
Autumn equinox solstice, autumn is strong, four reasons to fall in love with autumn running

author:56 Nationals Marathon Series

Golden Equinox

Divide day and night equally

Autumn equinox solstice, autumn is strong, four reasons to fall in love with autumn running

Most parts of the country have entered a cool autumn, which is the most suitable season for running of the year.

Keep running in the fall, there are many benefits!

1. Improve immunity and enhance physical resistance.

At the time of the transition between summer and autumn, the temperature difference between morning and evening is large, and seasonal colds are easy to take advantage of the void.

Running is conducive to improving the body's ability to adapt to environmental changes, but also by increasing lymphocytes to improve people's immunity, so that the body can better adapt to climate changes and prevent autumn colds.

Autumn equinox solstice, autumn is strong, four reasons to fall in love with autumn running

2. Enhance the function of the cardiovascular system.

The weather is getting colder, and the old problem of cold hands and feet is coming back. Insisting on running helps to enhance the function of the cardiovascular system, promote the contraction and relaxation of blood vessels, can promote the expansion and thickening of blood vessels, coupled with the improvement of the blood supply function of the heart, the blood flow in the blood vessels increases, and the capillaries will also increase, so that the blood can more smoothly reach the tissue cells in all corners of the body, provide them with sufficient oxygen and nutrients, and maintain the normal state of body temperature.

3. Promote metabolism.

Scientific and reasonable running training can improve the secretion of hormones in the body and promote metabolism. Coupled with a reasonable diet and adequate rest, you can make your skin more hydrated and your posture younger!

Autumn equinox solstice, autumn is strong, four reasons to fall in love with autumn running

4. Relieve stress.

2/3 of 2021 has passed, and for a moment it is not felt that the sense of crisis has increased significantly. The pressure of work, study, and life sometimes makes people "one head two big", when you fall into a low tide, it is better to let go of everything and go out for a lap. The so-called "sorrow is born of depression", the way to relieve sorrow is to vent, and half of the joy of life comes from activities. Running seems to be a kind of consumption of the human body, but in fact, it will discharge the depression that is not conducive to physical and mental health, so that the mind can be empty, but it has become another way to recharge the body.

Autumn equinox solstice, autumn is strong, four reasons to fall in love with autumn running

Autumn running, you should pay attention to three points!

1. Replace the equipment according to the ambient temperature.

Sweating, warmth and protection are the most basic guarantees of equipment. No matter how it is matched, the close-fitting layer must be a quick-drying garment to avoid affecting perspiration. As for whether to choose a shorts vest or change into long-sleeved pants, it can be adjusted according to the ambient temperature and personal constitution.

2. The warm-up work needs to be in place.

Autumn morning run, the temperature is relatively low, human muscles, ligaments, joint flexibility becomes poor, more should do a good job before running warm-up work. Lengthen the warm-up time in an appropriate amount, mainly to move the joints, run away alternately, jump rope and other activities, so that the body can quickly heat up, so that the next full body into the exercise.

Autumn equinox solstice, autumn is strong, four reasons to fall in love with autumn running

3, step by step, the increment is measured.

The temperature is suitable in autumn, and the pace of running has also increased. However, it should be noted that no matter which season, the increase in running volume should also be recommended in order, and should not be blindly increased on a whim, causing unnecessary damage.

Autumn equinox solstice, autumn is strong, four reasons to fall in love with autumn running

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