
The little man who changed history - Ma Zhong

author:Legend of a hero through the ages

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Ma Zhong killed Guan Yu and Huang Zhong, one of the Five Tiger Generals, and his power should not be underestimated, but he was indeed an obscure little person.

When Guan Yu defeated Maicheng, the reason why he did not survive was because Sima Zhong, a subordinate of Pan Zhang of the Wu Kingdom, set up three tripwire ropes, trapped Guan Yu on a red rabbit horse, captured Guan Yu and Guan Pingren, and Guan Yu was captured and killed.

Guan Yu was attacked and killed by Sun Wu, Liu Beixing's division cut down Wu, Guan Xing and Zhang Bao killed the enemy in front of the battle, Liu Bei greatly praised the young general, Huang Zhong was not convinced, so he went out to fight alone, encountered the Wu general Pan Zhang's use of the Green Dragon Yanyue Knife used by Guan Yu, anxious to avenge Guan Yu, was ambushed by the Wu army, was shot in the shoulder socket by Ma Zhong's arrow, and died of old age and blood.

After the Wu general Pan Zhang was killed by Guan Xing, Ma Zhong led his troops to surround and repel Zhang Bao's reinforcements. Later, Ma Zhong collected the defeated army and led the generals Mi Fang and Fu Shiren to Jiangzhu in order to avenge Pan Zhang. Mi and Fu Er discovered that the sergeant was dissatisfied with the mutiny, so they assassinated Ma Zhong while Ma Zhong was asleep and dedicated the first rank to Liu Bei.

Ma Zhong, with his own strength, captured Guan Yu's father and son, shot Huang Zhong, and successfully rubbed the traffic of Guan Yu and Huang Zhong, which made him famous in one fell swoop, and left a name in history, although there is a part of Luo Guanzhong's interpretation, but it is also a vivid case of small people changing history.

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