
30 japanese people with 30 people in The Presence of a Japanese | Japanese characteristic surname Mr. Kotoriyu Saionji (Saionji) Edogawa (Edogawa) Gatsuma (My Tsuma) Tsukimiri (Yamanashi) Kurihana-ochi (Tsuyuri) Medicine Bag (Omi ) Mitarai (Mirai)

author:Su San liquor

The number of Japanese surnames is about 140,000, generally consisting of one to three Kanji, and a few also have four to five Kanji. Japanese surnames have certain meanings, one of the characteristics of which is the use of place names.

For example, some people live at the foot of the mountain, so they take "Yamashita" or "Yamamoto" as their surname; some people live at the edge of the paddy field, which is called "Tian Yuan". There are also many surnames that denote natural phenomena, social phenomena, and ideologies.

This is because Japan was a nameless country before the Meiji Restoration, where only nobles (including the samurai class) could have surnames, and commoners had only names. Since the Meiji Restoration, laws have stipulated that citizens must use surnames, and the urgency of policy implementation has made many commoners have to use familiar things to make surnames at random.

With the import of Japanese film and television culture, we can also learn many different Japanese surnames in Japanese dramas and anime. As a "literary" young man, I will never forget many characteristic Japanese surnames after reading them once, and many surnames are full of beauty when pronounced out in Chinese. Today I would like to share with you a few of the more characteristic Japanese surnames.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Kotoriyu </h1>

Japanese netizens have voted for the three surnames with the most anime sense, the surname of "anime sense" is usually rare in real life, and "Little Bird Tour" ranked second in the vote.

Originally an ancient surname, "Little Bird Tour" is not much that has survived, and only 30 people today have this surname. The surname comes from the phrase "there is no eagle, the birds are confidently bouncing and playing in the branches = no eagle = eagle (たか) 無 (なし)". It is often used in manga because of its rarity and particularity.

30 japanese people with 30 people in The Presence of a Japanese | Japanese characteristic surname Mr. Kotoriyu Saionji (Saionji) Edogawa (Edogawa) Gatsuma (My Tsuma) Tsukimiri (Yamanashi) Kurihana-ochi (Tsuyuri) Medicine Bag (Omi ) Mitarai (Mirai)

"Nakaji-jiya Yonei Koi"—Rokka Takanara

30 japanese people with 30 people in The Presence of a Japanese | Japanese characteristic surname Mr. Kotoriyu Saionji (Saionji) Edogawa (Edogawa) Gatsuma (My Tsuma) Tsukimiri (Yamanashi) Kurihana-ochi (Tsuyuri) Medicine Bag (Omi ) Mitarai (Mirai)

"亚酱话说说"—Yumitsu Kotori

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Saionji</h1>

In the bizarre vote of Japanese netizens, "Saienji" won the top spot in the "surname that looks like a rich family". Saienji Temple gives people the surnames of characters like young master and young lady.

In fact, the surname "Saienji" has a history of more than 800 years, and the more famous figure is "Saienji Gongwang", who served as the prime minister of Japan. "SaiYuanJi" gives people the feeling of a rich man both literally and in pronunciation. There are also many "Saienji Temple" in the manga.

30 japanese people with 30 people in The Presence of a Japanese | Japanese characteristic surname Mr. Kotoriyu Saionji (Saionji) Edogawa (Edogawa) Gatsuma (My Tsuma) Tsukimiri (Yamanashi) Kurihana-ochi (Tsuyuri) Medicine Bag (Omi ) Mitarai (Mirai)

《Girl Revolution》—Saionji Kaichi

30 japanese people with 30 people in The Presence of a Japanese | Japanese characteristic surname Mr. Kotoriyu Saionji (Saionji) Edogawa (Edogawa) Gatsuma (My Tsuma) Tsukimiri (Yamanashi) Kurihana-ochi (Tsuyuri) Medicine Bag (Omi ) Mitarai (Mirai)

"Idol Daiko"—Saionji Kotoka

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Edogawa </h1>

"Etogawa" is a small Japanese surname and is very rare. The "EdoGawa" is a river that originated in the Tone River, presumably due to the fact that its ancestors lived near the Edo River, which evolved into a surname. According to Japanese statistics, this surname is currently only used by about 130 people.

The small number of users of this surname is well known to us, thanks to the credit of the two characters. One is the famous Japanese mystery novelist "Edogawa Chaos". "Edogawa Chaos", whose real name is Hirai Taro, is Japan's most prestigious mystery writer and critic, and is known as the "father of detective mystery novels" in Japan.

The other is the male protagonist of the famous Japanese manga "Detective Conan", "Etogawa コナン (Conan)", which is a tribute to the author of "Sherlock Holmes Detective Collection" "Arthur Conan Doyle" and the aforementioned "Edogawa Chaos".

30 japanese people with 30 people in The Presence of a Japanese | Japanese characteristic surname Mr. Kotoriyu Saionji (Saionji) Edogawa (Edogawa) Gatsuma (My Tsuma) Tsukimiri (Yamanashi) Kurihana-ochi (Tsuyuri) Medicine Bag (Omi ) Mitarai (Mirai)

Edogawa Ranpo himself

30 japanese people with 30 people in The Presence of a Japanese | Japanese characteristic surname Mr. Kotoriyu Saionji (Saionji) Edogawa (Edogawa) Gatsuma (My Tsuma) Tsukimiri (Yamanashi) Kurihana-ochi (Tsuyuri) Medicine Bag (Omi ) Mitarai (Mirai)

The character corresponding to "Edogawa Chaos" in the anime "Bunhao Wild Dog"

30 japanese people with 30 people in The Presence of a Japanese | Japanese characteristic surname Mr. Kotoriyu Saionji (Saionji) Edogawa (Edogawa) Gatsuma (My Tsuma) Tsukimiri (Yamanashi) Kurihana-ochi (Tsuyuri) Medicine Bag (Omi ) Mitarai (Mirai)

"Meijo Search South"—Conan Edogawa

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > gatsuma (my wife) </h1>

"My Wife" is a surname of the Shi clan, which evolved from the "Azuma" clan given by Emperor Tenchi. The surname "My Wife" is well known to the public due to its high rate of appearance in anime.

Representative figures include "My Wife Zenyi" in "Devil's Blade" and "My Wife Yuno" in "Future Diary". When many people first see it, they will misunderstand the character who is called this surname.

Especially "My wife Yuno", because the "Future Diary" is too popular, it can be said that it is the most misguided personal name, many people see that in the end, they do not react to "my wife" is the surname of the heroine. Many people who have just entered the second dimension or have not been exposed to the second dimension think that "my wife Yu Nai" is: my wife Yu Nai.

30 japanese people with 30 people in The Presence of a Japanese | Japanese characteristic surname Mr. Kotoriyu Saionji (Saionji) Edogawa (Edogawa) Gatsuma (My Tsuma) Tsukimiri (Yamanashi) Kurihana-ochi (Tsuyuri) Medicine Bag (Omi ) Mitarai (Mirai)

"Oni no Oba"—Agatsuma Zentsu

30 japanese people with 30 people in The Presence of a Japanese | Japanese characteristic surname Mr. Kotoriyu Saionji (Saionji) Edogawa (Edogawa) Gatsuma (My Tsuma) Tsukimiri (Yamanashi) Kurihana-ochi (Tsuyuri) Medicine Bag (Omi ) Mitarai (Mirai)

"Future Days"—Yuno Gatsuma

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Tsukimisato</h1>

"Moonmi- and "Little Bird Tour" are similar in mood and are pronounced as "やまなし", which literally translates to "no mountain". According to historical speculation, the creator of the surname "Tsukimiri" lived in a place where mountains were invisible around.

The name taker can obviously take the name "plain" or other word as a surname, but the surname "Moonmiri" is used to vaguely express the meaning of no mountain through the meaning of "where the moon can be seen".

30 japanese people with 30 people in The Presence of a Japanese | Japanese characteristic surname Mr. Kotoriyu Saionji (Saionji) Edogawa (Edogawa) Gatsuma (My Tsuma) Tsukimiri (Yamanashi) Kurihana-ochi (Tsuyuri) Medicine Bag (Omi ) Mitarai (Mirai)

"No mountain to see the moon"

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Chestnut</h1>

"Chestnut blossom fall" was originally a dialect of Gifu Prefecture, which means that when the chestnut blossom falls, it is the season of plum rain, and it is a Japanese surname related to seasonal climate change.

There is also a story in "Chestnut Blossom" that somewhere in the past, a minister named Mizunose-den married a first beauty of the Settsu Kingdom named Luki, but Luki died within a year. Because it is the time of the chestnut blossoms on the seventh of May, the chestnut flower falls princess instead of Luki.

The surname "Kurihana"also has a representative character with the appearance of the manga "Oni Blade", and the ghost squad swordsman "Kurihana Falling", which is the surname of the ghost killer swordsman in the manga, "Kurihana-no-mitsuki(Kanahu)".

30 japanese people with 30 people in The Presence of a Japanese | Japanese characteristic surname Mr. Kotoriyu Saionji (Saionji) Edogawa (Edogawa) Gatsuma (My Tsuma) Tsukimiri (Yamanashi) Kurihana-ochi (Tsuyuri) Medicine Bag (Omi ) Mitarai (Mirai)

"Oni no Oba"—Kanao Kurihanachi

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > medicine bag (not) </h1>

"Mitsubaku" is pronounced very specially, pronounced as "みない", which means that I have never seen it or seen it. It is very rare in Japan today, and about 30 people still use the surname.

Legend has it that when Takeda Shingen dropped the medicine bag and was returned, he asked people if they had seen what was inside, and the answer was "I haven't seen it", which extends to represent the good intentions of good health like the medicine bag that has never seen this person.

30 japanese people with 30 people in The Presence of a Japanese | Japanese characteristic surname Mr. Kotoriyu Saionji (Saionji) Edogawa (Edogawa) Gatsuma (My Tsuma) Tsukimiri (Yamanashi) Kurihana-ochi (Tsuyuri) Medicine Bag (Omi ) Mitarai (Mirai)

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Mikurai (Miwai)</h1>

If you know a little, your Japanese friends will smile inexplicably when they see the surname "Mitsuru", because in Japanese the more elegant name of the toilet is "お手 wash い(おてあらい)", sometimes abbreviated as "お手 wash", and the Chinese character for "お" can be written "御", so "お手 wash" is sometimes written as "御手 wash".

However, the pronunciation of "Mitsubashi" in the name is different from the pronunciation of "お手 wash", which is pronounced "みたらい" or "みたらし", which refers to "the hand-washing pool used by believers in shrines or temples to wash their hands". So this surname is very sacred.

The "Midebashi" also appears very frequently in the manga, such as "Mitsumaru", "Mitsumaru", "Mitsumaru", "Mitsumaru", and so on.

30 japanese people with 30 people in The Presence of a Japanese | Japanese characteristic surname Mr. Kotoriyu Saionji (Saionji) Edogawa (Edogawa) Gatsuma (My Tsuma) Tsukimiri (Yamanashi) Kurihana-ochi (Tsuyuri) Medicine Bag (Omi ) Mitarai (Mirai)

Mantarai Anko

30 japanese people with 30 people in The Presence of a Japanese | Japanese characteristic surname Mr. Kotoriyu Saionji (Saionji) Edogawa (Edogawa) Gatsuma (My Tsuma) Tsukimiri (Yamanashi) Kurihana-ochi (Tsuyuri) Medicine Bag (Omi ) Mitarai (Mirai)

Ryota Mitarai

In addition to the above eight surnames, there are many unique surnames in Japan.

Ariwa Tsuki Phase Name,"Mikazuki", The First Three Moon Phase of The 16th Night, "16 Nights"; The state-of-the-art,Nyo "Gokurakuji", "Tenko Katsura";

Some of these names are rich in meaning, some may not have practical meaning, but they are very good to read, and they are all the wisdom of the ancient Japanese people.

However, since the Japanese government promulgated the second Household Registration Law in 1898, the government has stipulated that the surname of each family must be fixed from then on, and it is no longer possible to innovate at will, so it is now impossible to create new surnames, so many surnames that appear in anime do not actually exist.

For example, "惣流(そうりゅう)" and "出木杉(できすぎ)" were all made up by the authors themselves. Although it is impossible to continue to innovate family names, when taking pen names, everyone can still innovate at will.