
National Pilot Half Year The number of wedding banquets in Dazu District dropped by more than 20 percent

author:Chongqing Daily

Recently, He Benyin, a resident of Group 2 of Jinxing Community in Tangxiang Street, Dazu District, and his wife formed a happy family. "We both wanted to hold a grand wedding in a lively and lively manner, but after learning about the marriage custom reform policy, we immediately responded to the call of the national marriage custom reform, and the happy event was newly organized, civilized and simple." After consultation, the young couple decided not to hold a banquet or a bride price, canceled the cumbersome wedding agenda, and only invited the close relatives of both sides to witness their love together.

It is understood that since Dazu District was confirmed by the Ministry of Civil Affairs as a national marriage custom reform experimental area in April this year, it has aimed at the hot issues of marriage customs that the masses are concerned about, actively explored the reform of marriage customs under the new situation, and in the past six months, the phenomena of large-scale operations, high-priced bride price, and comparison of gifts have dropped by more than 20% year-on-year.

Under the reform of marriage customs, newcomers in Dazu District have a special certification base. According to the relevant person in charge of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Dazu District, after on-site investigation, the district initially selected changzhou ancient city, Ciyun Village of Yongxi Town, Nanshan Park, Xiangguo Park, etc. as outdoor free certification bases and collective wedding venues. Relying on the theme of marriage and love, the district has carried out collective certification activities 5 times this year, carried out daily certification services for 356 people, and collective wedding activities 3 times.

At the same time, the Dazu District Civil Affairs Bureau also introduced social work organizations to actively carry out marriage and family counseling services. When handling divorce registration, provide services such as marriage and family consultation, guidance, and reconciliation of marital relationships for the parties, sort out the root of contradictions, guide the parties to think calmly, and treat marriage with caution. According to statistics, this year, the district carried out a total of 623 marriage and family counseling services, a total of 165 couples were persuaded; Compared with the same period in 2021 and 2020, the divorce rate fell by more than 50%.