
Focus Interview: How to understand the great anti-epidemic spirit?

Source: CCTV

(Focus Interview): On September 8, the National Commendation Conference for Fighting COVID-19 was held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Before the start of the conference, more than 2,000 anti-epidemic heroes stood together in the banquet hall on the second floor of the Great Hall of the People, waiting for the start of the group photo ceremony. They come from all walks of life, standing together is a solid line of defense against the epidemic, and the conference is to recognize them. At the commendation meeting, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech, talking about the great anti-epidemic spirit. How to understand this spirit, and what kind of enlightenment does this anti-epidemic war bring us?

Focus Interview: How to understand the great anti-epidemic spirit?

Xi Jinping said: "In this deadly battle against the serious epidemic, the people of Chinese and the Chinese nation have forged a great anti-epidemic spirit of putting life first, uniting the whole country, sacrificing life and forgetting death, respecting science, and sharing fate and common destiny with the courage to struggle and win." ”

Professor Xin Ming of the Central Party School (National School of Administration) said: "What are the five sentences and twenty words of the great anti-epidemic spirit? It is a portrayal of the spirit of the Communist Party of China leading Chinese society and Chinese people to fight the new crown epidemic. ”

Zhang Boli, winner of the national honorary title of "People's Hero", academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and president of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said: "I think the five spirits are mixed together, and it cannot be separated. In particular, the first article embodies the supremacy of our people and the supremacy of life, and the general secretary has made a good explanation, which is in line with the supremacy of the people in the tradition of Chinese civilization and the highest concept of the Communist Party's governance. ”

Zhong Nanshan, winner of the "Order of the Republic", academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and director of the National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Diseases, said: "In order to protect the safety of people's lives, we can open up everything. ”

Xi Jinping pointed out that China's anti-epidemic struggle has fully demonstrated the Chinese spirit, Chinese strength and Chinese responsibility. He used a timeline to review the major strategic achievements achieved in the anti-epidemic struggle: it took more than 1 month to initially curb the momentum of the spread of the epidemic, it took about 2 months to control the daily new cases in the mainland within single digits, and it took about 3 months to achieve decisive results in the defense of Wuhan and Hubei, and then fought several local cluster epidemic annihilation battles in succession, seizing major strategic achievements in the national anti-epidemic struggle.

Focus Interview: How to understand the great anti-epidemic spirit?

The epidemic has struck suddenly and the situation is critical, and the general requirements of "strengthening confidence, working together in the same boat, scientific prevention and control, and precise measures" put forward by Xi Jinping have become an important strategy to guide and win the battle against the epidemic. Under the strong leadership of the Cpc Central Committee, the whole country has rapidly formed a strategic layout of unified command, comprehensive deployment, and three-dimensional prevention and control, and the concept of life first epitomizes the profound tradition of benevolence of the Chinese people and the people-centered value pursuit of the Chinese communists.

Tense scenes are not uncommon in the rescue of patients with new coronary pneumonia. The virus is fierce, and medical workers are sacrificing their lives to face life barriers.

There are no heroes who fall from the sky, only mortals who stand up. In the face of a dangerous and unknown new virus, this is a life-and-death obstacle with no way back.

Professor Dong Zongqi, 86 years old, came to the clinic in a wheelchair. More than one doctor and nurse returned to the battlefield after being treated after infection.

From late February to mid-March, the number of new daily confirmed cases in Wuhan gradually fell back until the new cases cleared zero on March 18.

Focus Interview: How to understand the great anti-epidemic spirit?

Life is supreme, sacrificing life and forgetting death, white clothes and armor guarding the river city. At the same time, it is also a people's war without bystanders.

Chinese New Year's Eve night, the first reinforcements of troops and local medical teams assembled in Wuhan.

In the following month, a total of 346 medical teams and 42,632 medical personnel from all over the country and the army were deployed to Hubei, which was the largest mobilization of medical forces since the founding of New China.

At present, the whole country is united, all walks of life are moving rapidly, more than 4.6 million grass-roots party organizations are charging into battle, and more than 4 million community workers are on duty day and night in 650,000 urban and rural communities across the country. Wuhan's 18,000 police officers and 16,000 auxiliary police officers went into the community to undertake a large number of patient transport work.

The courier brother shuttles between the cities to deliver daily necessities to people.

Medical enterprises around the world work overtime and produce at full horsepower.

Epidemic prevention and control, it is time to calm down and work together to overcome difficulties.

People all over the country are "cheering for hot dry noodles"!

Focus Interview: How to understand the great anti-epidemic spirit?

The Chinese nation has been able to continue to grow and develop through countless disasters, not because of a savior, but because thousands of ordinary people stepped forward before the catastrophe. At present, if we want to win the victory as soon as possible, we must "insist on asking science for answers and methods."

Respect science and put it through into decision-making command.

The "Square Cabin Hospital" has rapidly expanded its treatment capacity through simple site modifications. From "people waiting for the bed" to "bed waiting for the bed", it was reversed in one fell swoop.

Respect science and apply it throughout patient treatment.

Constantly summarize the diagnosis and treatment methods, and update the diagnosis and treatment plan at any time.

Respect science and carry it through to scientific and technological research.

The whole genome sequence of the new coronavirus was determined, the virus strain was isolated, and the multi-channel vaccine research team worked day and night. On March 16, the new crown vaccine developed by Academician Chen Wei's team was successfully approved and clinical trials were launched.

Respect science and run it through all aspects and the whole process of social governance.

Zhong Nanshan, winner of the "Order of the Republic", academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and director of the National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Diseases, said: "President Xi Jinping has great respect for science, respect for knowledge, and respect for experts, and I feel very deeply, and it is precisely because of this that we can start according to the actual situation and formulate a series of correct policies, so that we can achieve the victory in the first stage." ”

Viruses know no borders, and the world faces unprecedented tests. At the beginning of its response to the COVID-19 epidemic, China adhered to the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind and an open and cooperative attitude, considered epidemic prevention and control under the global pattern, and actively assumed the responsibility of safeguarding global public health security.

The first time to inform the World Health Organization and relevant countries and regional organizations of the epidemic situation information; the first time to release the new crown virus genetic sequence and other information; the first time to publish the diagnosis and treatment plan and prevention and control plan; set up an online knowledge center for epidemic prevention and control and open to all countries; share the experience of prevention and control and treatment with all parties without reservation, and do our best to provide assistance to the international community.

China has worked hand in hand with other countries in the world to overcome difficulties and contribute wisdom and strength to the global fight against the epidemic.

Focus Interview: How to understand the great anti-epidemic spirit?

In this magnificent anti-epidemic struggle, we have not only accumulated important experience, but also gained profound enlightenment. Xi Jinping pointed out that the great practice of the anti-epidemic struggle has once again proved that the incomparably strong leadership of the Communist Party of China is the most reliable backbone of the people Chinese when the wind and rain strike. In the face of the sudden and serious epidemic, the Party Central Committee has taken charge of the overall situation, made decisive decisions, and responded to extraordinary events with extraordinary measures.

Establish a central leading group for epidemic response, dispatch a central guidance group, establish a joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council, put forward the prevention and control requirements for early detection, early reporting, early isolation, and early treatment; determine the treatment requirements for concentrating patients, experts, resources, and centralized treatment; and take improving the admission and cure rate, reducing the infection rate and mortality rate as prominent tasks, and pay attention to the coordination of scientific research and clinical treatment and prevention and control practice.

Focus Interview: How to understand the great anti-epidemic spirit?

The great practice of the anti-epidemic struggle has once again proved that the indomitable willpower of the Chinese people is the source of strength to overcome all difficulties and obstacles on the way forward.

Focus Interview: How to understand the great anti-epidemic spirit?

The significant advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics are the fundamental guarantee for resisting risks and challenges and improving the efficiency of national governance.

Focus Interview: How to understand the great anti-epidemic spirit?

The solid national strength accumulated since the founding of New China is a profound foundation for calmly coping with the stormy waves.

Focus Interview: How to understand the great anti-epidemic spirit?

The powerful spiritual driving force possessed by the core values of socialism and the excellent traditional Culture of China is a powerful force that unites people's hearts and gathers people's strength.

Focus Interview: How to understand the great anti-epidemic spirit?

The broad appeal of building a community with a shared future for mankind is the right way to cope with the common challenges of mankind and build a more prosperous and beautiful world.

At present, the world's major changes unprecedented in a century are accelerating their evolution, and the task of domestic reform, development, and stability is arduous and arduous. Standing at the historical intersection of the "two hundred years" goal, Xi Jinping has made five arrangements for further epidemic prevention and control and economic and social work.

Liang Wannian, head of the Expert Group on COVID-19 Response and Handling of the National Health and Health Commission, said: "Always adhere to the basic concept of life first, people first, and strive to balance the relationship between epidemic prevention and control and social and economic development, so as to achieve more scientific and accurate prevention and control." ”

Professor Xin Ming of the Central Party School (National School of Administration) said: "How to continue to maintain the rapid development of China's social economy and society in such a changing society, we need to continue to carry forward the right things on the basis of carrying forward the great anti-epidemic spirit, and do better things that need to be done as soon as possible, so that China's social development has a solid and reliable foundation for development." ”

Focus Interview: How to understand the great anti-epidemic spirit?

In the past 8 months or so, the anti-epidemic war has been thrilling, and the 1.4 billion Chinese have experienced a difficult time together, and they have also experienced a difficult test together. "Life first, the whole country is united, sacrificing life and forgetting death, respecting science, and sharing fate", these 20 words of anti-epidemic spirit are the true portrayal of the struggle against the new crown pneumonia epidemic throughout the country, and also the spiritual force that can achieve major strategic results in this big war. The fight against the epidemic is far from over, and there are still many difficulties and risks on the road of our struggle for the future and destiny. As the general secretary pointed out, only by standing firm and steady in spirit can a nation stand firm in the torrent of history and stand at the head of the tide.