
Play a good anti-fraud combination fist to guard the people's money bags

author:Market Weekly
Play a good anti-fraud combination fist to guard the people's money bags

In order to further enhance the masses' awareness of preventing telecommunications fraud, Li Fu Town, in connection with the current practice activities of "I do practical things for the masses" in the study and education of party history, went deep into the rural areas and communities, took multiple prongs and measures at the same time, actively carried out anti-telecommunications network fraud propaganda actions, and effectively alerted the residents to the "brain melons" and guarded the "money bags" of the common people.

I. Set up special classes for anti-fraud publicity activities, carry out anti-telecommunications fraud-themed publicity activities in administrative villages and residential communities under their jurisdiction, and publicize to the residents and the masses on market days and holidays by setting up consultation desks and distributing leaflets to publicize to the residents the characteristics of telecommunications fraud cases, fraudulent methods, and how to prevent being deceived, etc., to remind everyone to "not be gullible, not to be petty and cheap, and not to remit money", so as not to allow criminals to take advantage of the opportunity and stay away from telecommunications network fraud crimes.

Second, make full use of new media publicity methods such as WeChat groups, public accounts, and circles of friends, and timely release anti-fraud knowledge. At the same time, the "big speakers" broadcast in various villages broadcast anti-fraud knowledge from time to time every day. Propaganda banners were hung at major intersections within the jurisdictional areas, went deep into villages and communities to carry out propaganda, and dispatched propaganda vehicles to further enhance the awareness and ability of the broad masses of the people in recognizing, rejecting, and preventing deception, and strive to make the anti-fraud propaganda well-known to everyone and well-known, and form a good atmosphere of mass prevention and mass control throughout the town.

Third, give full play to the advantages of the grid management system, meticulously organize and carry out anti-fraud centralized rectification activities, and earnestly grasp the publicity and prevention, the "National Anti-Fraud Center" APP download and other work, so as to publicize and prevent "zero dead ends", grasp and manage "zero slack", and make every effort to curb the frequent occurrence and high incidence of telecommunications network fraud. Party members and cadres of organs, cadres of the two committees of various villages, and mass representatives are required to take the lead in installing and downloading the "National Anti-Fraud Center" APP, and then radiate to drive the residents and the masses to gradually install and download, and guide the masses to use methods to resolutely win this "people's war" against fraud, and jointly build an iron wall of "anti-fraud for the whole people". (Review: Zhang Liang Upload: Li Bo)

(Source: Quxian People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3613378752 within 24 hours to reply. 】