
The world's top ten weirdest sea creatures, have seen more than one, count you win

author:Ayi's dimples

10. Sword-kissed shark

It is a deep-sea creature with sharp teeth. Fortunately, this shark is almost no threat to humans, as most of them eat seabed fish. It is reported that the sword snout shark is distributed in the oceans of the world, from the Gulf of Mexico to the Sea of Japan can find their presence.

The world's top ten weirdest sea creatures, have seen more than one, count you win

9. New hot wren on The Blanc

This may be the most ridiculous name, but this ferocious little fish is not funny. They are known for their large mouths and have a strong sense of territory. This fish is good at ambushing, and its prey includes crustaceans. It is native to Baja in Southern California and Mexico

The world's top ten weirdest sea creatures, have seen more than one, count you win

8. Tardigrades

This is the toughest creature in the world. These aquatic microbes are classified as extremophiles, meaning they can live in environments where most life on Earth cannot survive. They can live up to 200 years.

The world's top ten weirdest sea creatures, have seen more than one, count you win

7. Spider crab

It is a species of sea crab that grows in Alaska, USA. Species have thick and rounded bodies, slender feet, and slow movements. Because of its eight legs, its appearance resembles a spider, and its antennae are more than those of ordinary crabs, it is called "spider crab".

The world's top ten weirdest sea creatures, have seen more than one, count you win

6. Bobbitt worm

An underwater photographer named the creature "Bobbitt Worm" 20 years ago. They are surprisingly large and are found in warm seas around the world. As early as the 19th century, oceanographers recognized them as the longest polychaetes. Polychaetes live mainly on the seabed and have links.

The world's top ten weirdest sea creatures, have seen more than one, count you win

5. Ribbon eel

Blue tube-nosed eel, multicolored eel belongs to the Heng family, also known as the colored eel and tube-nosed eel, native to the western Pacific Ocean, now distributed in the western Pacific Ocean and the coral reef seas of Taiwan, is a tropical eel, multicolored eel juvenile body color is black, adult fish are blue, old adult fish are yellow, inhabit the coral reef area of the small sand ditch two cliffs, male and female squeeze a hole, whenever the tide brings plankton, it will protrude from the small hole, pecking plankton, some fish do not easily take bait when feeding, to use live small fish and shrimp to eat, often can be tamed successfully.

The world's top ten weirdest sea creatures, have seen more than one, count you win

4. Batfish

Batfish, Lophiiformes Is a collective term for about 60 species of warm water and temperate marine fish in the batfish family Ogcocephalidae. Adults can reach up to eight meters in size, weigh more than 1.4 tons, are gentle and graceful, gentle and curious. He loves to play in the waves and is loved by diving enthusiasts. They are found in tropical and temperate waters around the world, with the waters off Malaysia being one of the "batfish" clusters.

The world's top ten weirdest sea creatures, have seen more than one, count you win

3. Water drop fish

The drip fish, also known as the sad fish or the soft hidden thorn dubu fish, the bobo fish, because of the weeping face, is known as "the world's most sad expression" fish. There is a real reason for this seabed monster fish to be depressed: Scientists warn that the dripfish is threatened with extinction due to deep-sea fishing operations.

The world's top ten weirdest sea creatures, have seen more than one, count you win

2. Barrel eye fish

The barrel-eyed fish's eyes kept turning in a transparent liquid-filled head. On the face, the face of the barrel-eyed fish looks normal, but the "eyes" are actually its real "nostrils", and the part of the emerald green structure of the head is its eyes. Scientists say the bucket-eyed fish's eyes allow it to look straight ahead or through its head

The world's top ten weirdest sea creatures, have seen more than one, count you win

1. Long-handed fish

The most surprising feature of these fish, known as long-handed fish, is the "hand", which refers to the fins they use to walk. So far, only longhand fish have been found in the waters of southeastern Australia.

The world's top ten weirdest sea creatures, have seen more than one, count you win