
Increase knowledge! Are the dumplings boiled in hot water or cold water? A lot of people do it wrong...

author:Shangguan News
Increase knowledge! Are the dumplings boiled in hot water or cold water? A lot of people do it wrong...

New fresh dumplings

Boil the pot under water.

Dumplings wrapped at home, to wait for the water to boil before the pot, so that the protein in the skin of the dumplings can quickly solidify and form, the starch dissolved in water, the dumplings will not stick together, convenient to stir with a spoon, the boiled dumplings are more delicious.

Increase knowledge! Are the dumplings boiled in hot water or cold water? A lot of people do it wrong...

Quick-frozen dumplings

More suitable for boiling in cold water.

Frozen dumplings are easy to break the skin when boiled in boiling water and over high heat, and the meat filling is not easy to cook. It is much more convenient to cook with cold water, from the perspective of time, boiling frozen dumplings with cold water is slightly faster than boiling dumplings, and the whole process is more suitable for people who are not good at boiling dumplings, do not need to pour cold water frequently, only need to open the pot and wait for two minutes, and the cooked dumpling skin is more chewy.

Increase knowledge! Are the dumplings boiled in hot water or cold water? A lot of people do it wrong...

First pour cold water into the pot, then add the dumplings, and the frozen dumplings are heated and boiled over medium heat with cold water. As the water temperature rises, the dough and meat filling are heated more evenly, and the boiled dumplings are strong and the meat filling tastes good!

Do you want to cover the pot or not?

The general saying is "cover the pot lid to cook the filling, do not cover the pot lid to cook the skin", cover the pot lid to cook dumplings to save time and gas, but can not cover the pot lid to cook for too long, in order to prevent the skin from breaking.

When cooking fresh dumplings, add the dumplings after the water boils, stir well and cover the pot.

When the dumplings are about to surface and are about to boil, remove the lid of the pot and cook the skin, and add some cold water.

After that, let the dumplings boil 2 times, add some cold water each time, and finally fish out.

Increase knowledge! Are the dumplings boiled in hot water or cold water? A lot of people do it wrong...

Add salt

After the water is boiled, sprinkle some salt and mix well, and then put the dumplings to boil, which can improve the boiling point of the water, slow down the speed of starch gelatinization, make the dumplings more resistant to cooking, and it is not easy to break the skin.

Add the shallot leaves

Bring the water to a boil, add some green onion leaves, and then add the dumplings. When the green onion leaves are boiled in water, they release a kind of oil that wraps around the outer skin of the dumplings to prevent the dumplings from sticking to each other.

Add the eggs

Beat 1-2 eggs into the dough to increase the protein in the flour. When boiled in boiling water, the protein shrinks sharply, and the skin of the dumplings is not easy to soften and soften, stick to each other, and it is more chewy to eat.

Increase knowledge! Are the dumplings boiled in hot water or cold water? A lot of people do it wrong...

The best ratio of vegetables and meat in dumpling filling is 3:1, and it is healthier to have more meat and less meat. The loss of vegetable water in dumplings can easily lead to the loss of nutrients. Adding vermicelli, peas, and seaweed to the filling can absorb the soup, prevent the loss of water and nutrients in the dumplings, and increase the intake of nutrients.

The correct order of mixing dumpling fillings: vegetables - oil - meat - salt.

Increase knowledge! Are the dumplings boiled in hot water or cold water? A lot of people do it wrong...

Patients with stomach disease should not eat leek stuffed dumplings, fennel stuffed dumplings are a better choice.

Gout patients are not suitable for eating seafood fillings and shiitake mushroom filling dumplings, and the purines in seafood may promote gout.

Patients with three highs should not eat mackerel stuffed dumplings mixed with lard, and should choose vegetable oil, vegetable oil and tea oil. Chicken shiitake stuffed dumplings are more suitable.

When adding soybean noodles and eggs appropriately, the dough will be more ribbed and can avoid the dumplings from being boiled.

Replacing the water with vegetable juice to the noodles is 1:2, which can make colorful dumplings and enhance the nutritional value of the dumplings.

Increase knowledge! Are the dumplings boiled in hot water or cold water? A lot of people do it wrong...

Frozen dumplings can be said to be the best preserved nutrition in common convenience foods (example: instant noodles, instant rice, soup treasure and other convenient spices). Freeze in minus 30 to 35°C for 15 minutes, and then place in minus 18°C, this process of nutrients is not easy to lose.

Increase knowledge! Are the dumplings boiled in hot water or cold water? A lot of people do it wrong...

However, compared with ordinary homemade dumplings, the salt and grease of quick-frozen dumplings are slightly higher. The layer of slick oil on the boiled dumpling soup, is there an impression?

A common quick-frozen dumpling, the general amount of adults can eat about 15 to 20 pieces a meal. Then this meal is 30 to 40 grams of oil. In addition to the fat that comes with the meat filling, we still eat a considerable amount of cooking oil.

A little advice

Try to buy the closest to the production date, the packaging is complete, the appearance and texture are uniform;

If there is obvious cracking, deformation, adhesion or more frost in the bag, there may be the problem of repeated thawing and freezing, which will affect the texture and taste of food, and it is not recommended to buy.

When visiting the supermarket, buy quick-frozen food at the end

Many people put frozen food into the shopping basket as soon as they arrive at the supermarket, and then walk around for 1 or 2 hours before checking out. As everyone knows, the temperature in the supermarket is not low, from the frozen food leaving the freezer to the time you go home and put it in the refrigerator, bacteria have begun to camp on your frozen food in the past few hours.

Increase knowledge! Are the dumplings boiled in hot water or cold water? A lot of people do it wrong...

Therefore, when visiting the supermarket, please also buy frozen food last. After buying it home, if you can't eat it immediately, you should immediately put it in the refrigerator freezer.

Source: Popular Science China

Editor: Liu Xu