, under the culture of reverence and reverence, human beings' ability to innovate in science is in a state of suppression. But this state did not last long, because of the rise of the Arab Empire and the rise of the Ottoman Turkish Empire. The enormous military pressure on Europe from the Islamic world, along with the invasion of Islamic forces, brought a large number of books and technologies of Greek culture to Europe. Europe was able to re-examine and learn the scientific spirit and scientific thinking of Greek culture, and then under the pressure of a long war, various European countries developed science and technology and science to improve their war capabilities, which eventually led to the outbreak of scientific and technological revolution in Europe, bringing industrial civilization to mankind.

Section III

At the same time, after experiencing a series of wars such as the Opium War of 1840, China also fully realized the importance of science and technology and science, and began to vigorously develop science and technology. Therefore, Europe was driven by the pressure of war from the road of reverence to the lord into the road of reverence. China was also attacked by war from the road of Chongde into the truth of Chongzhi. History is strikingly similar, the war has made the direction of social development change, but after the pressure of war disappears, history will return, after the end of the Cold War, Europe and the United States and other Western countries, gradually from the road of reverence for wisdom to the road of worship of the Lord, but the current Lord is not the original Christianity but political correctness and universal values. According to this, the culture of Chongde and the culture of Chongzhi have converged into the river of Chongzhi culture, and the three rivers of human history meet. But we have recently found more and more that the Western countries are going back to the path of worship of the Lord, who is not their former Creator Jehovah, but what they call political correctness and universal values, who have turned political correctness into a new Creator in the name of universal values, and that the whole of Western society is going to return to the path of reverence in history, and even to the establishment of a new theocratic regime, where religion is not Christianity but liberalism, political correctness and universal values. This Lord is not the former Creator, but neoliberalism, political correctness and universal values, which is actually a historical countercurrent, wanting to return from a sublime society to a society of worship.

Because the law of historical development is: once you have experienced a certain process, it is actually impossible to return to the original point, history cannot repeat itself and will not go back, and history cannot go backwards. But what is very strange is that when we look at the history of the West in recent decades, we are astonished to find that after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, the West collectively turned to the historical river of worship with ideological and political correctness, liberalism, and universal values as the "creator". It even put forward the political judgment of democracy in the barrel of the gun, and used military means to promote the so-called modern democratic system of separation of powers, multi-party governance, and parliamentary politics. The use of military means to promote democracy throughout the world has brought down one so-called authoritarian regime after another by military and economic means. The separation of powers, parliamentary politics, and multi-party democracies were transplanted to many countries in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Asia. This is actually an incomprehensible historical retrograde, from the river of reverence to the river of reverence. As for what the reason is, it is also difficult to understand, perhaps due to the inertia of history, the resurgence may be a return to history.

But it must be reminded that China must be particularly careful, because European countries, when they are operating in such a historical river of worship, tend to be more inclined to wage war, mainly for religious reasons. Including the 30 years' war in European history, that is, the war between Catholicism and Protestantism, which fought for 30 years, caused huge casualties, 80% of the population of many parts of Europe died in this war, and the reason for the outbreak of this war was a religious reason, the main reason was that Protestant Christianity and Catholicism could not reach a unified opinion on the religious status of the Virgin Mary, and then there was a war. The Catholic Church is highly revered in the religious status of the Virgin Mary, believing that the Virgin Mary is extremely sacred, while Protestant Christianity believes that the Virgin Mary is just an ordinary person. This doctrinal conflict triggered the Thirty Years' War, which killed tens of millions of people. There was also the war between catholicism (Western Europe) and Orthodox (Eastern Europe), which had been fought for hundreds of years and caused huge casualties. Earlier religious wars, wars between Catholics and Orthodox Churches, divided Rome into two Romes, Eastern Rome (Orthodox) and Western Roman (Catholic), which not only caused the division of the country and the great destruction of the war, but also gave the Islamic state the opportunity to rise, the most important of which was the capture of the Eastern Roman capital Constantinople in 1453, establishing the powerful Islamic civilization of Ottoman Turkey.

We can see from the history of European development that once European countries stepped into a historical river such as the worship of the Lord. They tend to go to war for religious and conceptual reasons, which in fact have nothing to do with national interests. Just because of the difference in religious perception, The Eastern and Western Romans waged wars for hundreds of years, and the Catholic and Protestant countries fought a brutal 30-year war. Therefore, China should be particularly careful when the history of European and American countries enters the historical river of worship. It is possible that they will target China with the spearhead of democracy in the barrel of their guns and use military means to promote a democratic system of separation of powers, multi-party governance, and parliamentary politics in China. At that time, the risk of war may be directed to China. Therefore, China must be highly vigilant against such a historical counter-current in the West that has retreated from sublime wisdom to revering the Lord, which is not a good thing for China, and even for the world!

However, for the development of Western civilization, this historical counter-current of retreating from sublime wisdom to revering the Lord will certainly harm the comprehensive national strength and long-term interests of Western civilization and Western countries. The entire Western society has retreated from advocating science and knowledge to advocating liberalism, political correctness and universal values like religion, which is definitely a wrong countercurrent. It will cause great harm to the development of the Western world, and it is absolutely impossible for mankind to obtain historical progress by relying on the way of worshipping the Lord, and it is absolutely impossible to rely on the political and religious regime to bring about social progress. This conclusion has been proved by thousands of years of human history, and only by encouraging a country to walk into the historical river of reverence can it bring about a leap in civilization. However, we are very sorry to see that the entire Western world has promoted value diplomacy, politically correct diplomacy, universal value diplomacy, and even used military force to promote a democratic political system of separation of powers, multi-party governance, and parliamentary politics in the whole world. This is the same as the Theocratic Roman Catholic Papacy in the Western world in the age of worship.

Arvind Krishna, CEO of IBM, announced on June 8, 2020, that IBM would withdraw from the facial recognition business. At present, facial recognition technology is often accused of being used in mass surveillance by the government, suspected of violating human rights, invading privacy, and violating freedoms. This is a classic abuse of political correctness and an important example of the historical countercurrent of worship hindering technological progress. However, the greatest harm of this historical trend of worship is that it may create many enemies for the United States. In order to promote the religious beliefs of liberalism, political correctness, and universal values, the United States and Western countries have vigorously used military means to forcibly promote democracy throughout the world and pursue a foreign policy of democracy with the barrel of a gun, which has offended many countries. Because different countries have different stages of historical development, different economic bases, different geographical environments, and different historical inheritances, different countries have chosen different political systems. The pluralism of such systems would have been beyond reproach, for there is no universal system in the world, and all countries that adopt such a system can automatically prosper. Each country makes different institutional choices according to local conditions and according to its own actual conditions. The United States and other Western countries have imposed that all countries must adopt a so-called modern democratic political system of separation of powers, multi-party governance, and parliamentary politics, and regard this as a religious belief. Using military means to promote this democratic political system to the whole world, just like the promotion of religious beliefs, has offended many countries and caused unnecessary trouble to the United States and Western countries.

When liberalism, political correctness, and universal values changed from a political idea to a religious belief, the path of reverence for Western society as a whole was actually a counter-current of human history. This counter-current is the direction of the entire Western society from the direction of the social development of the sublime to the social development of the sublime, but the "Lord" here has changed from traditional Christianity to liberalism, political correctness and universal values. Under the guidance of this path of reverence for the Lord, the domestic and foreign policies of Western countries have centered on liberalism, political correctness, and universal values, waging wars abroad, promoting democratic systems, and practicing a foreign policy and military policy of democracy within the barrel of a gun. The internal suppression of social noise that is inconsistent with liberalism, universal values and political correctness, and even the severe suppression of traditional Christian forces, is essentially no different from the theocratic country. There are too many enemies in the international community, many enemies have been created, many opportunities for development have been lost at home, and it has directly led to profound changes in the demographic structure, which has actually damaged the long-term interests and national welfare of Western countries. At present, the direction of development of various countries is that China is gradually moving towards the historical river of Chongzhi, while Western countries are gradually retreating from the historical river of Chongzhi to the historical river of Chongzhi. It's just that the Lord here is not Christianity, but liberalism, political correctness, and universal values. This is the real and profound historical reason for the rise of China and the decline of the West!

Western countries have gradually retreated from the historical river of chongzhi to the historical river of chongzhi, and their domestic and foreign policies have taken political correctness as the center everywhere, and even formed a theocratic country with political correctness as their religious belief, which is a serious historical retrogression. China is actually gradually moving towards the historical river of chongzhi, which is obviously a kind of progress, encouraging innovation, encouraging science, encouraging research, encouraging speculation, the direction of China's future development, is a huge historical progress, and human history in China's progress and the regression of the West, the balance of strength and weakness is about to reverse.

The trend of the future direction of human development is that China and East Asia will gradually strengthen, and emerging economies such as China, Japan, Vietnam, the Asian Tigers, and India will gradually become stronger and gradually rise to become the world level. The Western world in Europe and the United States has moved toward the unity of the theocracy and gradually fallen into a situation of internal and external difficulties! There is a tradition of secular politics in the history of the Asian region, for example, there has never been a long-term theocratic state in China's history. Even if Confucian culture is admired by the government, as long as people are hypocritical and superficially appreciate Confucian culture, then Confucian culture has no way to do anything about it, and people can still enjoy freedom under disguise! Therefore, China is not lacking in freedom! What China has really lacked in history is efficiency – the loose culture of Chongde can lead to the fragmentation of the whole society – and the bulk state has become the enemy of efficiency. Freedom is not what successive generations of Chinese intellectuals and people have longed for, because China has never lost freedom at almost any time in its history. Several times in China's history, dynasties such as the Song Dynasty, which suffered sustained military defeats, were largely due to a lack of effective organizational capacity—the failure to mobilize the state's forces to fight foreign wars. The morality advocated by Confucian culture cannot play a role in mobilizing social resources. On the contrary, countries that emphasize theocracy of the culture of worship have a strong ability to mobilize social resources. For most of its history, Western countries have been theocratic, relying on war to promote their religion, resulting in the death of a large number of people. In the face of harsh religious extremism, there is almost no freedom to speak of. Western countries have a historical tradition of establishing theocratic countries, so it is not surprising that Western countries are moving towards the unity of religion and state based on liberalism, universal values, and political correctness. It is not surprising that China is moving toward an era of science centered on chongzhi.

In fact, "truth, goodness and beauty" is an impossible triangle, and there is no way to achieve it all. Chinese culture takes the "good" and "beauty" in it, but Chinese culture is often not "true", in fact, it is "false goodness and beauty". Western culture takes the "truth" of "truth, goodness and beauty", which is often "ugly" and "evil", because he puts the true side of human human nature on the table, so the characteristics of Western culture are "true evil and ugly". Due to the difference in essence between Chinese culture and Western culture, Western culture advocates the truth. Because of your faith in religion, your admiration of the Lord must be real, not false. Religious belief values truth the most (on the contrary, morality is mainly based on superficial behavior, as long as the behavior is passable, there is no deliberate emphasis on truth). Because if there is no truth, religious beliefs must be unstable, like tall buildings built on the beach, which is determined by the cultural foundation of western history "worship of the Lord"! Western culture pays attention to truth, because in the face of the "Lord", there is no room for falsehood. But Western culture does not require everything to be good and beautiful, so Western culture is not afraid to expose ugliness and viciousness to the sun. Even if you prefer to expose the ugly and the evil, you must ensure the truth! Chinese culture is very moral, so it requires that everything is kind and beautiful, everything can withstand moral scrutiny, and everything is moral.

China requires that all words must be written in the text, and use words to express truth and beauty, so China's "Chongde" culture does not value the truth, but more values the superficial goodness and beauty, so there are many falsehoods. It is difficult to judge the culture of "reverence" and "reverence for the Lord", who is better and who is worse, and both have their own advantages and disadvantages. The culture of Chongde is false goodness and beauty, which makes people look more comfortable, but it lacks real shock, impact and vitality. Over time, it may become a zombie or a plastic flower-like ornament because it has lost its vitality. The culture of worship is really evil and ugly, making people look very uncomfortable, although it has vitality and shocking power, but it is completely difficult to be accepted by human beings. There have been many truths in Western history that are unacceptable to human beings – massacres, world wars, drug trafficking (opium dumping in China), genocide, nuclear weapons, and this reality is constantly hurting the hearts of human beings and continuing to affect the world in which we live.

From the perspective of big history, Western countries have come from the unity of the church and state, and eventually to the end of the history of theocracy. Its historical rise in the short term due to the sublime wisdom is only a flash in the pan in the history of Western development, and Western development is a long-term situation, still the unity of the church and state.

China came from secular politics and will eventually move toward secular politics. In the end, national policies were formulated according to the actual situation, and various practical problems were constantly solved, so China's decline in modern times was only a special period in China's long glorious history, which was short-lived, and China's long-term prosperity in history would eventually lead to long-term prosperity because of secular politics.

Although the historical river of Chongde has also suppressed innovation and creation in history, in essence, the historical river of Chongde is still secular politics, not a political system of theocracy. The historical river of Chongde is definitely not the unity of politics and religion, nor is it definitely not to decide domestic and foreign policies with some kind of religious belief, the historical river of Chongde is essentially a kind of secular politics, that is, to solve the problems of the moment and adjust strategies according to the actual situation, which is a typical feature of secular politics, and in the historical river of Chongde in our country, although the whole society advocates morality, the definition of morality in different periods is also different. In the early days, morality emphasized filial piety and filial piety to parents, and later on loyalty, and has long regarded diligence and simplicity, diligence and frugality as an important part of morality. Therefore, the definition of morality in our country also has the characteristics of typical secular politics, that is, the definition of morality is different in different historical stages. Generally speaking, Western countries have retreated from the historical river of chongzhi to the historical river of chongzhi, taking liberalism, universal values, and political correctness as religious beliefs, and their internal and foreign policies are centered around political correctness.

For some countries that do not conform to liberalism, universal values, and political correctness, they will find ways and even use military means to subvert the regimes of these countries. Internal repression and social voices with different opinions on liberalism, political correctness, and universal values, this theocratic way of governing the country can easily offend many countries and offend many people at home. Abroad is a gross violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries, and at home it is a political persecution of certain dissidents in the country. Its essence is no different from the crusades of the Popes during the Holy See and the persecution of domestic opinions for religious reasons. During the Crusades, human productivity was not enough, the army that could be organized and the scale of war was very small, the Crusades were only near Jerusalem, and the MACHETE of the US military had been able to sweep the world under the blessing of aircraft carriers, strategic bombers, nuclear submarines, and military bases all over the world. Because of the forcible implementation of democracy in the world, Western countries have actually offended many countries in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Africa, and Asia, especially the Islamic countries of the world and Russia, which has brought great trouble to the formulation of foreign policies of Western countries. As a result, Western countries have to spend huge human, material, and financial resources to prevent the retaliation of these offended countries against them. From os-rabin bin Laden to Putin, from al-Qaida to the Islamic State, from the US-Russia military standoff to the use of military force to promote the Arab Spring, from the chaos in Afghanistan to the bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, from Iran's toughness to syria's lament, there are countless grievances. But when is the retribution? From the 9/11 terrorist attacks to Russia's military counterattack, from the Iranian crisis to the war in Afghanistan, from the tears of Iraqi mothers to the cries of Syrian children, from Ukraine to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia – the United States is exhausted to deal with one enemy after another, and then to create one enemy after another. The U.S. military has been completely reduced to a terrorist organization with advanced weapons that kills people and creates hatred. Those who have lost their loved ones in the war will become enemies of the United States in the future, posing a huge potential threat to the United States, dissolving the original strong national strength of the United States, and making the United States weak and powerless. This situation has created a historical opportunity and an international environment for China's rise. The future of mankind is in China in the East, not in Europe and the United States in the West!

Western countries are dragged by these countries, and they do not have enough resources and strength to suppress China, which creates a good international environment for China's rise. The West's power was depleted to guard against reprisals from these countries and to further pursue a democratic foreign policy with the barrel of a gun. There is not enough power to suppress China and give China a good historical opportunity. Moreover, facts have proved that the historical development direction of China's Chongde and the historical development direction of Chongzhi are compatible with each other, but the historical development direction of Chongzhi and the historical development direction of Chongzhi are incompatible. Because the direction of Chongde's historical development is itself a relatively soft social constraint, a secularized form of secular politics, not a theocratic government, European and American countries ostensibly claim to be democratic, but in essence it is a theocratic government that has been kidnapped by liberalism, universal values, and political correctness. The flexibility of foreign and domestic policies in Western countries is far less than that of China. The historical development direction of Chongzhi is actually a very hard social constraint, and the historical development direction of Chongzhi itself is very incompatible with the historical development direction of Chongzhi. The biggest feature of the worship of civilization is that it is prone to religious wars and ideological wars, Islam and Christianity have had wars for thousands of years, and Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodox Churches within Christianity have also existed for hundreds of years. Then the ideological confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union emerged in the Cold War, and then the United States adopted the method of democracy in the barrel of a gun, and used military means everywhere to promote a democratic system of separation of powers, multi-party governance, and parliamentary politics. These are all characteristics of religiously-centric countries.

The historical development direction of Chongde actually contains the spiritual core of pragmatism. The historical development direction of the West has long been the development direction of the worship of the Lord and the unity of the church and state, but in the past 500 years, because of the long war, there has been an important change in the direction of cultural development, from the direction of the development of the Lord to the direction of wisdom. We began to respect and study science, thus achieving tremendous civilizational progress and civilizational superiority, and Western-centrism was formed in the superiority of this civilization. But after 1989, after the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union, there was a surprising return to Western culture, that is, from the direction of chongzhi to the direction of chongzhi.

It is just that the "Lord" in the direction of this direction of worship is not traditional Christianity, but liberalism, political correctness, and universal values. Western society has seen a serious theocratic tendency to rekindle religious wars – the use of force to promote the building of democracy, the use of force to promote the so-called modern democratic system of separation of powers, multi-party governance, and parliamentary politics throughout the world. Pursue a national strategy of democracy in the barrel of a gun, and renew the New Crusades – promoting color revolutions by force, even targeting great powers like China and Russia.

In history, there have been many crusades in the West, and in order to defend the rights and interests of Christianity and the religious beliefs of Christianity, Western society has carried out many crusades. Modern Western society has also carried out many crusades, but this crusade has become a military intervention policy of promoting democracy with military force and democracy in the barrel of a gun. The United States and other Western countries in Latin America, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Africa and other regions have used military force to promote color revolutions, and promote the establishment of a so-called modern democratic system of separation of powers, multi-party governance, and parliamentary politics in the Middle East, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Africa and other regions. All this is no different from the historical Crusades, which are essentially the same, a kind of amazing historical return.

So Chinese what problems do you need to pay attention to after experiencing the direction of Chongde's historical development? That is to avoid the error of 100-1=0. There is a fable: the old monk wrote these four questions underground 2 + 2 = 4, 4 + 4 = 8, 8 + 8 = 16, 9 + 9 = 19 The disciples said, "Master, you have miscalculated one." The old monk raised his head and said slowly, "Yes, everyone can see very clearly that this question is miscalculated." But I calculated three questions correctly before, why didn't anyone praise me, but only saw that I miscalculated one! "People who emphasize morality too much are often lacking in mind, and people who emphasize morality too much may also fall into the trap of lack of mind." Traditional Chinese culture attaches great importance to morality and talent, and the requirements for talents are often both ability and political integrity. However, we can see that in Chinese history, people with both moral integrity and ability such as Xiang Yu often have bad things, mainly because although Xiang Yu has both moral integrity and ability, he has no mind and often likes to make a judgment of 100-1=0.

On the contrary, Liu Bang was a person whose moral character and talent were inferior to Xiang Yu's, but whose heart was far better than Xiang Yu's. The history of youyun: "The affairs of the country under the heavens are defeated by the eleventh of the villains, and the nineteenth who are defeated by the gentlemen." The bones of the gai villain are soft, their discouragement, their willingness to sell, and their strongholds are easy to break; only the talents of gentlemen are different, and they have been pushed by the public, and their conceits are often excessive and refuse to go down. Therefore, for the sake of profundity, for the sake of shallowness, for the sake of stubbornness, we cannot sacrifice ourselves and obey others, so as to support the urgency of the country." The meaning of this ancient passage is that there is usually only one out of ten major events destroyed in the hands of villains, and nine out of ten that are destroyed in the hands of gentlemen. Because the villain is a, there is no great ambition, what desire is easy to satisfy, what kind of heart is also easy to be seen through by others; but the gentleman is different, he often thinks that he is only eight buckets high, first-class morals, others say that he is a model, so he is very proud, often unwilling to bend the truth, do things are not excessively extreme, or excessive superficiality, the worst is that the temper is still very stubborn, encountering difficulties in the country, and not willing to sacrifice himself.

This is the thinking of 100-1=0. Zeng Guofan said: "Do not abandon the great beauty of the people with small evils, and do not forget the great grace with small grievances." "Don't completely negate others because of a little mistake, a little moral flaw, a little grudge. Zuo Zongtang was once a student and subordinate of Zeng Guofan, and his rise depended on Zeng Guofan's strong recommendation, but later Zuo Zongtang was arrogant and conceited, and even impeached Zeng Guofan many times. However, when Zuo Zongtang was fighting in the northwest, Zeng Guofan did his best to supervise the grain and grass, and also allocated Liu Songshan to Zuo Zongtang, a member of his own tigers. Zeng Guofan admired Zuo Zongtang's success, calling him "the first person today." When Zeng Guofan died, Zuo Zongtang sent a letter saying: "Knowing the wisdom of the people, seeking the loyalty of the country, ashamed of being inferior to Yuanfu; if the heart is like gold, if the wrong attack is like a stone, the phase period is not negative." The Book of Rites says, "The good knows its evil, and the evil knows its beauty, and the world is rare." "Such people are rare in the world of liking a person but knowing their shortcomings, and hating a person but knowing their strengths. Why are there so few? Just because in the cultural atmosphere with morality as the center of society, it is often completely recognized by one's own likes and dislikes, or completely negated a person. This is the most profound mistake of a revered society, so we must be vigilant.

If we divide a person's numbers into three dimensions: morality, talent and mind, then the society of reverence is a society without a mind. The society of reverence attaches great importance to morality and talent, especially to morality, but it often does not attach importance to a person's mind, resulting in a general narrow-mindedness in the whole society, which is perhaps the biggest problem in Chinese culture. Of course, some people may say that the biggest problem of a virtuous society is hypocrisy, which is incorrect. The main reason is the problem of hypocrisy, which arises in any culture in the world, and there is also hypocrisy in the culture of Western worship. Hypocrisy is not unique to Chinese culture, although the hypocrisy of Chinese culture is related to the development direction of chongde civilization, because everyone advocates morality too much, and the standard of morality is too high, and many people cannot meet this higher moral requirement, so they can only disguise themselves and form a kind of hypocrisy. Therefore, the relationship between Chinese and people is to praise each other on the surface, praise each other on the surface, smile at each other on the surface, but say bad things about others behind their backs, and dig pits for others behind their backs. But I want to emphasize that there is no great harm in this hypocrisy, and that the problem is unique to China, which is the case all over the world.

If there is anything wrong with China independence? That may be too much emphasis on character and talent, and insufficient emphasis on the mind, which is the biggest problem of Chinese culture. Of course, what harm does this culture do to society? My personal tendency is to think that there is not much harm, there will be some small problems, but it is definitely far from being harmful. The greatest harm to society is the unity of the church and state, a large number of religious wars in western history, resulting in the death of a large number of people, the West in modern times with liberalism, political correctness and universal values as the new religious beliefs, the use of military force to promote democracy throughout the world, the pursuit of the gun out of the democratic strategy. The exhaustion of military force has caused the world to be at war and the people of the world to be displaced. Peace is a public good, far from the peaceful environment of war, in many countries and regions around the world, it has become a luxury.

Section IV

After the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union, the world became more stable, but more chaotic, not more peaceful, but more frequent wars. As big financial capital manipulates the issuance of dollars around the world, deliberately creating dollar cycles cut leeks at countries around the world, causing a large number of national societies to fall into a state of instability. This situation is the greatest harm and public enemy of human society. As for China, the problems of hypocrisy and lack of mind that arise because of the cultural history of Chongde are only small problems of little harm, which exist in any country in the world and are by no means unique to China. As for the Chinese literati who studied in Japan in large numbers during the Republic of China period, they criticized the unique national inferiority of Chinese, and these literati who studied in Japan with the financial support of the Japanese government vigorously promoted the national inferiority of the Chinese nation after returning to China. The so-called national inferiority of the Chinese nation is an academic lie fabricated by the Japanese government in support of the Japanese academic circles, which is fabricated out of nothing, with the aim of crushing the national self-confidence of the Chinese, breaking the backbone of China's nation, and facilitating the Japanese army's aggression against China. The three major shortcomings of the Chinese that have been preached, and the national inferiority of the Chinese has been summarized as the following three major shortcomings. I think it is biased, not only making the mistake of partial generalization, but also showing the narrow thinking of the frog at the bottom of the well and the ignorance and ignorance of lack of knowledge. After my global comparative study, I found that the national inferiority of these three so-called Chinese nations is all untenable.

First, they believe that Chinese are not united and like infighting, and foreigners are more united. This statement is wrong, because foreigners also often experience disunity and like infighting. This problem is by no means unique to China, nor has anything to do with China's culture of chongde. And China is the most united and least infighting-loving country in the world, because most of the world's countries are countries with separation of powers, multi-party governance, and parliamentary politics. These countries, including Western countries, are different campaign opponents in electoral politics, and different political parties often fight with each other, smear each other, attack each other, and dismantle each other. Even the opposition parties use conspiracies to collude with foreign forces such as foreign governments to attack the ruling party in an attempt to subvert the ruling party's ruling position. Opposition parties in multi-party countries often collude with foreign forces to attack their own ruling parties, try to subvert their own ruling parties, and become the spokesmen for the interests of foreign forces in their own countries. Under such circumstances, the opposition parties have become tools and puppets of foreign governments and foreign forces to manipulate their own politics. Opposition to the ruling party is often opposed for the sake of opposition, not for the sake of the national interest and the public interest. The parliament, as the decision-making organ of the state, often does not discuss (only quarrels), does not decide (has been pulling the strings), never does it (poor execution), and does not act fruitlessly (action is fruitless). In this reality, China can be said to be the most united and infighting country in the world. Because what China owns is the builders and successors of the cause of national rejuvenation, what China does not have is a bystander and an opposition to the cause of national rejuvenation.

The second popular Chinese disadvantage is that Chinese do things so-so, no craftsman spirit, not serious, various standards are very vague, there is no real standard for doing things, and there is no real standard for doing things, so-so as to be a standard! There is some truth in this statement, there are indeed some Chinese in real life, doing things more sloppily, lacking the spirit of craftsmanship, this statement is also more confusing, it is easy to make people think that it is true. But if you compare the world, you will find that all countries in the world have the problem of doing things so-so, whether it is the United States, Russia, Britain, Germany, Japan, France, Italy, Australia, Canada and all other developed countries and all developing countries. At The Kobe Steel Institute in Japan, there was even a case where the length of the steel pipe was cut incorrectly, and the staff cut the original two-meter steel pipe into 1.5 meters, resulting in a large number of steel pipes being unusable. The essence of being so-so is laziness, laziness, and the problem of laziness is a shortcoming of human nature, even a shortcoming of animal nature - even when the cattle are lazy, the cattle see that the people are gone, they lie down to sleep, and when they see that the people are coming, they pretend to be ploughing the land. We see that animals in nature are sometimes lazy, he can be less troublesome, he is less troublesome, human beings are born from animals, there are also such animal shortcomings. The reason why laziness appears is that for a long time, animals and humans are food-deficient, and laziness helps to reduce activity, reduce energy consumption, and in the absence of food, maintain survival. So after hundreds of millions of years of screening, animals (including humans) that can survive have a tendency to be lazy. Laziness seems to be a natural defect of human beings, and it is by no means a national inferiority peculiar to Chinese, as many literati in our history have said. The key issue is still management, as long as it is properly managed, it can solve the so-so problem.

The third popular lie is that Chinese are more impetuous. The essence of this impetuousness is to hope to take shortcuts and not like to do things down-to-earth. I admit that Chinese does have problems with impetuosity, but it is by no means unique to Chinese or unique to Chinese. When we go to Europe, the Americas, Africa, the Middle East and many other countries for international comparison, we will find that people in these countries also like to take shortcuts, and can take shortcuts as much as possible, which is a common disease of human beings all over the world, and it is not a unique chronic disease of Chinese. Even not only humans, animals also have more impetuous problems and shortcut problems, many animals look for shortcuts everywhere, not serious, not practical, very impetuous. The reason for the more impetuous problems of humans and animals is still laziness, and the physiological basis of laziness is a habit developed by organisms over hundreds of thousands of years, and the main reason for laziness is to save energy. Because in the primitive society period, human food is very limited, many human beings are starving to death, in order to avoid a large number of human starvation, humans and other animals have chosen to be lazy, when there is nothing to lie and rest, can take shortcuts, take shortcuts. Because laziness and shortcuts can reduce the amount of activity, reduce the workload, and can reduce the consumption of calories and energy. In this way, even in the case of little food, by reducing the amount of activity and reducing the workload, you can survive.

This is why humans and all animals have a tendency to be lazy, the main reason is that in the course of hundreds of thousands of years of biological survival, humans and all living things have faced the problem of insufficient food. To avoid starvation, only the amount of activity can be minimized, and humans find enough food to avoid starving people in large quantities, which has only been achieved in the last 100 years or so. Therefore, it is impossible to require human beings to change the habits formed over hundreds of thousands of years in about 100 years. And whether this habit should be changed or not, it should also be a big question mark if the earth's environment deteriorates. Humans cannot guarantee enough food supplies, and there is a large number of famines, in which case laziness saves energy and guarantees survival, and perhaps a good habit of survival. Of course, the time is 2020, I still recommend that you try to modify the two problems of impetuosity and sloppiness, because human beings are progressing, although these two problems are common diseases of human beings, but in order to be a perfect person, in order to improve their personality, let themselves have a noble character, we still need to gradually solve these two problems, but in general, these two problems belong to the common diseases of human society, and they are by no means the national inferiority of Chinese culture.

The three National Inferiorities mentioned above are the products of a large number of ignorant, ignorant, ignorant, and narrow-minded so-called intellectuals during the Republic of China period who advocated That China's "culture is inferior to that of people," encouraged the abolition of Chinese characters, were hostile to traditional Chinese culture, overthrew Confucius, and were hostile to China's erroneous historical trends. Strictly speaking, reverence for the Lord is a religion, reverence for virtue is a culture, and reverence for wisdom is science! In essence, science and religion are contradictory, and religion is the deepest purification and control of human behavior, human thought, human soul, and its depth is far deeper than culture. If it is only a religious belief, and does not form a state system of theocracy, then this religion is still good. But once a religion is harnessed as the spiritual pillar of the theocratic system, it can become the enemy of science – in the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, people in Western countries will not wear masks in the name of freedom, causing the spread of COVID-19.

After the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in 2020, the Western mainstream media attacked China in an all-round way, their view is: "What China needs is neither a vaccine nor a Chinese herbal medicine, and if China wants to defeat the epidemic, the medicine it needs is freedom and democracy, a modern political system with separation of powers, multi-party governance, and parliamentary politics, because only freedom, democracy and modern political system can defeat the new crown virus." "In the eyes of these Western mainstream media, the world's political system can only be divided into two kinds, one is a democratic system and the other is an authoritarian system, and they believe that China is an authoritarian system, and only the system of separation of powers, multi-party governance, and parliamentary politics is a democratic system." Everything that happens in a democratic country is a good thing, everything that a democratic country does is a good thing, everything that is not democratic, everything that is not democratic is a bad thing, and everything that is not a democratic country does is a bad thing. Because China requires all people to wear masks during the epidemic, Western countries have fully mobilized against wearing masks under the epidemic – that is, to insist on opposing China, what China does they oppose, China wears masks, they are resolutely opposed to wearing masks. As a result, the spread of the epidemic in Western countries has spread unusually rapidly. At this point, political correctness becomes the enemy of science!

Western mainstream public opinion and the media use this overly arbitrary approach to View China, using the political system to evaluate right and wrong and good or bad, And It is good for Japan to discharge nuclear wastewater into the ocean because Japan is a democracy, and the solar cells produced in China are not good, because China is a "non-democratic" country. This criterion is no different from religion. We will not analyze the impact of specific systems on this problem under specific problems, nor will we analyze the historical reasons for the emergence of this political system, and the impact of this political system on the economy and society of the country, but will only judge everything by the fact that non-Western democratic systems are bad, Western democratic systems are good, and this criterion is a typical theocratic criterion. Under this standard, there is no right or wrong, no good or bad, only you meet this standard, or you do not meet this standard. As long as you meet this standard, you will be fully affirmed, as long as you do not meet this standard, you will be completely denied, and this kind of theocratic judgment standard is a typical social development direction of worship.

On the contrary, China's lofty society, historical accumulation itself is a culture, so China has the highest moral standards in the world, and China is also a country centered on morality and comes from your society. Of course, moral correctness is very important in China, just as Western political correctness, liberalism, and universal values have become a new religion. But this social-historical accumulation of chinese virtue is essentially a culture, a flexible constraint, not a rigid constraint, and the Chinese government has never claimed to militarily attack countries that are not moral or morally corrupt. Nor does China have a system that essentially cracks down on those whose morals fail to meet their standards. China's moral correctness is essentially just an operational method of public opinion, that is, people will use language to attack people or things whose morality cannot meet the standards. China also uses language to attack foreign things and foreign governments that are deemed unethical. But there will be absolutely no use of force to attack them, or destroy and kill them. Even if China believes that the rules and governance models of other countries do not conform to China's moral standards, China only verbally criticizes and verbally attacks these countries. However, we will not use military means to attack these countries, nor will we use military means to sell China's moral standards to the world, let alone launch a war to sell China's morality in the form of morality in the barrel of a gun. So morality is a soft constraint, which is very different from the hard constraint of religion.

So we can see that the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including the Chinese media, does like to verbally criticize some countries that do not meet China's moral standards, but China has absolutely no idea of using force against these countries. This is completely different from the Western countries' practice of adopting democracy from the barrel of a gun, using military means to promote democracy by force, and using military means to launch color revolutions to overthrow the authoritarian regimes that they do not recognize. A society of worship is the use of force to promote religion, which was Christianity in the early stages and political correctness and universal values in the later period. The reverence of the society, such as China, is the use of language to promote morality, its prominent performance is the use of various languages to attack morally flawed people, but because there are moral flaws in society, morally perfect people are after all a minority, so almost all people in the whole society are attacked by other people's language, and at the same time, language attacks others. But most of these verbal attacks are not in person, but behind the scenes. Therefore, China's regal society can be understood as the use of language to promote morality. Western society can be understood as the use of military means and force to promote religion, so Western society has waged wars everywhere, and almost all countries in the world have been at war. The society of reverence on the Chinese side is an attack on language, and there are many kinds of bad words, and almost all members of society have been attacked by other people's language or their own language has attacked others - morally, no one is absolutely perfect, all people are just on the road to moral perfection.

But in general, the social development direction of China's Chongde as a whole is soft, and it is essentially compatible with the social development direction of Chongzhi. Because the core of reverence and wisdom is not contradictory. The main reason is that IBM corporation can never become a great company, mainly because IBM has repeatedly assured and stated to the American society and the U.S. government that its company will not conduct research in the four fields of artificial intelligence, big data, mobile Internet of Things, and cloud computing, mainly because the research in these four areas will be applied to monitor human beings on a large scale, thereby undermining human rights, freedom and democracy. IBM believes that these four areas of research will be used to monitor the public on a large scale, while violating people's freedoms, privacy and human rights, and is used by authoritarian governments to control the people in the country. Therefore, in order to ensure human rights and democracy and freedom, IBM will not invest and research in these four areas to ensure people's freedom, human rights and democracy, and to ensure that these four technologies will not be used by authoritarian governments to conduct large-scale social surveillance, thereby harming human rights. This shows that the social development direction of Chongzhi and the social development direction of Chongzhi are essentially incompatible! IBM, for reasons of human rights and freedoms, does not invest and research in some high-tech fields, which is obviously wrong. Because the technology itself is neutral, although these technologies may be used by the government to monitor residents, but these technologies may also help the region to maintain social order, create a safe social environment, reduce the occurrence of crime, the United States is a country where shootings often occur, many shootings can not find the murderer, innocent dead can not be redressed, if the application and popularization of these 4 technologies in the United States, it will definitely play a role in reducing the effect of shooting cases. But has IBM ever thought that these 4 high-tech areas of research, in addition to being used, as he himself, may be used to conduct large-scale surveillance of society and undermine human rights and freedoms, but also to conduct criminal investigation activities to ensure people's safety? These 4 technologies are inherently neutral, if used by the police to investigate criminal acts and monitor potential criminal acts, it will bring us a safe social environment for the whole society, and also bring a safe and harmonious investment environment to the world's capital. And IBM refused to invest in 4 technologies just because they could be used for large-scale social surveillance, human rights violations and democracy, isn't IBM's decision absurd? This is a typical manifestation of ideology inhibiting scientific and technological progress under a typical theocratic form of government. As absurd and wrong as the church burned the astronomers who invented the "heliocentric theory" in Rome's Campo de' Fiori.

The development of high-tech technology in Western countries has been relatively slow in the past decade or so, and the main reason is that in addition to the lag in the development of the three major supporting infrastructures of transportation, energy and communications. Another important reason is the widespread belief that new technologies are used to monitor humanity, thereby violating human rights and freedoms. Moreover, new technologies may invade people's privacy and cause human rights and freedoms to be violated, so the whole society is more opposed to the development of new technologies, which is obviously wrong.

The direction of the development of the three cultures, the worship of the Lord, the reverence of virtue, and the reverence of wisdom, in fact, the requirements for society are not the same, and there may be conflicts between such different requirements. Truth, affection and loyalty are the three social forms embodied in the three social development directions of wisdom, morality and lordship.

The characteristics of the society of reverence for wisdom are only reality, only practical situations, only practical truths, only practical analysis, everything starts from reality, everything starts from truth, everything follows the truth, and everything cannot deviate from anything. This kind of society is a kind of society that develops human reason to the highest stage, and at the same time the fastest society that dies, and it is easy to eventually perish because of the high degree of rationality. Societies with a high degree of rationality tend to be extremely rational and selfish societies, and the biggest dead end of this society is that it is difficult to provide more public goods (such as the most important public goods I have emphasized, the market). Highly rational people, often extremely selfish, this question is worth pondering, Greece has the world's earliest science, the earliest mathematics, the earliest rational thinking, why did it perish very early? And for thousands of years after its demise, there is no sign of any revival? This is a question worth pondering.

Hayek, a famous economist, once studied two villages in Europe. The cultures of the two villages are completely different. A village is known for its rationality. When a child falls into the water, the mother cannot swim. All the people would advise the mother not to save the child. Since the probability of rescuing a child is very low, it is better to keep your life, and you can have more children and raise more children in the future, and it doesn't matter if the child dies. In another village, the villagers are kind and irrational, and the same child falls into the water, and the mother cannot swim. The people of the village will support the mother to save the child despite her own danger. Even if both the mother and child end up drowning, they feel that it is the right thing to do. Even if both mother and child die, they will choose to do so, and the end result may be that both the mother and the child die, and the result seems very uneconomical. It is irrational, even incorrect. However, after decades of tracking, it was found that the final results of the two villages were completely different. The first village, known for its high degree of rationality, eventually died out, and the village was gone, and the original people in the village were extinct. Another irrational but benevolent village, however, is endless, with an increasing population and expanding outwards, forming an extremely large force in the local area. There are more and more children, and the people are becoming more and more prosperous, and as a result, this village continues to expand outwards and develop to the outside world, because there are more people, and there are people from all walks of life, so this village has become an extremely prosperous city as it continues to expand outward. The conclusion drawn from this is that irrational warmth is more conducive to human reproduction and survival than cold rationality. The more rational the country, after experiencing a short period of glory, it often declines to the fullest, flourishes and declines, people show a sense of losing hope and aging, and eventually heading towards the twilight of the end - the demise of civilization, the disappearance of population, and the extinction of nations. In human history, there are many once glorious peoples and countries that have disappeared inexplicably, the most typical example of which is Greece. The reason for this problem is that in the long run, cold rationality may be detrimental to human reproduction and reproduction. Because the essence of human beings is a creature, the reproductive behavior of living beings is essentially a public good - the cost of having children is borne by the parents, while the benefits of creating a population are shared by the whole society, and it is difficult for parents themselves to get any benefits from the birth of children, but it is easy to bear huge costs because of the birth of children. So from the point of view of absolute reason, highly rational and extremely selfish people should not have children. This explains why many powerful civilizations and nations, when they reach their peaks, are decimated and eventually decline.

Of course, now European and American society actually has a situation similar to that of ancient Greece, and there is a clear trend towards extinction, because the population continues to decline sharply, the population structure continues to deteriorate, and in the end, white People in Europe and America may disappear on the earth. In a society of wisdom, all conclusions, all words and deeds are consistent with the actual situation, and in this society science will naturally arise, because science is the closest to reality.

In a society of reverence, there is a great emphasis on emotional intelligence, and the basic core is emotion. That is, everything must take care of each other's feelings, express their opinions in a way that the other party can accept, strive for their own interests in a way that the other party can accept, and let the other party do something for themselves in a way that the other party can accept, in short, to make the other party more comfortable emotionally, so that the other party is very comfortable, which is a feature of sentimentality. For example, criticizing others must also make others feel comfortable, so our Chinese custom is to praise and praise others before criticizing others. For example, we speak very euphemistically, we can't speak straight, we will say a lot of words very softly, as far as possible to take care of each other's feelings. This is a typical feature of a kind of empathetic society, that is, everything is premised on making the other party feel comfortable.

The society of worship is characterized by loyalty and great emphasis on loyalty, because the society of worship is essentially a society centered on religion. Everyone's loyalty to religion is the most important part of social norms. The religion of western society in the past was Christianity, and now with the development of capitalism, the new religion is liberalism, political correctness and universal values. Therefore, Western society is definitely not a society of free speech that can say whatever it wants, and the speech of Western society needs to strictly abide by the requirements of political correctness and universal values, and there must be no speech that contradicts this new religion.

Truth, affection and loyalty are the three social forms embodied in the three social development directions of wisdom, morality and lordship. Among the three social demands, the hardest and the most stringent is the loyalty required by the society of worshipping the Lord. The second is the idealism required by the lofty society, and the softest and loosest demand is the reality required by the sublime society. Because a loyal society requires the whole society to have a relatively strict loyalty to religion, and this loyalty is a very hard requirement, and there is basically no room for bargaining. Therefore, in Western society, it is not allowed to question and discuss the concepts of minorities, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, democracy, freedom, the legalization of drugs, and the legalization of gun ownership, which are highly protected by political correctness and universal values. These minorities, lesbians, bisexuals, freedoms, democracies and other issues, concepts and related social events involving universal values and political correctness are generally not allowed to be discussed, and if they are not spoken properly, they may be abandoned by the whole society. If these topics are questioned and analyzed, they may be attacked by society as a whole. This is a very hard social norm, and many Western celebrities or ordinary people are forced to lose their jobs and jobs because they are involved in this taboo, and remain unemployed for a long time. For example, James Watson, a well-known American scholar who won the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine and is known as the "father of DNA", was expelled from the institute where he worked for alleged racial discrimination in his speech. Watson openly claimed on the show that genetic differences lead to differences in intelligence between blacks and whites, that the intelligence and emotions of men and women also differ for genetic reasons, and that in general, the average IQ of men with high IQ is higher than that of women. This rhetoric led to Watson being fired from the research institute where he worked and eventually remaining unemployed for a long time. Because of poverty, the Nobel laureate had to auction off his Nobel Medal medals to raise expenses for living expenses and medical expenses.

Therefore, the high degree of loyalty required by the worship of the Lord society is a very hard demand, and once touched, it is to step on a landmine. On the contrary, the social demand of Chinese society, Chongde, is actually a relatively soft social demand. The reverence society is a kind of morality-centered society, which includes respect for the elderly, respect for predecessors, morality to friends, serious responsibility for the family, serious attitude towards work, honesty and not lying and deceiving people, professionalism in career, prudence in personal life, and not eating, drinking, gambling and gambling. Of course, it is clearly unrealistic to require everyone to be morally perfect. But in a morally centered society, pushing this strict moral demand will die. Emotional intelligence has become a very important element in Chinese society. Strictly speaking, emotional intelligence is far less important in Western society than emotional intelligence in Chinese society. Because when Chinese society has no way to be a morally perfect person, it needs extremely high emotional intelligence and skills to deal with the contradiction between reality and strict moral requirements. This demand for emotional intelligence forms a social requirement of sentimentality, that is, the whole society will pay great attention to taking care of each other's feelings, and strive to deal with problems in a flexible way that makes the other party feel comfortable. Of course, to a certain extent, this has created a humane society and a society in which some people are more hypocritical. The so-called human society mainly comes from three kinds of people - benefactors, relatives, friends, benefactors who have helped him a lot in his life, fertility, nurturing and raising his relatives, and friends who accompany him throughout his life, and no Chinese can get rid of a network of human feelings woven by the three kinds of people: relatives, benefactors, and friends. Even in a country like China, a person's success or failure depends on what kind of person is his benefactor (his noble energy), what kind of person is his friend (his quality of friendship), and what kind of person is his relative (his birth environment). China has always emphasized private morality over public morality, and what we attach importance to is often the morality of relatives, benefactors and friends, which is similar to the morality formed by blood as a bond, which is the category of private morality. The kindness of the benefactor and the companionship of the friend can also be understood as a kind of blood, so we should pay attention to the grace of the benefactor and repay it with a gushing spring. We must pay attention to filial piety to our relatives, filial piety is as great as heaven, filial piety has three, and no queen is greater. There are friends who pay attention to righteousness, righteousness is thin and cloudy, and stick knives into the two ribs of friends. If a person in China does not honor his relatives, does not know how to be grateful to his benefactors, and betrays his friends every day, then he will become a person with a bad reputation in such a society as China, which attaches great importance to morality, and it is difficult for the whole society to tolerate him. But relatively speaking, the requirements of Chinese society are much softer than those of Western society.

Both reverence and idealism are more flexible requirements, rather than rigid requirements like reverence for the Lord and loyalty. The most loose demand is the realistic requirement corresponding to Chongzhi, which is really a society of absolute freedom, such as a hundred flowers blooming, a hundred schools of thought, a hundred taboos, saying whatever you want, and discussing what you want. The society of reverence for wisdom has strict freedom of speech, because there is no fixed norm of social behavior and social behavior center for members of the whole society to follow. The true core of a society of sublime wisdom is reason! Everything in a society that reveres wisdom operates centered on reason. A society of reverence for wisdom is a more rational form of society than a society of reverence and reverence for virtue and lordhood. But when the wise society pushes reason to the extreme, it is very easy to lead to the demise of this country and society. The main reason is that when rationality is pushed to the extreme, people become very selfish, and the consequence is a sharp reduction in fertility. When a country develops rationality to a very high level, there will be a relatively serious population decline and a sharp decline in population. After the population decreases, the national defense and military strength will be obviously insufficient, and eventually it will be destroyed because of internal and external wars. Throughout the demise of ancient Greece and the demise of ancient Rome, there are traces of such a decrease in population at the end of the dynasty. In the end, in the midst of internal and external wars, it will lead to extinction. After the intelligent society pushed rationality to the extreme, an obvious social feature was the sharp decline in fertility, and the whole society was unwilling to have children. The depth of rationality contains suicide genes, rationality not only brings about a high degree of scientific and technological innovation, but also exerts the inherent selfishness of human beings to the extreme, leading to the gradual disintegration of the family, the gradual atomization of human society, through divorce, single-parent families, etc., to reduce human fertility willingness, through increasing the cost of marriage and the cost of childbearing, to further reduce human willingness to have children.

The high degree of development of rationality will make human intraspecific competition extremely complicated, and the population will be drastically reduced through war, deterioration of social structure, deterioration of economic structure, aggravation of the gap between rich and poor, and social unrest. Thus making humans, like dinosaurs, face the risk of extinction during the most powerful period. This phenomenon has begun to appear in Europe and the United States for decades, and now it is showing a trend of increasing intensity and seriousness. As a result, there is a significant depopulation in European and American countries, and finally can only rely on the introduction of labor from foreign countries to supplement the gap in their own labor force, and the final democratic concentration of the main body of the American countries, the white americans will be replaced by immigrants introduced from foreign countries, and Europe and the United States will eventually go to the biological sense of extinction.

The main reason for the decline of Europe and the United States is that from the perspective of population structure, Europe and the United States have appeared in the physiological sense, the population has deteriorated, the average age has been increasing, the fertility rate has been declining, the population has been decreasing, the labor force has been continuously lacking, and a large number of immigrants have been introduced from the outside, resulting in the gradual replacement of the main ethnic groups in the country. In this Chinese environment, morality has become an important force in hedging rationality, so that the destructive effect of rationality on society is alleviated, which is very important for the long-term stable development of society. Because of extreme rationality, the final result must be extreme selfishness, and it is very necessary to use morality to hedge the damage of rationality to society.

The West is revering the Lord + Chongzhi, and China is gradually moving towards Chongde + Chongzhi. In the West, reverence for the Lord and reverence for wisdom are inherently contradictory, and in China, reverence and wisdom are not contradictory, and even complement each other. Because the essence of worship is a religious belief, which used to be Christian, and now it is liberal, universal, and politically correct. This religious belief is essentially incompatible with scientific rationality and sublime wisdom. Scientific rationality and sublime wisdom, the admired analytical logic and skeptical spirit, emphasize the need to continuously improve through questioning speculation and transformation and subversion. But all religions have a tendency to go back to the fundamentalism of the past. Neoliberal economics, driven by liberalism, political correctness, and universal values, is a typical religious belief in liberal economics that goes back to the past. This kind of liberal economics excludes the government, excludes the state, thinks that the government is a crime, that the state is a crime. This liberal economics first originated in Adam Smith's theory of the invisible hand in the book The Wealth of Nations in 1776. This statement should have been true in 1776, because the economic operation in 1776 was not complicated, and the operation of the economy in 1776 did not require too many public goods. So liberal economics should have been correct in 1776, but in 2020, liberal economics must be incorrect.

Because the complexity of today's economic operation in 2020 is much higher than in 1776, and the level of technology is much higher than that of 1776. More importantly, the public goods required in the process of economic operation in 2020 are very large, and if there is not enough public goods supply, it will not be possible to complete the creation of the market, and the economy must not be able to operate normally. But the economic operation in 1776 did not require too many public goods, and the economic operation in 2020 required a large number of public goods to be realized. The infrastructure of 1776 was mainly a network of canals formed by natural rivers, which did not require manual canals and manual extensive paving of roads. But today, in 2020, it is necessary to manually build a large amount of infrastructure, need perfect transportation infrastructure, mature energy infrastructure, and good communication infrastructure to achieve market creation. Without this infrastructure, the economy would not have been able to function smoothly with this more modern mode of production and product sales in 2020. In 1776, Britain only needed to put the navy in the world's main shipping lanes and important strategic positions, and it was able to control the supply of industrial raw materials and the sale of industrial products around the world, creating a large, highly stable and growing world market. But today, in 2020, creating such a large world market requires a sound financial infrastructure, monetary system, complex transport fleet and port, as well as a global transportation network and energy network, in order to complete the purchase of these raw materials and the distribution of industrial products, and even the complex upstream and downstream industrial chains as the support, in order to minimize production costs and obtain trade advantages. These complex changes have placed new demands on the supply and creation of public goods, and of course, the most important public goods are a large, highly stable and growing market.

The universal values and political correctness of the Lord require neoliberal economics, adhering to the fundamentalist free-market economy of 1776, ignoring the problem of market creation, and stubbornly assuming that "the market creation situation is the same in all countries of the world, and the only difference between all countries in the world is the difference in the ownership of the two elements of capital and labor power." It would be a mistake to assume that market creation is the same in all countries of the world. The main historical mission facing many countries is to complete their own market creation, connect one isolated and closed small mountain village after another into a complete organism through infrastructure, and promote the improvement of their own production capacity through industrial policies (including venture capital) and investment attraction, first use their own domestic market to achieve initial economic development, and then integrate overseas markets through international trade to achieve long-term sustained economic growth. Blindly treating liberal economics as a religion that the Holy Spirit cannot offend would make a huge mistake. This makes economics a religion, an absolute correctness that cannot be questioned, discussed, questioned, or studied. Religion is characterized by an indisputable, unspeakable, unquestionable, unquestionable, undeferenced infallibility. The Western countries are using this absolute right to destroy their own economies and countries. The absolute correctness demanded by this reverence and the rationality and science required by the sublime wisdom are fundamentally incompatible, and science emphasizes the need to doubt and speculate. But the situation in China is just the opposite, because the direction of China's social development of reverence, the direction of social development centered on morality, and scientific rationality are not fundamentally in conflict. For a morally centered society allows questioning, critique, improvement, and reflection. But in a religious-centered society, the core content of religion is not allowed to be questioned, criticized, improved, and reflected.

Therefore, China's economic development mode has been changing, and the method of economic development 10 years ago and the current method of economic development are certainly very different. Many concepts that were generally accepted 10 years ago may have been abandoned by everyone today, and many new ideas of economic development have emerged today. This speed of renewal and iteration, like China's rapidly advancing technology and business models, can only happen in a society like China that allows continuous improvement, constant questioning, and continuous improvement. In fact, "truth, goodness and beauty" is an impossible triangle, and there is no way to achieve it all. Chinese culture takes the "good" and "beauty" in it, but Chinese culture is often not "true", in fact, it is "false goodness and beauty". Western culture takes the "truth" of "truth, goodness and beauty", which is often "ugly" and "evil", because he puts the true side of human human nature on the table, so the characteristics of Western culture are "true evil and ugly".

Due to the difference in essence between Chinese culture and Western culture, Western culture advocates the truth. Because of the belief in religion, the worship of the Lord must be real, not false. Religious belief attaches the most importance to truth, because if there is no truth, religious belief must be unstable, just like a tall building built on the beach, which is determined by the cultural basis of western history "worship of the Lord"! Western culture pays attention to truth, because in the face of the "Lord", there is no room for falsehood. But Western culture does not require everything to be good and beautiful, so Western culture is not afraid to expose ugliness and viciousness to the sun. It is better to expose the ugly and the evil than to ensure the truth!

Chinese culture is very moral, so it requires that everything is kind and beautiful, everything can withstand moral scrutiny, and everything is moral. China requires that all words must be written in the text, and use words to express truth and beauty, so China's "Chongde" culture does not value the real, but values kindness and beauty, so there are many falsehoods. It is difficult to judge the culture of "reverence" and "reverence for the Lord", who is better and who is worse, and both have their own advantages and disadvantages. The culture of Chongde is false goodness and beauty, which makes people look more comfortable, but it lacks real shock, impact and vitality. Over time, it may become a zombie or a plastic flower-like ornament because it has lost its vitality. The culture of worship is really evil and ugly, making people look very uncomfortable, although it has vitality and shocking power, but it is completely difficult to be accepted by human beings. There have been many truths in Western history that are unacceptable to human beings – massacres, world wars, drug trafficking (opium dumping in China), genocide, nuclear weapons, and this reality is constantly hurting the hearts of human beings and continuing to affect the world in which we live.

Chinese civilization and Western civilization are very different, the essence of Chinese civilization is still based on reverence, Western civilization has experienced two stages of reverence for the Lord and the wisdom, and has the common characteristics of both the Lord and the Wisdom. For example, the famous Western political scientist Machiavelli, in his great book "On Kings", has a sentence : "The death of one person is a tragedy, and the death of 1 million people is only a number." This kind of statement cannot be accepted in any case in the context of Chinese Chongde, because the context of Chinese Chongde mainly holds that "one person is a tragedy, and 1 million people is a greater tragedy." "In the Chinese context, there is no such stark distinction between the dead and the dead 1 million. In essence, Western civilization reveres the Lord and the Intellect, but it does not pay attention to morality. Although there are many acts that have made significant contributions to humanity under the constraints of pre-religious Christianity and later religious liberalism, political correctness, and universal values, their essence is still immoral. At the same time as revering the Lord, in the last 500 years of war, the Chongzhi way of thinking has been introduced, which has made the coldness, calmness and indifference of his thinking play to the extreme, forming a very objective scientific analysis method. This kind of calmness and objectivity, I don't know whether it is the progress of human civilization or the regression of human civilization?