
How did the ancients defend the hairline?

author:Friar fresh air system

Hair loss has been a devastating disaster for appearance since ancient times. The famous patriotic poet Lu You once said: "Hair loss is full of combs, and it is too weak to be illuminated." ”

Nowadays, a large group of post-90s have quietly gone bald in this prosperous years, and some people have even begun to lose their hair before they even take off their orders!

How did the ancients defend the hairline?

Anti-shedding shampoos, hair conditioners, hairline powders... Despite the best efforts he had made in defending his hair, his hair was as free as the wind and could not be retained.

How did the ancients defend the hairline?

The skin of the body, the parents of the body, do not dare to destroy, the beginning of filial piety. How can the ancients, who regarded hair as life, win the "hairline defense war"?

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As early as the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Pi was plagued by hair loss. According to records, Cao Pi was in his 30s and had hair loss. Its symptoms are analyzed according to the current pathology and should be seborrheic alopecia.

Cao Pi, in order to cure his own hair loss, found experts to carry out consultations, leaving a secret recipe for preventing detachment.

According to the Tang Dynasty medical book "Outer Terrace Secrets", the doctor prescribed a prescription for cao Pi's serious hair loss, and Cao Pi used this formula to wash his hair with outstanding effect, and soon grew new hair at the hair loss.

In this anti-shedding recipe, there is a product called "horse mane paste". Wash the hair before use, and then apply it to the scalp, wait for one or two hours to wash it off, the effect is remarkable, the hair is as flowing as the mane of a horse, so it is named "horse mane paste".

How did the ancients defend the hairline?

Wear a wig with a wet hat

Modern people have wigs, and ancient people also have wigs! As early as the Tang Dynasty, the little fairies who loved beauty made painted wooden wigs. They cut the wood into the shape of a bun and then painted it in black, which perfectly masked the lack of hair.

Men wear hats more often than women who like to wear wigs. The "Jin Shu Youfu Zhi" records: "The servants of the ancient untouchables who do not have a crown." The Han Yuan Emperor had strong hair on his forehead and began to lead him to obey. Wang Mang was bald, and added his house also. ”

It means that the cloth was originally wrapped on the forehead of ordinary people, because the bangs of the Han Yuan Emperor were relatively dense, and they were also wrapped in a piece of cloth to cover it. When it came to Wang Mang, the problem came, because the baldness was serious, there was no hair to bind, and it was strange to wear a headscarf, so the "Gong" was improved, and a "house" was added to it, and later there was a saying of "Wang Mang Bald, Shi Wu", and the hat appeared on the scene.

How did the ancients defend the hairline?

Laugh baldly

Whether it is chemotherapy or physical masking, it is to reduce the appearance damage caused by hair loss from the surface. However, at certain times or in certain groups of people in ancient times, people were no longer embarrassed by baldness, because you were also bald and I was bald, and it seemed like a neat family. For example, the Khitan men's trendy hairstyle - kūn hair.

According to Khitan custom, Khitan men often make haircuts. The Book of the Later Han Dynasty, the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, the Book of Southern Qi and other historical records are all recorded. What exactly this hairstyle looks like, directly above the picture!

How did the ancients defend the hairline?

Shaving off the hair on the top of the head, leaving the surrounding part of the hair, or sagging, or braided into a small braid, this hairstyle is simply debauched and free-loving.

Hair is one of the important characteristics of the Eastern Hu peoples that distinguish them from the Xiongnu peoples, in addition to the Khitan peoples, this hair style was also commonly used by all ethnic groups in ancient southern China. According to later speculations, in ancient times, shepherds rode on horses, and the loose hair was easy to block the line of sight, so they shaved or braided it to facilitate riding.

The heart of beauty, everyone has it, although there is no conditioner in ancient times, but the ancients also paid attention to hair care Oh ~

How the ancients cared for hair

The ancients used natural ingredients to shampoo their hair. Although there are also poor people who use grass and wood ash to wash their hair, which can effectively remove oil, but it is far less effective than soap horn, tao rice water, and tea tree seed oil.

How did the ancients defend the hairline?

Soap corner

Since the Qin and Han dynasties, people like to use soap horns to wash and wash their hair, clean and do not hurt the hair, but also leave a faint fragrance, and is still one of the main materials of soap powder and soap.

Tao rice water

Taomi water shampoo has been around since ancient times, and Dai women still use the taomi water of black glutinous rice to wash their hair. Toudo Tao Mi Water is a natural shampoo and is rich in vitamins to maintain hair.

How did the ancients defend the hairline?

Tea tree seeds

The cleansing principle of tea tree seed oil is similar to that of soap horn, but the oil content is more, the effect of hair nourishment is stronger, and it is more suitable for dry hair.

Sesame leaves

Guo Sheng of the Ming Dynasty recorded in the "Family Affair": Fat hemp leaves, soup soaked out, women comb their hair to remove lice. The "fat hemp leaf" here is also the sesame leaf.

Some Chinese medicine texts also record that sesame leaves have the effect of making the hair black and moist. Therefore, sesame leaf shampoo is more focused on maintenance than cleaning. It can be seen that the ancients paid attention to hair in addition to cleaning, but also paid attention to maintenance.

In addition, the ancients also had a variety of hair care products, such as paste-like "Xiangze", as well as liquid "rose oil", "fragrant wood rhino oil", "osmanthus head oil", are directly applied to the hair of the skin care products, similar to today's hair mask and hair care essential oil.

How did the ancients defend the hairline?

In film and television dramas, the ancients often regarded hair as a skull, so cutting hair was often considered a punishment. So can the hair of the ancients really not be cut?

Could the ancients trim their hair?

The ancients would repair their own hair and hair, but in a completely different way than in modern times.

During the Tang Dynasty

This period is the most inclusive and open, and the pursuit of beauty by men and women is required to the extreme. Not only shaving off the eyebrows, many beauty lovers, noble ladies have spent a lot of money to buy wigs to do styling.

Where there is demand, there is a market, and there is a market with high returns, and there are criminals who are desperate to take risks. Most of them stared at the hair of drunken people, or when civilians were alone, they forcibly cut their hair, or bribed the government to buy the hair of death row prisoners.

When the incidents of stealing and reselling hair repeatedly occurred, and the people's lives were miserable, Tang Taizong decided to "import wigs". Unfortunately, this method did not cure the symptoms, and later a cheap wig that was not made of real hair (with brown thread and other things) was born, and it was spread among the people, and it is conceivable how many ways were thought of for beauty at that time.

How did the ancients defend the hairline?

Song and Yuan dynasties

Folk barbers are called waiting for the commandment, which means to be called at any time. In addition to cutting hair and shaving the head, it also does the work of combing the hair, so it is also called grate head waiting.

At that time, barbers not only had shops, but also guilds, and the Song Dynasty's meticulous "Wulin Old Things and Society" recorded that there was a net hair club in Hangzhou at that time. When it came time for the Qing soldiers to enter the customs, because there was an order to shave their hair and comb their braids, and to cut off their heads without shaving their heads, the development of the barbering industry reached its climax. At that time, barbers would carry a shaved head and hold an iron clip like a tuning fork in their hands to sell and cut people's hair.

How did the ancients defend the hairline?

During the Ming Dynasty

The imperial family has a palace institution dedicated to shaving the heads and hair of the imperial daughters called the grate room, which is recorded in Liu Ruoyu's "Chronicle of the Appointment of The Inner Minister".

According to the most orthodox Ming Dynasty royal rules, in addition to shaving their hair at the full hundred days, the crown prince and empress must also cut their hair or shave their heads according to each stage of growth, and then keep different forms of hairstyles according to their needs and forms.

For example, before he was a teenager, the prince needed to have a professional shaving master shave his hair regularly. After he was a teenager, he began to keep his hair tied for hair tie, and he rarely trimmed his hair until adulthood.

How did the ancients defend the hairline?

After reading the ancients' anti-hair loss and hair care tips, I don't know if there is any trick suitable for you! However, Xiaobian personally feels that if you really can't grow hair, you must also laugh and go bald!