
How about Remy High Dog Food Good dog food ingredients are clearly labeled

author:Pet Network

How about Remigao dog food, dogs are our good friends with humans, many families have the choice to feed them, there are also many families that treat dogs as a part of the family, good for dogs, some owners for the healthy growth of dogs, directly to feed dog food, because the nutrition of dog food is more comprehensive and balanced, how about Remigao dog food? How to tell the difference between good and bad dog food? Let's take a look at it with the small editor of the pet network.

How about Remy High Dog Food Good dog food ingredients are clearly labeled

Quality dog food should contain:

(1) Meat protein from high-quality sources, but be sure to indicate what kind of meat, such as only animal meat (ANIMALMEAT/MEAL) or poultry meat (POULTRYMEAT/MEAL) such meat is not acceptable (for example, indicate that chicken is the right choice).

(2) The top 2 of the ingredients should contain 1 whole meat source.

(3) Untreated whole grains, vegetables and other food materials, because untreated foods contain more and higher quality enzymes (processed means processing).

Good quality dog food should contain a minimum amount (MINIMUM):

(1) Food fragments (FOOD FRAGMENTS), such as brewer's rice (BREWER'S RICE), wheat bran (WHEATBRAN), etc., the residues of these grains (can also be said to be grain by-products) because of the low cost, cheap price, many cat /dog food manufacturers will include at least one kind of dry food, in order to reduce costs, be careful to buy, and do not choose a variety of such grain by-products.

(2) Meat by-products. All meat by-products are not good protein if they are the main source of protein in dog food.


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