
Municipal units directly under the municipal government helped Huachi County consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation and effectively link the work of rural revitalization to promote the meeting

author:Huachi Media

On August 30, the municipal units directly under the municipal government helped Huachi County consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation and effectively link the work of rural revitalization. Song Shuhong, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal CPC Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, presided over the meeting and made a speech, and Ma Qixin, vice chairman of the MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, attended the meeting.

Municipal units directly under the municipal government helped Huachi County consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation and effectively link the work of rural revitalization to promote the meeting
Municipal units directly under the municipal government helped Huachi County consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation and effectively link the work of rural revitalization to promote the meeting

At the meeting, the progress of Huachi County's efforts to consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation and the effective connection between rural revitalization was reported in writing, some municipal direct assistance units made exchange statements, and other 12 municipal direct assistance units submitted written speech materials.

Municipal units directly under the municipal government helped Huachi County consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation and effectively link the work of rural revitalization to promote the meeting
Municipal units directly under the municipal government helped Huachi County consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation and effectively link the work of rural revitalization to promote the meeting

Song Shuhong stressed that it is necessary to improve the political position, deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on consolidating and expanding the achievements in poverty alleviation and promoting rural revitalization, resolutely shoulder political responsibility, in accordance with the requirements of the Party Central Committee, keep the original policies unchanged, continue to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation, and prevent the return to poverty. It is necessary to correctly understand the situation, maintain strategic determination, enhance confidence and determination, fully understand the resoluteness and long-term nature of consolidating and expanding the achievements in poverty alleviation and implementing the strategy of rural revitalization, give full play to the advantages of municipal direct assistance units, and conscientiously implement various work tasks. It is necessary to make every effort to promote implementation, correctly handle the relationship between consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and do a good job in various assistance work during the transition period with high quality and efficiency, so as to make a good start and make a good start for rural revitalization.

Municipal units directly under the municipal government helped Huachi County consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation and effectively link the work of rural revitalization to promote the meeting

Present at the meeting were Sun Mingdong and Cao Xueshui, deputy secretaries of the county party committee; Zhao Jie, member of the standing committee of the county party committee and director of the Propaganda Department; Xu Zhenwei, vice president of the Nanliang Cadre College in charge of daily work; and Song Shengming, deputy county governor. (Huachi Rong Media All-Media Reporter: Shi Yanxia)

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