
Idioms: The story behind "Xu Niang is half old", the charm still exists but the tragedy ends


#成语 what kind of story is behind "Xu Niang is half old" #

Idioms: Xu Niang is half old, the story comes from the story of Xu Zhaopei, the concubine of the Liang Yuan Emperor of the Southern Dynasty. The metaphor of a woman is still charming despite reaching middle age. Often used in conjunction with "charm still exists".

Who is Xu Zhaopei?

According to the History of the South, she was the granddaughter of the former Qi state lieutenant and the daughter of the Liang Dynasty general Xu Kun, who married Xiao Xuan when she was still the King of Xiangdong.

Xu Zhaopei's entry into the palace is a political marriage, and he has always been at odds with her husband Xiao Xuan. Even xiao Yi, who was immediately crowned Emperor Yuan of Liang, did not want to make Xu shi an empress, and the posthumous throne remained vacant, and Xu shi was only promoted from princess to imperial concubine.

Idioms: The story behind "Xu Niang is half old", the charm still exists but the tragedy ends

The material comes from the Web

Who was Emperor Yuan of Liang?

Emperor Yuan's father was Xiao Yan, the famous bodhisattva emperor of Chinese history. Emperor Wu of Liang was originally a southern Qi emperor and a talented son. In the last year of Southern Qi, Emperor Wu of Liang took advantage of the unstable situation in Southern Qi and seized power from the Southern Qi Emperor through military means and established the Xiaoliang Dynasty.

At that time, China was in a state of confrontation between the North and the South. In the early years of Emperor Wu's reign, the liang dynasty's national strength was inferior to that of northern Wei. The Northern Wei court also had the idea of annexing Southern Liang. However, at the Battle of Zhongli, Southern Liang defeated the Northern Wei army, and soon after, the famous "Heyin Revolution" broke out in Northern Wei, followed by civil unrest in Northern Wei, which was eventually divided into two parts: Eastern Wei and Western Wei. As a result, the Northern Dynasty's power weakened. Emperor Wu of Liang took the opportunity to intervene in the affairs of the Northern Dynasty and took in the Northern Dynasty rebel general Hou Jing.

Soon after Hou Jing was taken in by Emperor Wu of Liang, he provoked civil unrest in the Liang Dynasty. Emperor Wu of Liang lost his life in civil unrest, and after this civil strife, Southern Liang's strength was seriously damaged, sowing the seeds for the later Sui Dynasty to annex Southern Chen.

It was in this turbulent background that Emperor Liang Yuan became emperor of the Liang Dynasty, and Xu Zhaopei became an imperial concubine.

Idioms: The story behind "Xu Niang is half old", the charm still exists but the tragedy ends

Long snubbed, "half face makeup" satirizes and humiliates Emperor Liang Yuan

When Emperor Yuan of Liang married Xu Zhaopei, he was only a prince of the Liang Dynasty. Although Emperor Liang Yuandi and Xu Zhaopei have been husband and wife for many years, in general, the relationship is not good.

Xu Zhaopei has been snubbed for a long time, so the relationship between husband and wife is very unsound. With such a deepening contradiction between husband and wife, Xu Zhaopei, believing that he was born into a famous and noble family, vented his dissatisfaction with the married life by mocking the emperor. Xiao Xuan had been blind in one eye since childhood, so she only dressed up half of her face in front of Xiao Xuan, called "half face makeup", to satirize and humiliate Xiao Xuan.

Idioms: The story behind "Xu Niang is half old", the charm still exists but the tragedy ends

After humiliating revenge, red apricots came out of the wall

Out of revenge for Xiao Xuan's snub, he finally couldn't hold back his inner loneliness and had an affair with someone else. Among the objects, there were monks, there were also readers, and even the attendants of Emperor Liang Yuan. First he became acquainted with Zhiyuan, a popular Taoist priest at The Yaoguang Temple in Jingzhou, and later with a beautiful man in the Upper Dynasty, Emperor Liangyuan's attendant Ji Jiang.

Ji Jijiang actually sighed at this: "Although the Baizhi dog is old, it can still hunt, Xiao Liyang's horse is old and judas, and Xu Niang is still amorous although it is old." This is the allusion to "Xu Niang is half old"! This phrase later spread and continues to this day.

The emperor did not tolerate it and forced him to commit suicide

Later, Xu Zhaopei invited a poet named He Hui at that time to a nunnery for a date and sang a harmony on the "white horn pillow". Of course, these acts were not tolerated by the emperor, and finally Xiao Xuan's aiji Wang died after giving birth to a son, so he forced Xu Zhaopei to commit suicide under the pretext that Xu Zhaopei secretly poisoned her because of jealousy.

Xu Zhaopei knew that he would inevitably die, so he had to commit suicide by throwing himself into a well. Xiao Xuan's hatred did not disappear, and he fished up her body and sent it back to her mother's house, claiming to be "out of his wife". The career of "Xu Niang" ended in tragedy.

For Xu Zhaopei's evaluation, most of the historians of later generations hold a negative attitude, putting aside the historical factors at that time, a happy and happy married life, if the husband and wife can raise their eyebrows, it must be the living state that all accompanying people yearn for.

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