
Learn the history of the Party and enlighten the mind! The Story of the History of the Red Party in Yanqing - "God Will Rise Up"

author:Yanqing, Beijing

At the beginning of 1941, the enemy concentrated its main forces to continuously sweep the central area of Haituo, a base area of the Pingbei Anti-Japanese Resistance, and successively established a number of strongholds in Qiangushan, Yihe, Dongshan Temple, Eagle Fort, Foyukou, Changzhuang, Wangjialou, Shangchang, and other villages close to the central area, forming a situation of enveloping the leading organs of the Pingbei area of the Eighth Route Army. In order to crush the enemy's offensive plan, the Pingbei Guerrilla Detachment 1 decided to uproot the enemy strongholds around Haituo Mountain and reverse the passive situation, and this arduous task was entrusted to the 3 squadrons of the Pingbei Guerrilla Detachment 1 Detachment.

"It sounds like a daunting task, but a closer look is not impossible." Zhao Qi, the commander of the 3rd Squadron, pointed to the map and said to everyone, "The three largest of these strongholds that have encircled the leading organs in the Pingbei area are the former Lonely Mountain, the Long Pole Ridge, and the Second Artillery. Among them, the two strongholds of the former Lonely Mountain and the Second Artillery have many enemies, the Long Pole Ridge fortifications are the strongest, and the other six strongholds are of average strength. So we focused on these three strongholds. ”

Zhao Qi paused: "There are puppet armies in these strongholds that secretly support our resistance to Japan, and all specific contacts should step up contact with internal counterparts, continue to do their work, and strive to win the greatest victory with the least loss." ”

After a detailed investigation, Zhao Qi worked out a meticulous night raid plan with his comrades.

Learn the history of the Party and enlighten the mind! The Story of the History of the Red Party in Yanqing - "God Will Rise Up"

Portrait of Zhao Qi

"The key is to be fast, to hit the enemy by surprise and not to give them time to rescue each other." You see, if we take this line, we can pull these nails one by one..."

In the old march of the Pingbei area, the north wind is still cold. In the evening of this day, Zhao Qi led the 3 squadrons from the garrison, and moved forward to the Lonely Mountain against the wind, and at about nine o'clock in the night, the team reached the enemy stronghold of the former Lonely Mountain.

In the darkness, the enemy sentry spotted a figure: "Stop! password! ”

Zhao Qi, who was at the front of the line, shouted loudly: "My own people, what are you calling?"

The puppet army was about to continue to ask something, when Zhao Qi had already arrived in front of him, and raising his hand was a shot. The distance was close and the marksmanship was accurate, and the puppet army standing guard did not have time to figure out what was going on, so it fell to the ground in response.

"Where to shoot?" The puppet soldiers who were playing cards in the stronghold heard the gunshots and turned into a pot of porridge. The puppet soldiers grabbed their machine guns and shot their heads out along the holes of the fort.

"Machine gun cover, grenade!" At Zhao Qi's order, dozens of soldiers rushed to the bunker with dense bullets. Two grenades were sent down the hole of the gun into the bunker.

With a loud "boom-boom-boom-boom boom- The enemy's machine guns became dumb, the strongholds became a sea of fire, and the wounded puppet army cried out. Five or six puppet soldiers fled for their lives in panic and were killed before they could get out of their strongholds.

Within twenty minutes, the largest stronghold of the former Lonely Mountain was destroyed.

Zhao Qi waved at the soldiers: "Comrades! The soldiers are fast, let's go to the next stronghold immediately. ”

"Okay." The soldiers of the 3rd Squadron answered in unison and immediately rushed to the Long Pole Ridge stronghold.

The Long Pole Ridge stronghold is surrounded by a wall more than a foot high, and the fortifications are strong, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Zhao Qi approached Changguan Ridge with 3 squadrons and did not have a guard to check. When they cautiously reached the stronghold, they found that the guard post had been withdrawn. It turned out that the enemy thought that the fortifications were strong and sure to be foolproof, that the management was loose on weekdays, and that the sentry patrol was not strict. By this time it was dark, and the sentry had long since been removed.

"The reconnaissance squad checked with me at the advanced stronghold, and the others took cover." Zhao Qi whispered orders.

A scout lightly cut the door latch with a bayonet, and the group crept into the bunker. I saw that the stronghold was smoky and miasma, the voices of the people were noisy, and more than thirty puppet troops, some of them were sleeping with their heads covered, some were smoking and rubbing mahjong, and some were lying horizontally and smoking big cigarettes.

"Don't move, raise your hand!" Zhao Qi shouted loudly, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day. The puppet army was frightened and trembled, and mahjong and smoking guns snapped and fell to the ground. When they saw the Eighth Route Army descending from heaven, they all obediently raised their hands while shouting for their lives.

Zhao Qi did not fire a single shot and then pulled out the Long Pole Ridge stronghold, capturing more than 20 guns and more than 5,000 rounds of ammunition.

"This stronghold is too strong, and it will be difficult to attack if there are new enemies defending in the future." We burned it. "Warriors, you said nothing.

Zhao Qi nodded slightly: "Leave a few people responsible for guarding the prisoners and burning the stronghold, and the others will divide into three routes according to the plan and set off!" ”

The puppet army guarding the strongholds themselves Chinese, some of whom were forcibly arrested, and some of whom were forced by life to join the ranks of the puppet army and eat together. Under the political offensive of the guerrillas, there were already internal responses in the strongholds, and some had agreed that the guerrillas would surrender their weapons as soon as they arrived, and some took advantage of the opportunity of the guerrillas to set fire to the strongholds themselves and flee home.

The three-way warriors are like three sharp swords, swinging towards their respective goals and successfully completing the mission.

At four o'clock in the morning, the three roads converged at the agreed time to the second division stronghold, which was brightly lit, but there was no sentry patrol in front of the stronghold.

"It is estimated that the puppet army is changing the guard, and I will grab my tongue in a while." The warriors waited quietly in the cold wilderness. In a few moments, the cold wind penetrated the clothes that were slightly sweaty from the long run. After waiting for a long time, I didn't see a puppet army come out. Zhao Qi summed up in his heart: "Why are they changing the guard so slowly?" On this cold day, the comrades sweated, and it was easy to get sick when they froze. Really sick, the conditions on the mountain are harsh, not easy to heal... Why not venture inside and have a look! ”

Listening to Zhao Qi's opinion, everyone nodded in agreement.

The soldiers, armed with live ammunition, quietly entered the stronghold. When I went inside, I found that there was only one old man sitting by the stove with a cigarette bag and sleeping.

Zhao Qi scolded in his heart: "This is to sing 'Empty City Plan'!" ”

"Hey—wake up." Zhao Qi stabbed the old man with a gun.

The old man opened his eyes confusedly, saw a circle of guerrillas in front of him, was startled, just stood up, his legs were weak, and he fell to the ground with a thud. The old man timidly raised his hands: "Spare your life! I'm not a puppet army! I am the common people! ”

"Ordinary people?" The warrior looked at the old man questioningly.

"You don't know! The puppet army in this stronghold did not pay any attention to your Eighth Route Army and guerrillas, they thought that you could not achieve any climate, and after a few days of perseverance, they relaxed. During the day, they make a gesture and go back to their respective homes at night. To hide their eyes, they arrested me and turned on the lights all night, pretending that there was someone defending the stronghold. ”

Knowing that the old man in front of him was really not a puppet army, Zhao Qi asked gently, "Uncle, do you know where these puppet armies live?" ”

"What are you asking them to do?" The old man rubbed his sleepy eyes.

"This is Captain Zhao of our guerrilla group!" A guerrilla rushed to speak.

"Captain Zhao... Oh, is it the Zhao Qi who took the big Zhuang Branch Bureau? ”

"Call Captain Zhao!" The guerrillas immediately corrected it.

"Hey, talk to the old man and be angry." Zhao Qi interrupted the guerrillas, leaned down and said to the old man, "Uncle, it is me, after taking over the bureau, I joined the Eighth Route Army, that is, to support the team of the 'Jidong Great Rebellion', the 4th Column." They fought Yanqing, attacked Yongning, fought in the four seas, and destroyed a battalion of the puppet Manchurian Army in the flower pot. I'm on this team. ”

"Oh, I see, it's our people's own troops." The old man's frightened expression disappeared, "The puppet soldiers in the turret said that if the superiors came to check, they would go into the village to find them." I tell you, the leader of the puppet army lives in the street, and he may still be sleeping with a woman in his arms! ”

Zhao Qi ordered the soldiers to pull out the puppet army one by one. In less than an hour, the dejected puppet army was escorted back to the stronghold one by one. When the puppet army heard Zhao Qi's name, they were all frightened and pale, and they could not speak.

In the stronghold, Zhao Qi educated the puppet army, publicized the party's policy to them, and then escorted the puppet army leader back and handed him over to the leader of the anti-Japanese guerrilla detachment in Pingbei to deal with, and the rest were all released.

The singing birds light up the morning sun in the east with their songs, and the bright sun shines on the earth. Loaded with weapons and ammunition and full of joy in victory, Zhao Qi and his comrades-in-arms easily returned to the Haituo mountain base area. The Pingbei Military Sub-district reported that it commended the 3rd Squadron for destroying nine enemy strongholds in one night, and gave the squadron commander Zhao Qi a great merit.

Since then, Zhao Qi's name has been added by the common people to a nickname of "God General". Zhao Qi, a guerrilla leader who has experienced hundreds of battles, finally spilled his full blood on the land of Pingbei, and his legendary story was sung for a long time by the day and night flowing of the Fei River.

Learn the history of the Party and enlighten the mind! The Story of the History of the Red Party in Yanqing - "God Will Rise Up"

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