
The Linfen Municipal Bureau of Letters and Visits carried out the red education theme party day and trade union team building activity of "learning party history, lifting the spirit, strengthening service, and striving for first-class"

author:Linfen Municipal Bureau of Letters and Visits

In order to carry out in-depth party history study and education activities and enhance the spirit of "striving for excellence, pursuing excellence, thinking carefully, studying and self-vigilance", on October 24, the Linfen Municipal Bureau of Letters and Visits organized all cadres and workers to go to the former site of Xiaoli Village of the Taiyue Branch Office in Anze County to carry out the red education theme party day and trade union group building activities of "learning party history, lifting the spirit, strengthening service, and striving for first-class".

The Linfen Municipal Bureau of Letters and Visits carried out the red education theme party day and trade union team building activity of "learning party history, lifting the spirit, strengthening service, and striving for first-class"

At the old site of the Taiyue Bureau, all party members revisited the oath of joining the party in front of the party flag and sang "Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China." After the oath was taken, Zhang Zhaoxiang, deputy director of the Municipal Bureau of Letters and Visits, gave a far-reaching party lesson to all personnel on the topic of "studying party history and keeping the original intention and firmly believing in the mission." Subsequently, under the leadership of the docent, all the personnel visited the revolutionary relics, relived the history of the heroic resistance of the revolutionary ancestors in those years, remembered the arduous course and touching deeds of the older generation of communists in the stormy years, and drew the strength of faith and the motivation to forge ahead.

After the theme party day activities, the trade union team building activities were carried out as planned, which further enhanced the cohesion and centripetal force. They all expressed one after another that they should continue to carry forward the revolutionary spirit of the revolutionary martyrs who are not afraid of sacrifice, go forward to succeed each other, and bravely forge ahead, and will sprint to do a good job in the petitioning work in the second two months of this year with a stronger physique, a still higher fighting spirit, and a fuller enthusiasm, and strive to achieve a leading position in the petitioning work.