
Chongqing 2021-2022 Academic Year Senior High School October Exam Language Questions and Reference Answers Chongqing Xiushan Senior High School 2021-2022 Academic Year Senior High School October Exam Language Questions and Reference Answers

author:Non-teachers speak languages

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > Chongqing Xiushan Senior High School 2021-2022 high school senior high school monthly exam language test questions and reference answers</h1>

Language test questions

1. Discontinuous text reading

Read the text below to complete the sub-questions below.

Material 1

With the continuous growth of the global population and the rapid development of science and technology, human beings have created a global ecosystem deeply influenced by human beings while creating civilization. The overuse of biological resources and land for a long time has caused a series of problems such as habitat loss and environmental pollution of animals and plants. As a result of human activities and climate change, some 34,000 species of plants and more than 5,200 species of animals are on the verge of extinction, and the distribution of species has undergone widespread changes, which have created a global biodiversity crisis. The biodiversity crisis is the result of a combination of factors, of which urbanization is one of the most important. Urbanization is a historical process that inevitably appears with industrialization and modernization, which in turn promotes industrialization and modernization; the level of urbanization is an important indicator of modern civilization. But sprawling urban development has shrunk the habitat of wild animals and plants, and some animals and plants have to live in cities with humans. About 60% to 70% of the surface of the city is hardened by roads, human buildings, parking lots, etc., and water is not easy to penetrate, and it is difficult for plant seeds to take root. The population density of many cities around the world has reached tens of thousands of people per square kilometer, and the dense flow of people is a potential danger to many organisms; in addition, high-rise buildings are lined up, heat is constantly accumulating, and the temperature in urban centers is sometimes as much as 10 °C higher than that of the surrounding areas, and this heat island effect is also a major interference factor for the survival of organisms. Biodiversity has brought great wealth to human development, but it is currently facing threats from urbanization and other aspects. The impact of urbanization on biodiversity has become a focus of attention for ecology researchers.

(Based on related articles such as Dry Liang)

Material 2

In recent years, biologists have discovered that some wild species in cities have incredible resilience to artificial environments. Scientists are working to reveal the evolution of species in cities. "Frankly, the adaptability of some species to this extreme change is truly amazing." Manno Hiltussen, an evolutionary researcher at the Dutch National Centre for Biodiversity, said, "The rate of evolution we observe in cities is close to the theoretical maximum, which makes us feel incredible. "All kinds of empirical evidence of biological evolution in cities began to emerge, cement roadsides, at the foot of buildings, on the edge of balconies, on subway station stairs, etc., everywhere. The underground house mosquitoes that breed in urban subway passages are no longer stinging, and they now have a clear preference for mammals compared to the blood of birds, and there has been a significant reproductive isolation between them and other mosquito populations. In addition to wild and domestic species, new urban species have emerged in some places, which has led to a re-examination of urban ecological environment and biodiversity issues. After comparing cities to rural environments severely damaged by highly intensive agriculture, scientists found that there are often more species in cities than in rural areas. Compared with the countryside, cities provide a diverse living environment for species. Flora and fauna can cling to a wide variety of nooks, edges, wall crevices, live in wastelands, cemeteries, and damp ditches, or inhabit carefully maintained, atmospheric gardens. They have year-round access to water and food, while in the wild, access to water and food is seasonal. The heat island effect has also become a major advantage of the urban living environment, and the city is no longer cold in winter. In the era of intensive agriculture, cities will become entirely new ecosystems that are conducive to the conservation of biodiversity, and this potential will continue to be stimulated.

(Based on a related article compiled by Wu Sumei)

Material 3

The study found that each time a species successfully adapts to urban life, multiple species disappear locally; and a species that adapts too quickly to urban life also means that the species has many individuals to make sacrifices. The rapid evolution of organisms triggered by urbanization often comes at a cost. In urban centers, high temperatures make snow extremely easy to melt, and without snow cover, plants can hardly resist nighttime freezing. Axlegrass in cities such as Toronto and Boston has given up the ability to release cyanide to improve cold resistance. Releasing cyanide protects against threats from herbivores, but has reduced cold resistance. A new study suggests that human activities, including hiking, are prompting mammals around the world to become more active at night, showing a trend toward increased nocturnal mobility. Nocturnal strength can bring a series of negative effects, including changes in habits and a decrease in reproductive ability. Studies of white-footed rats in Parks in New York City have found that urban white-footed rats are overexpressed with genes involved in fatty acid digestion than in rural white-footed rats, and this evolutionary selection is most likely related to the ability to easily eat discarded oil paper, leftover pizza and cheeseburgers in cities. Since 1940, the skull volume of the domestic bat in urban areas of Italy has been increasing, perhaps due to street lights. Street lamps attract and gather large numbers of large insects, and as the generations change, bats with strong bites become more and more dominant. Biological evolution in cities is closely related to biodiversity, and biological evolution is a difficult to control and low predictability subject. Mark Johnson, an assistant professor at the University of Toronto in Canada, emphasized: "We have observed that some species exhibit convergent evolution in most cities around the world. In some cities, species have not been able to adapt smoothly, and the reason for this is still unknown."

(Based on relevant articles by Zhao Zhaoxi and others)

1. The following understanding and analysis of the content of the original text, the correct one is ( )

A. In addition to human activities and climate change, which have caused a global biodiversity crisis, urbanization is also an important factor.

B. The coexistence of flora and fauna and human life in cities is a manifestation of biodiversity, which is interfered with by surface hardening and heat island effects.

C. Species in cities have easy access to water and food, and are carefully maintained by humans, so they tend to be more numerous than in rural areas.

D. Urbanization can trigger rapid biological evolution at the expense of the disappearance of multiple species, or the sacrifice of multiple individuals of a species.

2. According to the original text, one of the following statements that is incorrect is ( )

A. White axle grass gives up its ability to release cyanide to resist snow cover, which is related to urban heat.

B. Street lamps attract and gather large numbers of large insects, and domestic bats or skulls continue to grow due to predation on them.

C. Mammals have changed their habits due to increased nocturnality and reduced reproductive ability, which is related to human activities.

D. The preference for mammalians over birds suggests that the species has evolved.

3. One of the following options, which best summarizes the main points of the three materials, is ( )

A. Biodiversity is facing the threat of urbanization, which should be highly valued by humanity, slowing down the process of urbanization and striving to improve global ecosystems.

B. Urbanization has an unimaginably positive impact on the ecological environment, and we should reverse our mindset and strive to study and adopt ways to continuously stimulate this potential.

C. Some species have an incredible ability to adapt to urban life, and by monitoring the process of change, the relationship between biological evolution and environmental change can be uncovered.

D. Continuous monitoring of the relationship between biological evolution and biodiversity in cities can help to correctly evaluate the impacts of human activities and help guide urbanization practices.

4. Please briefly explain what views are expressed in the three materials?

5. What are the views expressed in the above three materials for you to understand the relationship between urbanization and biodiversity?

2. Reading literary texts

Text one:

Go to the city

Xiao Hong

Before leaving, my mother took off the silver ring from her ear and said, "Take this with you!" Put it in the baggage, don't ask someone to rob you, the mother doesn't have a single money. If you're hungry, sell it and buy dry food to eat! When he walked out the door, he heard his mother say, "When you meet The Japanese son, you will quickly lie down under the artemisia." Jin Zhi walked far and down the slope, but the mother's words were still repeated in her ear: "Buy a dry food to eat." Her mind was racing with fantasies, she didn't know how far she had gone, she was running away from home, walking as fast as she could without looking back. The trail is also full of short grass, and even the short grass hinders the feet of the golden branches. The Japanese soldiers rode in horse-drawn carriages, smoking in their mouths, and ran through the avenue. Jin Zhi was a little trembling! She remembered her mother's words and quickly lay down in the artemisia by the path. The Japanese soldier walked by, her heart beating and standing up, and she looked at her with trepidation: Where is the mother? Her hometown was far away from her, and she came to a strange village in front of her, which made her feel that she had walked through countless human worlds. The red sun was about to set over the sky, and the figure was as thin as a pole on the ground. Step over a small river bridge and there won't be much more to go! In the faint of the city of Harbin, there are factory chimneys inserted into the clouds. Jin Zhi was drinking water by the river, and she looked back at her hometown, which was far away and invisible. It's just a high hill, and it is not clear whether it is a smoke or a tree at the bottom of the mountain, and the mother is in the shade of the smoke tree. She was so hard to give up for the mountains in her hometown, and her heart flew up in her chest! Jin Zhi felt that his heart had been plucked out and thrown away! Unwilling to go, she forcibly crossed the river bridge and turned into the trail. In front of Harbin City, she was beckoning, and the family mountain behind her was sending her farewell. The trail does not produce artemisia grass, and when the Japanese soldiers come, let her hide in the cracks in the ground? She searched on all sides, and because her heart was unbalanced and her face was sweating excessively, she was finally found by the Japanese soldiers. "Yours! ...... Hold it. Kaneki was like a shot and rolled down the ditch, and the Japanese soldier approached to see how dirty she looked. They were like fat ducks, their mouths rattling and swinging, ignoring her and walking past! They walked for a long time, and she still did not get up, and later she cried, and the barrel was overturned there, and the small baggage rolled out of the barrel. When she walked again, the figure grew thinner and longer on the ground, like a thin line. Jin Zhi was in Harbin City at night, sleeping on a small street gutter board. It was a street of small workers and coachmen, not even the police, and the wives begging for food quarreled with the guys in the restaurant. The sky is full of sparks, but it's all alienated! It was an object isolated from a golden branch. After midnight, a puppy came to Jinzhi's side, maybe the puppy was a suffering puppy? This stray dog went into a barrel to sleep. The golden branch woke up still without the sun, and the sky was filled with many stars. Many street people are still crowded in front of small restaurants, waiting for the final alms. Jin Zhi's leg bone was generally sore when he broke it, and he did not dare to stand up. Finally, she also squeezed into the pile of people who wanted to eat, waited for a long time, the guy did not see the food out, in April the open air slept with a thorough chill, when others looked at her, she felt that this look was ugly, endured hunger and came to the same place. What kind of human world is this on the streets of the night? Jin Zhi whispered to niang, and his body kept pumping on the gutter board. Desperate and crying, she and the puppy sleeping in the barrel were as unnoticed as ever, and it seemed that there were no of them in the world. Tianming, she didn't feel hungry, just empty, her mind was empty! Under the street tree, a sewn mother-in-law, she met the opposite side and asked: "I am new, new from the country..." Looking at her embarrassed look, the sewing woman ignored her, and her face walked away with a pale face in the cool morning. The curly-tailed puppy snuggled up to the barrel as if snuggling with his mother, and the puppy felt too cold in the morning. The small restaurant gradually became popular. A pile of white-hot buns piled up from the window. "Old aunt, I've just come down from the country,...... I'll go with you and make some money!" The second time, Jinzhi succeeded, and the mother-in-law led her away, some disturbing streets, turbid streets, they walked by, Jinzhi seemed to understand that this was not the countryside, here was just strange, diaphragm, emotionless. All the way, except for the chicken, fish, and fragrance in front of the restaurant, she didn't see or hear about it. "That's how you sew up your socks." In front of the door of an "opium store" where gold medals were hung, Jin Zhi opened a small bag, cut a cloth corner with scissors, and sewed the torn socks of unknown men. The mother-in-law was teaching her again: "You have to sew quickly, whether it is good or bad, sew it, even if it is." Jin Zhi had no strength at all, as if he was willing to die quickly, and no matter how hard he tried, his eyes could not be opened. A car passed by her side, followed by the police, and commanded her to say, "Get over there!" This is also where you sew poorly? Jin Zhi hurriedly looked up and said, "Boss, I just came down from the countryside and don't know the rules yet." "In the countryside, she is used to calling the boss, and she calls the police also the boss, because she looks at the police is also solemn, and she is also wearing a gun around her waist." Everyone else laughed at her, and so did the policeman. The old seam woman taught her again: "Don't pay attention to him, don't talk, he said you, you hide and take a step back." She, Jinzhi, immediately felt ashamed, and when she saw that her clothes were not the same as others, she immediately hated the broken jars brought from the countryside and kicked the jars with her feet. When the socks were finished, the taste of emptiness in her stomach did not end, and if she could do it, she would go wherever she went to steal something to eat. For a long time she stopped the needle and looked closely at the child who was standing on the street eating cookies, until the child brought the last piece of the biscuit to his mouth, and she was still watching.

(Excerpt from Chapter 14 of The Field of Life and Death)

Text II:

Regarding the plot of the novel, Foster said: "'The king died, and soon the queen died' is the story; and 'the king died, and soon the queen died of sadness' is the plot." Tong Qingbing said: "The plot is a series of events organized according to the logic of cause and effect, and requires the contradiction and conflict of the characters' behavior to be shown in the development of the events, thus revealing the change process of the characters' fate." According to the above standards, the plot in Xiao Hong's novel can be said to be incomplete, and it cannot be regarded as a plot in the true sense. Xiao Hong's novel breaks the novel mode of ancient Chinese traditional novels with plot as the thread throughout the text, the plot is mostly simple and scattered, and a large number of non-plot factors are interspersed in the novel, written like prose. Xiao Hong's novel mode of diluting the plot seems to be a scattered structure, which seems to be a manifestation of immature writing ability, but in fact it is Xiao Hong's creative advantage. Xiao Hong's novel abandons the sculpting of plot integrity, and in the transformation of scenes and pictures that lack logic, the face of human existence is fully displayed in front of the reader's eyes, sincerely touching and bone-chilling. Such an article can provoke us to think deeply about the tragedy of the fate of the nation, although the formal beauty of the novel is not enough, but the meaning is profound. Xiao Hong is a writer whose feelings are better than her reason, she does not have Lu Xun's reason and talent, she cannot preset the ending for the characters before the novel is completed, she relies on the intuition of the heart to write.

(Excerpted from Zhang Miao's "Xiao Hong's Novel Plot Structure Model")

(Note) Sewing poverty: mending clothes.

6. The following analysis and appreciation of the relevant content and artistic features of the text, the incorrect one is ( )

A. The protagonist of the novel, Jin Zhi, comes from the countryside to Harbin and is eager to change her life; she lives a life of slave shame, showing the difficulty of "life" of ordinary people at that time.

B. The mother in the novel is amiable and respectable, and when her daughter went to Harbin, she took off the silver ring on her ear and gave it to her daughter and gave it to her daughter, and her love for her daughter overflowed with words.

C. The language of the novel is full of emotion, such as "Harbin City in front of her beckons her, and the family mountain behind her bids her farewell", which uses anthropomorphic rhetorical techniques to show her expectation of "entering the city".

D. The sentence "There is a factory chimney inserted into the cloud sky in the vastness of Harbin City" describes the foreground objects at the same time, and naturally leads to the description of the content of the golden branch after it arrives in Harbin City.

7. The correct one of the following statements related to the content of the text is ( )

A. The text organizes the material with a golden branch "going to the city", which reflects the tragic experience of the protagonist and highlights the national spirit of the protagonist who dares to resist.

B. Xiao Hong's novels have no deliberate carving and artificial traces, she relies on the intuition of the soul to write, although the structure of the novel is scattered, it can still show the face of human existence.

C. At the end of the text, it is written that "she stopped the needle" and looked closely at the "child who eats biscuits", and the use of detailed description and contrast here delicately shows that Jinzhi is extremely hungry at this time.

D. The text cleverly reveals the social environment through character dialogue, such as "When you meet a Japanese child, you quickly lie under the artemisia", it explains the background of Japan's forcible occupation of northeast China.

8. In text one, what is the role of "puppy"? Please analyze it.

9. "Xiao Hong's novel breaks the novel model of traditional Chinese novels with plot as the thread throughout the text." Please combine text one and briefly analyze which "non-plot factors" she uses to advance the novel.

3. Reading in Chinese and Chinese

Hu Zongzi Wei Ze, less lonely, the mother will take refuge in Jiangdong. Sun Ce understood the audit of Taishou, and in the fourteenth year of the year, he left Wu to study with Sun Quan. Ce Xue, Quan is a general who is a beggar, and is engaged in Jin Cao. Quan is the che riding general, the capital, the summons, the book department, and the military secret affairs of the yi and Xu details. Liu Bei sent down the White Emperor, and the power was to see that there were few soldiers, so that the counties could be comprehensively obtained 6,000 people. Wu rebelled against Emperor Jinzong to Wei, and Wei took Emperor Wei as the Taishou of Puchun and went to Jiang for hundreds of miles, counting the number of victims. Quan Zong and He Qi carried out a light cover-up attack and gained the emperor's life. General Kaken takeshi. In the summer of the eighth year of Huang Wu, Huang Long saw Xia Kou, so he took the title of honorific title, and Berui changed his name to Yuan. Also known as the Yellow Dragon Big Tooth, it is often in the Middle Army, and the armies advance and retreat, depending on their direction. Shu Wenquan practiced the power and sent envoys to reiterate their former goodness. In summary, the text is very beautiful, and the language is in the "Quan Chuan". Under the power of the capital Jianye, detailed, comprehensive and shizhong, into the feudal township marquis, and left and right leading. When the Wei governor Of Hebei Zhenwei general Wu Qian was quite suspicious, Zong Nai was pseudo-qualitative as a demotion of the three articles... This article is popular, and the synthesis has been included in the service. In the second year, the people of Qingzhou returned to Wu. The book says: "The right is to be summoned, and the time to sit is to sit, and the right to ask what is it?" In summary: "In the book, the big language resembles the Oriental Shuo, and the clever sophistry resembles Mi Heng." And none of them are enough. Quan asked what kind of official can he be? In summary: "I can't govern the people, and I try to take a small post." "Quan used the power of The Feast to discuss the prison and used it as a court lieutenant prison. The left generals Zhu Zhi and Ting Wei Hao Pu claimed that Fan had the talent of Wang Zuo, and Pu You was friendly with him, often complaining about his grievances. After plotting rebellion, the matter was ambushed, and the general accusation of suicide was forbidden, and the solution was solved for a long time. Comprehensive alcoholism, drunken cheering, or fighting left and right, the right to love its talents, the responsibility of The Buddha. All those who rule from their own power, the edicts of the various texts, and the letters of the neighboring countries are all created in a comprehensive way. In the beginning, there were many troubles inside and outside, and the trico and the chief officials were killed, and they were not allowed to go, and the number of offenders was counted. The power is afflicted, and the courtiers are consulted. Comprehensive discussion thinks it is appropriate to determine the science of the text, show a great breakthrough, and do one person, and then it will be extinguished. So, in a comprehensive way, it is decided that the funeral is broken. Comment: Hu Zong, Sun Quan's time to do the cause of the cause also. Comprehensive literature is used, and each sees trust.

(Excerpted from the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms • Hu Zong biography", with deletions)

10. The following is a broken sentence for the part of the text that draws the wavy line, and the correct one is ( )

A. Twenty-second Year of the Subject/ Renunciation of the Domain/ Destiny has the Way / Lai Meng Heavenly Spirit / Obtaining Perfection / SincereLy, Que Bai Zhang / Beggar Introduction /

B. Twenty-second Year of the Subject/ Renunciation of the Domain/ Return to the Tao/ Lai Meng Heavenly Spirit / Obtaining Perfection / SincereLy, Que Bai Zhang / Beggar Introduction /

C. Twenty-second Year of the Subject/ Renunciation of the Domain/ Return to the Tao/ Lai Meng Heavenly Spirit / Self-Fulfillment / Sincere Que / Bai Zhang Qimeng Introduction /

D. Twenty-second Year of the Subject/ Renunciation of the Domain/ Destiny has the Way / Lai Meng Heavenly Spirit / Obtaining Perfection / Sincere Que / Bai Zhang Qimeng Introduction /

11. The following explanation of the content related to adding words in the text is incorrect ( )

A. Engaging, that is, "engaging in the work", originally referred to the subordinate officials who were appointed by themselves at the end of the Han Dynasty, and later generally referred to the general staff retinue.

B. Honorific titles refer to the titles of emperors, empresses, and empresses in ancient times, and are generally used for diplomacy, ceremonies, sacrifices, etc.

C. Jianye, also known as Nanjing, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, also known as Wumen, was the capital of Jianye during the Three Kingdoms period, which was the beginning of the establishment of the capital of Nanjing.

D. Da Pui, commonly known as beheading, was collectively known as the Five Punishments with Mo, Xun, Jiao, and Gong during the Yin Shang Dynasty, and referred to all death sentences after the Sui Dynasty.

12. The following is a summary and analysis of the relevant content of the original text, and the incorrect one is ( )

A. Hu Zong was miserable in his childhood, but fortunately met the Ming Lord. He lost his father at a young age and took refuge in Jiangdong; when he was a little older, he was appreciated by Sun Ce and studied with Sun Quan, and after Sun Ce's death, he was appreciated and reused by Sun Quan.

B. Hu Zong is able to govern well and is talented. He recruited 6,000 troops, captured rebel generals, and achieved good military merit; he wrote many edicts and diplomatic letters, and also offered advice to put an end to the phenomenon of officials running to mourn, and was a superb politician.

C. Hu Zong has a unique vision and knows people well. The Hidden Domain thought that he was comparable to Dongfang Shuo, You Heng, zhu Zhao, and others who thought that the Hidden Domain had high talent; Hu Zong thought that he was not talented enough, and could only be a minor official, and then the Hidden Domain rebelled.

D. Hu Zong's official luck was prosperous and deeply favored. He worked as a Jin Cao, promoted many times, became a waiter, sealed the countryside, liked to drink, although he lost his attitude after drinking and even beat people, but he was not blamed for it.

13. Translate the horizontal lines in the text into modern Chinese.

(1) He xie answered questions and Chen Shiwu, and even had a rhetorical view.

(2) The matter is cursed, and the general accusation of suicide is forbidden, and the time is solved.

14. Chen Shou commented on Hu Zong's "literary talent, each sees the trust", combined with the whole text, briefly explained how the article expressed Hu Zong's "literary style".

Iv. Ancient poetry reading

Read the following Tang poem to complete each question.

Jiang LouYue(1)

Bai Juyi

The Jialing River curves the river pool, although the bright moon is separated from the people.

One night of light is reminiscent of each other, and the two places are far from clear.

Who expected me to be pregnant with me by the river at night, just when I was looking at the king by the pool.

Nowadays, the common language party regrets the same, and does not understand the sentimentality of sending poems first.

(Note) (1) This poem is a gift poem given by Bai Juyi to Yuan Shu. In the spring of 809 (yuan and the fourth year), Yuan Shu made Dongchuan a post as an inspector of imperial history, and sent the Seven Laws of Jiang Louyue to Bai Juyi, who was serving in the capital.

15. The following appreciation of this poem, the incorrect one is ( )

A. The first link first pointed out the place where the author and Yuan Shu were located, and then emphasized that the bright moon in the sky was the same, but the two could not watch together, and the feeling of parting was immediately revealed.

B. The "one night" in the jaw joint indicates the length of "reminiscence", and the "submerged" writes a contemplative look; it expresses the poet's mood of missing his friends and not being able to sleep at night.

C. From the clutch of people to the clouds of the moon, the distance is far away, the environment is different, and the scene of the sun and the clouds is used to express concern for friends.

D. The "present dynasty" and "fang" in the tail link indicate that they regret the lateness of sending poems, and the length of time they secretly write about their thoughts; "common language" and "same regret" indicate that the two people have deep feelings for each other.

16. Please appreciate the neck joint of this poem from the perspective of fiction and reality.

Fifth, the scene is silently written

17. Fill in the missing parts of the following sentence.

(1) The two sentences in Han Yu's "Sayings of the Master" that explain the reasons for the shame of the scholar's family to learn from the teacher are: "__________ ”

(2) The two sentences in "Leaving the Riot" that indicate that the author is bored and frustrated in the dark and chaotic society are: "___________ ”

(3) The sound of the ape's crying, because of its high voice, like a crying trumpet, smells sad, so ancient poetry often uses this image to express the sorrow, sorrow, sadness, and loneliness in the poet's heart, such as: "_____ ”

6. Multiple choice question groups

The gold ornaments of the sun god bird, which have been selected as symbols of Chinese cultural heritage, come from the ancient Shu kingdom three thousand years ago. It was rummaged out of the dirt, and only at the Chengdu Jinsha Site Museum can you appreciate this ______ It is no more than the size of a palm, the whole is round, the pattern on the top is divided into two layers, the outer layer is composed of four birds connected from end to end, flying in a counterclockwise direction. Both layers of the motif are presented in a hollow manner, like a modern paper-cut work of ____________ Why can the sun god Ugin jewelry stand out from many national treasures and become a symbol of China's cultural heritage? It is concise in shape, rigorous in composition, extremely aesthetic, and has good emblem characteristics. It has the spiritual meaning of pursuing light, harmony and tolerance, ____________

18. Fill in the words on the horizontal line in the text in turn, and all the appropriate ones are ( )

A. Twists and turns, ingenuity and ingenuity

B. Three twists and turns, unique in the world, unique in realization

C. A great deal of effort, the world's unparalleled ingenuity and ingenuity are embodied

D. It takes a lot of trouble to take the lead and achieve it in a unique way

19. The sentence with the horizontal line drawn in the text has a speech problem, and the most appropriate one of the following modifications is ( )

A. The four birds are wrapped around 12 curved tooth-shaped ornaments, like a clockwise rotating sun.

B. The four birds surround 12 curved tooth-shaped ornaments, like a clockwise rotating sun.

C. These four birds are wrapped around 12 curved tooth-shaped ornaments, like a clockwise rotating sun.

D. Surrounded by these four birds, the 12 curved toothed ornaments resemble the sun that rotates clockwise.

20. The quotation marks in the following sentences have the same function as the quotation marks for "Golden Negative Day" in the text is ( )

A. In a sense, "saying" means doing, saying that you have to act, and practice proves everything.

B. There are also several masters holding a few ancient paintings and new paintings, hanging all the way in European countries, called "carrying forward the national light".

C. The puppy came with a foreign name, and its transliteration was "Spodi".

D. The adage "Full of losses, humble benefits" has been passed down to this day for at least two thousand years.

7. Verbal expression

21. Please write the appropriate sentence at the horizontal line of the text, so that the whole paragraph of text is complete and coherent, the content is appropriate, the logic is rigorous, and no more than 10 words are not exceeded in each place.

The formation of exceptionally heavy rainstorms in Henan is a complex process. The subtropical high-pressure air mass shifted somewhat north compared to previous years, forming a southerly wind, a low vortex that was originally along the coast, and was blown to Henan. The low vortex has a characteristic, (1), which may cause rainfall. The low vortex in Henan, it is to absorb too much water vapor, before the rainstorm. Where does so much water vapor come from? Typhoon "fireworks" developed at sea, absorbed a lot of water vapor, and had a lot of power, (2), so it was impossible to control so much water vapor. The water vapor thrown out, without the obstruction of the vice-high, is attracted by the low vortex, is pushed by the southeast wind, and the swarm generally continues to come to Henan. After the water vapor was blown to Henan, it encountered two major troubles: one was that the mainland high pressure would be blocked at high altitudes when the temperature was high in summer; and the other was the Taihang Mountain and Funiu Mountain (3). In this way, one plugs above and one plugs below, forming rainfall.

22. Based on the following passage, please make three suggestions on "how to control the chaos of the 'rice circle'", each point does not exceed 20 words.

At present, the "rice circle" presents a state of "madness". Fan groups will desperately defend "Love Bean", create public relations incidents, and even break the law. At the same time, the multiple profiteers surrounding the stars have become more complex. In short, many subjects, including the company, "fans", platforms, capital and fans, including the upstream and downstream of the "rice circle", are "free" and unscrupulous to create and join the "rice circle", which is in the "order vacuum" of the "carnival". The Weibo "Orange Counseling" study found that teenagers are difficult to resist the pressure and constraints of the crazy "rice circle" because the "three views" are not yet mature. They will devote a great deal of spiritual and economic resources to the path of idolatry. Once you stop investing, teenagers who lack concentration will feel lost. In order to overcome this kind of road, in order not to be abandoned by the "rice circle", teenagers can only sink into the quagmire of "forced sexual worship" step by step. There is nothing wrong with worshipping idols, but the idols under the chaos of the "rice circle" are a "human design" jointly constructed by capital, stars, fans and other subjects, and what is needed is "produced" and sometimes even very simple - "appearance is justice". Nowadays, the ethics of the "rice circle" is the supremacy of "love beans", and for the members, it is only to ask loyalty and not to ask right and wrong. In the "rice circle", in a sense, idols are a collection of irrational passions that do not care about social public morality. 8. Material composition

23. Read the material below and write as required.

Some people think that the post-60s and 70s were born in the era of material scarcity, they have a strong sense of distress, what drives them is the "power of poverty", they are more like "climbers", and the pursuit of "will be the top of the top" type of success; and the post-90s and 00s are born in the era of material abundance, they have a strong sense of self, driven by "hi power" (interest power), they are more like "explorers", yearning for a "scenery all the way to the song" type of life. The post-70s generation is often confused: why can they inspire themselves to struggle, but they cannot inspire the younger generation? The post-90s and post-00s are often confused: why are their ideas often not understood and supported by the previous generation? What kind of thinking has the above material caused you to think? Please write an essay to solve their "puzzles". Requirements: Combine the content of the material, choose a good angle, determine the intention, clarify the style, and draft the title; do not make a set, do not copy; not less than 800 words.

Refer to the answer




4. (1) Material 1 believes that urbanization has seriously damaged ecosystems and is one of the important factors that make biodiversity face a crisis.

(2) Material 2 believes that in the era of intensive agriculture, cities will become a new ecosystem, which is conducive to the conservation of biodiversity.

(3) Material Three believes that the rapid evolution of organisms caused by urbanization often comes at a cost, and biological evolution is a difficult to control and low predictability issue.

5. enlighten:

(1) The three materials have different views on the "relationship between urbanization and biodiversity", which inspires us to look at the impact of urbanization on biodiversity in many ways (dialectically).

(2) In the process of urbanization, the destruction of the ecosystem should be minimized, and the concept of harmonious coexistence between humans and other organisms should be adhered to to protect the earth's home.



This question tests students' ability to understand and analyze the content of the article.

A.“ Human activities and climate change have caused a global biodiversity crisis". It can be seen from the original text "due to human activities and climate change, about 34,000 species of plants and more than 5,200 species of animals have been endangered worldwide, and the distribution of species has undergone extensive changes, which have formed a global biodiversity crisis", the original text says that "these" have formed a global biodiversity crisis, "these" refers to "about 34,000 species of plants and more than 5,200 species of animals in the world are on the verge of extinction, and the distribution of species has undergone extensive changes", not "human activities and climate change". It has created a global biodiversity crisis.

B.“ ...... It is a manifestation of biodiversity, and surface hardening and heat island effects, etc., cause interference". From the original text, "About 60% to 70% of the surface of the city is hardened by roads, human buildings, parking lots, etc., and water is not easy to penetrate, and it is difficult for plant seeds to take root." The population density of many cities around the world has reached tens of thousands of people per square kilometer, and the dense flow of people is a potential danger to many organisms; in addition, high-rise buildings are lined up, heat is constantly gathering, and the temperature in the city center is sometimes even higher than the surrounding 10 ° C, and this heat island effect is also a major interference factor for the survival of organisms" It can be seen that the original text is that the surface hardening and heat island effect are a major interference with the "survival of organisms", and it is not said that it interferes with "biodiversity".

C. "So tends to be more numerous than in the countryside" error. From the original article "Scientists compared cities with rural environments severely damaged by highly intensive agriculture, they found that there are often more species in cities than in rural areas." Compared with the countryside, cities provide a diverse living environment for species. Flora and fauna can cling to a wide variety of nooks, edges, wall crevices, live in wastelands, cemeteries, and damp ditches, or inhabit carefully maintained, atmospheric gardens. They have access to water and food throughout the year, while in the wild, access to water and food is seasonal," which means that "there are more species in the cities" than in the countryside, rather than "in numbers" tends to be more than in the countryside.

Hence the choice of D.


This question tests students' ability to sift through and integrate the information in the text.

B.“ House bats or skulls that continue to grow in size due to predation on them" error. Since 1940, the skull volume of the italian urban area bat has been increasing, which may be affected by street lamps. Street lamps will attract and gather a large number of large insects, with the change of generations, the bite force of the bat more and more advantageous" it can be seen that "the bite force of the bat more and more advantageous, gradually eliminate the weak bite force of the bat", not "because of the predation of them and the skull volume continues to grow".

Hence B.


This question tests students' ability to screen and summarize the content of the article.

The first paragraph of material three is about the rapid evolution of organisms caused by urbanization, the second paragraph is an example of the biological evolution in cities and biodiversity is closely related, and the third paragraph is about the research of human beings on biological evolution and biodiversity, so the main point of material three is to talk about the monitoring and research of "biological evolution and biodiversity", which is conducive to correctly evaluating the impact of human activities and helping to guide urbanization practices.


This question tests students' ability to analyze and summarize the ideas of the material.

From the material one "with the continuous growth of the global population and the rapid development of science and technology, human beings have created a global ecosystem deeply affected by humans while creating civilization" "The biodiversity crisis is the result of the combined effect of various factors, and urbanization is one of the important factors" "Biodiversity has brought great wealth to human development, but it is currently facing threats from urbanization and other aspects", it can be seen that material one believes that urbanization has seriously damaged the ecosystem, It is one of the important factors that put biodiversity at risk.

From material two "in the era of intensive agriculture, cities will become a new ecosystem, conducive to the protection of biodiversity, and this potential will continue to be stimulated", material two believes that in the era of intensive agriculture, cities will become a new ecosystem, conducive to the protection of biodiversity.

The "Material III" study found that every time each species successfully adapts to urban life, multiple species disappear locally; and if a species adapts too quickly to urban life, it also means that the species has many individuals to make sacrifices. Rapid evolution of organisms caused by urbanization often comes at a cost" and "biological evolution in cities is closely related to biodiversity, and biological evolution is a difficult to control and low predictability topic", it can be seen that material three believes that the rapid evolution of organisms caused by urbanization often has to pay a price, and biological evolution is a difficult to control and low predictability topic.


This question tests students' ability to personalize and creatively interpret works.

Material 1 believes that urbanization has seriously damaged ecosystems and is one of the important factors that make biodiversity face a crisis; Material 2 believes that in the era of intensive agriculture, cities will become a new ecosystem, which is conducive to the protection of biodiversity; Material 3 believes that the rapid evolution of organisms caused by urbanization often has to pay a price, and biological evolution is a difficult to control and low predictability topic. It can be seen that the three materials have different views on the "relationship between urbanization and biodiversity", which inspires us to look at the impact of urbanization on biodiversity in many ways (dialectically).

The material says that biodiversity has brought great wealth to human development, but it is currently facing threats from urbanization and other aspects. Therefore, in the process of urbanization, we should minimize the damage to the ecosystem, uphold the concept of harmonious coexistence between humans and other organisms, and protect the earth's home.



8. (1) Write about the coldness of the natural environment. "The curly-tailed puppy snuggles up to the barrel as if it were a mother", a side description here highlights the cold of the here and now. (2) Set off the mood of the characters. The puppy "goes unnoticed", the same as Jinzhi's situation in Harbin alone, which reflects Jinzhi's loneliness and loneliness.

9. (1) Use psychological descriptions to promote plot transformation. Missing home, cold, hungry and lonely, the text promotes the plot transformation in an orderly manner through the psychological feelings of the golden branch. (2) The novel does not reflect direct contradictions and conflicts, but promotes plot transformation through the transformation of a series of life scenes.


This question tests students' ability to analyze and understand the content of the article.

C. "Shows her expectations of 'going into town' " mistake. "In front of Harbin City is beckoning her, and the family mountain behind her is sending her farewell" shows Jin Zhi's confusion about the road ahead and his nostalgia for his hometown.

Hence the choice of C.


This question tests students' ability to analyze genre characteristics and expressive techniques.

A.“ It also highlights the national spirit of the protagonist who dares to resist and "elevates the main theme." At this time, Jin Zhi went to Harbin only to be able to survive, far from reaching the level of "national spirit";

B.“ Although the structure of the novel is scattered "errors." The original expression is "Xiao Hong's novel mode of diluting the plot, which seems to be a scattered structure, seems to be a manifestation of immature writing ability, but in fact it is Xiao Hong's creative advantages." it is "seemingly structured and scattered", not really scattered;

C. "Technique of contrast" error. Jinzhi looked closely at the child who ate the biscuit, and wrote about the child from the perspective of Jinzhi, there was no contrast.


This question tests students' ability to appreciate artistic images in their works.

The description of the puppy in the text is "the curly-tailed puppy snuggles in the barrel as if snuggling with the mother, the puppy feels too cold in the morning", by describing the puppy hiding in the barrel to sleep, "snuggling" the barrel, so that the golden branch feels that it is "like snuggling with the mother", in fact, this is the emotional projection of the golden branch on the puppy's body, and it is the golden branch that really wants the mother; the same "morning puppy about feeling too cold" is also the psychology of the golden branch, because she herself feels very cold, so she feels that the puppy also feels too cold. Here the side description is used to write about the coldness of the natural environment through the performance of the puppy.

The description of the puppy also includes "After midnight, a puppy came to Jinzhi's side, maybe the puppy is a suffering puppy?" This stray dog goes into the barrel to sleep" "She and the puppy sleeping in the barrel are generally not noticed, and it seems that they do not exist in the human world", and the puppy "does not be noticed", which is the same as Jinzhi's situation in Harbin alone, which reflects Jinzhi's lonely and lonely mood.


"Xiao Hong's novel breaks the novel mode of ancient Chinese traditional novels with plot as the thread through the whole text", which requires students to analyze how the text one makes the plot develop downwards, and the characteristics of this structural model. The article writes that Jin zhi bid farewell to his mother and went to Harbin, and along the way mainly describes Jin Zhi's psychological feelings of missing his hometown and his mother. For example, "Where is the mother?" Her hometown was far away from her, and she came to a strange village in front of her, which made her feel that she had walked through countless human beings" "Jinzhi drank water by the river, and she looked back at her hometown, which was far away and invisible. It's just a high mountain, the bottom of the mountain can't tell whether it's smoke or a tree, and her mother is in the shade of the smoke tree" "She is so difficult to give up for the mountain in her hometown, and her heart is flying up in her chest" "The front Harbin City is beckoning her, and the family mountain behind her is saying goodbye to her." Later, Jin Zhi came to the city and mainly wrote about her coldness, hunger and loneliness. For example, "She also squeezed into the pile of people who wanted to eat, waited for a long time, the guy did not see the food coming out, in April the open air sleeping with a thorough chill, when others looked at her, she thought it was ugly, and she was hungry and came to the same place" "She and the puppy sleeping in the barrel are also not noticed, and there seems to be no one in the world." Tianming, she did not feel hungry, just empty, her mind was empty" "The curly-tailed puppy snuggled up to the barrel as if snuggling with his mother, and the puppy felt too cold in the morning" "Jinzhi seemed to understand that this was not the countryside, here was just strange, diaphragm, emotionless. All the way, except for the chicken, fish, and aroma in front of the restaurant, she didn't see it, didn't hear it, and didn't hear it." It can be seen that the text uses psychological descriptions to promote plot transformation. Writing that Jinzhi misses his hometown, his own cold, hunger and loneliness, the text promotes the plot transformation in an orderly manner through Jinzhi's psychological feelings.

Text One does not reflect direct contradictions and conflicts, but promotes plot transformation through the transformation of a series of life scenes. The article first writes about what Jinzhi saw, heard and thought on the way to Harbin, and then wrote about what he saw and felt after Harbin; wrote that Jinzhi slept on the streets of Harbin, waited in line in front of small restaurants to get food, and later sewed socks for people in front of the "opium monopoly". It is in this kind of scene transformation that the novel promotes the development of the plot. The text is interspersed with a large number of non-plot elements in the writing process, showing the tendency of prose culture. For example, on the way to Harbin, write about Japanese soldiers, write "The red sun is about to set over the sky, the figure is as thin as a pole on the ground", write jinzhi's feelings "The front has come to a strange village, making her feel that she has walked through countless human worlds", the content feels very casual; when she arrives in Harbin, it is even more chaotic, and there is "That street is the street of small workers and foreign coachmen." There are no police on this street, and there are wives begging for food and guys in small restaurants arguing", there are "sparks in the sky", there are "a puppy", there are policemen, old seamstresses, children who eat cookies, and so on. The addition of these non-plot factors makes the plot of the article appear loose and has a prose culture tendency.




13. (1) Yin Bo thanked and answered the questions raised by Sun Quan, taking advantage of the situation to state his political views, and was very literary.

(2) The matter was revealed and executed, and Haopu committed suicide after being questioned. Zhu Was detained and released after some time.

14. The article shows Hu Zong's literary style from three aspects: (1) Hu Zong's writing for Wu Shu is of remarkable literary style; (2) the text written in the name of Wu Qian is widely circulated. (3) During Sun Quan's reign, the wen edicts were all written by Hu Zong.


This question tests students' ability to break sentences in chinese and chinese.

This sentence means: When I was twenty-two years old, I gave up my territory to run to the Prince of The Word, and thanks to the blessing of the gods of heaven and earth, I was able to come safely. I would like to come before to pray and present the recital, and to ask for an introduction.

"Sealed domain" is the object of "abandonment", and "youdao" is the object of "return", which is disconnected after it to exclude AD.

"Yi Que Bai Zhang" is a four-word phrase in the form of a moving object, and should not be disconnected in the middle, and the subject of "Qimeng" is "Subject", not "Bai Zhang", which is broken before it, excluding C.


This question tests students' ability to understand and grasp the common sense of ancient culture.

C. "Jianye, that is, Nanjing, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, also known as Wumen" is wrong, Wumen is the ancient name of Suzhou.


This question tests students' ability to summarize and analyze the content of the original text.

C. "Yin Fan thinks that it is comparable to Dongfang Shuo and You Heng" error, according to the original text, "Comprehensive pairing: 'The big language is similar to That of Dongfang Shuo, and the clever sophistry is similar to Mi Heng'" It can be seen that it is comparable to Dongfang Shuo and You Heng is not The view of Yin Fan himself, but the view of Hu Zong.


This question tests students' ability to understand and translate sentences.


(1) Thanks: Acknowledgements. And: Take advantage of the opportunity. Chen: Statement. Even: Very. Lexicon: Literary demeanor.

(2) Awareness: Being discovered and exposed. See: Quilt. Prohibited: Detained. Duration: A period of time has passed. Solution: Released.


This question tests students' ability to sift through and integrate information.

Grasp the key words of "literary style" and look for relevant sentences from the text, such as "Shu Wen Quan Practice, send the envoy to reiterate the previous good." The text is very beautiful, and the language in the "Quan Chuan" can be seen in (1) Hu Zong's Mengwen written for Wu Shu is brilliant;

"When the Wei governor Of Hebei Zhenwei general Wu Qian was quite suspicious, Zong Nai was a pseudo-quality as a demotion of the three articles... This article is popular, and the synthesis has been included in the service of the "Shi Zhongyi" It can be seen that (2) the demotion made in the name of Wu Zhi was widely circulated;

"All those who govern themselves, the edicts of the various texts, the letters of the neighboring countries, and the slightly comprehensive creations" it can be seen that (3) the literary edicts during Sun Quan's reign were all written by Hu Zong.

Reference Translations:

Hu ZongziWeize, he lost his father as a teenager, and his mother took him to Jiangdong for refuge. When Sun Ce was a huijian taishou, Hu Zong was fourteen years old and stayed in Wudi to accompany Sun Quan to study. After Sun Ce's death, Sun Quan appointed him as a general and made Hu Zong work as Jin Cao. Sun Quan served as a che riding general, built the capital in Zhenjiang, summoned Hu Zong to return, took up clerical work, and jointly took charge of military and political secret affairs with Shi Yi and Xu Xiang. Liu Bei entered the White Emperor's City, and Sun Quan, due to the shortage of existing soldiers, sent Hu Zong to count the population of the counties under his command, and recruited 6,000 people. Wu rebelled against Emperor Jinzong and surrendered to the State of Wei, and the State of Wei appointed Emperor Jinzong as the Taishou of Puchun, hundreds of miles from the Yangtze River, and repeatedly invaded the State of Wu. Sun Quan sent Hu Zong and He Qi to sneak in light, captured Emperor Jin alive, and was given the title of General of Jianwu Zhonglang. In the summer of Huang Wu's eighth year, Huang Long appeared in Xiakou, so Sun Quan was proclaimed emperor and changed his era name according to the auspicious sign. The Yellow Dragon Banner was also erected, often standing in the center of the barracks, and the troops of each military camp marched and retreated to see the direction in which the flag moved. When the State of Shu heard that Sun Quan had proclaimed himself emperor, he sent emissaries to reaffirm the friendly relations they had previously established. Hu Zong wrote a mengwen, which is very beautiful in meaning, and the content is recorded in the "Biography of Sun Quan". Sun Quan fixed the capital Jianye, Xu Xiang and Hu Zong served as attendants at the same time, and jinfeng was made a township waitress, and concurrently served as the leader of the left and right. At that time, the wei governor of Hebei Zhenwei was very suspicious, and Hu Zong, posing as Wu Qian, made three confessions of betrayal... After this document spread, Wu Zhi had already entered the dynasty as a waiter. In the second year of the Yellow Dragon, the Qingzhou people defected to the State of Wu and submitted a letter saying: "At the age of twenty-two, I gave up my territory to join the Prince of Youdao, and fortunately, thanks to the blessing of the gods of heaven and earth, I was able to come safely." I would like to come before to pray and present the recital, and to ask for an introduction. Sun Quan summoned him to the palace. Yin Bo thanked and answered the questions raised by Sun Quan, taking advantage of the situation to state his political views, and was very literary. Hu Zong was accompanying him at that time, and Sun Quan asked him what he thought, and Hu Zong replied: "The writings presented by Yin Bo are similar to those of Dongfang Shuo, and the well-behaved and agile sophistry is similar to You Heng, but the quality of the books presented by Yin Bo is similar to that of Dongfang Shuo, and the talent cannot catch up with these two people." Sun Quan asked what kind of official he could be competent, and Hu Zong replied: "We can't let him govern the people, so let's try to place a small position in Kyoto." Sun Quan talked about prison according to The Hidden Man and appointed him as a court lieutenant. The left generals Zhu Zhao and The Imperial Lieutenant Hao Pu praised Yin Bo for his ability to assist the emperor, and Hao Pu was especially friendly with him, often complaining that Yin Bo had been wronged. After that, Yin Fan plotted a rebellion, the matter was revealed and executed, and Hao Pu was reprimanded and committed suicide. Zhu Was detained and released after some time. Sun Quan appointed Hu Zong as a partial general. Hu Zongsheng likes to drink alcohol, cheers and indulges after drinking, and sometimes beats the people around him. Sun Quan cherished his talents and did not blame him. In short, since Sun Quan took charge of state affairs, most of the various edicts and edicts and the books and texts of exchanges with neighboring countries were drafted by Hu Zong. At the beginning, because of the large number of internal and external affairs, a special law was made, and the county chiefs were not allowed to leave their duties in the event of a funeral, but there were many people who violated discipline. Sun Quan was very worried about this and asked the courtiers to discuss countermeasures. Hu Zong proposed that a legal provision should be enacted to declare violators to be executed, and as long as they are implemented once in accordance with the regulations, they must be eliminated thereafter. Sun Quan adopted Hu Zong's proposal, and from then on there were no people who were forbidden to run to funerals. Evaluation: Hu Zong was the one who made his career prosperous during the Sun Quan period. Hu Zong's literary talents were all trusted.


16. (1) "Who expected the river to cherish my night" is a fictitious writing, and the poet imagines that his friend Yuan Shu is thinking of himself on the bank of the Jialing River;

(2) "Just when the poolside is looking at the king" is a real writing, writing about the poet's gaze at his friends at the poolside of the Qujiang River;

(3) The combination of virtual and real, from both sides, expresses the friendship between Yuan and Bai who are imprinted on each other and push their hearts.


This question tests students' ability to appreciate the content of poetry and the characteristics of art.

C. The analysis of "taking advantage of this scene of sunshine and yin" is inappropriate, and the original poem says that the two places are far apart and do not know the clouds.


This question tests students' ability to appreciate the language and art of poetry.

The meaning of the neck joint is: Who would have expected that the night you missed me by the river was the moment when I was looking forward to you by the poolside.

"The riverside carries my night" is the author from the opposite side of the pen, thinking that Yuan Shu is thinking of himself, is a fiction; "just when the poolside looks at the king" is the author writes that he is staring at his friends, is the reality in front of him, is the real writing.

"Justi" shows the friendship between Bai Juyi and Yuan Shu. "Who expected" to crown the full union, the meaning of chagrin, into a layer to show considerate feelings: if you know this, you should send a poem early, so as not to taste the pain of the moon's ghost.

17. Humble then foot shy official Sheng Ze close to the slander Yu Yi Yu Yu Yu Xi Wu Duo Poor and poor at this time also the wind is fast, the sky is high ape roaring mourning Nagisa White Bird flew back (Padang Three Gorges Wuxia long, ape song three tears stained)


This question tests students' ability to silently write common famous sentences.

Pay attention to words such as "shame", "谀", "邑", "侘傺", "whistle", etc.





This question tests students' ability to use words, including idioms, correctly.

The first empty, three twists and turns: the original refers to the twists and turns of the writing style (Lishu), now the structure of the article is ups and downs, but also a metaphor for many unexpected changes in the progress of things. Painstaking: Refers to the complexity of things, it is very difficult to do. The context says that "the golden ornaments of the sun god bird came from the ancient Shu kingdom three thousand years ago", were "rummaged out of the dirt", and should be selected as "a lot of trouble";

The second space, the dominant position: originally referred to the examination in the imperial examination era, and now refers to the first place or the first place. Unparalleled in the world: it means that there is no second such person or thing in the world, which is extremely rare and rare, and incomparable. The national treasure that can only be appreciated in the Chengdu Jinsha Site Museum should be the second in the world, and it should be selected as "unparalleled in the world";

The third void is ingenuity: the ingenious use of ingenious thoughts in literature, art, and so on. Unique: Set up a banner alone, metaphorically blazing a path alone, becoming a family of its own. The context says that the sacred bird pattern is like a modern paper-cut work, emphasizing the original use of ingenious thoughts, and should choose "ingenuity and unique luck";

The fourth voidness, embodiment: means that a certain nature or phenomenon is concretely expressed through a certain thing, or the subjective will of a person is concretely expressed through doing things, products, works, etc. Realization: It is achieved, and the instruction becomes a reality. The context is that the sun god bird pattern can express the Chinese idea of "the unity of heaven and man", one is the external form, the other is the connotation, and the "embodiment" should be selected.


This question tests students' ability to identify and modify sick sentences.

The language problems of drawing line sentences are:

(1) "Wrapped around ... Mang's ornament "moving guests is not properly matched, and "winding" should be changed to "wrapping";

(2) "Birds are wrapped around ... Mang ornaments, such as ..." improper collocation, "like a clockwise rotating sun" should be "12 arc-shaped toothed mangs", so "12 arc-shaped toothed mangs" should be used as the subject, and "around" should be added after "around"; and "surrounded by these four birds" should be changed to "entangled by these four birds". All corrected is item D.


This question tests students' ability to use punctuation correctly.

The "Golden U Negative Day" table in the text is specifically appellated.

A. for emphasis;

B. Is an inverse;

C. is a specific title;

D. is a reference.

21. (1) It absorbs water vapor

(2) But not yet developed strong enough

(3) It will block the water vapor at low altitudes

This question tests students' ability to make up for the situation of language expression.

The first empty space, from the original text after the text "low vortex in Henan, that is, absorbed too much water vapor, only to rain rain" can be seen, here explains the characteristics of low vortex can absorb water vapor, and the previous sentence is a progressive relationship, and the lack of low vortex characteristics in the air, so should be filled in with "will absorb water vapor" related sentences.

The second space, from the original text "so can not control so much water vapor" can be seen, here is the result, and the air needs to turn to show that "fireworks" absorbed water vapor, the power is very large, but not large enough to control the water vapor, so should be filled in with "but not yet developed strong enough" related sentences.

The third air, by the original text "One is the high pressure of the mainland in the summer when the temperature is high ... One plugs above, one plugs below, forming rainfall" It can be seen that the first point is juxtaposed with the second point, the first point indicates the water vapor plugging above, then the second point needs to explain the water vapor below the plug. Therefore, the sentence related to "water vapor that will block low altitudes" should be filled in.

Pay attention to concise expression and do not exceed the word count.

22. (2) The "rice circle" should be rational and keep the bottom line of morality and law. (2) Teenagers should improve their concentration to correct the three views and follow the stars to grasp the scale. (3) Idols improve their inner qualities, abide by public morality, and have positive energy.

This question tests students' ability to personalize and creatively interpret materials.

(1) From the first paragraph, the key sentence is extracted as "the current 'rice circle' shows a state of 'madness'", and combined with the key words "violating the law", "order vacuum" and "freedom", the key sentence is summarized to suggest one: "The rice circle" should be rational and keep the bottom line of morality and law.

(2) From the second paragraph, the key sentence "Teenagers are difficult to resist the pressure and constraints of the crazy 'rice circle' because the 'three views' are not yet mature", combined with the keywords of "confused", "worship", "input" and other keywords, summarizing the suggestion two: Teenagers should improve their concentration to correct the three views, and chase the stars to grasp the scale.

(3) From the third paragraph, the key sentences "Idols are a collection of irrational passions that do not need to take into account social public morality" and the key words "only ask loyalty and do not ask right and wrong" and "appearance is justice", and then summarize the suggestion three: Idols improve their inner qualities, abide by public morality, and have positive energy.

23. outline