
The Jin Dynasty in the Chronology of Chinese History - 280 AD

author:Moon White Jun 468

Emperor Wu of Jin Dynasty

(280 AD) The fourth year of Wu Tianji in the first year of the Jin Dynasty

Spring is the first month of the ugly, five-color qi crown day, from 卯 to unitary.

Emperor Wu's grandson Sun Haoli Zhongshan, Dai and other eleven kings, amnesty.

The Jin general Wang Hun led his division out of Hengjiang, dispatched Chen Shen and Zhang Qiao, the lieutenants, to attack the cities of Wu xunyang sexiang, and then attacked Wuya's general Kong Zhong, all of which were destroyed, and Wu Wuwei's general Zhou Xing and five others were captured.

The Jinzhen Southern General Du Pre-Chen Bing was in Jiangling, and sent fan xian, Yin Lin, Deng Gui, Xiangyang Taishou Zhou Qi, and others to lead the people to the west of Jiangxi, and gave the festival, and between the ten days and the end of the day, the city of Leke, all as premeditated.

The Jin general Wang Jun (王浚) led the navy and army from Chengdu and the 70,000 men of SanshuiHu in Liangzhou to cut down Wu, so that Li Yi and He Pan could join the army. Before the hair, the tooth gate was suppressed, and the beloved attendant was also killed, and the crowd was not solemn.

On the afternoon of February, the Jin general Wang Jun led the Badong supervision army and the Guangwu general Tang Bin to attack Wu DanyangCheng, Kezhi, and captured his Danyang supervisor Sheng ji. The Wu people cut off the key points of the river in the dangerous moraine, and cut it with iron locks, and also made an iron cone long and long, and secretly placed it in the river to resist the ship. First, Yang Hu was captured by Wu spies and had a certificate of knowledge. Junnai made a raft for dozens of steps, and more than a hundred steps, tied the grass to man, and was armoured with a staff, so that those who were good at water took the raft first, and the raft met the iron cone, and the cone went away on the raft. And as a torch, more than ten meters long, dozens of circumferences, poured with sesame oil, in front of the ship, encountered a lock, burned the torch, whiskered, melted the liquid cut off, so the ship did not hinder. The cities of Wuyuanjiang all looked forward to the wind surrendering, or pulled out when they saw the attack, but Jianping Taishou Wuyan insisted, and the Jin people could not overcome the attack, but retreated.

Gengshen, Wang Junke Xiling, killed Wu Xiling Governor, Zhenjun General Liu Xian, Zhengnan General Cheng Xuan, Xiling Supervisor Zheng Guang, Yidu Taishou Yu Zhong.

Du, the great general of the Southern Jin Dynasty, dispatched Yamen Guanding, Zhou Zhi, wu chao, and others to lead eight hundred strange troops to cross at night in order to attack Lexiang, with multiple banners, and to set fire to Bashan, out of the key places, to deter Wu Bing. Sun Xin, the governor of Wu, was terrified, and Wu Yanshu, the governor of Jiangling, said: "The armies that come from the north are flying across the river." "Wu's men and women descended to more than 10,000 mouths, and the purpose, nest, and other ambush soldiers outside the city. Sun Xin sent an army to resist the Jin general Wang Jun, and was defeated and returned. Zhou Zhi and others sent ambush troops, and entered with the Xin army, but they did not realize it until they were under the tent and returned. Therefore, the army said for the premonition: "To count the war on behalf of one million." So he marched into Gangneung. On the same day, Wang Junke Wu Jingmen and Yidao Ercheng killed Lu Yan, the Marquis of Jiangling. Yi Ugly, Wang Junkele Township City, was captured by Yan Di's water army in the Middle Xia Governor Lu Jing, killed, Jing Shi Chinese New Year's Eve, Jing's wife, Sun Hao's sister, and Jing Ju Zhang Cheng's grandson also. Wu Pingxi's general Shi Hong and others surrendered Wang Jun.

Wu Jiangling Governor Wu Yan pretended to surrender and the soldiers dengyin, Jia Shu, Du Preke Jiangling, and Cut Yan. At the beginning of the attack on Jiangling, the Wu people knew that Du was pre-ill and fearful of his wisdom, showing it with the neck of the dog, and each big tree resembled a gall, and the axe made white, and the inscription was: "Du pre-neck." "And the city, hunt and kill them."

Du Pre was equal to the upper class, so south of Yuanxiang, as for Jiaoguang, Wu Zhizhou County all looked forward to the wind and returned to the order, and sent the seal silk, and the pre-battle festival was called the edict and appeased. All those who were killed and born were given the fourteenth governor of Wu, the superintendent of the army, and more than one hundred and twenty people of yamen and county guards. And because of the might of the soldiers, the general Tun Shu's house was in the north of the Shijiang River, and the chief officials of the trees in the hometown of the South County, and the Jing soil was solemn, and the Wu people went to the house as if they were returning. Wang Jun first listed Sun Xin's head, and the prognosis was sent to Xin, and Luo Zhong thought he was laughing.

Jinpingnan general Hu Fenke Jiang'an.

The Jin general Wang Rong (王戎) sent Liu Qiao (劉乔) and Luoyang Luo Shang (襄阳羅尚) to lead the forward Jijiang and attack Wuchang with Wang Jun, while the Wu generals Yang Yong ( 杨雍 ), Sun Shu ( Sun Shu ) , and Jiang Xia Taishou ( 江夏太守 ) Liu Lang ( Liu Lang ) each led the troops to surrender. Rong's army was near the river, and Wu Yamen surrendered Meng Tai to Puchun and Yi'er Counties. Emperor Wu sent Shang Shu to serve Yu Yu to hold the festival capital Governor Wuchang had already entered the military, and Yu first went up to the festival to seal the silk, and then submitted.

Liu Qiao, Zi Zhongyan, Nanyang Ren also. His ancestors, the Han Dynasty, were enfeoffed as marquises of An, and passed down for three generations. Zu Xuan, Wei Shizhong. Father Fu, Chen Liuxiang. Qiao Shao was the secretary Lang, and the Jianwei general Wang Rong was introduced to join the army.

Wang Junzhi Ke Wu Changye, Jia Chong dispatched the envoy table: "Wu Wei can be determined, Fang Xia, Jianghuai is wet, the disease will rise, it is advisable to summon the army, thinking that it is the last map." Although the waist is cut off, it is not enough to thank the world. Zhang Huayu ping Wu Zhizhi, so he was full of words. Du Premonition was full of music, and chi was stubbornly arguing, saying: "Xi Leyi used the Battle of Jixi to strengthen together, and now the military power has been strengthened, such as breaking bamboo, after a few sections, they are all solved, and there is no return to the hand." "Zhongshu Supervisor Xun Xun plays, it should be like a table. Emperor Sima Yan of Jin did not comply.

Yi Hai, the Jin Emperor made Wang Jun the general of Pingdong, False Festival, Du Duyi, and Liang Erzhou, and the Badong overseers Tang Bin and the Pingnan army were all instructed. General Li Yi, who joined the army, entered Wuling from Fuling and would meet Baling. The edict reads: "Jun, Bindong, sweep away Baqiu, and together with Hu Fen and Wang Rong, Pingxiakou and Wuchang, follow the long stream, directly build moling, and judge and judge with Fen and Rong." Du Predang calmed Zero, Gui, and Huai Ji Hengyang. After the soldiers passed, the southern border of Jingzhou was determined by the transmission, and the ten thousand people were given to Jun, and seven thousand to Bin. Xiakou was peaceful, and fenyi gave it to Jun with 7,000 people. Wuchang was gone, and Rongdang increased his number with 6,000 men. The lieutenants moved the tun xiang, and the governors of the various parties. So the armies marched together.

The Jin general Wang Hun sent Li Chun, the protector of Wu, to gaowangcheng, forced Jianye on the river, and begged the Wu general Yu Gong to break it, and many of them were captured. Wu Liwu's general Chen Dai and Pingyu's general Zhu Ming fell in fear.

Emperor Wu sent his army division, The Chancellor Zhang Ti to supervise the escort of sun zhen, Danyang Taishou Shen Ying, and the deputy military division Zhuge Liang, led a crowd of 30,000 people to attack, and the army reached Niuzhu and Ying: "The Jinzhi water army is in Shu jiuyi, and now the country is in a big move, and the efforts of thousands of miles will be made to the floating river of Yizhou." I am a high-class army, unguarded, famous generals are dead, young and young are in office, afraid of the border rivers and cities, and there is no way to do anything. The water army of Jin will end here! It is advisable to wait for a battle. If the day of victory, Jiangxi self-clear, although the upper part is bad, it can be returned. Now cross the river against the war, victory can not be guaranteed, if or destroyed, then the big thing will be gone. "Wu Zhi will die, and the wise and foolish know it, not today." I am afraid that when the Shu soldiers come here, the hearts of the people will be frightened and will not be able to be restored. Now it is advisable to cross the river and use a decisive battle to fight. If it is lost, it will die together with the society and have nothing to hate. If he wins, then the northern enemy will run away, and the strength of the army will be ten thousand times greater, so he should take the south of Wei and go against the middle way, and he will not worry about it or break it. If, as the son counts, he is afraid that his deeds will be scattered, and he will sit and wait for the enemy to arrive, and the kings and subjects will surrender, and there will be no more victims, and he will not be humiliated! "Then cross the river, surround the Jin Dynasty Liyang Governor Zhang Qiao at YangHe Bridge, Qiao Zhongcai 7,000, closed the fence and defended himself, and raised bai to surrender. Wu's deputy army commander Zhuge Liang wanted to slaughter him, and he said: "When a strong enemy is in front, it is not appropriate to do something small first; and it is ominous to kill and surrender." Liang Yue: "This kind of rescue soldier has not arrived and has little strength, so it is false to slow me down, not to ambush me." Because it has no war heart and exhausts it, it can become the spirit of the three armies. If you give up what you do, you will suffer another one. "Don't follow it, touch it."

Wang Hun sent Sima Sun and Zhou Jun, the Assassin of Yangzhou, to confront Zhang Ti. Wu Dan Yang Taishou Shen Ying led Dan Yang Rui to a sword of 5,000, known as the Qing Turban Soldiers, and repeatedly fell into Jian Chen before and after, so he rushed to the Southern Army of Huaihuai and did not move. Retreating to lead the chaos, the Jin generals Xue Sheng and Jiang Ban took advantage of their chaos, the Wu army collapsed in the second place, the general Could not stop, and the general Zhang Qiao came out again, defeating the Wu army at Banqiao. Zhuge Liang and five or six hundred people retreated, so that they greeted Zhang Ti, but they refused to go, and Liang took himself by the way, saying: "There are a large number of the world's survival and death, and it is not known to qing qing alone, so how can he take his own death?" "Zhongsi, today is the day of my death." And when I was a child, I was plucked by the Qing family, and I often feared that I would not die. Now that he is in the community, why should he be reclusive? Don't be dragged. "Liang Drooled and went to more than a hundred steps, and he was already killed by the Jin army." Jin Bing was beheaded by Sun Zhen, Shen Ying, etc., and the first prisoner was 7,800 ranks, and Wu was greatly shocked.

Zhou Jun, Zi Kailin, Ru Nan'an Adult also. Father Pei, Shaofu Qing. The fruit is strong. See with wisdom, discern by humanity. The townspeople Shi Yao was lowly and unknown to all, so Jun du introduced him as a friend, so he took his sister and wife, and Yao was famous in the world. At the beginning of the jun, he should not be divided into prefectures and counties, and later Shi Wei was shang shulang. Li Qian Yushi Zhongcheng ,Worship the General of Folding Chong , Yangzhou Assassin History , and Marquis of Yang.

Liu Rong, a man from Songyang in Linhai, went from Zhang Ti to Yang Province, and on the second day that Rong fell ill and died in the ship, the army had already landed, and there was no one buried, and suddenly shouted, "People tie up the army division!" Man Binding Division! "The sound is stirred, and it comes alive. When the man asked, Rong Yue said: "When the heavenly Dipper gate saw the people binding Zhang Ti, they were shocked, and they did not feel that they shouted, saying' Why tie Zhang Junshi. The men of the door were furious and went away. Rong went, terrified, and his mouth began to rise. "On his day, he died in battle.

In March, Wang Hun marched into Tun at Hengjiang. When the general Wang Jun of the Dragon Dragon broke through the top, he said that Yangzhou stabbed Shi Zhou Jun: "Zhang Ti led the elite pawns, and the people of the State of Wu were destroyed here, and the wu dynasty and the opposition were not deterred." Now that Wang Longjun has broken through Wuchang, his soldiers are very powerful, and he has gone down the river, and the situation of the earth collapse is seen. It is said that it is advisable to cross the river quickly, pointing directly to Jianye, and the army arrives, seizes its courage, and can be captured without a fight. "If you do your best, you will make it white." Yun Yue: "If you are secretly involved in the situation, and if you want to be careful and avoid blame, you will not obey me." Jungu made Baizhi, Hun Guo said: "Commanded but ordered Jiangbei to resist the Wu army, not to make light advance." Although Guizhou is militaristic, how can it be alone in Jiangdong! He who disobeys his commandments now is not enough to overcome, but if he is not victorious, he is guilty of a grave sin. And the edict decreed that the dragon should be tempered by me, but when he was a king, he would be able to help for a while. Yun Yue: "The Dragon Dragon Is a Thousand Miles of Kou, who has received the degree of temperance with the merits of both help, has not heard of it." And the need to hold the army, but to take it, the so-called order is not resigned. If you cross the river now, you will be able to get it all, so what will you worry about? If you are suspicious of bad luck, you cannot be said to be wise; if you know it, you cannot say that you are loyal, and you despise the whole state so you hate it. "I don't listen.

Wang Junzhi, Wang Hun summoned, Junzhi did not come, down the river drum, the path to build three mountains. Emperor Wu sent the guerrilla general Zhang Xiang to lead the Zhou army of 10,000 people to Wang Jun, and the elephant army looked at the flag and surrendered.

In the beginning, every time Emperor Wu feasted on his courtiers, he was all salty and drunk. Ten people of the Yellow Gate Lang, especially not with the wine, serve all day long, for the official of the division. After the feast, each played its own mistakes, the blame of contempt, the guilt of fallacies, and the recklessness of omission. The great one is the punishment of Jiawei, and the little one is guilty. There are thousands of harems, and there is no choice. And the waters entered the palace, and the palace people had dissatisfactory people, and they killed them. Or peel off the face of a man, or chisel the eye of a man. Shang Shu Cen Was Dangerous and Noble, And Wastrothed to the Nine Columns, Good Meritorious Service, and Suffering of the People. It is to centrifuge up and down, not to do our best, to cover up the evil has been extreme, and not to return to fate.

Bing Yin, hundreds of people close to the palace prostrated their heads and asked Emperor Wu to know: "The Northern Army is approaching, and the soldiers do not raise their blades, Your Majesty will do the same!" The emperor said, "Why?" Right: "Sit Cen Fu." Hao said alone, "Joel, be a slave to the people." The crowd said, "Only! "So I put it together. Emperor Luo yi chased after it, and it was slaughtered.

Wu Xuling's governor Tao Jun, who was also introduced from Wuchang, asked the water army for news, and said: "The Shu ships are small, and now they have 20,000 soldiers, and they fight on big ships and attack them on their own feet." "So the congregation gave the knot of the knot. Wu Bing heard that Wang Junjun's flag armor belonged to the Tianman River, and its might was very strong, and it was not afraid to break it. When the day strikes, the night crowd flees.

Emperor Wu used Guanglu Xue Ying and Zhongshu Ling Hu Chongji to send a surrender to Sima Ling and Wang Hun ( 王浑 ) , saying : "Sun Hao of Wu County prostrated his head and committed the death penalty. The Former Han Dynasty lost its imperial palace, Kyushu was divided, and the ancestors were slightly jiangnan at the time, so they blocked the mountains and rivers and separated from Wei. Great Jin Longxing, virtue over the sea, dark and inferior stealing, not the destiny of heaven. As for the present, the six armies are indecent, Heng Gai Lu ci, and Linjiangzhu. The whole country was shocked, false breath missed, dared to go to the Heavenly Dynasty, and included Hongguang. I would like to send the private office too often Zhang Kui and others to be enshrined in the seal, and entrust the order to ask for orders, but to accept it, so as to save yuanyuan. "Its text, xue ying made also."

Emperor Wu was about to be defeated, and he wrote to his uncle Situ He Zhishu: "The former emperor used the strategy of divine martial arts, fought for three thousand pawns, divided Jiangnan, swept across Jiaojiao and Guangzhou, opened up Hongji, and wanted to save the world." To the end of the lonely virtue, the heir to the Shou Chengxu, can not be pregnant with Li Yuan, mostly for the blame, in order to violate the heavens. The change of obscurity, on the contrary, is auspicious, resulting in the rebellion of the southern barbarians and the conquest of undefeated. Hearing the masses of Jin, far away from the River, Shu exhausted, and all the people retreated, while Zhang Ti did not react, and more than half of the lost troops were lost. Lonely and ashamed, bored today. Tao Jun watched the west of Wuchang and did not defend it. Those who do not defend, those who are not undernourished, those who are not solid in the city, and the soldiers will turn their backs on the ears of war. When soldiers fight on their backs, do they resent the evil of soldiers? The sin of loneliness also. Astronomy County changed to the top, the people sighed indignantly, looking at the situation, the danger was like a tired egg, Wu Zuo finally cursed, what a situation! Heavenly bandits died in Wu, and the lonely ones were also recruited. Look at the yellow soil, when fu He Yan sees the four emperors! Gong Qixun Encourages Qimu, Flying Pen to Smell. Hao also left behind the book of his courtiers: "Loneliness is immoral, and it is necessary to follow the first track." Over the years, the government and religion were fierce, so that the people were trapped for a long time, so that the dynasty was destined to have a way, the society was overthrown, the temple was ownerless, ashamed of the mountains, and there was no remaining sin. Since he is empty and thin, he has stolen the honorific title, and he is trivial and obscene, and he is a prince, so Zhou Yi has the commandment of folding, and the poet has the ridicule of the other. Self-contained palace room. Still clinging to the disease, the calculation is insufficient, the thinking is lost, and there are many absurd places. The villain on the side, because of the cruelty and cruelty, the abuse of poison, the loyalty is killed. Ignorant, looking for its cover, lonely and burdened the kings, things are difficult to map, and the water cannot be collected. Nowadays, the Great Jin Dynasty rules the four seas, and the hard work is to promote the sage, and it is the autumn of the handsome exhibition festival. Guan Zhong is extremely vengeful, Huan Gongzhi, Liang, Ping, Chu, into the Han Chen, give up chaos and reason, not disloyal. Mo Yi shifted the dynasty to change Shuo, and used to damage Zhi Zhi. JiaXun Xiu Shang, love and respect for movement. Fu Fu what he said, just throw pen! "Send He Zhi and the Jianwei general Sun Yan to send Wang Hun to surrender.

Nongshen, the Jin Pingdong general Wang Jun with the boat division as for the stone of Jianye, Emperor Sun Hao of Wu was terrified, it was a gift to prepare for the subjugation of the country, a white horse, a flesh and a white horse, a fleshy face, a sheep, a doctor in decline, a soldier, and twenty-one people, including his crown prince Sun Jin and JinDi Lu Wang Sun Qian, were built in Leimen. The Knotweed Festival was untied and sent to Kyoto. Collect his books, Texas 4, counties 43, counties 313, households 523,000, officials 33,000, soldiers 230,000, men and women 2.3 million, rice valley 2.8 million Huo, more than 5,000 boats, more than 5,000 harems. His pastoral guards were all placed by Wu, and in addition to his harsh government, the display was simple, and the Wu people were very happy.

Tomorrow, Wang Hun Shi Ji Jiang, and Zhou Jun together to Wu Chenglei, SuiFu Xinfu, Deng Jianye Palace, And JiuJiu Gaohui. In addition to the death of the kingdom, hun said: "After the kings have perished, they have nothing to do with each other? Wu Wu was unable to supervise Zhou Fu and said: "The end of the Han Dynasty fell apart, the Three Kingdoms were established, Wei perished in front, Wu died in the back, and the relatives of the fallen country were the only ones!" "Shame on you.

Wang Hun deeply hated Wang Jun, and wanted to fight with him. He Yunji and Zhou Junyue: "The Book of Gui Ke Rang, the Yi Of Great Humble Light, the Ancient Wen Yong, the Taoist Revered. Before breaking Zhang Ti, the Wu people lost their temper, and Long Jun trapped him in ou yu because of this. Before and after, I really slowed down, moved to hurt, and did not happen. And now the party is competing for its work. He will not swallow his voice, and will lose the glory of Yongmu, the contempt of the controversy, and the foolishness of the fool. "Junde note, that is, to stop the hun, the hun can not be accepted, so the phase of the performance." He Pan, who joined the army, persuaded Wang Jun to send Hao and Hun to solve the matter.

Wu Sikong Teng repaired the guangzhou rebel general Guo Ma, and before he could conquer, he was promoted to attack Wu, and Xiu led the crowd to the disaster. When Sun Hao had surrendered to Baqiu, he returned with a weeping snot, and sent a seal to Shi Lufeng of Guangzhou and Wang Yi of Cangwu Taishou, and ordered him to be the general of Annan, and the pastor of Guangzhou, Zhijie, and Dudu were as old as before, and they were enthroned as Marquis of Wudang, and they were encouraged to be entrusted with southern affairs. Repaired in the southern ji nian, it was attached to the border yi.

Wu Ping, the Jianwei general Wang Rong crossed the river, appeased the new annex, and preached Wei Hui. Wu Guangluxun Shi Wei fang straight, not tolerate Hao Dynasty, said that the disease returned home. Rong Jiaqi Qing Festival, recommended by the table. Zhao Baiwei became a negotiator and died with two thousand stones. Thorn soil is pleasing to the table.

Wu Ping, military strike. Emperor Sima Yan sent a servant to treat Zhongcheng Xian.

Sima Ling, the evil king of Lang, sent sun hao to himself and sent envoys to Hao and his empress Dowager Teng. Hao's family moved west to Luoyang.

In the beginning, the edict made Wang Junxia Jianping, subject to Du Pre-Festival, to Moling, to Wang Hun Festival. Foreshadowing to Jiangling, he said to the generals: "If You can go down to Jianping, then you will drive down the river for a long time, and your prestige is already established, so it is not appropriate for you to be subject to me." If you can't do it, you won't be able to get the temperance. When he went to Xiling, he wrote to him: "If you destroy your Western Tombs, you should take the Moling Tombs by the way, and ask for the misfortunes of the world, and release the Wu people from the charcoal." From the river into Huai, beyond Si Bian, tracing the river up, Zhen Brigade is still the capital, and it is also a matter of the world. "Jun Da Yue, the table is in advance. And When Jun was about to arrive at Moling, Wang Hun sent a letter to order the matter to be temporarily discussed, and Jun raised his sail to point directly, reporting: "The wind is good, and it is not allowed to be poo." Wang Hun jiu broke Sun Hao's army, beheaded Zhang Ti, and so on, and the Soldiers did not dare to enter. And the jun took advantage of the victory and surrendered, and the shame and anger were expressed, but the jun violated the edict without moderation, and the accusation of guilt. There is a Si Sui according to the Jun's sill car sign, Di Fu Xu, the edict to let jun yue: "Cutting down the state is a heavy matter, it is advisable to order one." The former edict made the general under the general Ofe Che Hun Jie, hun thought deeply, and the case was waiting for the general. Before the clouds and the path, they did not follow their lives, violated the rules of ignorance, and even lost their righteousness. The merits of the general, Jane in the heart, when the commandment, the worship of the king's law, and in the end of the matter, the merit is wanton, how can the emperor make the world? "Junshang Shu self-care:

The subject was edicted by Gengji: "The soldiers take advantage of the victory, the fierce pot is strong, and the bento should go down the river and build the MoLing Tomb." "The day the subject is commanded, even if he goes east. He was also edicted that "Tai Wei Jia Chong President All Directions, Since Zhendong General Ling and Hun, Jun, Bin, etc. are all subject to temperance", there is no order for the subjects not to be subject to the Hun Festival.

The subject zi lian baqiu, the direction of the popularity, know That Sun Hao is poor, the momentum is nothing. From the fourteenth day to Niuzhu, go to Moling for two hundred miles, set up a part, for the capture of the festival. Before going to the Three Mountains, seeing that the Hun army was on the north shore, sending letters and subjects, they could come temporarily, and they shared what they discussed, and they did not say that the ministers should be subject to the meaning of moderation. The subjects and sailors were in full swing, taking advantage of the situation to build a thief city, and there was a sub-order of the plus accommodation, and there was no reason to return to the ship in the long stream, so that the head and tail were cut off. Between the two of them, Hao sent the messenger to his destiny. The subject immediately reported the book and wrote a note to show the hun, so that he could come quickly and treat him with stones. The army went to Moling in the middle of the day, and Twilight was given a charm of moderation by Hun, and wanted to make the general of the sixteenth day of the Ming Dynasty, and also surrounded the stone, preparing Hao to escape. He also asked the Shu soldiers and the soldiers in zhennan to be named. The subject thought that Hao had come to the capital pavilion and had no chance to join the empty wall. And the soldiers are determined, and they must not be rushed, and they are not the urgent needs of the day, and they cannot be used. The Zhongzhao said that the subjects neglected to abandon the Ming system and arbitrarily did so. Reading the strict edict, he was terrified and terrified, and did not know what his body should be thrown into. But the old minister was alone in the war, and the three armies were all depressed. Subjects are favored by the state, have great responsibilities, and are often afraid that the entrustment will not be effective, and they will be lonely and responsible for the holy pilgrimage, so they throw themselves into the land of death, turn to the battle, and be forgiven by the grace of forgiveness, and they must be from the right place. It is based on Lai Weiling, fortunately able to help, are all counted by His Majesty's divine temple. Subjects undertake to give instructions, follow the ears of eagle dogs, and do what they do and do their best, and would rather dare to disobey the holy edicts for profit.

If the subject goes to Moling from fifteen to moling, and the edict begins in Luoyang on the sixteenth, and hangs widely in between, and does not go to each other, then the guilt of the subject should be forgiven. If Sun Hao had the tendency of a praying mantis to raise an axe, and the subjects entered alone, they suffered some losses, and the crime could also be committed. The subjects unified more than 80,000 people, and swept by victory. Hao rebelled against his relatives, had no wings, was independent, could not shelter his wife, and the sparrows were greedy and begged for a living ear. However, the armies in northern Jiangbei did not know its falsehood, and did not tie it up early, which was a small mistake. The subject will receive it, and he will see the resentment, and keep the thief for a hundred days, and let others get it, and the words will be loud and unheard.

The righteousness of the case "Spring and Autumn", the doctor came out of Xinjiang, by the special. Although the subject is stupid, he thinks that it is the way of the king, but he should do his best to be loyal, work hard, accept the appointment according to his ability, make arrangements for the sake of the situation, and make profits and social welfare, and live and die. If he cares about suspicion and avoids blame, this is the benefit of infidelity of his subjects, and it is not the blessing of the Lord's Society. The subject does not expect it, forgets his contempt, Phi Budan heart, loses the liver and brain, wants to exhaust the strength of the humerus, coupled with loyalty, will sweep away the fierce rebellion, clear the universe, and wish to make the holy world and Tang Yu Bilong. His Majesty's coarse observation of the foolishness of his subjects, and the sincerity of his desire to serve himself, is to entrust his subjects with the appointment of Fang Mu and to entrust them with the matter of requisition. Although the Yan Lord's Faith le yi, Han Zu's Ren Xiao He, there is no way to add to it. Deeply blessed, dead and unrequited, but stubborn, wrong. His Majesty Hong'en, Cai Jia Che Rang, fearful camp, landless self-sufficiency, may His Majesty Ming Chen's heart be pure.

Wang Hun also teng Zhou Junshu, and Yun Junjun obtained Wu Treasure. Junfu table:

By the edict of Nong shu, the lower Andong general went to Yangzhou to stab Shi ZhouJunshu, saying that the various armies of the subjects had obtained Sun Hao's treasures, and that the tooth gatekeeper Li Gao set fire to the Hao pseudo-palace. Shang Shu on the official documents, with the end of the book. He also heard that the hun case trapped the courtiers. Subjects are subject to sexual foolishness, to act in deeds, to advance in faith, and to live up to the gods. The things of Mo Ling are as shown before, and the evil is straight and ugly, and there are many disciples, who want to construct nanji, become this shell, and be righteous in the holy world, and turn white into black.

Evil and evil have been true since ancient times. Therefore, Wuji broke Chu, Zai Yao destroyed Wu, and Shi Xian, and the Chaos of the Han Dynasty, all of which are recorded in the classics and are disciplined by the world. Xi Le yi qi, went down to the city of seventy, and the pawn was slandered, and ran away. Happy sheep is both anti-, slanderous and full of books. The situation is stubborn, and it can avoid the mouth of slander! However, he who desires all his leaders, it is his Majesty's Saint ZheQinming, that the saying of infiltration cannot be carried out. However, the subjects are isolated and independent, there is no party support in the DPRK, they have abandoned the outside world for a long time, and their humanity is cut off, and they hate the strong sect and resent the Hao clan. With the body of a tired egg, in the rush of thunder, the quality of the cocoon, when the path of the jackal, its see swallowing, will not resist the teeth!

If a husband commits a crime against the Lord, his sin can be saved, and if he is obedient to his nobles, misfortune is unpredictable. Therefore, Zhu Yun folded the sills, the baby was angry against the scales, qing was jealous to save it, and Emperor Cheng did not ask. Wangzhi and Zhou Kan violated Shi Xian, although they sighed in the face, but death did not heed. This subject is also terrified. Inside and outside the in-laws of the Present Hun Branch, they are all based on the Rock LF and are in the world. Hearing and dispatching people in Luozhong, monopolizing on cross-construction, stealing words and listening to Kong Gan, and listening in doubt. The husband did not kill anyone, but also knew it, but the three of them passed it on, and his mother threw it. The faith and deeds of the present minister have not been written as they have been, but the slander is boiling, not the pair of the three disciples, and the external and inner fans are the response of the two and five. The beast is on the way, the unicorn is afraid, the situation is fragile, and dare not be afraid.

The pseudo-Wu Junchen, who is now born, can be examined to make it clear that the truth is false. The former pseudo-general Kong Said that wuchang fell in February and the water army marched. Hao's case was stoned, and everyone on the left and right jumped the knife and shouted, "We must fight for the death of Your Majesty." "With great joy, he said that he would be able to do so, and he gave out the golden treasure to give it." The little man has no form, but he has to take it away, and he is afraid, and he wants to bow his head. The envoys went down, plundered their belongings left and right, took their wives and concubines, and set fire to the palace. Hao fled, fearing that he would not escape death, and sent the lord of the army to save his fire ear. Zhou Jun entered the Hao Palace sixteen days ago, and the minister sent the diary room officials to look at the books, and the jun envoys were bound. If there is a relic, it will be obtained before the dredging, and should not be moved to the posterity, and it is necessary to seek to avoid it.

The subject received a book in the three mountains: "Hao scatters treasure goods to give soldiers, and the treasury is slightly empty." And now repeating that "gold and silver are in the air, there are thousands of moves", and the suspected subjects have won it. Words are repeated, there is no replica. Chenfu, together with The Military Commander Zhang Mu and Ru Nanxiang Feng Zhen, entered the Guan Hao Palace, but there was no seat to sit on. The next day, he and Mu and others looked at the Hao boat together, and Hun and the first minister got on his ship one day, and the things on the ship were all known to him. The cases of the subjects are all out of the woods, and if there are treasures, they deserve it.

The generals were strict, and the soldiers were not allowed to leave the troops in vain. The armies at Moling. Where two hundred thousand. The subjects came first and were the lords of the land. The hearts of the people belong to the courtiers, and the subjects are led by the edicts, and the autumn does not violate them. All have city changes, all have Wu Ren Zhengzuo, Ming Cong's voucher deed, violators, and all thirteen people are known to the Wu people. The Yu army is rampant, falsely calling the subject army, and the subject army is all Shu people, fortunately, they are all From the ear, and the generals of the dujun are all Yi Qi, and the subject armies are all gathered to steal and steal! At that time, there were more than 800 people, and the stone city robbed the cloth. The general Ma Qian of the Chenya gate immediately received more than twenty people, and neglected the names of his governors, and moved them to Pay Jun, so that he would be self-disciplined, and there was no retribution, and all suspects were dispatched.

I also heard Wu Renyan say that during the war of former Zhang Ti, he killed 2,000 people, while Hun and Junlu Buyan had tens of thousands. With Wu Gangzi as the main book, he sent Gang to Luo, hoping to increase the number of slashes. If you ask Sun Hao and his courtiers, you will know that he has been judged. If you believe as you have heard, jun and so on are deceitful, and still deceive your majesty, it is not a pity to be a subject! Yunchen Tun gathered the Shu people, and from time to time sent Hao, wanting to have a reaction. And fearing the Wu people, all the ministers should be killed, and their wives should be taken, hoping that they would make trouble, and they would be angry with them. Plotting rebellion and rebellion, still seeing plus, the rest of the slander, so it is appropriate to hear.

Hun Case Minister "bottled a small instrument, was generously favored by the country, frequently promoted, and passed his duties." Hun said this most faithfully, introspective and ashamed. This year, Ping Wu, sincerely for Daqing, yu Chen's body, is even more burdened. There is no good for Meng's side to lead the horse, but the Ji Ji Dynasty has evil people, and it is indecent to the wind of Mu Mu and the beauty of the imperial dynasty. By the stubbornness of the courtiers, so that to this, the watch sweated, and the words did not know the times.

Tang Bin and Wang Jun jointly attacked Wu, and Bintun rushed to the front of the army. Every time a suspicious soldier is set up, it should be won by chance, and Xiling and Lexiang should be trapped, and many of them should be captured. From the east of Baling and Qiukou, all the thieves gathered, and they were not afraid, and they turned against the flesh. Knowing that the thief Kou had been killed, Sun Hao would descend and not reach Jianye for two hundred miles, saying that he was sick and late to show that he was not competing. If there is a first-comer to compete for things, and the last-comers to compete for merit, there is no time to be aware of this move.

Yi You, the Jin Emperor unified the world, amnesty, changed the Yuan "Taikang", the five days of the Great Depression, and the old and the poor.

In the summer of April, the rain and hail in Hedong and Gaoping hurt the autumn crops.

Emperor Zhongzhong Zhang Bian and Huangmen Attendant Zhu Zhen sent Envoy Yang Yue to comfort him.


Bai Lin is found in Dunqiu.

Sanhe, Wei County, Hongnong rain hail, wounded Wheat.

In May Xinhai, the emperor made Sun Hao the Marquis of Guizhi, and the edict said: "Sun Hao was poor and forced to surrender, and the former edict treated him as immortal, and now Hao is hanging down, and he is still worried, and his title is Guifeng Hou." For the clothes and cars, the field is thirty hectares, the age is given to the valley five thousand, the money is half a million, the silk is five hundred horses, and the cotton is five hundred catties. "Prince Hao' son Sun Jin worships Zhonglang, and the sons are kings, and bailangzhong." Wu Zhi's old hopes are promoted to the end. The sun general's family that died in battle was relocated to Shouchun, and the officials crossed the river for ten years, and the people and hundreds of workers for twenty years.

Ding Hai, Sun Hao, and his subordinates were gathered in the Jin capital Luoyang.

Sun Haoshi, the internal servants offended You, but the Yellow Gate attendants Gu Rong and Sun Cheng were all alone. Chang made the two of them remember, and the adviser replied, Hao Yue: "From now on, the waiters will be used as the current clan chamber servants and Gu Rongyuye." "The emperor ordered Gu Rong to go to Luo, and ordered Fan Yang zhuo to be very impressive.

Gu Rong, zi yanxian, Wu guo wu people also, for the southern indigenous surname. Zu Guyong, Wu Cheng Xiang. Father Gu Mu, Yi Du is too guarded. Rongji Shen Lang Wu, weak crown Shi Wu, is the Yellow Gate Waiter Lang and Prince Fuyi Du Wei.

Wu Zhongshu ordered Hu Chongshi to be Jin Shang Shulang and Wu Juntaishou.

Wu Guangluxun Xue Ying went to Luoyang, specially first saw The Narrator, for the scattered riding regular attendants, answering questions and answering questions, all of which were methodical. The emperor asked Wu Shi about the wisdom and foolishness of the survivors, and Ying was right.

Wu Wu was unable to supervise Zhou into Luo and slightly move to Xinping Taishou. Fu and Rong Di, rebel Qiang, Yong Tu Meizhi. Turn Guanghan Taishou. There are many counties that have been delayed in litigation, and those who have not been decided after thirty years have been punished in detail and decided once. Return to the mother and old age. Find out the history of Chu Nei, the official of the unseen, and the worship of the scattered horse changshi. "The ancients did not resign from the big to the small." "It is the first. And the county has experienced mourning, mixed old and new, customs are not the same, the punishment of Dun to the doctrine, but also the examination of the remains of the ownerless and white bones in the wild burial, but the beginning of the march, far and near sigh. and live close to the waiter, many rules.

Wu Shangshu served Yu Yu as a Ting wei Shangshu, Ji Yin TaiShou, suppressing the strong and supporting the weak, and even imposing.

Yu Tuan's sixth son, Yu Yu, shrugged into the Jin Dynasty, and in addition to the River Phase, Sima Yusu, the King of Hejian, heard the fame and paid homage to him. Sensationalizing characters, staying in the shadows and loneliness. When Wang Qi was difficult to shrug, he was reached by Gao Shi, and he would be in harmony with the different, and he shrugged the book and the clan son: "The warrior of the world, once did not recruit unsightly in qiu yuan, Suo Liangcai was in the general indecency, the reputation has been achieved, the destruction has been defeated, so I sighed." "The mourning sacrifices were excessive, and the brother Jiyin was too defensive of Yu Yu, and the sacrifice was only a few prisons, and the wine and rice were only drunk, and the clan party did not obey it at that time." After the tower, he was a lieutenant of the Yue Cavalry School, a lieutenant of the Reiqian Dynasty, and a taishou of Xiangdong and Hejian;

After the fall of Wu, Jianping Taishou Wuyan began to surrender, and the emperor thought that Jincheng was too defensive. Emperor Yu calmly asked Xue Yingyue, "Sun Hao, so why should he be the one who destroyed the country?" Ying said: "Wu, the prince of Hou Chenhao, who is close to the villain, and the punishment is arbitrary, the minister and the general have no cronies, everyone is worried, each is not at ease, and the defeat is provoked, and thus the cause is done." Later, the emperor asked Yan again, and said, "Lord Wu is handsome, zaifu Xianming." The emperor smiled and said, "Junming Chenxian, what is the subjugation of the country?" Yan Yue: "Heavenly Lu is eternal, and the number of calendars has a genus, so it is captured for Your Majesty." When this covers the sky, how can people also! Zhang Huashi was sitting, saying yan yue: "Jun is a Wu general, who has accumulated years, scorns Er, and is ignorant and confused." Yan snapped, "Your Majesty knows me, but Qing qing doesn't hear me?" "Emperor Jiazhi." Turning to Dunhuang, Wayne was even more famous. Moving the Goose Gate is too guarded.

Sun Hao surrendered to Jin, and the handwritten letter was sent to the prefecture Mu Tao Huang to return to Tao Rong Huang. Huang ran out of tears for a few days, and sent the envoys to Luoyang. The emperor reinstated his post, made him the Marquis of Wanling, and changed him to a champion general.

Kong Yu, the character Jingkang, will ji Shan Yin people also. His ancestors lived in the State of Liang. Great-grandfather Kong Qian, Prince Shaofu, the late Han Dynasty avoided the place of the auditor, because of the family. Zu Kongzhu, Wu Yuzhang Taishou. Father Kong Tian, Xiangdong Taishou. From brother Kong Kan, the great Sinong. There is a famous Jiangzuo. In the thirteenth year of the year and orphaned, the adoptive grandmother was known as Filial Piety, and was on a par with the same county Zhang Maozi Weikang and Ding Tan Zi Shikang, and the people at the time were called "Huiji Sankang". Wu Ping, Yu moved to Luo.

Xia Fang, the character Wenzheng, will audit Yongxing people also. The family suffered from the plague, and the parents and uncles were grouped from the thirteen dead. In the fourteenth year of the square, the night is crying, the day is negative soil, ten has seven years, the burial is complete, because it is on the side of the tomb, planting pines and cypresses, and the black birds and beasts are tamed next to it. Wu Shi Bayern Yidu Lieutenant, tired of the five facial features of the Lang General. The pilgrimage has not tried to ride, and the line must give way. Wu Ping, except for the Alpine Order. The people who are guilty should be beaten, and the direction of the weeping does not add to the sin, and the size does not dare to commit the crime. In the third year of the official, the state raised Xiucai, returned home, died, at the age of eighty-seven.

Chen Xun, Zi Daoyuan, Li Yang ren. Less good occult, astronomy, arithmetic calendar, yin and yang, astrology are all comprehensive, especially good at wind angles. Emperor Wu thought that he was forbidden to be a lieutenant and made him occupy the marquis. The government is harsh, and it is known that it will be defeated and does not dare to speak. When Qiantang Lake opened, or when the world was at peace, Qinggai entered Luoyang. He asked for a lesson: "The subject can hope for qi, but he cannot reach the opening of the lake." He retreated to his friend: "Qinggai into Luo, there will be a matter of public opinion, not auspicious." "Seek and die. The training follows the internal migration and worships the righteous doctor. Russia returned home.

Dai Yang, zi guoliu, Wuxing Great Wall people also. In the twelfth year, he died of illness and died of illness. It is said that when he dies, he will be made a wine official, and he will be given a rune, and he will give the official a banner, and will go up to the mountains of Penglai, Kunlun, Jishi, Taimu, Heng, Lu, heng and so on. Having returned, feng yi old father said, "Ruhou should be enlightened, and be known to the nobles." "And long, so good wind corner." He is short and ugly, has no wind hope, but is good at Taoism, and mysteriously interprets the number of divinations. Wu Mo was a Taiwan official, knowing that Wu would die, and he was ill. and Wu Ping, back to the countryside. After traveling to Sexiang, passing through the Lao Tzu Ancestral Hall, all of which were the places that Yang Xi saw when he died, but he did not see the ears of the past. Because he asked Shouzang Ying Fengyue: "After going for more than twenty years, I have tasted that someone has traveled east on a horse, crossed the old jun without dismounting from the horse, did not reach the bridge, and fell off the horse of the deceased?" "The phoenix has it. The things asked are mostly the same as those of the ocean.

The Jin Dynasty was pingwu, and there were three of the twenty additional counties, Xingyang, Shangluo, Dunqiu, Linhuai, Dongguan, Xiangcheng, Ruyin, Changguang, Guangning, Changli, Xinye, Suijun, Yinping, Yiyang, Biling, Xuancheng, Nankang, Jin'an, Ningpu, Shiping, Kuyang, Leping, and Nanping. The provincial division is subordinate to Sizhou, the four prefectures of Liang, Qin, Ning, and Ping, still Wuzhi Guangzhou, Fanjiu Prefecture, Si, Ji, Yan, Yu, Jing, Xu, Yang, Qing, You, Ping, Yong, Liang, Liang, Yi, Ning, Jiao, Guangzhou. The county state is one hundred and seventy-three, still Wu placed twenty-five, still Shu xin placed eleven, still Wei placed twenty-one, still Han old ninety-three, placed twenty-three. It is thought that the country with the crown belt has the soil of Yin Zhou. If Nai Dun Pang is at the beginning of heaven and earth, it is clear in the world of the farmers, and it uses Chang Li Yuan, and does not fight for the frontier. And the jade ring neem ya, Yi Qiu wind driving, Nan Yi table Zhao, the east wind into the law, guang hu shangde, Xi Yuan Fu Zhen. However, the stars are beautiful in the sky, the mountains and rivers are in the land, the end is cut and its openness, the Kunhan judges its capital, and the look is looked down, and all things are returned. It is Luo Lan Xianyang, Like Qin Han, Jin Bin Hexi, Tongzhi Yaoyu, Yuzi Xinyi, the house is Ho Jing, the five-foot boy can all recite, and the book of Shi Guanfu is also.

Bing Yin, the Jin Emperor Sima Yan Linxuan Assembly, led Sun Hao to ascend to the temple, and the group of ministers xian called long live.

The group of ministers Shangshou, the emperor and the emperor drooled: "This sheep is too Fu Zhigong." "Because of the merits of Ke Ding, the temple was planned, and still according to Xiao He's story, he was crowned his wife. "The Emperor sent the Gurudwara Du Hong to tell the former Servant and Taifu Juping to become Marquis Hu: Former Wu was disrespectful, had the title of danger, and the suburbs were not opened, and there were many years. Hu was appointed to the Southern Xia, meditating on his difficulties, promoting the kingship of the outside, taking the temple of the inner scriptures, promoting sincerity, returning to the heart of Jiang Han, raising capital and planning a comprehensive strategy. Hao Tian does not hang, does not want to die, and mourns and hates the heart. It is the commander of the squad, the heavenly court, the soldiers do not exceed the time, they are destroyed in one march, and the rules of the past are in accordance with the contract. The husband reward does not lose labor, the state has a Yi code, it is advisable to increase the tuyu, in order to revere the former life, and seriously violate the principle of public high concession. Lady Xiahou of Jinfeng, a long-lived township prince, ate five thousand households, and gave ten thousand horses and gu wanhu. ”

The Jin Dynasty general Gongsun Xiuchu heard of Sun Hao's surrender, and the group of ministers Bi He, Xiu said that he was sick and did not agree, and the southward flowing wept: "In the past, the weak crown was started by a lieutenant, and in the future, the Lord lifted Jiangnan and abandoned it, and the Zongmiao Mountain Mausoleum is a ruin here." Leisurely heavens, who is this! "The court is beautiful. With Wu Ping and Sun Xiu as the general of Fubo, kaifu as before. The Che general Sun Kai of Danyang was demoted to the rank of General of The Liao Dynasty. Kai's strict handling of affairs is not as good as Sun Xiu's, and he is well-known in the world.

Yu Jun and others asked Sun Hao, "What about Lord Wu wearing a human face and cutting people's feet?" Ren Yue: "Pass by the accuser." The evil of a gentleman is inferior, and all the evils of the world are returned. It is not surprising to cover this matter, if you believe it. The five punishments of The Former Tang Dynasty and Yu Dynasty, the three generations and seven punishments, and the system of corporal punishment are not cruel. Hao is the lord of a country, with the handle of killing, sinners are trapped in the law, and punished, what a lot of sin! He who is cursed by the husband cannot be without complaint, and the one who is rewarded cannot be without admiration, and so can this person. He also asked, "The cloud returns to Hou is the evil man's cross-eyed and reverse-eyed, and all of them have their eyes chiseled, and there are all kinds of things?" Ren Yue: "There is no such thing, and the one who spreads it is false." Qu Li said that he regarded the Son of Heaven below the Emperor, the princes below the Yi, the Doctor from the Heng, and the Master from the Plane, and had to travel within five steps; if he regarded the upper to the balance, he was proud, the lower was worried, and the side was evil. Look at it with courtesy, and you must not be careless, but what about the people? To regard people as kings is the so-called arrogance of etiquette; arrogance is rude, rudeness is not subject, non-subject is crime, and crime is unpredictable. What will be lost if it is done? "Whatever Ren answers, Jun, etc., is good."

Ding Jiao, recommending the wine in the Taimiao Temple.

Six hailstorms in the county, wounding autumn crops.

At noon, the soldiers were over sixty years old and returned home.

The Pingdong general Wang Jun went to Kyoto, and there was a si song, and the jun table was not listed before and after the seven edicts of the month and day, and the pardon was not subject to the hun moderation after the violation of the edict, great disrespect, and Fu Tingwei was guilty. The edict reads: "Before the jun, he was commanded to build a moling tomb, and after that, he was subjected to the hun knot." If the edict is retained, if it is not issued, it will be ordered to be the same as the undocument, and it will not be passed. Jun is not on the table to be declared, this can also be blamed. There is a lot of conquest, not enough to cover it up. "There is another song, and after the amnesty, one hundred and thirty-five thieves' ships are burned, and lieutenant Fu Ting is forbidden to push. The edict "do not push".

Liu Song, a lieutenant of the court, served for six years, and his title was Xiangping. The generals competed for merit, and the emperor sent praises to the school, with Wang Hun as the upper merit and Wang Jun as the middle merit. The emperor was unreasonable in holding the law, and zuo moved to Jingzhao too defensively, no.

Gengchen (庚辰), on the merits of the feng, with Wang Jun as the auxiliary general, the Marquis of Xiangyang, led the infantry lieutenant. The old school was only five, and this camp was placed since the beginning of the dredging. There are si and play, auxiliary state Yibi, not for the official, do not put Sima on, do not give the official riding. Zhao Yizheng town gave five hundred large chariots, added 500 troops to the auxiliary state camp, gave hundreds of pro-horsemen and ten officials to ride, and placed Sima on it. He was given the title of Marquis of Xiangyang County, Yiwanhu. The Fengzi King YiyangXiang Tinghou (邑杨乡亭侯), with 1,500 households, gave 10,000 silk horses, and also gave 100,000 pieces of clothing, 300,000 yuan, and food.

He Pan joined the army as Wang Jun's auxiliary sima and was given the title of Marquis of Guannei. Turn the Xingyang Order, on the cheap ten things, even get the name.

Li Yi joined the army and was enfeoffed as the Marquis of Guannei, except for the Longxi Protector. Remove officials with disease, and move orders. Moved to Yunnan Taishou.

The Zhennan general Fengle Ting Marquis Du Prezhen brigade Kaijin, with the merit of the Marquis of Dangyang County, Zengyi and the first 9,600 households, Fengzi Du Tan as the Marquis of Ting, a thousand households, giving 8,000 silk horses.

The second son of Sima Ling, the evil king of Lang, was made the Marquis of Ting, and the edict said: "The evil king of Lang led the governor to lead the unification, and even according to Tu Zhong, so that the thieves could not save each other." He also caused Liu Hong, the evil minister of Lang, to march into the river, and the thieves were terrified, and sent envoys to serve the false seal. He also sent Changshi Wang Heng to lead the armies to cross the river, break the thieves to guard the side, get the governor Cai Ji, cut the road and surrender 50,000 or 60,000 counts, Zhuge Liang and Sun Yi all returned to their orders and asked for death, and the merits were mao. The two of his seals were the Marquis of Ting, each with 3,000 households, and 6,000 silk horses. "Then sima ling, the evil king of Lang, and supervise the military forces of Qingzhou, and add the service of serving in the middle." Enter the Great General, Kaifu Yi and the Three Divisions.

The general Andong and the Marquis of Jingling added the title, and the edict said: "The envoys of the Governor of Yangzhou, the general of Andong, and the Marquis of Jingling, Wang Hun, led the commander of the governor, so they forced moling, so that the thief Sun Hao saved himself in self-defense, and he was not allowed to divide his troops to go forward, so as to become the merit of the western army, and destroyed the enemy, and won Zhang Ti, so that Hao's way was exhausted, and he was bound and begged." Sui Ding Mo Ling, meritorious deeds. He was enfeoffed with 8,000 households, jinjue as a duke, zicheng as the marquis of Jiangling Ting, and di Zhan as the marquis of Guannei, and gave him 8,000 silk horses. "Turn wang hun to conquer the eastern general, fu zhen shouchun." If the name of the punishment is not still known, the sentence is clearly allowed. Shi Wuren was newly attached, quite afraid. Hun Fu Follow the Bondage Brigade, Humble Sui Na, No Empty Seats, No Doors Stop Guests. Therefore, the soldiers of Jiangdong were not pleased.

He was given 8,000 horses by Marquis Jia Chong of Linying and 8,000 households from Zengyi; he was given the title of Marquis of Xincheng Tinghou from Sun Jia Chang and Marquis of Jia Gai Anyang Ting; Marquis Jia Chao of Diyang Li Ting, and Marquis Jia Zhong of Jia Zhong from Sun Guannei. There is no conspiracy to go south, and the advice is useless. And the teacher came out and Wu Ping, greatly ashamed, and wanted to plead guilty. Emperor Wen acted as a concubine, and Yu Xingdongtang waited for it. Strike against the festival and the staff, and still pretend to preach and build. Fill the courtesy of the group of courtiers, please have a director. Emperor Qian refused to allow it.

At first, Emperor Qian plotted with Yang Hu to cut down Wu, and most of the courtiers thought that it was impossible, but Zhongshu made Zhang Hua approve of his plan. Later, Emperor Hu sent Hua Yihu to ask for Wu's plan. And will make a big move, with Zhang Hua as the degree of support for The Book of Shangshu, but the amount of transportation, to decide the temple calculation. The armies advanced, but they did not win, and Jia Chong and others played The Song of Hua to thank the world. Emperor Yue: "This is my intention, Hua Dan and I have the same ear." "At that time, the ministers all thought that they could not advance lightly, and Hua Du was stubborn, thinking that he was a strategy. and Wu Que , Zhao Yue : " Shang Shu , Zhang Hua , marquis of Guannei , who had co-created a grand plan with the late taifu Yanghu , was in charge of the military , and some parties , calculating the power strategy , strategizing for victory , and having the merit of plotting." He was enfeoffed as the Marquis of Guangwu County, Zengyi Wanhu, and fengzi as the Marquis of Ting, 1,500 households, and 10,000 silk horses. ”

The Jianwei general Marquis Zhenlingting (贞陵亭侯王戎) entered the marquis of Anfeng, increased his households by 6,000 households, and gave him 6,000 silk horses. Enlisted as a waiter. NanJun Taishou Liu Zhao's pipe in the thin cloth fifty ends, by the Division, to know but not to accept, so do not sit, but the deliberator especially. The emperor said to the courtiers: "If you do what you do, you will not be selfish, and you will not want to be a stranger!" "Although the emperor interpreted it as a word, he was despised by the prudent, and it was a disgrace to his reputation. Although Rong was incompetent in office, he repaired his achievements.

The Guangwu general Tang Bin was the Right General, and the edict read: "The Guangwu general Tang Bin was appointed fang yu, eastern imperial Wu kou, southern supervisor Manyue, Funing Jiang, and had the achievements of Sui Yu. And every generosity, determined to make a contribution. Those who are requisitioned, helped the sick and obeyed orders, the first to start the battle, and the sacrifice of prisoners and awards, the medal is remarkable. He made Bin the Right General and governor of the Padang military. "Recruited Tang Binyi's lieutenants, changed his title to Marquis of Shangyong County, ate 6,000 households, and gave 6,000 silk horses." There are doubts in the direction, and each participant is premeditated.

The General of The Folding Chong, Zhou Jun, the Marquis of Yangzhou, was enfeoffed as the Marquis of Wu with meritorious service, and was given 6,000 households and 6,000 silk horses.

Shangshu Hu Wei worshiped the former generals, supervised the military of Qingzhou, and the history of Qingzhou' assassination, and was awarded the title of Marquis of Pingchun with merit, and was posthumously awarded the envoy Zhijie, the governor of Qingzhou, the military general of Qingzhou, and the general of Zhendong. Zi Hu Yi si. Yi zi second grandson, the general of Pingdong, and was known as JieXing. There are special achievements, three counties in the past, and the place is famous. Died in stability.

Hu Weidi (胡罴) was the general of Yizhou Andong (益州刺史) and General Anton (安東). Hu Zi Ji Xiang.

At the Battle of Wu, the Left Guard general Feng Zhen led Runan Taishou (汝南太守) and followed Wang Jun into Moling with county soldiers. Moving to the imperial history of the Middle, transferring to the service.

The Zhongshu supervisor Xun Xun (荀勖) issued a special edict, saying that one person should be the Marquis of Ting, a thousand households, and a thousand silk horses. He also created Sun Xian the Marquis of Yingyang Pavilion.

Zhongshu Ling and Yu discussed merit as a staff officer and gave his brother and the Marquis of Runanting the Duke of Yu. In the middle of the service, he was more and more affectionately honored, and was kind to Ren Kai and Zhang Hua. And Yu Zi Zhongyu, only to look forward to Yu, but to qinggan.

Chengyang Taishou Shi Chongfa Wu Yougong, Marquis of Anyang Township. Although he has a position in the county, he is eager to learn tirelessly and solves his illness. Bye-hon.

Liu Qiao, who joined the army, gave Xingyang Order, and moved the prince to wash his horses.

The Xiongnu had the riding governor Qi Wu Yougong and moved the Red Sha Du Wei. The Northern Di Xiongnu are of the same type as tribes, and their residents include Tu species, Fresh Branch Species, Koutou Species, Wutan Species, Chile Species, Han Leech Species, Black Wolf Species, Red Sand Species, YuSha Species, Wiltser Species, Bald Boy Species, Bo Contempt Species, Qiangqu Species, Helai Species, Zhong Zhao Species, Building Species, Yongqu Species, True Tree Species, Li Karma Species, all nineteen species, all of which have tribes and are not mismatched. Tu Ge is the most noble, so he has to be a single yu and rule over all kinds. Its national names are Zuo Xian Wang, Right Xian Wang, Zuo Yi Li Wang, Right Yi Li Wang, Zuo Yu Lu Wang, Right Yu Lu Wang, Zuo Xiang Shang Wang, Right Xiang Shang Wang, Zuo Shuo Fang Wang, Right Shuo Fang Wang, Zuo Dulu Wang, Right Dulu Wang, Zuo Xianlu Wang, Right Xianlu Wang, Zuo Anle Wang, Right Anle Wang, Fan Sixteen, etc., all of which are used for their own sons. The King of Zuoxian was the most expensive, and only the prince could live in it. Its four surnames are Huyan, Bu, Lan, and Qiao. The Most Expensive Huyan Clan has the Left Sun And the Right Day Chase, and the World is the auxiliary phase; the Bu Clan has the Left Depression Canal and the Right Depression Canal; the Lan Clan has the Left Danghu and the Right Danghu; and the Qiao Clan has the Left Du Hou and the Right Du Hou. There are also Cheyang, Depression Canal, And Yudi Miscellaneous Numbers, and the Hundred Officials of Judah. His countrymen are the Qi Wu clan, the Le clan, and the Yong Jian, so that they can rebel.

There are 2,459,840 households and 16,163,863 mouths. And the Jiangzuo kingdoms did not eat one in three.

The auxiliary general Wang Jun thought that he had made great achievements, but he was suppressed by Wang Hun's father and son and Hao Qiang, and was repeatedly played by Yousi, and every time he entered, he chen qi's offensive work, and saw the situation of misdeeds, or was indignant and indignant, and did not give up. The Emperor tolerates it. Yizhou Protector Fan Tong, Junwai Pro-Also. It is said that Jun: "Qing Gong is beautiful, but he hates those who live in beauty, and he is not perfect." Jun: "What is it?" Tong Yue: "On the day of Qing's whirlwind, the horns are private, and the mouth does not say anything about Ping Wu." If there is a questioner, he will know: 'The virtue of the Holy Lord, the power of the crowd, the power of the old man! 'Rusi, Yan Lao's non-cutting, Gong Sui's Ya is right, how will it be overdoed.' Lin Sheng is so condescending, Wang Hun can be worthy! Jun yue: "I was afraid of Deng Ai's affairs, afraid of disasters, and I must not be speechless, nor can I be sent to my chest. ShiRen Xian repaid the light with jungong, and Dr. Qin Xiu Nai said: "Since the Great Jin Qizuo, the number of the auxiliary country, the rate of the old grace." This is when Wang Jun has no merit, he is subject to the prominent position of the Nine Columns, and after making meritorious service, he is even more favored and insulted. Look around, don't be disappointed! After Shu Xiao Wu Da, after Ping Shu, the two generals will add three things, and now jun will return and surrender, and the world will not be confused! Wu Zhi's undead, although he was armed with the god of the Three Ancestors, he was humiliated by it. With Sun Hao's false name, it was enough to alarm the xias, and every little one, although the Sacred Heart knew that it was dying, but China was terrified. At that time, there are millions of people who can borrow the Son of Heaven, and there are peace, and they are brothers with the country, and the subjects are afraid that the government and the opposition are willing to listen. Now Junjue Shu and Han's pawns, and ping Wu for several decades, although they lift up the treasures of the Wu people to be with them, they are not their own, but they are and planning? The crown prince washed Ma Mengkang, former Wen Ling Li Mi, and others and expressed their grievances. Emperor Nai qianjun was a general of the Zhenjun Army, a general of the Kasan Cavalry ChangShi, and a general of the Rear Army. Wang Hun was strong, and he was guarding the equipment, and then he saw it, and he guessed that this was the case.

Qin Xiu's nature was jealous of Slander, illness was like a vendetta, Su despised Jia Chong, and the Battle of Wu, and heard that he was the governor of Dadu, saying that his relatives knew: "Charging a copywriter is a great responsibility for the country, and I will cry to send it to the teacher." Or Zhi Xiuyue: "Uncle Xi Jian knew that the Qin army would be defeated, so he cried and sent his son's ear." Now Wu Jun has no way, the state has the form of self-destruction, and the group rate is in the realm, and it will collapse without a fight. The cry of the Son is also an unwise sin, and it is an unforgivable sin. And so it stopped. And Sun Hao descended to Wang Jun, full of unknown knowledge, Fang Yi Wu Keping, resisted the table to ask the class teacher. Filling the table and the victory are the same, the government and the opposition are on top of the people, the wisdom is out of the people, and the show is the know-it-all.

Du Pre returned to the town, tired of the Chen family's official duties, Wu is not his merit, please retire. The emperor did not allow it.

Although the world is safe, Du Predicts that although the world is safe, he will forget the danger of war, be diligent in teaching martial arts, repair the Pan Palace, Jiang Han Huaide, and transform into thousands of miles. Break through the mountains, stagger the camps, and divide the key places to maintain the momentum. He also repaired the relics of Shao Xinchen, stirred up the use of water to soak more than 10,000 acres of Harada, and divided the frontiers and stones, so that there would be a fixed point, and the public and private would benefit from the same. The people are called "Father Du". The old waterway is only thousands of miles from The Handa Gangneung, and there is no road in the north. And Baqiu Lake, Yuanxiang meeting, the mountains and rivers in the table, is really dangerous, and the place of Jingmang is also arrogant. The pre-opening Yangkou, from the summer water to the Barling for more than a thousand miles, the danger of the Yangtze River inside, and the zero Gui Cao outside. The Song of Nantu says: "In the hereafter there is no rebellion by Du Ong, who knows the wisdom and courage." "The affairs of the pre-public family are known to all. Whatever is built must always be examined, and there are few failures. Or those who sneer at their intentions, foreshadowing: "The merits of Yu Ji are expected to be in the world, and the few that are in the world." ”

Foreshadowing for the future name, it is often said that "the high shore is the valley, the deep valley is the mausoleum", the carved stone is the second stele, Ji Qixun's achievements, one Shen Wanshan, one standing on the top of the Da Nang Mountain, said: "Yan Zhi will not be a linggu after this!" ”

The pre-formation does not cross the horse, the shooting does not wear the za, and every major event is in the rank of the general. Make a handover, be courteous and courteous, ask nothing, teach people tirelessly, be sensitive to things and be cautious in words. After making meritorious contributions, he calmly did nothing, but pondered the scriptures, which were collected and interpreted for the Spring and Autumn Zuo Clan Classics. Also refer to the genealogy of the people, called the "Interpretation". He also wrote "The Map of the League" and "Spring and Autumn Long Calendar", which are prepared to be a family study, which is better than the old. He also wrote "Female Praise". At that time, commentators said that the pre-text was straight and straight, and the world did not pay attention to it, but the secretary supervisor yu rewarded it, saying: "Zuo Qiu Ming originally wrote a biography of "Spring and Autumn", while "Zuo Chuan" was originally a lonely act, and the "Interpretation" was originally set up for "Chuan", and the invention was "Zuo Chuan", so it was also a lonely act. Shi Wang Ji dissolved Soma and loved it very much, and He yu was quite concentrated, and it was often said that "Ji has a horse fetish, and a rich fetish". Emperor Wenzhi said, "What is Qing's habit?" "The subject has a "left biography" habit. ”

Pre-in town, a few of the remains of the noble. Or ask the reason, foreshadowing: "But I am afraid of harm, and I do not seek benefits." ”

Wu Ping and Zhuge Liang could not escape. The emperor and Liang have an old relationship, and Liang's sister is also a concubine of Sima Ling, the evil king of Lang, and the emperor knows that Liang is among his sisters, because he will see Yan. Liang fled to the toilet, and the emperor forced him to see him again, saying: "It is not said that we will see each other again today." Liang Liu said: "You can't paint your body and skin, and see the holy face again!" "He thought that he was a servant, and he did not worship, returned to the township, and did not sit with the court for the rest of his life."

Zhongshu Lang Wang Ji, with his mother worried about the official. He was made a general of the Xiao Cavalry, and was relegated to Shizhong and was listed with Kong Ke, Wang Ke, and Yang Ji in the shizhong, and was a temporary Xiuyan. The Jin Emperor tasted the Gongqing Gongqing Mu Yu Style Qiandian Temple, Gu Ji, Gong and Gong Zhi: "The left and right of the Emperor can be described as Gong Gong Ji Ji Yi!" "Every waiter does not hesitate to discuss the characters and the advantages and losses. Ji is good at clear speech, embellishing rhetoric, satirizing will be smooth, and courtiers can not be shangyan. Emperor Yi is pro-noble. Although the progress is fast, the commentator does not take the reason of the lord's son-in-law, and the salty words can only be achieved. However, although the outside is elegant, but the inside is more taboo, so that it is good to say hurt things, and there are fewer of them. For his father's sake, each row of Wang Jun, when the time is discussed, ridicule.

Yang Ji zi wentong, a general of Zhennan and Zhengbei, and the prince of Qian. Ji has talent, tastes from the Jin Emperor's school to hunt the North Mangxia, and the servant Wang Ji wears cloth hakama pleats, riding a horse with a horn bow in front of the dragon. The beast protruded, and the emperor ordered the king to shoot it, and fell in response to the string. As soon as Su Zhen came out, Ji was ordered to shoot him again, and the Sixth Army shouted for speed. Emperor Zhongjun was an officer, and many Guiqi Qingwang were awarded the title of Ji with the title of martial arts. He and his brother Yang Jue were deeply concerned about his brother's father Yang Junshengman, but he and his nephew Li Bin and others jointly discussed. Yang Jun denounced Wang You as the Taishou of Hedong and established the Crown Prince.

June Ding Ugly, a lieutenant at the Chu Yi Military Academy.

Emperor Fudanshui Marquis Sima Mu was the Prince of Danshui. There is a Si Song to seal the king of Jiangyang, the emperor said: "Retreat quietly and meditate, and revise his virtue, now there is a lord' land, not only forgiveness." Jiangyang is dangerous and far away, and it is sealed by Gaoyang County. "He was enfeoffed as the King of Gaoyang."

Jiashen, the naturalization of the Ten Kingdoms of Dongyi.

In the autumn and July, Yu Kecheng became a mud Kou Xiping and Hao Qi, killing more than 300 people under the governor.

The imperial court was desolate in the west of ping, and it was appropriate to revive it at the right time, with the general Xuanwei and Wuwei Taishou Malong as the Pingyu protectors and the Xiping Taishou, and the elite troops led by them were given to the Yamen first army to hold Xiping. When Nan Yu Chengxi was a border trouble, he led the army to seek revenge. The prisoner refused to defend, and long ordered the soldiers to bear the agricultural tools, and the general Wakata. Yu Yilong had no intention of consulting, and the imperial crowd was slightly sluggish. Long, because he was unprepared, marched into the army to break it. The government of Bi long did not dare to be Kou.

The Twenty Kingdoms of Dongyi were sacrificed.

There are three Korean species: one is Ma Han, the other is Chen Han, and the third is Ben Han.

Tatsuhan is in the south of the belt, and the east and west are limited by the sea.

Between the mountains and the sea, there is no city, and there are fifty-six small countries, the large ones have tens of thousands of households, and the small ones have thousands of families, each with its own canal marshal. There is no bowing ceremony. The dwelling place is made of earthen chambers, shaped like a mound, its household is upward, and the whole family is in it, and there is no difference between male and female. I don't know how to ride on cattle and horses, but the animals are buried. It is customary not to weigh gold and silver brocade, but to decorate the beads of the precious jewelry or to decorate the hair and ears. His men are stripped, clothed, grassy, and sexually brave. There were some transfers in the country, and the construction of the city, the young and brave people chiseled their backs, through the big rope, with the staff to shake the rope, all day long cheering, not thinking of pain. Make good use of the bow and spear, although there is a struggle to attack the battle, and the nobles submit. It is common to believe in ghosts and gods, and often cultivate in May, and gather in groups to sing and dance to worship the gods; until the end of farming in October, the same is true. Each country has set up a person to worship the gods, and is called the heavenly king. Also placed Inbetsu, the name is Su Tu, Standing Big Wood, Hanging Drum. Its Su Tu's righteousness is similar to that of the Western Regions Floating Tuye, and the good and evil it does are different. In the first year and the second year of Taikang, its main frequency sent envoys to pay tribute, seven years, eight years, ten years, and frequently arrived. In the first year of Taixi, Lieutenant He Gong of Yi Dongyi was presented. Xianning has returned in three years, and next year please attach it.

Chen Han was in the east of Ma Han, saying that the dead of Qin avoided military service and entered Korea, and Han cut off the eastern boundary to live in it, set up a city fence, and spoke in a manner similar to qin, which was or was called Qin Han. Initially there were six kingdoms, which were later slightly divided into twelve. There are also Benchen and twelve kingdoms, with 40,000 or 50,000 households, each with a canal marshal, all belonging to Chenhan. Chen Han often used the Ma Han people as the master, although the world was inherited, but could not stand on their own, and the people who knew their displacement were therefore controlled by Ma Han. The land should be grained, the silkworm mulberry is common, the cloth is good, and the cattle ride on the horse. Its customs can be similar to that of Ma Han, and the same is true of weapons. When a newborn child is born, he will squash his head with a stone. Happy dance, good at playing, and shaped like a building. In the first year of Taikang, his king sent envoys to sacrifice fang objects. Two years to pay tribute, seven years to come again.

Gengyin, with Shangshu Wei Shu as Shangshu's right servant.

In August, the front of the car division sent sons into service.

Emperor Sima Yanzuo had few illnesses and was not knighted. He did not, and Feng Yanzuo was made the King of Leping, and the edict was said: "Brother Zuo was lonely and ignorant for a long time, and his feelings were mournful. The young are sick, and the day is worse, and now it is ruined, and there is no hope of recovery, and it is very hurtful. He was given the title of King of Leping, and gave him a name to comfort my heart. "Seekers, childless." Yan Zuo, the word Dasi,

Bai Long San is found in Yongchang.

Jin Xiangguo joined the army drama Yangzi Wei Shu moved Yiyang and Xingyang Erjun Taishou, and even claimed. Pray and ride a regular attendant. Out of the History of Jizhou Thorn, in the state for three years, known as Jian Hui. Into the service. The Jin Emperor gave Shu Qingsu a special gift of 100 silk horses. Move the Book of Shangshu, dismiss officials as officials on official business, and issue edicts to redeem themselves. Shu San's wives were all dead, and he begged for a leave of absence to bury his wife in the county, and he was given a burial place and half a million yuan. Tai Kang Chu, worship the right servant shooting.

In September, the right servant Wei Shu and Shang Shu ordered Wei Wan, Shan Tao, Zhang Hua, and others to mix in six, and it was advisable to use the classical seal of Zen Dongyue, and the matter was repeated before and after, and Emperor Qian did not allow it. With Wei Shu as the left servant, he led the official department. Shu Shangyan said: "Now choose the six palaces, hire the jade, and the old envoys will be hired by the imperial palace, and the ceremony will be declared, and the heavy will be light." It is thought that it is advisable to worship the third lady, the ninth concubine to make the five senses of the lang general, the beauty and the good person to make the guru, yu the system is hong. "There is a detailed edict, and the people disagree and disagree, so they go to bed." Jia Wei Shu Right Guanglu Doctor, Yi Tong Sansi.

Shang Shu Left Servant Shooting Shan Tao Qian Right Servant Shooting, Jia Guanglu Doctor, Servant Zhong, Palm Selection as before. Tao insisted on his words with old diseases, and his hand commanded: "The emperor takes morality as the model of the world, and the situation is that the former emperor knows the distant intentions of the king." I will rely on the customs of the king, why should I give up the government of the distant dynasty and exalt his zhiye alone! My nostalgia is not enough to describe, how to say it sincerely. And when the time is self-reliant, deep and looking forward. The king does not surrender his mind, and he is uneasy. Tao said again, "I will not allow it."

After Wu Ping, the emperor ordered the world to strike the military service, showing the Da'an in the sea, the prefecture and county to go to the army, the big county to set up a hundred military officials, and the small county fifty people. The emperor tasted the wu in Xuanwu Field, and the right servant shot the mountain tao when he was sick, and he took the step to obey. Because he and Lu Qin discussed the basis of the use of soldiers, they thought it was not appropriate to go to the prefectures and counties to prepare for weapons, and their arguments were very refined. Yu Xian yitao did not learn from Sun and Wu, but secretly joined them. The emperor said: "The world's famous sayings are also." "And can't use it. After Yongning, there were many difficulties, thieves rose up, the counties and kingdoms were unprepared, and the world was in chaos, as Tao yan said.

Wu Jieping, a soldier of Puxian Prefecture, and the champion general Jiaozhou Mu Tao Huang said: "Jiaozhou Desert Descent, Fighting One Side, or Retranslation, With Mountains and Seas." Younan County went to the state sea for more than a thousand miles, and it was only seven hundred miles away from LinYi. Yi Shuai Fan Xiongshi was a Kou (逋寇), who called himself king and attacked the people several times. And connected to Funan, there are many kinds of obscene, friends and parties rely on each other, and the risk is not guest. When he went to Wu, he rebelled against several counties, attacked the counties, and killed the chief officials. The subject was collected by the homeland in the past, and was partial to the south for more than ten years. Although the conquest before and after, the qi qi kui, deep mountains and secluded caves, there are still channels. There were more than 7,000 people in the pawns of the emperor, and the southern soil was warm and humid, and there were many gas poisons, and the years of conquest were added, and the death was reduced, and the number of people who were seen was 2,420. Now the four seas are mixed, no thoughts are convinced, when the armor is cleared, the liturgy is the duty. And the people of this state, the righteous, are few and far away, and they are tired of their comfort, so that they may be troubled. On the south bank of Guangzhou, circumnavigating more than 6,000 miles, more than 50,000 households were not subjects, and the unruly people of Guilin were restored to 10,000 households. As for obeying official service, there are only more than 5,000 families. Erzhou is toothless, and only the soldiers are towns. Youning Prefecture Xinggu received the upper class, went to Jiaoxing County for a thousand and six hundred miles, water and land, and defended each other. The state soldiers were not suitable for loss, as a sign of weakness. The change of the wind and dust, out of the very. In addition to the subjugation of the country, the discussion is not enough, the holy grace is generous, the indecent decoration is promoted, the sin is provoked, the party is reassigned, the insult is favored, the eyes are more observed, the oath is surrendered, in retribution, and when it is seen, I would like to take the risk of looking at it. He also said, "The land of Hepu County is indeed true, there are no farmers, the people only take pearl mining as their business, and merchants come and go, and trade pearls and rice." However, Wu Shizhu was very strictly forbidden, worried that the people would privately scatter good pearls, forbidden to come and go, and people were hungry. And the adjustment is too much, and the limit is not charged. Now please lose two of the three points, the second one loses one, and the coarse one is eliminated. Since October and February, when the pearls are not collected, I have listened to the business travel as before." And from it.

When the Xiongnu killed Changshi, he gradually became a border trouble. Guo Qinshang, who served Yushi Xihe, said: "Rong Di is strong and strong, and the ancient times have been troubled." The Wei Dynasty was widowed, and the counties in the northwest were all rongju. Although obeyed now, if there is a police of wind and dust after a hundred years, Hu rode from Pingyang and Shangdang to Mengjin in three days, and Beidi, Xihe, Taiyuan, Feng Yi, Anding, and Shangjun were all Di Tingyi. It is advisable to ping wu zhiwei, the strategy of the fierce generals, out of the north, west river, and at the end of the county, Fushang County, Shi Feng Yi, in Pingyang has collected capital crimes in the northern counties, and moved to Sanhe and Sanwei to fill them with forty thousand families. Descendants are not chaotic, gradually migrating to Pingyang, Hongnong, Wei County, Jingzhao, Shangdang Zahu, Junsiyi's defense of entry and exit, the system of the Ming Dynasty's absurd obedience, and the long strategy of the world. "Tibuna.

Winter October Ding Wei, except for the five female restoration.

On december 12, Sima Zanxue, the king of Guanghan.

Sima Wei of Liang oversaw the military of Yuzhou on behalf of Kong Xun, the general of Jiapingdong, and the town of Xuchang. He also used his own official as the subordinate Sima Huang of Pi to supervise the military of Qingxu Prefecture and entered the rank of General Andong.

The Anbei general Sima Taijin (司馬泰) the Prince of Longxi (龍西王司馬泰) was appointed as a regular attendant and a former general, and he led the lieutenants of the City Gate of Yicheng to be dismissed as officials.

After Ping Wu, the emperor repaired the Taiping, and every time he extended the gongqing, he discussed the political tao. Pei Kai Chen Sanwu's wind, the traces of the rise and fall of the Second Han Dynasty and Wei. The emperor is good, and the seater is impressed.

After Ping Wu, Yuji also played: "The edict 'The prince takes the country as his home, and the capital should not have a field house. Now there is no time to make the mansions of the kingdoms, but there are places in the city, and there are fields in the suburbs'. Now it is limited, the king and the prince, and there must be a house in the capital. Suburban fields, large countries fifteen acres, sub-countries ten acres, small countries seven acres. Those who have no houses in the city and outside the city will listen to them. ”

Also make the household adjustment style: Ding male household, the year loses three horses of silk, three pounds of cotton, and the female and sub-Ding men are half lost by the household. Its border counties may be two-thirds, and far away one-thirds. Yiren loses cloth, one horse in the household, and one in the distance or one zhang. A man occupies seventy acres of land and a woman of thirty acres. Its outer Ding male class field is fifty acres, Ding women are twenty acres, the second Ding male half, and the female class is not taught. Men and women in the sixteenth year have gone up to sixty for the right Ding, fifteen have gone down to the thirteenth, sixty-one has gone up to sixty-five for the second Ding, twelve has gone down to sixty-six has gone up to the old and young, nothing. Those who are far away from the field lose righteous rice, the household three Hu, the far ones five buckets, the extremely far lose money, and the people are twenty-eight. The first and the ninth of their official products are occupied by nobles, and the first product occupies fifty acres, the second product is forty-five, the third product is forty-five, the fourth product is thirty-five, the fifth product is thirty-is, the sixth product is twenty-five, the seventh product is twenty-five, the eighth product is fifteen, and the ninth product is ten. And each of them despises his relatives with the highest quality, the many and the nine tribes, and the lesser the third. The same is true of the clans, the guests of state, the descendants of the sages, and the descendants of the scholars. And the people who have to be clothed and diners and tenants, the sixth has been clothed and diners three, the seventh and eighth pin two, the ninth pin and lifting, the trace of birds, the precursor, Yuji, the strong crossbow, Sima, Yulin Lang, the temple from the tiger ben, the temple of the tiger ben, the vertebrate axe wu riding tiger ben, holding the bow from the tiger ben, the fate of the tiger ben wu riding one person. It should have tenants, the first and second tenants of official products have not exceeded fifty households, the third product ten households, the fourth product seven households, the fifth product five households, the sixth product three households, the seventh product two households, the eighth product ninth product one household.

When the kingdom of the princes was dispatched, the emperor asked Xun Xun, the superintendent of the Zhongshu, and Xun said: "The princes have become the governors, and if they make the country, they will be abolished." Divide the counties and counties, and the hearts of the people will love the original, and they will use the scream. All the countries are placed in the army, and the officers and soldiers should still be given to the country, while the border is guarded. Emperor Zhong made Xun Sizhi and Xun Chen Said: "If you command gu Fang Bo to select talents, make all the military and state governors, as the clear will." As for the cession of the feudal territory. It is better to make the relatives different and sincere. But the division of the old land, fearful of the multitude, will disturb the hearts of the people, and it is better to think as before. If there is a change of seal when it is necessary to do so, but does not divide the territory, and there is a damage to the robbery, it can be tempered as appropriate. Its fifth-class country is far away and has not become a system. However, it is a false name, and its actual facts are slightly no different from the old counties and township pavilions. If you create a second change, I am afraid that I cannot but hate it. Now that he is the greatest, he thinks that the fifth grade can be cut later. Although everything is good for a long time, if there is a temporary or incomprehensible understanding, it cannot be ignored. "The emperor allows his words to be granted, and he obeys his intentions.

At that time, he also discussed the provincial prefectures, counties, and counties to go to the agricultural merits, and the discussion thought: "Provincial officials are not as good as provincial officials, provincial officials are not as good as provincial officials, and provincial affairs are not as good as pure hearts." Xi Xiao Cao Xianghan, carrying its tranquility, to paint a song, the origin of this pure heart. Han Wen arched, several punishment measures, this saves trouble also. Guangwu and the combined officials, the county official Guoyi cut eleven, this provincial official also. Wei Taihe zhong, sent the king out of the four, reduced the number of officials in the world, and also merged the counties in the beginning of the province, and the provincial officials also. If we want it now, we should give priority to saving trouble. Whoever occupies the throne, make the heart of Xiao Cao think of It, and make it greater with wings. Acting righteously and revering the good will make those who are ignorant and forget their roots intolerable, while those who act in false ways rest on their own, and those who are flashy are afraid. Respect jean, still stop at the foot, let the lowly not be expensive, less than the long, far from the relatives, the new is not between the old, the small is not increased, the obscenity is not broken, then the upper and lower are at peace, and the near and far believe in it. Positions cannot be gained, reputations cannot be sought by friends, but they are not vain and clear, and officials are not confused about listening. If you go to miracles, or say different things, those who are good at getting old and have extraordinary benefits will be punished, then the official industry will be constant, and the people's hearts will not be moved. If the matter is left behind, the political audit will be abolished. Those who are in position and diligently work tirelessly, and those who serve in office and work tirelessly at night, although they are holding bottles, they do not pretend to be fake. If faith is like a golden stone, small mistakes do not harm the great government, and tolerated anger to tolerate it. Simple copywriting, slightly harsh, what is done, will make people easy to hear, wish like the spring of the sun, fear like thunder. Do not let the micro-text be troubled, and be deposed by the hundred officials, and the fate of the two or three, and the fate of the people, then the officials will do their best to fulfill their sincerity and give their lives to the next. Officials are divided into posts and entrusted with responsibilities. If a gentleman's heart competes without striving, if he can be appointed and cannot think of a position, then the official has no different karma, and the political code is not adulterous. All this is foolishness and the basis of saving trouble. If there is no such sorrow, although it is not a provincial official, the world will be called a province. If you want to be a provincial official, privately call the Nine Temples and Shangshu, Lantaiyi Province, pay the three provinces. However, the practice of the past generations, the habit of the world, is to be foolish for a long time and dare not speak. As for the convenience of trouble, it is really good. If a big example is made directly, it will be reduced by half, and the occupation of the civil and military officials and the country, and the rise and fall of the matter, must not be the same. Whoever gives orders, pawns and pawns are safe, and those who refute them, or no. Where the office is about to be performed, first refine its gains and losses. The faithful officials, the discerning chiefs, shall cut among them, and speak first of them. Then mixed up in general, detailed and appropriate, then the order must be done, not shaken. If it is not, it is afraid to confuse people to listen, and it is better than the province of the previous step, it must be revived, or it must be agitated and complicated, and it must not be heavy. ”

Yu Pu, Zi Yunyuan, Gaoping Changyi people also. His father, Yu Mi, was a partial general. Town Longxi. Pu obeyed his father's official and concentrated on the grave. When the battlefield parades martial arts, people compete for it, and Pu has not tasted the fables. Guncha Xiaolian, except LangZhong, supplement shang shu all lingshi. Shang Shu ling Wei Ou and Shang Shu Chu Qi were both important. Pu said: "The golden horse qifu of the past, the great Jin Yingtian, it is advisable to restore the system of the fifth class of the first king, in order to sui for a long time." Do not accept the law of qin, so that Han Wei lost it. "Generations have lamented this, but in the end they have not been able to change it." "Slightly move the bus Sima Ling, except for the internal history of Poyang." Overhauled the order, guangzhao apprentices, and transferred to the county: "Learn so that the people who are rational and accumulate the good are also." Emotions are set on the inside and become outside, and the accumulation of good hearts and the name is revealed in the teaching, so the nature of the chinese people moves with the teaching, and the accumulation of goodness is the habit and the sexual formation. At the time of Tang Yu, they were all sealed than houses, and their ruins were also abolished, and the clouds could be cursed, and they would not be transformed into customs, and those who moved people's hearts would be taught! Since the han clan lost its throne, the world fell apart, Jiang Biaokou was separated, Jiu Ti Wang Sect, the training of the Order of The Order, and the abolition of Mo Xiu. Now the four seas are unified, the thousands of miles are on the same track, Xi Xi Zhaoshu, Xian Rest in the middle of Taihe, it is advisable to advocate Taoism, open up studies widely, and praise the times and the glory. "It is a system. So more than seven hundred people arrived. Pu Nai was a reward for the training, saying:

All the students of literature are crowned with the stream, Nian Sheng Zhimei, the beginning of the study court, the teaching of the canon, this great cause, the foundation of virtue. The way of the saints is faint and dull, so the original scholar is not good. And the solstice month, the observation of the Mibo, the practice of the Mido, the day does not hear, the day sees what is not seen, and then the heart is open, the dedication of the music group, suddenly unconscious of the Tao of the Great Transformation, to the Tao of the Divine Also. Therefore, the dye of learning is more than Danqing. Dan Qingwu saw that it was long and yuyi, and did not see those who learned for a long time and yu also.

The dyeing of the husband and worker, first repair its quality, and then its color, the quality repairs the color accumulation, and the dyeing work is completed. Learning also has quality, filial piety and faithfulness are also. A gentleman who is right in his heart, who cultivates his deeds outside, and who has spare strength in his deeds, learns literature, is polite in character, and then is virtuous. The scholar does not suffer from talent, but suffers from ambition, so he knows that the horse of Xi Ji, the ride of Ji, the disciple of Xi Yan, and the Lun of Yan. And he knows that he has given up his deeds, and the decaying wood does not know; he has not given up, and the golden stone can be lost. It doesn't work!

In this life, the recitation of the scriptures of the saints, the precepts of the body and leisure order, and three years, can be small. And the name of the name is proclaimed, the reputation is new, the friend is admired and happy, and the pilgrims are respectful and sighed. So the state capital handed over the order to choose an official, not only is it beautiful! If it is Zhang Shuzao, waving Han exiled, called the narrative of the world, exploring the strange, so that Yang Bantao pen, Zhongshu tongue, but also the only way to live, solid impermanence also. However, a spoonful is accumulated to form a river, a tired dust is sublime, and the bandits are diligent, and there is no reason to help. If all beings are absolutely indispensable to the world, if they concentrate on learning from their own families, if they are tired and consistent, and if they accumulate gradually, then they are either late or fast, or first or later, why are they stagnant and not clear, and why they are far away and not evil!

When the sacrificial wine asked for more house ceremonies, Yu Pu said: "Gentlemen perform rituals, impermanence is also there, so Confucius shoots in the garden of the face, and the ceremony is under the tree." Now that the school is in order, the high hall is open! ”

Yu Pu was strict and not fierce, and the weathering was great, and there were white wu gathered in the county court. Notes on the "Spring and Autumn" scriptures and transmissions, and wrote dozens of poems and articles on "JiangBiao". Died at the age of sixty-two. Zi Yu Bo ,across the river in the "Biography of the River Table" in Sima Rui, edict hidden in the secretary.

Jujube, Character Michihiko, Yokawa Nagasha people also. His original surname was Thorn, and he first avoided revenge and changed his mind. Father and uncle Yi, Wei Julu Taishou. According to the beauty of the appearance, good words. Weak crown, opened the general's mansion, out of the Shanyang Order, has political achievements. Move Shang Shu Lang, turn right Cheng. Jia Chong Fa Wu, please engage in Zhonglang. Jun also, Huangmen Shilang, Jizhou Assassin Shi, prince Zhongshuzi. TaiKang was shot at the age of fifty. He wrote forty-five poems, and many died in chaos. Zi Jujube, the word Xuan Fang, is also shown in the article. Yong jiazhong was the Taishou of Xiangcheng. Di Song (弟嵩), a character from Tai, was a talented artist, and was killed by Shi Le.

Chu Tao, Zi Ji Ya, Wu County Qiantang people also. Weak is not easy to get, less but intelligent, light and silent, entertaining themselves with graves. In the thirteenth year, he composed "Gull Bird" and "Water Qiao" two endowments, and saw the strange one. Tao Yu said: "The sages are prepared in the yellow scroll, why should I ask for it!" "States and counties, no. Wu Ping, summoned Shang Shulang. Zhang Hua saw it, and said Lu Jiyue: "Brother Jun, Long Yue Yunjin, Gu Yanxian Fengming Chaoyang, said that the treasure of the southeast has been exhausted, and did not intend to see Chu Sheng again." Ji Yue: "The public but not the ears of those who do not see or do not jump." Hua Yue: "Therefore, I know that the virtue of Yanzhou is not alone, and the treasure of Chuanyue is not scarce." "Qianjiu Zhentaishou, transfer lieutenant." Died at the age of fifty-five.

Fan Ping, Zi An, Wu County Qiantang people also. His ancestor Hou Fu avoided Wang Mang's chaos and adapted to Wu, because of his family. Ping yan looked at the tomb su, all over the Hundred Clan, Yao Xin and He Shao's disciples were all employed. Wu Shiju Maocai, tired of moving to the sea too guarded, the government has special abilities. Sun Xichu, Xie Returned Home, Dun Yue Confucianism. Wu Ping, TaiKangZhong, could not afford to recruit frequently, and died at the age of sixty-nine. There is an edict to add the title of Mr. Wenzhen, and the He Xunle monument records his virtue. Three sons: Fan Yi, Fan Xian, Fan Quan, and Confucianism to the rank of high official. Quan Ziwei, Marquis of Kannai. His family is eager to learn, and there are more than 7,000 books. There are more than 100 readers near and far, and wei is doing food and clothing. Wei Zi is also well-known.

Lu Xizi Gongzhong. Father Lu Mao, Wu Official's Department Shangshu. Xi Shi Wu, the emigrant official Shangshu. Little reputation, eager to learn and talented. Taste it as a self-narration, which is slightly known: "Liu Xiangsheng's "New Language" and "New Order", Huan Tan Yong's "New Order" and "New Theory". Yu did not measure himself, felt Ziyun's "Fa Yan" and wrote "Yan Dao", saw the beauty of Jia Zi and wrote "Visiting Theory", Guan Zizheng "Hong Fan" and wrote "Ancient and Modern Calendar", Jian Jiang Zitong's "Ten Thousand Machines" and "Trial Machine", read "Youtong", "Si Xuan", "Four Sorrows" and made "Entertainment Guest" and "Nine Thoughts", the so-called so-called ninja is also. "Nearly a hundred of his books.

Wu Ping and Lu Xi also wrote the "Treatise on the Qing of Xizhou" and passed it on to the world, borrowing the name Zhuge Kongming to carry out his book. There is a "Comparative Treatise on The Characters" that says: "Or ask, Xue Ying is the first of the Guoshi? Answer: 'Reason is reasonable, and it cares between four and five.' The questioner asked in amazement. Answer: "Husband and grandson hao have no way, wantonly tyranny, if the dragon and snake its body, silent its body, submerged and do not use, unfathomable, this first person also." Avoiding the dignity and humility, Lu Dai cultivated, Xuan Jing kept the covenant, and rushed back to The Ran, and this second person also. He is proud of the country and thinks of the rule, his heart is not expensive, he is afraid to see the party, and he is not afraid to govern, and this third person is also. Consider the right time, in the chaos, do not forget to be loyal, when the time to give a little benefit, this fourth person also. Gentle and prudent, not for the sake of the head, nothing to make up for, calmly protect the favor, this fifth person also. Past this, not more than plural. Therefore, the second has gone up, more has fallen and far from repentance, and the third has gone down, and there is a sound position and near blame. It is a gentleman with deep understanding, obscurity and obedience. The questioner said, "I have heard of the high theory, and I have been enlightened all year round." ’”

In Taikangzhong, the next edict reads: "Fifteen people, including the pseudo-Shang Shu Lu Xi, were called Nanshi, and were convicted of chastity and inlerance, or loyalty, or retired to cultivate their aspirations, and were placed in the grass." The Lord may all be removed from his or her place, and the edict shall be dispatched with courtesy, and shall be granted only when he is at his disposal. "It is Lu Xi who is a regular attendant on horseback, looking for pawns." Zi LuYu (子陸育), courtesy name Shang Shulang and Yiyang Taishou (弋阳太守).

In the Jin Dynasty, The Wu Dynasty Shaofu Danyang Dai Yong welcomed the funeral of Sun Liang, the Prince of Ji, and buried LaiXiang.

Nguyễn Hun was made the Crown Prince. Premature death.

Zhi Yu, Zi Zhongqia, Jing Zhao Chang'an People also. Father's best model, Wei Tai's servant Qing. Yu Shaoshi was a scholar and a tireless writer. County Lord's Book. Yu tastes that there is life and death, and wealth is in heaven. Those who are blessed by heaven are righteous, and those who are helped by man believe in it. Follow the faith and think smoothly, so extend the blessing, go against this, so quick disaster. However, the Tao is long and short, the misfortune is wrong, the persecuted, the ignorant, the swinging and the angry, or confused or let go. Therefore, by borrowing his body, by pretending to be a matter, first Chen chen did not encounter difficulties in the world, so he abandoned Yi Lun, lightly traveled far, with the feeling of extremely ordinary people's infatuation, and then quoted it as positive, and vice versa, pushing the gods to the table of audio-visual, revering the fortune of Tai outside the intellect, and making "Si You Fu" with the inviolability of tomorrow's appointment.

Emperor Xianliang, Zhi Yu and Xiahou Zhan, and seventeen other people were the next to worship Zhonglang. The edict reads: "The provincial sages and good answers, although their words are very special, are clear in the righteousness of the king, and they are beneficial to the government." To see what it is, look at the intentions of the Magi. Because of the edict of the wise men and women, Hui Dong Tang asked, "If the eclipse of the sun is positive and the flood and drought are a disaster, what will be cultivated to become bigger?" And what is the matter with the law that is not appropriate for the present, for those who suffer from public and private interests? Where there is a world of ordinary people, it is only in the world that they have gained talent, and those who have gained talent also listen through their eyes and ears. If there are weapons of literature that can benefit the affairs of the times and those who have not yet seen the narrator, each of them will cite his own. And those who have a negative slander, it is advisable to wash them first, and so on. Yu said: "The saints of the ancients are the ones who have heard of the ancients, and the original is the end, and the body is at the end." Therefore, worry about the impropriety of the law, but do not worry about the loss of the characters; worry about the loss of the characters, but do not worry about the prevalence of disasters. If the dharma is obtained from this, the physical is in the other; when the man and the person are below, the disaster disappears from the top. If they have the sun and the moon, and the disasters of water and drought, they will listen to the inside, seek their reasons, look at all things from a distance, and examine the body closely. Is there any one who hears with his eyes and ears or who hides his wisdom? If you are moved to give orders, may there be those who are willing to do what they are? Is it possible that a high official or a great official may be entrusted with a person who is not his own? Is there anything wrong with rewarding and punishing dethroned? Riverside mountain rock, or do you have a way to fish and build without feeling the omen of dreams? Is it possible that there is a person who has a brilliant destiny and has not been anointed? And so on, in order to seek the reason, to inquire about the facts, to the fullest, then the feelings of heaven and man can be seen, and the blame can be obtained and saved. If you push it on things, there is no shame, if you ask for it in the body, there is no special, all things are smooth, inside and outside are salty, I wish history to be righteous, my words are not sincere, and the sun and the moon are wrong, and the sun and the moon are wrong, and the sun and the moon are not abstinent, and this yin and yang thing is not where the auspiciousness lies. The degree of scheduled luck, the division of nature, is not something that can be provided for by personnel, and it is also sluggish and scattered, and it is only a matter of reducing food and saving. If it is therefore the fate of the period, although tao Tang and Yin Tang have not changed; if it is not the fate of the period, then the king of Song and Wei, and the face of the princes, can still feel it. But His Majesty judges his reasons and does his best, and the world is very fortunate. The subject grows a door, does not catch foreign objects, although he has a wise talent, he has not received it, he does not dare to speak in vain, and he cannot answer the holy question. "Promoted to the position of prince, except for wen xi ling, he was dismissed from his post with his mother's worries." For a long time, summon shang shu lang.

Although his descendants could not speak of their ancestors, they wrote the ten volumes of the "Clan Surname Zhaomu" and wrote it on the top, thinking that it was enough to prepare things for use and widely heard of it. Breaking the law by fixing the product is impeached by Situ and the original is decreed.

The master Craftsman Chen Xun excavated the ancient ruler, And Shang Shu played: "The present ruler is longer than the ancient ruler, and it is advisable to take the ancient as the right." Pan Yue thought that he had been used for a long time and was not suitable for revision. Yu retorted: "The saints of the past had to describe them by seeing the world, like material vessels, so that they could be used for time and time. Therefore, the two heavens and the earth are measured by the age of positive arithmetic; and the score is calculated according to the law, and the degree of length is determined. There are also rules for its work, so there are also signs for its use. If you examine the two instruments, the heavens and the earth have nothing to hide; if you are quasi-positive and correct, the suspense will not tolerate its fallacy; if you give the golden stone, the rhyme is harmonious; and if you take the rules, the instrument is appropriate. A book is not bad but everything is positive, and its difference is also the opposite. The present ruler is a few more than half an inch longer than the ancient ruler, and the Lefu uses it, and the law does not fit; the historical official uses it, and the historical image is lost; the medical department uses it, and the hole is wrong. These three, the origin of measurement, the acquisition and loss of the levy, are all estranged and cannot be understood, so it is advisable to change the present and change from the ancient. The system of Tang and Yu, the same law of weights and measures, the training of Zhongni, and the examination of authority. Today, two feet are used together, which cannot be said to be the same; it cannot be said that it is prudent to act when you know what you have lost. Different imprudence is a fallacy, not a matter of track, showing people's extremes. There are many things that are easy to change, there are also few and difficult to change, there are also changes that cause annoyance, and there are changes that are simple. Measurement is commonly used by people, and the length is not loved by people, and it is many and easy to change. What is right is lost to gain, anti-evil is to be right, a temporary change, eternally unique, is the change of simplicity also. The charter is formed, the old things are not lost, the system of the end of the season, the use of heresy and chaos, when the time is changed, the sadafu is also the same. The subject thought it was appropriate to play as it was. "And on the sealing of Zen.

When the Temple of Shitai was first built, Zhaopu was elevated to the first rank. Later, the Lord shall accept that he who has lost his purpose shall be replaced and removed. Zhi Yu said: "The subject hears of the saints of the past, and does not love the kingdom of a thousand multiplications but cherishes the faith of the tongye, so he values the supreme destiny and reaches the sincerity of all nations." The former "Book of Forgiveness of Yi Wei", far from the former emperor's legacy of Yu Ze, Pu zeng the first class, in order to reward the hearts of the four seas. Under the yishu class, it is yu near and far, and the birds are leaping and jumping, and the himondser. Now, once the Lord thinks of the text without judgment, accepts the edicts of the past, and seizes the already charity, the foolishness of the subjects will not be able to steal. "Obey it. After yu, he served as the secretary supervisor and Wei Weiqing.

Prince Jun, duke of Boling, was in power with the princes.

Chen Shou, Zi Chengzuo, Brazilian Anhan people also. Little studious, teachers and counties of Zhou, Shi Shu for the Guan Ge Ling History. The eunuch Huang Hao specializes in authoritarianism, the ministers are all bent on it, and Shou Du is not bent, because he has been repeatedly deposed. Bereaved by the father, sick, so that the maid pill medicine, the guests to see it, the township party thought it was derogatory. And Shu Ping, sitting is a stagnant person for many years. Zhang Hua loves his talents, and although shou is not far away, the original feelings are not degraded, and he is cited as filial piety, except for Zuo Shulang, and makes up for Yang Pingling. Wrote the "Shu Xiang Zhuge Liang Collection", played it. In addition to Shu Lang, Lingben County Zhongzheng. Wrote Wei Wushu's Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, fan sixty-five articles. People at the time call it a good narrative and a talent for good history. Xiahou Zhanshi wrote the Book of Wei, and when he saw what Shou had written, he broke his own book. Zhang Hua was deeply kind, and said that Shou Yue said: "When the Book of Jin is used to pay attention to the ear." "It's important for the time. Or Yun DingYi and Ding Yu were famous in Wei, and Shou said that his son said: "You can find a thousand hu rice to see and be a good legend for the honorable prince." "Ding did not follow it, but did not establish a legend. Shou's father joined the army for Ma Chen, and Zhuge Liang was reprimanded, Shou's father also sat on the beard, and Zhuge Zhan was light on life. Shou wei Liang Li Chuan, said that Liang will be slightly not long, no enemy talent, words and works, the name is exaggerated. There are very few speakers

Zhang Hua would name Chen Shou as Zhongshu Lang, Xun Xun would be jealous of Hua and sick with life, and the official Qian Shou would be made Changguang Taishou. Resignation is not enough. Du Pre-will the town, recommend to the emperor, should make up for Huang San. It is the Book of Imperial History. I was relieved of my mother's worries. The mother's last words ordered the burial of Luoyang, and Shou obeyed his wishes. And he did not sit on the mother's burial, but was despised. In the beginning, Tan Zhou tasted shou yue: "Qing will become famous for his talents and learning, and when he is damaged, he is not unfortunate." Caution should be exercised. "At this point in life, it will be humiliated again, just like Zhou Yan. A few years later, he became a prince and did not die of illness.

Former Wen Ling Li Died at the Age of Sixty-four. He wrote ten theoretical articles, and the General Hu Xiong of Anton and Emperor Fu were both good and good. Second son: Li Ci and Li Xing. The word Zongshi, less able to belong to the text, taste for the "Xuan Bird Endowment", the words are very beautiful. The state drove away, showed off talent, and did not end up. Xingzi Junshi, there are also literary talents, thorn Shi Luo Shang to drive away.