
19,000 Han police officers have a case-handling artifact in their hands, and face recognition can move to handle cases at any time

author:Yangtze River Daily
19,000 Han police officers have a case-handling artifact in their hands, and face recognition can move to handle cases at any time

Photo by reporter Xu Weiwei

Yangtze River Daily Rong Media August 28 (reporter Liu Zhiyu correspondent Yang Huailiu Feng Wei Hu Ziang) At noon on August 26, Yang Hanbin, a police officer at the Houhu Police Station, received a 110 alarm at lunch. A victim whose mobile phone was stolen a few days ago said that he met the criminal suspect Huang Mou in an Internet café. Yang Hanbin immediately rushed to the Internet café, inspected Huang's belongings on the spot, and found an ID card of unknown origin. Yang Hanbin took out a black mobile phone and swiped it with the camera against the ID card, and the information showed that the owner of the ID card had just reported that it had been stolen not long ago. Huang was immediately taken to the Houhu Institute for review on suspicion of a series of thefts, and was subsequently criminally detained in accordance with law.

19,000 Han police officers have a case-handling artifact in their hands, and face recognition can move to handle cases at any time

This black mobile phone is the latest configuration of the Wuhan police in the 19,000 Han police, embedded in the "sweep", "pat a pat", "shake a shake", "say a word" and other intelligent means, to achieve a new experience of mobile policing such as meeting and checking, checking and recording, and real-time processing.

On the morning of the 28th, the Yangtze River Daily reporter saw in the Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau that the policeman Tong Zhenjun was holding a police pass in his hand, showing the functions of this "artifact". The reporter saw that after unlocking the phone, the display interface was like a "police supermarket". Command and dispatch, public security, patrol, household administration, traffic management, fire protection, entry and exit and other public security business have a corresponding application, click after you can enter the corresponding business section, each police police can be "purchased" according to their actual needs.

19,000 Han police officers have a case-handling artifact in their hands, and face recognition can move to handle cases at any time

For the convenience of this police pass, Tao Fan, director of the Houhu Police Station, has a deep understanding. "Whether it is 110 police or a checkpoint, the police pass is now our must-carry equipment." Tao Fan told reporters. The 44-year-old has been working on the front line of patrols, and more than a decade ago he interrogated a suspicious person to register his identity information and physical characteristics with a pen, return to the team and then check and compare. Later, the inventory information can be reported to the background for comparison through the radio. "Now the police communication almost directly moved the office to the scene, some fugitives deliberately reported false identities, and we even used face recognition to directly identify them."

According to the person in charge of the Police Headquarters of the Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau, as of now, the city has distributed 19,000 police passes, taking the lead in the country to realize the full police allocation of mobile police terminals.

How powerful is this police pass? The person in charge focused on the functions of "sweeping", "patting", "shaking", and "saying". In the process of public security patrol, when the police check suspicious personnel, take out the police pass to "sweep" the other party's ID card, its personal identity, criminal record and other information can be displayed on the screen in 3 to 5 seconds, no longer need to be verified and confirmed through the background; in the traffic violation investigation, when the police check the suspicious vehicle, take out the police pass "pat" the vehicle number plate, the vehicle's registration information, traffic violations are presented instantly, greatly improving the accuracy and efficiency of the investigation; the "shake a shake" function is more powerful, the police hold the police pass, open the corresponding function After clicking on the police, you can view the registration of building personnel, the surrounding police force and the distribution of key personnel at any time, which is convenient and quick to dispatch; the "say a word" function can realize the instantaneous transformation of the voice command and text instruction of the police, and can also realize the real-time call communication between the police and the police.

19,000 Han police officers have a case-handling artifact in their hands, and face recognition can move to handle cases at any time

The Yangtze River Daily reporter learned that as of now, since the operation of this "artifact", it has provided more than 15.8 million inquiries, collected more than 7.56 million pieces of various types of information, carried out more than 8 million traffic law enforcement cases, and carried out more than 10,000 public security inspections; pushed more than 890,000 work instructions and comparison information, and assisted in the arrest of 358 fugitives through mobile police terminal applications, effectively supporting the service of various public security business work.

As an old public security, but also as a leader and organizer of mobile police construction, Li Yilong, member of the Standing Committee of the Wuhan Municipal Party Committee and director of the Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau, said that mobile policing is not only the diligent exploration of Wuhan public security in the field of scientific and technological informatization, but also the innovation of the reform of modern police mechanisms under dynamic and information-based conditions, and also the innovation of practicing wholehearted service to the people. It strongly supports the current "10,000 police officers into the community" activities, the "three strikes, two rectifications and one promotion" special action and the central work of "do it immediately, do it online, and do it once", and has become an application brand with the characteristics of "Han Police".

【Editor: Chen Zhi】