
Take the Teochew proverb that feeds into the title

author:The view of Shanwan in the big tide

The proverb is the folk "refining words", the motto of life. It includes a wide range of witty, humorous language, descriptions in a word, timeless words with a sweet aftertaste, and so on. What this article wants to mention in particular is the kind of Teochew proverb that is full of wisdom and eats into the topic.

We know that the four seasons have their own fruits and vegetables and fish fresh, just when the food of the order, always much loved, inconspicuous like the same hollow cabbage, if the order at that time, is "September cabbage core, food win fresh chicken legs", the back is the back, "May lychee tree tail red, June cabbage is empty". Others, such as "frost falls, olives fall urns", "three or four peach plum trees, seven or eight (month) oil persimmons", "the weather is through the south wind, the cockroach is empty", "the sun is exposed again, the soup paves the way", "the night dusk east (wind), sleep up north (wind), red mane, fresh thin shell", are all the "golden season" recipes summed up by smart producers.

For some foods, not only have special hobbies, but even carefully evaluate what part of the food belongs to the "top child" level of "favorite". And listen, "grass carp head, Lu gu throat", "mullet gills, do not want to give to neighbors)", and even more: "sell the land and sell the land, buy the pomfret nose". The one with strong sensationalism is another sentence: "Fish eat horse glue, pomfret, watch the drama to see "Su Liu Niang"", make food and the well-known opera character Mei Jiao Niang, what is "beautiful and delicious"? That's it. People who have lived in Chaozhou for a few years, no matter how familiar with food, will casually recite a few proverbs, such as "childish (tender) chicken, giant goose, old duck mother", "partridge without meat and bone is also crisp", "big fish bone wins fine fish crumbs", etc., in fact, are the "food classics" of folk nameless gourmets.

Food has a way, nutrition and hygiene are the way. The common people know that hunger does not choose food and is full of anorexia, a sentence "April, May, September (green and yellow season) chicken pecking sand", a sentence "the belly of the first moon, full of tigers", summed up everything. "Eating fish and eating meat (should) vegetables", indicating that although fish and meat are good, they also need vegetarian dishes to be greasy, "mime (rotten) citrus sweet, emulsion grapefruit (spicy)", "lidong cane, eat no pain", are the most accurate words. When we hear the proverb "(Ning) eats a thousand ants, do not eat a side of the beard fly (half)", we will be surprised whether the elders are "ant-eaters and longevity" theorists; for "a drop of good wine (is a drop, not a cup), a good flower and a branch", the good drinkers in the north should think so, right? I thought it would be wiser to insist on drinking a small amount of good wine than to drink bad wine indiscriminately. Many outsiders may be particularly impressed by the sentence "insectivorous interception identity", because eating shuttle offspring crabs is really a "test paper" to test the stomach strength, and "people who come over" can not smile and secretly marvel?

The people regard food as the sky, but people are rich and poor, and they also have a variety of natural food. "A penny olive a money ginger", "a thousand money to buy a pickle", said the embarrassment of the shy people in the pocket; "the water roared in the ding, the rice walked in the street", and the situation became more and more embarrassing. What the little people are most afraid of is "before crossing the Tangpu stream, first eat the fort rice" (there was no "consumer loan" before), and what they are most angry about is "lamb begging (being) made raw food", who can swallow that fishy gas? Between new friends and relatives, "tea is thin and affectionate", and when leisure is leisure, "tea three (people) wine four iron stones (fun) two", but when encountering some trouble, is it the same as "fire to the pig's head is ripe, money is easy to do?" There is justice between heaven and earth, and everyone always understands the truth that pork belly is, eating six buckwheat (a six buckwheat head, buckwheat) spitting garlic, but all ill-gotten gains, always have to pay a corresponding price? This is called this garlic is not that garlic, people are not as good as heaven, and the rhyme of folk literature is so unique.

It is recognized that Teochew is rich in food and has a refined food culture. In fact, carefully tasting some Of the Teochew proverbs that are titled with food, you can also appreciate the food style and folk sentiments of Lingdong from another side, "The father is the heaven, the mother is the earth, and the fruit remembers the branches", these proverbs also have their origins.

Take the Teochew proverb that feeds into the title