
"Love Asteroid" wants to see how big the world is, preface, wants to see this world, this is a wonderful world, wants to see how big the world is

author:Hei Xiaosheng

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > preface</h1>

It's summer again, and Japan has also released a new anime, "Love Asteroid". This is an anime full of youthful atmosphere, the protagonist of the animation is a group of little girls, they are gathered because of their hobbies, they want to see what the world is like.

"Love Asteroid" wants to see how big the world is, preface, wants to see this world, this is a wonderful world, wants to see how big the world is

The world is actually a very large concept, if viewed from a scientific point of view alone, it can be divided into astronomy and geography, representing people's curiosity about the universe and the exploration of the earth's geographical environment. The composition of the material world creates a suitable environment for human survival.

Why do some people have a desire to explore the material world? In addition to the brainwashing advertorials of real estate, another reason is that some people have a desire to explore the world of their inner self. Even if we seem to live in the same society, different encounters can create different worldviews. In the eyes of people with different world views, the world is different. When you find that you have become more and more extreme in your own world, in fact, this means that you need to find a new world, and this search, abandoning the jump of dimensional space, is to go to a different place and feel different humanistic colors.

"Love Asteroid" wants to see how big the world is, preface, wants to see this world, this is a wonderful world, wants to see how big the world is

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > want to see the world</h1>

1. Agreements made in youth

"Love Asteroid" wants to see how big the world is, preface, wants to see this world, this is a wonderful world, wants to see how big the world is

Most of the characters in "Love Asteroid" are also girls, and it is precisely because of this that this animation will be questioned as Lily Fan. But in fact, there will also be a lot of intimate behavior between girls, and different people will see different worlds. This also demonstrates the point that the anime wants to make.

The characters in the anime have different personalities, which is actually related to their living situation. For example, the two protagonists in the animation, Cang and Mira. Mira has a cheerful personality, simple and cute, kind to people, lively and cheerful, giving people the feeling that she has not suffered anything bad, so she grows up happily and dares to express herself.

Cang, on the other hand, did not like to talk much and was silent. In fact, this is also related to cang's past experience. When Cang was in elementary school, because she was prone to saying the wrong thing, the classmates would laugh at Cang every time she said the wrong thing. Cangye did not dare to speak, so he was not unwilling to speak, but he did not know how to speak, and his experience had already created a fixed impression for her that he would be talked about.

In fact, few people can turn a blind eye to the evaluation of others. In the process of a child's growth, the evaluation of others is actually very important.

Cang and Mira can be considered people from different worlds at first, they are like two parallel lines. The point of communication occurs on a summer night, when Mira meets Cang looking at the stars, she takes the initiative to talk to Cang, encourages Cang, and promises to find a new asteroid for Cang.

2. Grow up firmly

"Love Asteroid" wants to see how big the world is, preface, wants to see this world, this is a wonderful world, wants to see how big the world is

The pain of youth, if it is not cured when it grows up, will become a pus, and the pus will gradually become larger, and eventually it will have a very serious impact on it.

In the process of growing up, Cang has not met anyone who can really heal himself, so he will not forget Mira. Because Mira's words were the first time they had heard encouragement from her peers. This encouragement and good hope were something that Cang had never seen before.

And the same is true of Mira's feelings for Cang, she brought hope to Cang, so she will always remember this hope, it is she who brings hope to others.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > it's a wonderful world</h1>

1. Fate is a elusive thing

"Love Asteroid" wants to see how big the world is, preface, wants to see this world, this is a wonderful world, wants to see how big the world is

In fact, like the plot that appears in "Love Asteroid", it is not impossible to happen in real life. Two people who met when they were young and agreed to do something together when they grew up. When they grew up, they actually met. The plot of the anime itself is also composed of various coincidences, they met each other at the right time, and they also happened to go to the same school when they grew up.

Remembering will reverberate. Maybe miss is a unique magnetic field. Even as she grows up, Mira still wants to fulfill her promise to Cang. It is precisely because of this firm belief that the two people who grow up have the opportunity to meet each other, find topics, and become very good friends.

Fate is really hard to say, and so is the world. When you start to miss someone or something, you think you're never going to meet one. But what you can't imagine is that in a few years, that person or thing will still appear and happen. The world seems to have a law, as long as you want, you can get it.

2. Contact with nature is a process of forgetting oneself

"Love Asteroid" wants to see how big the world is, preface, wants to see this world, this is a wonderful world, wants to see how big the world is

This animation is about the joyful daily life of a group of young girls, and what unites this group of girls is this vast world, the sky is very large, there is no end in sight, the sea is very blue, and the horizon is endless. They were looking for something wider than the sky and the ocean, and they fell in love with the starry sky. The most beautiful thing in summer is also the starry sky, the stars shining in the background of the night, which is the most beautiful.

With the deepening of nature, people can gradually forget themselves in the process. It is difficult to say whether this kind of forgetting is good or bad, because a person's life is first of all an independent existence, and if even his own existence is forgotten, then is there any point in such a person living?

But the meaning of living itself is not great, so what exactly to pursue?

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > want to see how big the world is</h1>

"Love Asteroid" wants to see how big the world is, preface, wants to see this world, this is a wonderful world, wants to see how big the world is

The world is big. Everyone can only walk once. In fact, if you think about it, the world brings us a lot, such as advanced wisdom, such as self-awareness, and a body that can move freely. You can choose to sit in a position to think, to explore the spiritual world, to think about what you are living for, or you can choose to travel and walk around many places. The world is big, incredibly big.

Sometimes I really want to see the world, but real life is more constrained. Gives you only time to look up at the stars. Look at the stars one or two points, tell yourself that the world is very beautiful, and there are still many hopes and possibilities in the future.

It is also this bit of hope that makes up our yearning for a better life, but whether it is hope or expectation, it is not a beautiful feeling.

Because you've been yearning, fantasizing, and never knowing what the price behind those things is.

It's nice to find something that makes you feel comfortable in your lifetime, but before you look for it, please confirm what the other side of that thing will bring you.

"Love Asteroid" wants to see how big the world is, preface, wants to see this world, this is a wonderful world, wants to see how big the world is

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