
The Russian media revealed the secret of the "Jumbo" class strategic nuclear submarine inside the super large missile cabin for the first time

author:China Youth Network

CCTV News: In addition to verbally contesting before the summit meeting, the United States and Russia have not forgotten to show their military strength. Recently, a reporter from Russia's Red Star Television Station boarded the "Grand Duke Vladimir" nuclear submarine and unveiled the mystery of this strategic nuclear submarine.

The Russian media revealed the secret of the "Jumbo" class strategic nuclear submarine inside the super large missile cabin for the first time
The Russian media revealed the secret of the "Jumbo" class strategic nuclear submarine inside the super large missile cabin for the first time

Russian Red Star TV reporter: The first impression of the people who boarded this strategic nuclear submarine for the first time is that it is so big! The crew had this analogy, it was a floating 5-story house, and the exact number of its length was kept secret, but about the length of a football field and a half. Now we are moving from one end to the other. Where we are now is not elsewhere, it is above the silo. There are 16 silos here, 8 on this side and 8 on the other. We have just walked to the command room, which is the size of the strategic nuclear submarine command room.

The Russian media revealed the secret of the "Jumbo" class strategic nuclear submarine inside the super large missile cabin for the first time
The Russian media revealed the secret of the "Jumbo" class strategic nuclear submarine inside the super large missile cabin for the first time

Reporters were allowed to enter the interior of the submarine to shoot, and most of the nuclear submarine's internal space had never been shown on television before.

Red Star TV: In order for you to understand how big the cabin is here, we have specially asked the commander of the submarine division to stand at the other end of this missile module. You see, we've been gone for tens of seconds, and we haven't reached the end of the cabin yet. This is probably the largest missile bay in the history of the Russian submarine fleet, am I right?

The Russian media revealed the secret of the "Jumbo" class strategic nuclear submarine inside the super large missile cabin for the first time
The Russian media revealed the secret of the "Jumbo" class strategic nuclear submarine inside the super large missile cabin for the first time

Commander of the 31st Submarine Division of the Russian Northern Fleet Stepan Kribbas: Yes, you are right. Previously we had 8 missile compartments, each with 1 missile in it. Here, all 16 Bulava ballistic missiles are located in a missile compartment, distributed in the corresponding containers.

The ceiling of the submarine's inner cabin is much higher than that of other submarines, and even people who are two meters tall can walk calmly.

Red Star TV: Now let's focus on the No. 7 missile well, we see a star, what does it represent?

The Russian media revealed the secret of the "Jumbo" class strategic nuclear submarine inside the super large missile cabin for the first time

Commander of the 31st Submarine Division of the Russian Northern Fleet Stepan Cribbas: This star represents the successful completion of the launch of the "Bulava" ballistic missile from this missile well on October 29, 2019, and the successful launch of the missile in the well will have such a symbol on the well.

In that missile test, the missile flew normally after launching in a submarine-launched state, and multiple sub-warheads hit the Kura range in Kamchatka at a predetermined time.

The Russian media revealed the secret of the "Jumbo" class strategic nuclear submarine inside the super large missile cabin for the first time

Grand Duke Vladimir is the first of the improved strategic nuclear submarines of the Russian North Wind God-A class, and was officially listed in the Russian Northern Fleet in June 2020. The submarine can carry up to 16 Bulava ICBMs with a range of up to 8,000 km and can carry multiple hypersonic missile-guided nuclear warheads. According to the plan announced by the Russian military, the Russian Navy has ordered 7 submarines of this type, and 4 have begun construction, which will be included in the Russian Navy at a rate of one per year, and they will become the most important component of Russia's sea-based nuclear strike force in the future.

Source: CCTV