
He is the pioneer of precision hepatobiliary surgery, which was watched live for 14 hours by millions of people

author:Beijing Daily client

Beijing Tsinghua Changgeng Hospital, located in Tiantongyuan, is about to celebrate its 5th birthday at the end of this year. Every day, here will usher in difficult liver and gallbladder disease patients from all over the country and even around the world, they hope to meet a long-admired expert here, let him "split" the liver and "leave" the gallbladder, looking forward to the knife falling disease. The expert that patients are looking for is Dong Jiahong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and executive president of Beijing Tsinghua Chang Gung Hospital.

He is the pioneer of precision hepatobiliary surgery, which was watched live for 14 hours by millions of people

Profile: Dong Jiahong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, expert in hepatobiliary surgery. In 1993, he graduated from the Third Military Medical University of the People's Liberation Army with a doctorate degree in general surgery. He is currently the Dean of the School of Clinical Medicine of Tsinghua University, the Dean of the Institute of Precision Medicine of Tsinghua University, and the Executive Dean of Beijing Tsinghua Changgeng Hospital.

Internationally renowned hepatobiliary surgery and liver transplantation expert, has long been committed to the research of modern hepatobiliary surgery theory and technology. For the first time in the world, the new concept of "precision surgery" was proposed, the paradigm of precision hepatobiliary surgery was created, a systematic intervention strategy of focus removal, organ protection and damage control was established, a series of key surgical technologies characterized by visualization, quantification and controllability was constructed, the problems of localization, quantification and fine control in hepatobiliary surgery were solved, and the surgical treatment effect of complex hepatobiliary diseases such as liver tumors, biliary tract tumors, hepatobiliary duct stones, intrahepatic bile duct dilation, and end-stage hepatobiliary disease was improved. In 2017, he was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

Speaking of Dong Jiahong, most people's first impression of him is that he is a medical professor and a surgical expert. For Dong Jiahong, embarking on the road of practicing medicine is purely accidental. In 1976, Dong Jiahong graduated from high school and worked as a substitute teacher in his hometown, a seaside town middle school. In October 1977, China resumed the college entrance examination, and he was determined to enter the university and become a college student. At that time, the story of mathematician Chen Jingrun was spread in The land of China, and Goldbach's conjecture made Dong Jiahong dream of becoming a mathematician; the "buzzwords" of atomic bombs and high-energy physics also made Dong Jiahong yearn for physics. In the college entrance examination volunteer form, almost all the majors he filled in were science and engineering, and he was bent on doing scientific research and becoming a scientist in the future. "If I can't become a scientist, I hope I can become a glorious teacher of the people, like my parents, teaching and educating people."

Soon, the results of the college entrance examination came out: fate played a joke with him, and he was admitted to the medical school. Later, Dong Jiahong learned that in 1977, the college entrance examination students who crossed the score line were the "treasures" of the admissions teachers, and the admissions teachers were "robbing" the students. Dong Jiahong was snatched by Xuzhou Medical College. Since then, he has embarked on the road of practicing medicine. After graduating from undergraduate, he applied for a master's degree at the Third Military Medical University, "I still wanted to be a scientist and do basic medical research. So he filled in the pathophysiology major. This time, his wish still failed to come true: Professor Huang Zhiqiang, an expert in hepatobiliary surgery at the Third Military Medical University, felt that Dong Jiahong was good, so he transferred him from the pathophysiology major to the surgical major. Entering Huang Zhiqiang's door, the mentor let him focus on clinical. Dong Jiahong was not reconciled, he found a mentor and expressed his desire to do scientific research. Huang Zhiqiang said very little, he said: "I want you to do clinical." Dong Jiahong couldn't figure it out, "Why can't my brothers and sisters engage in scientific research?" He once again expressed his desire to do scientific research, and the teacher said again, "To do research, you must also understand clinical." "The teacher cherishes the words like gold, but the words are pearls." Dong Jiahong had to take a heart to do scientific research and began clinical study. After graduating with a master's degree, Dong Jiahong wanted to continue to take the doctoral examination, but his supervisor made him a resident for 5 years. After 5 years as a doctor in the ward, Dong Jiahong was promoted to attending physician. Huang Zhiqiang said: "Now I can take the doctoral examination. In 1990, Dong Jiahong became a ph.D. student of Huang Zhiqiang. In the years since, Dong Jiahong has discovered more and more the mentor's good intentions, "The teacher hopes to cultivate academic surgeons with medical knowledge system, solid clinical skills, and scientific research ability." To this end, Huang Zhiqiang combined the two stages of residency and specialist training with master's and doctoral degree training, respectively. With deep clinical accumulation, you can better find problems in the clinic, study problems, and then solve problems, so that scientific research rooted in the clinic is more valuable.

Challenge yourself and push the limits

On December 5, 2016, a global live broadcast of a surgery to cure "insect cancer" set a record for 1.4 million netizens to watch online. This 14-hour operation, the main surgeon is Dong Jiahong.

"Insect cancer" refers to end-stage echinococcosis of the liver, a common disease in Tibetan areas. The patient lying on the operating table had had multiple previous surgeries. Before this operation, his liver was not only swallowed by echinococcus, but also the abdominal organs had developed severe adhesions, and the lesion destroyed important vascular structures closely related to liver function. "Repairing" such a liver, and live broadcasting on the Internet, it is conceivable that the technical level and psychological quality of the practitioner are very demanding. Dong Jiahong led the team to complete the operation with ease, he took the patient's liver out of the abdominal cavity, carefully carved and "repaired", and then implanted in the body, and the liver after carving immediately resumed work.

Why can Dong Jiahong confidently "prune" the liver outside the body? Because the skill is specialized. He has been doing this for more than 20 years: in the early 1990s, liver transplantation was still a new technology that was still in its infancy in China, and Dong Jiahong decided to carry out "ex vivo liver resection" surgery first. However, at that time, there were less than 10 surgeries completed internationally, and there was not a single one in China. Dong Jiahong led the team to build a simple animal experiment operating room and carried out animal experimental surgery again and again. The first animal experiment failed, the second animal experiment failed... The tenth animal experiment surgery still failed, and when the operation reached the nineteenth, it finally succeeded! At that moment, Dong Jiahong burst into tears. In 1999, Dong Jiahong applied liver transplantation technology to the clinic, and he was also one of the first young and middle-aged leaders to carry out clinical liver transplantation in China.

Dong Jiahong's teacher, Huang Zhiqiang, has always asked himself to "open a knife that others can't open and cure other people's diseases that can't be cured." This sentence also deeply affected Dong Jiahong. In 1998, at the age of 38, Dong Jiahong became the director of the All-Army Hepatobiliary Surgery Center of the Southwest Hospital of the Third Military Medical University, and took the helm of the southwest base of the two major hepatobiliary surgery bases in China at that time. In 2006, the PLA General Hospital (301 Hospital) recruited the director of hepatobiliary surgery from the southwest to Beijing to serve as the director of the hepatobiliary surgery department of the 301 Hospital. In 1999, Dong Jiahong's team won the first prize of the army's scientific and technological progress; in 2001, he and Huang Zhiqiang jointly received the first prize of the "National Science and Technology Progress Award"; in 2003, he won the first prize of the army's medical achievements for the research results of liver transplantation in the treatment of end-stage hepatobiliary disease. He constantly challenged himself in medicine: the first international concept and paradigm of precision hepatobiliary surgery; the innovative in vitro hepatic resection treatment of end-stage hepatic echinococcosis; the successful implementation of the first international case of living partial liver transplantation that injured the liver as a donor liver, the international first case of subtotal resection of the liver that only retains the tail lobe; the successful implementation of the international first robot hilar cholangiocarcinoma radical resection, the international first case of common bile duct, pancreatic duct end and ampullary sphincter repair; the international first anatomical hepatic segment resection to cure hepatobiliary duct stone disease... These surgical-sounding terms are unfamiliar or even boring to the patient. But they know that Dong Jiahong is their last hope.

Build the best clinical medical school

In 2014, Beijing Tsinghua Changgeng Hospital, located in Asia's largest community, will open soon. Tsinghua University is looking for an executive dean around the world. Dong Jiahong was "collectively locked" by the school leaders at that time, but Dong Jiahong was reluctant to give up his scalpel, and he also wanted to build a liver and gallbladder hospital. The president of Tsinghua University at the time said that these wishes could be realized. At the sincere invitation of the university, in 2014, Dong Jiahong took off his military uniform and came to Tiantongyuan, the largest community in Asia, to become the executive dean of Beijing Tsinghua Changgeng Hospital and the dean of the Clinical Medical College of Tsinghua University.

2019 is the fifth year that Beijing Tsinghua Chang Gung Hospital has entered operation. Under the leadership of Dong Jiahong, all colleagues have worked hard to start a business and worked hard to build a comprehensive boutique hospital in the north of Beijing, where famous doctors gather, hospital governance is good, medical quality is first-class, and the industry enjoys a good reputation. The hospital opened 1,000 beds in the first phase, and the bed occupancy rate has reached more than 95%. As one of the important engineering projects of the "Huitian Plan", the hospital will carry out the second phase of the construction of the existing campus and plan 500 beds. At the same time, after the reform plan of the clinical medical personnel system of Tsinghua University was introduced, a "talent convening order" was once again issued to the world. Dong Jiahong is building this place into a world-class medical center of excellence. Dong Jiahong, who is "concerned with scientific research", has also built Beijing Tsinghua Changgeng Hospital into an "academic hospital" integrating medical treatment, teaching and scientific research.

As the dean of the Clinical Medical College of Tsinghua University, Dong Jiahong hopes to build Tsinghua Clinical Medical College into the best clinical medical school. Its mission is to nurture future-oriented medical leaders, provide high-quality health services and innovate health science research. Drawing on the advanced concepts and successful experiences of international and domestic medical education, taking elite education as the goal, innovating medical education models and teaching methods, and building a modern medical education system; taking famous medical centers at home and abroad as benchmarks, building a modern health care service system that meets the requirements of the government, meets the needs of the people, and adheres to the public welfare standard, and creates an excellent Tsinghua health care brand characterized by "precision medicine, lean management, and sincere service"; based on solving the key scientific and technological problems of protecting the people's health and promoting the development of the health industry, Build a precision medicine research system with cross-disciplinary integration, science and medical engineering collaboration, and medical research enterprise alliance. "The next ten years will be the golden period of development of Tsinghua University's Clinical Medical College." Dong Jiahong hopes that the School of Medicine will take advantage of the Healthy China Development Strategy and Tsinghua University's plan to build a double-first-class university, "change lanes and overtake, rise rapidly, build a world-class, Chinese characteristics, Tsinghua-style modern medical center, and contribute to the development strategy of serving a healthy China." ”

In 1977, when Dong Jiahong took the college entrance examination, he never thought he would become a doctor. His dream is to be a scientist and a teacher. In 2017, when Dong Jiahong became an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, his dream at the age of 17 came true: he was part of a team of top Chinese scientists and a professor at Tsinghua University. Because of the accidental selection of the admissions teacher at the time of the high school entrance, he had one more identity: a doctor. Today, when people ask Dong Jiahong what kind of identity he likes the most, he always says firmly: "I like to be a doctor the most." "Now Dong Jiahong appears in the operating room two days a week. Dong Jiahong next to the operating table is facing a difficult patient and doing a complex operation, but behind this operation is his consistent benevolence of doctors, the bold loyalty of science to serve the country, and the mission of exploring and innovating.

Source Beijing Evening News reporter Jia Xiaohong Yan Tong photo Editor Ding Zhaowen

Process Editor Wang Hongwei