
From snacks to large vegetable boxes, simple methods, thin skin and large filling, soft without noodles

author:Home is pleasant

When it comes to vegetable boxes, the one we think about the most is the leek box. I remember when I was a child, because the family grew their own leeks, my mother made leek boxes every three to five to eat, and with leek boxes, there was no need to stir-fry, the family ate together, thinking about it, they all felt fragrant.

Today I will share with you a simple lazy dish box method, simple, time-saving, fast, making breakfast, lunch are very good.

Well, without further ado, let's start making it.

【Lazy version of the dish box】

Ingredients: 300 g flour, 150 g warm water, 1 zucchini, 3 eggs, 1 small bale of vermicelli, green onion to taste, 3 tsp salt, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 tsp of oyster sauce, appropriate amount of sesame oil, 3 tablespoons of cooking oil.

Here's how:

1, first come and noodles, add warm water to the flour, first stir into a flocculent form, and then form a dough. With warm water and noodles, the pasta will be softer. After reconciling, put aside the noodles for 15 minutes.

2. Prepare the filling again. After the zucchini is cleaned, cut off the head and tail, rub into thin wires with a wipe, add a little salt, mix well and marinate slightly, kill the water; the egg is smashed into a bowl and stirred; the vermicelli is added to hot water to soak; and the green onion is cut into green onions and set aside.

From snacks to large vegetable boxes, simple methods, thin skin and large filling, soft without noodles

3. Pour cooking oil into the pot, pour in the egg liquid when the bottom oil is warm, and use chopsticks to keep stirring to fry the egg liquid. When the bottom oil is warm, put in the egg liquid, and the scrambled eggs are evenly broken, and should not be large. Sauté and set aside in a bowl.

4, after the vermicelli is soaked, fish out the drainage, cut a few times with a knife, it is best to make the filling is slightly broken, too long is not easy to operate. Drain the water from the zucchini silk that kills the moisture. Once all the ingredients are ready, put them all in a large bowl and set aside.

5. After the dough is ready, knead the long strips on the board, then divide into slightly larger dough, and press each dough into flat, and then use the rolling pin to roll it into a thin dot of large round cake, the round cake can be rolled out slightly thinner around the round cake.

6. After rolling, put the pre-adjusted filling in the middle, and then fold the two sides first, and then fold up and down, so that the cake blank of a vegetable box is ready.

From snacks to large vegetable boxes, simple methods, thin skin and large filling, soft without noodles

7, after all done, the pan preheating brush oil, the finished vegetable box mouth down into the mouth, the surface of another layer of oil, is conducive to locking the water, low heat slow frying, fry until the bottom solidifies after turning over, fry until both sides golden, crispy skin, vegetable box slightly bulging, with a shovel press not collapsed can quickly rebound, it is cooked, out of the pot can be. The lid can be covered during frying, which is conducive to the ripening of the vegetable box and shortens the frying time.

From snacks to large vegetable boxes, simple methods, thin skin and large filling, soft without noodles

8, the dish box out of this way thin skin large filling, delicious taste, eat while hot, the skin has a caramelized crisp feeling, very delicious. Warm water and noodles, the pasta made is both tendon and soft, very good.

From snacks to large vegetable boxes, simple methods, thin skin and large filling, soft without noodles


Of course, this practice can also be made into meat boxes and leek boxes, and the reason is the same.

This practice is simple, fast, easy to do, even the kitchen white can do it successfully, very simple.

Well, today's sharing is here, I am a pleasant taste, the article is my original work, I hope you can like, if you have any problems in the production process, you can pay attention to me, leave me a message to discuss and exchange gastronomic experience, we work together to do a good job of food, let us eat healthier, more nutritious. Every day will bring you the same food sharing, I hope you eat a good mood!


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