
After the online love rushed to the present, it was found that he still had 5 "girlfriends"

author:Beiqing Net

In order to "make money", a chapter of the man's side concealed the identity of the married, met a number of women through chat software, cheated the trust of the other party in the name of divorcing and dating, and even "talked about marriage", causing 6 women to be deceived in the past 3 years, with a total amount of more than 2.6 million yuan.

Yesterday, the Yuelu District Procuratorate of Changsha City indicted him on suspicion of fraud.

On January 18 this year, Song Guo (pseudonym) met Fang Mouzhang through the online platform.

"We met on a chat dating app, and he said his name was 'Fang Yuan', divorced, had a daughter, and was doing floor heating business at Mawangdui Market." Song Guo told the Sanxiang Metropolis Daily reporter that the two had been chatting online for only 3 days, and "Fang Yuan" took the initiative to ask her to meet in the store. "When I got to his shop, I had dinner together, and I thought he was quite reliable in the conversation, so I wanted to continue the relationship."

After that, "Fang Yuan" told Song Guo that the purchase of goods needed capital turnover, and opened his mouth to borrow money from her. "Since I am already a boyfriend and girlfriend, I think it is okay to borrow money, so I borrowed 92,000 yuan to him on the online loan platform." The day after the money arrived at the "FangYuan" account, he proposed to buy a car again, and Song Guo paid him a deposit of 10,000 yuan to buy a car.

After paying the deposit for the car, the two happily returned to "Fang Yuan"'s store in Mawangdui, Changsha, but unexpectedly there was an "accident". "A girl asked him who I was, and of course I naturally said it was a girlfriend." What Song Guowan did not expect was that the other party said that he was the wife of "Fang Yuan".

"Pedaling two boats, isn't that cheating money?" I was very excited at the time, and it turned out that the other party was just a 'victim'. Song Guo decisively called the police.

On January 28, Fang Mouzhang was criminally detained by the Yuelu Branch of the Changsha Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Fang Mouzhang confessed that he owed a lot of money in business before 2018, and because he could not make money through normal channels, he started the idea of divorced or single women. "This can both satisfy sexual needs and cheat money." Fang Mouzhang confessed that he was not divorced and was married with an 8-year-old daughter.

In addition to Song Guo, there were 5 other women who were deceived. Fang Mouzhang's "routine" is very simple, making friends as a divorced single, claiming to run a store or factory, obtaining initial trust, and then defrauding the trust of the opposite sex on the grounds of marriage and children, and then cheating money by buying a car, purchasing goods, opening a store for decoration, and promising to let the victim be a legal person.

Edit/White Dragon