
Good Care Community Morning Post(2018-7-6)

author:Good maintenance

Custody information

A little bat moth

Good Care Community Morning Post(2018-7-6)

Distribution and hazards

The larvae moth into the larval tree from the base of the trunk 1 meter from the ground, spit silk knot net, moth the xylem, the outside of the worm mouth is filled with wood chips, stuck to the silk net, until the silk mesh is full of wood chips and connected into a package to cover the hole, first feed around the trunk for a week, and then moth into the marrow heart and feed downwards, resulting in the upper part of the tree wilting or breaking, easy to wind fold. Moths sometimes go deep into the underground roots. The old mature larvae make a silk cap to block the inner mouth of the worm passage to pupate.

Morphological characteristics

Adults are 25–47 mm long and have a wingspan of 50–120 mm. Female moths are larger. The body is dark brown and densely covered with pinkish green and pinkish brown fluff. The head is small, with long hairs on the top of the head, the mouthparts are degenerate, the antennae are short, there is a nearly triangular black-brown stripe in the middle of the forewing, and there are silver-white spots, and the middle of the near wing is a silvery-white short oblique stripe, and the end is "!" the form separates out a little. The outer margin line has a dark brown broad band line, and the sub-outer edge line is a wide dark brown short oblique ripple. The forefoot is flattened, broad, hairy, and extends forward when stationary, very bat-like. The male moth has long orange-red brushed hairs on the back of the leg segments of the hind feet.

The eggs are 0.5–0.7 mm long, oval in shape, white at first birth and black later.

Larvae Mature larvae are about 75 mm long , yellowish-white , oblong-cylindrical , with a brown head and thorax dorsal plate , a dark brown mast in the center of each segment of the body , oval in shape , and four smaller light brown masts on each side.

The pupa is 40–50 mm long, yellowish brown, cylindrical, with a dark brown head and pointed teeth on the top of the head. The abdomen is tubular in shape with transverse dental processes on the back.

Regularity of occurrence

The worm occurs in 2 generations, overwintering in tunnels at the base of tree trunks with eggs on the ground or as larvae. Hatching in mid-April of the following year, the young larvae feed on humus, and after 2 to 3 years of age, they turn to the main trunk of fir trees, paulownia and other young trees to eat moths, and have been endangered until the winter. In mid-May of the third year, the mature larvae pupate, and in early June, the adults begin to feather, mate and lay eggs. Adults feather in the evening, lie still on tree trunks, undergrowth or weeds during the day, and the eggs are scattered on the ground or ground cover. Most fly at 19-20 o'clock in the evening, and the adult lifespan is 6-8 days. When the larvae moth into the larval tree, they mostly burrow from the base of the trunk about 1 meter above the ground, and the large trees mostly moth from the old worm hole or crack. Feed around the trunk for a week, then moth into the heart of the pulp and feed downwards, the moth into the tunnel downwards vertically, about 20 cm deep, sometimes deep into the underground roots. The inner wall of the worm passage is smooth, and feces and debris are all pushed into the cyst of the borer orifice, which is particularly large before pupalization. The mature larvae make a silk cap to block the inner mouth of the worm's passage, ready to pupate. There are many types of natural enemies, such as parasitic larvae of white zombie fungus, pupae, silkworm-bellied parasitic larvae, and bee parasitic larvae.

Prevention and control methods

(1) Protection and utilization of natural enemies.

(2) Select more insect-resistant varieties, strengthen cultivation management, enhance tree potential, and improve resistance. Create mixed forests to cut down dead trees with insects in time to reduce the spread of insect pests.

(3) When insect bags are found at the base of the trunk in the woodland, the insect bags are first peeled off, and then 30% cypermethrin wettable capsules or 80% dichlorvos 500 times liquid are injected into the worm tract with a syringe to poison the larvae.

(4) You can also use a soft strip made of bamboo to insert it directly into the moth to kill the larvae, and then block the hole with mud, which has a good effect.

Good Care Community Morning Post(2018-7-6)

Garden information

Hefei Botanical Garden Expansion Project Started More than 3,000 species of plants

China Garden Network July 5 news: in the peak season in and out of hefei Botanical Garden will say goodbye to congestion, the botanical garden will become more beautiful. On July 4, the expansion project of Hefei Botanical Garden was officially started, and the botanical garden will expand nearly 500 acres south to create a natural garden landscape; A new passage into the botanical garden was added to the southern expansion area to alleviate the congestion of the entrance road during the spring flower viewing.

The new passage connects Fanwa Road to the South Gate of the Botanical Garden

The reporter learned at the opening ceremony of the expansion that a new passage into the botanical garden will be added to the expansion, and the new passage connects Fanwa Road and the south gate of the botanical garden.

Nearly 500 acres of southern expansion area to create a natural landscape

The highlight of this expansion project is the southward expansion area. According to reports, the area here is 497.71 acres, and the preliminary design was approved by the Municipal Development and Reform Commission on January 18, 2018, and the main construction contents include water ecological restoration, water conservation forest, ecological greening and management and protection facilities. At present, the approval of the project, the initial establishment, the environmental impact assessment, the review of construction drawings, the bidding and bidding, and the start of the construction of the large-scale construction office have been completed, and the project has the conditions for starting construction from the procedural point of view.

According to the current plan, the southern expansion area is tentatively scheduled to complete basic projects such as terrain and management and protection facilities by the end of 2018, and complete greening projects such as plant community planting and water forest construction in April 2019.

There will be more than 3,000 plant species in the park

According to reports, the project covers an area of 1058 acres, and will build Anhui Native Botanical Garden, Leguminous Botanical Garden, Pomegranate Garden, Wood Rhino Garden, transformation of Mulan Garden, Chime Garden and other contents, and will soon be tendered for construction.

At present, Hefei Botanical Garden has collected more than 2,000 kinds of plants, including 29 species of rare and protected trees of the first, second and third levels of the country, and 9 special plant gardens such as plum garden. The pomegranate garden brings together the largest number of pomegranate varieties in the world.

It is reported that the transformed Mulan Garden will display a total of 46 species of magnolia plants, and the newly built Anhui Native Botanical Garden will collect all kinds of plants with local characteristics, and display a total of 1500 kinds of local plants after the completion of construction. The Leguminous Botanical Garden displays 150 species of legumes. After the upgrading and transformation, there are more than 3,000 kinds of plant species in the whole park.

Good Care Community Morning Post(2018-7-6)

Hot News

Refine the phased goals of pollution prevention and control Local pollution prevention and control battles have been intensively launched

China Garden Network July 5 news: In order to implement the guidance of resolutely fighting the battle against pollution, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has deployed seven landmark major battles and four special actions. The reporter learned that Guangdong, Chongqing, Hebei and other places have recently announced the phased targets and specific implementation plans for pollution prevention and control. Experts suggest that to fight the battle against pollution, it is also necessary to increase investment in ecological environmental protection, mobilize the participation and enthusiasm of all parties, and establish and improve environmental protection governance and investment mechanisms.

Deploy pollution prevention and control work in many places

On July 4, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Ecology and Environment that in recent years, Zhejiang Province has actively explored the innovation of environmental law enforcement and judicial linkage mechanisms to jointly combat environmental pollution. By the end of June, Zhejiang Province had taken the lead in the country to achieve full coverage of the liaison agencies of environmental protection and public procuratorial and legal organs at the provincial, municipal and county levels, and the province's environmental law enforcement and judicial linkage mechanism had been further expanded.

On June 16, the "Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening ecological environmental protection and resolutely fighting the battle against pollution" was officially introduced. The opinions put forward the overall goal, and at the same time require all regions and departments to accelerate the formation of an ecological civilization construction and ecological environmental protection system system, and comprehensively promote the in-depth implementation of the action plan for the prevention and control of air, water and soil pollution.

It is understood that in recent days, Guangdong, Chongqing, Tianjin, Hebei and other places have successively deployed specific work arrangements for the battle against pollution, clarified the stage goals, and refined the implementation of specific measures.

Guangdong Province requires that efforts be concentrated on solving outstanding ecological and environmental problems. Promote pollution prevention and control work from the three major areas of atmosphere, water and soil. In addition, it is also required to solve the outstanding problems of solid waste pollution, accelerate the completion of the shortcomings of environmental protection infrastructure, and implement the central environmental protection supervision and rectification work.

Tianjin municipality recently issued the "Water Pollution Prevention and Control Plan for Key River Basins (2016-2020)" Tianjin Implementation Plan, which increases the protection and treatment of drinking water sources in terms of industrial pollution prevention, urban life pollution prevention and control, and agricultural and rural pollution prevention and control.

In addition, Chongqing Municipality proposed to focus on key areas to fight the battle against pollution. Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Sichuan, Hubei, Qinghai and other places have also recently clarified the phased goals and specific work plans for pollution prevention and control, accelerated the construction of an ecological civilization system and economic system, and continued to promote green development.

Good Care Community Morning Post(2018-7-6)

That year today

On July 6, 2008, China's "Fujian Tulou" was officially inscribed on the World Heritage List.

Fujian Tulou, because most of them were built by Fujian Hakka, is also known as "Hakka Tulou". Tulou originated in the Song and Yuan dynasties and matured in the late Ming, Qing and Republic of China periods. With earth, wood, stone and bamboo as the main building materials, the use of unburned soil and a certain proportion of sand clay and clay sand mixed, rammed with sandwich panels to form a two-storey house.

Fujian Tulou includes Gaobei Tulou Group, Hongkeng Tulou Group, Chuxi Tulou Group, Yanxiang Lou and Zhenfu Lou in Yongding District, Fujian Province, Tianluokeng Tulou Group, Hekeng Tulou Group, Yunshui Ballad and Guilou and Huaiyuan Lou in Nanjing County, and Dadi Tulou Group in Hua'an County. Among them, The Second Yilou is located in Dadi Village, Xiandu Town, Hua'an County, which is an outstanding representative of the ancient residences of Yuanshilou in China, known as the "King of Tulou" and "the treasure of the country", it is famous for its grand scale, scientific design, reasonable layout and well-preserved, and is a national key cultural relics protection unit.

Fujian Tulou, as a form of architecture that the Hakka people in Fujian are proud of, is a treasure in the Fujian people's houses. At the same time, it also incorporates humanistic factors, which can be called the epitome of the combination of "heaven, earth and people". Dozens of households and hundreds of people live on the first floor, reflecting the family tradition of Hakka living together and living in harmony. Therefore, a history of Tulou is a history of rural families. The descendants of Tulou often do not need a family tree to talk about the origin of the family.