
Kyoko Fukada was only sixth! What Japanese women want most is "her" good figure tenth| mixed supermodel Mori star eighth| Tominaga Ai (Japanese supermodel Tominaga Ai ranked eighth) second place| Nagasawa Masami first place | Tamami Nakami

author:Warm fragrant fruit

Although the definition of "good body" is different between men and women, women often have more critical and paranoid requirements for their own body than men! Recently, Japan's "ORICON NEWS" has conducted an "ideal body selected by women" ranking in accordance with the annual practice; instead of the first place in this vote, it is the 34-year-old actress Tian Meimei Naishi, who has won the first place in this vote, who has won the first place in the voting.

Kyoko Fukada was only sixth! What Japanese women want most is "her" good figure tenth| mixed supermodel Mori star eighth| Tominaga Ai (Japanese supermodel Tominaga Ai ranked eighth) second place| Nagasawa Masami first place | Tamami Nakami

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > tenth place| mixed-race model Senxing</h1>

Kyoko Fukada was only sixth! What Japanese women want most is "her" good figure tenth| mixed supermodel Mori star eighth| Tominaga Ai (Japanese supermodel Tominaga Ai ranked eighth) second place| Nagasawa Masami first place | Tamami Nakami

Ninth place| Nakajō Caiwei (Nakajo Caiwei is a highly notable new generation actress)

Kyoko Fukada was only sixth! What Japanese women want most is "her" good figure tenth| mixed supermodel Mori star eighth| Tominaga Ai (Japanese supermodel Tominaga Ai ranked eighth) second place| Nagasawa Masami first place | Tamami Nakami

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > eighth place| Fuminaga Ai (Japanese supermodel Fukunaga Ai ranked eighth).</h1>

Kyoko Fukada was only sixth! What Japanese women want most is "her" good figure tenth| mixed supermodel Mori star eighth| Tominaga Ai (Japanese supermodel Tominaga Ai ranked eighth) second place| Nagasawa Masami first place | Tamami Nakami

Seventh place| Nakamura Apricot (Nakamura Apricot was selected as the "Most Beautiful Abs in Japan" actress)

Kyoko Fukada was only sixth! What Japanese women want most is "her" good figure tenth| mixed supermodel Mori star eighth| Tominaga Ai (Japanese supermodel Tominaga Ai ranked eighth) second place| Nagasawa Masami first place | Tamami Nakami

Sixth place| Kyoko Fukada (Kyoko Fukada has an enviable hot body)

Kyoko Fukada was only sixth! What Japanese women want most is "her" good figure tenth| mixed supermodel Mori star eighth| Tominaga Ai (Japanese supermodel Tominaga Ai ranked eighth) second place| Nagasawa Masami first place | Tamami Nakami

Fifth place| Ryoko Yonekura ("Doctor X" Ryoko Yonekura has a pair of slender legs)

Kyoko Fukada was only sixth! What Japanese women want most is "her" good figure tenth| mixed supermodel Mori star eighth| Tominaga Ai (Japanese supermodel Tominaga Ai ranked eighth) second place| Nagasawa Masami first place | Tamami Nakami

Fourth place| ROLA (mixed supermodel RAPLA)

Kyoko Fukada was only sixth! What Japanese women want most is "her" good figure tenth| mixed supermodel Mori star eighth| Tominaga Ai (Japanese supermodel Tominaga Ai ranked eighth) second place| Nagasawa Masami first place | Tamami Nakami

The third place| Haruka Ayase, originally belonged to a healthy body, and she was fit for the performance of the movie, and her figure was more beautiful because of the lines of her muscles. Many women also expressed great envy for her "thin where it should be thin, where there should be meat".

Kyoko Fukada was only sixth! What Japanese women want most is "her" good figure tenth| mixed supermodel Mori star eighth| Tominaga Ai (Japanese supermodel Tominaga Ai ranked eighth) second place| Nagasawa Masami first place | Tamami Nakami
Kyoko Fukada was only sixth! What Japanese women want most is "her" good figure tenth| mixed supermodel Mori star eighth| Tominaga Ai (Japanese supermodel Tominaga Ai ranked eighth) second place| Nagasawa Masami first place | Tamami Nakami

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="22" > second place| Masami Nagasawa</h1>

Kyoko Fukada was only sixth! What Japanese women want most is "her" good figure tenth| mixed supermodel Mori star eighth| Tominaga Ai (Japanese supermodel Tominaga Ai ranked eighth) second place| Nagasawa Masami first place | Tamami Nakami

At 168cm tall, she is most often mentioned for her slender body and aura that is not overly sexy. She has shared her exercise tips in beauty magazines in the past; she says that whether she is sitting or standing, she will try to "sit" or "stand well" as much as possible, maintain a good posture and stretch her back muscles.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="27" > first place | Tamami Nakamito </h1>

Kyoko Fukada was only sixth! What Japanese women want most is "her" good figure tenth| mixed supermodel Mori star eighth| Tominaga Ai (Japanese supermodel Tominaga Ai ranked eighth) second place| Nagasawa Masami first place | Tamami Nakami

Her first photo album sold more than 480,000 copies, and she was regarded by Japanese women as the new generation of beauty teachers, including continuous exercise in two different gyms, maintaining the habit of drinking three liters of water every day, etc. The exquisite attention to body designation has allowed her to gain support regardless of generational age. Not only do many women leave positive comments such as "a good body after hard work" and "every part is beautiful", but the underwear brands she endorses and the recommended cosmetics often sell well.

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