
In summer, the most important pickle to eat is not cucumber but "it", which is eaten seasonally to make your appetite open

author:Country Rong sister food

Summer is an enchanting season, where you can enjoy the blossoms of spring and the harvest of autumn. Cucumber flowers, beanstalk flowers, winter melon flowers, pumpkin flowers in the farmer's small vegetable garden... After the flowers are finished, they bear fruit, and if they are not picked in time, they will be old. My father would pick a few pockets every other day, and in addition to giving them to my brothers and sisters, my mother would also make pickled cucumbers, pickled beans, and pickled eggplants. Therefore, summer is the best season for pickling vegetables, all in order to reserve more seasonal vegetables and keep them for the winter. In summer, the most important pickle to eat is not cucumber but "it", which is eaten seasonally to make your appetite open!

In summer, the most important pickle to eat is not cucumber but "it", which is eaten seasonally to make your appetite open

Yellow ginger is also one of the seasonal vegetables, and summer is the season when fresh ginger is on the market in large quantities. Ginger is divided into 3 kinds: bud ginger, tender ginger, old ginger. Ginger is still old and spicy, so old ginger is the most suitable for seasoning. Sprout ginger and tender ginger are not so spicy to eat, suitable for pickling. The old saying goes, "Eat turnips in winter and eat ginger in summer, don't go to the hospital to prescribe medicine." Ginger is very rich in nutrition, containing a variety of vitamins needed by the human body, containing volatile oil, ginger spicy, not only can drive away the cold and the sun, disinfect and relieve the heat, but also help digestion, let people appetite! "3 slices of ginger a day, three meals a day to eat fragrant", summer, is the best season to eat ginger, summer to meet this ingredient do not be soft, buy more pickles at a time, eat 3 slices a day, eat delicious!

In summer, the most important pickle to eat is not cucumber but "it", which is eaten seasonally to make your appetite open

Today to share with you the ancestral old method of pickling ginger, without adding a grain of salt, 90-year-old grandpa is good at this bite, under the wine under the rice, delicious and delicious, a day do not eat hungry panic! The method is simple and tastes enough, and if you want to know why it is so delicious, just make it with me. Buy back the tender ginger we put into a small basin, break the large piece into small pieces, sprinkle a layer of salt on the surface of the ginger skin, and then gently scrub, rub all the places on the surface of the ginger skin, the purpose is to remove the impurities on the surface of the ginger skin, bacteria, all to the ginger after doing the salt bath, poured into the clean water to clean, you will see, the ginger skin rubbed with salt is very bright, there are many impurities in the water, and then change the water back and forth several times, until the water is washed, fish out the ginger control dry water

In summer, the most important pickle to eat is not cucumber but "it", which is eaten seasonally to make your appetite open

Instead of peeling the dried ginger, cut into thick thin slices and placed in a large bowl

In summer, the most important pickle to eat is not cucumber but "it", which is eaten seasonally to make your appetite open

We pour a spoonful of white sugar into the cut ginger slices, which can not only meet the taste of umami, but also remove the spicy taste of ginger, which can be eaten by the elderly and children. Stir well, marinate for 10 minutes, killing the moisture in the ginger so that it will be more crisp when eating'

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In summer, the most important pickle to eat is not cucumber but "it", which is eaten seasonally to make your appetite open

After 10 minutes, see if you really kill out a lot of water, want ginger to eat more crisp, this step is the key!

In summer, the most important pickle to eat is not cucumber but "it", which is eaten seasonally to make your appetite open

Kill the moisture of the ginger slices, we put one by one into a container, all poured into the container, we poured into the caramel vinegar, rice vinegar did not pass the tender ginger slices, and then poured in half a spoonful of liquor, liquor can be sterilized, inhibit bacterial regeneration, antiseptic effect, can effectively extend the time of ginger preservation

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In summer, the most important pickle to eat is not cucumber but "it", which is eaten seasonally to make your appetite open

Finally we put the lid on, sealed and stored, and after 7 days we can eat. The 90-year-old grandfather rushes to the countryside every summer to buy 5 pounds of tender ginger, and when he comes back, he has to make this kind of "vinegar pickled ginger", eat 3 tablets a day, and eat 3 meals deliciously! It's really convenient to eat and take as you go! In the summer, when you meet this ingredient, don't be soft, buy more marinades at a time, eat 3 slices a day, and eat deliciously! In summer, the most important pickle to eat is not cucumber but "it", which is eaten seasonally to make your appetite open

In summer, the most important pickle to eat is not cucumber but "it", which is eaten seasonally to make your appetite open

Do you like to eat "vinegar pickled ginger"? What do you do with tender ginger there? Sincerely welcome friends to the following comment area message pointing, so that more people because of you and wonderful, I am the beautiful coastal city of Yantai's rural Rongjie, every day will seriously update a different cuisine for your reference, like my article please pay attention, like to share, collect support it! Thank you for your support!