
You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!


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You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!

▲ 2016, Rio Olympics.

On August 7, 2016, local time, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the Olympic Women's Balance Beam Preliminary Round, Uzbekistan's Chusovykina stepped on the Olympic gymnastics field for the seventh time.

From Barcelona in 1992 to Rio in 2016, in the gymnastics event that can be called a veteran at the age of 20, as the elder of the Seven Dynasties of the Olympic Games, the 41-year-old Chusovykina will surely go down in history.

The story of her return to the field to save her sick son has long become a legend and has moved the world.

『Olympic Career』

You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!

▲ 1992 Barcelona Olympics.

Oksana Chusovitina was born in June 1975 and began practicing gymnastics at the age of 7, winning the gold medal in women's and free gymnastics at the World Championships and the silver medal in vaulting for the CIS in 1991.

In 1992, she represented the CIS for the olympic games for the first time and won the gold medal in the women's team.

In Atlanta in 1996, Sydney in 2000 and Athens in 2004, she represented Uzbekistan three times at the Olympic Games.

You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!

▲ 2008, Beijing Olympic Games.

At the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, she represented Germany in gratitude for her kindness in helping to treat sick children.

Chusovkina, who was in amazing shape, not only won a silver medal in vaulting, but also appeared in the women's individual all-around final, and finally finished ninth.

I believe that many people have met such a great mother and an honorable athlete in this year.

Speaking about her motivation to stay on the field for so many years, Chusovkina said:

"I love gymnastics, I love the joy it brings me that is hard to say. As for when I will end my gymnastics career, I don't know. ”

You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!

▲ 2012, London Olympics.

In November 2008, during an international competition, Chusovkina had an Achilles tendon break. At the time, almost everyone speculated that in the face of such a fatal injury, the 33-year-old veteran had to choose to retire.

However, Chusovkina did not give up. "As long as my son is not cured, I will continue to persevere." He is my motivation. In 2011, she returned to the race again and won two silver vaulting medals at international competitions.

While her son's condition was getting better and most people thought she would retire, Chusovkina still appeared at the 2012 London Olympics. She said: "I can be better than 40 years old. ”

You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!

Yes, she did. When she stepped onto the rio Olympics at the age of 41, winning or losing was no longer so important. This time, she will no longer be burdened by not getting a good ranking and not getting more competition prize money. This time, she came for fun and fought for herself.

Although almost all of the competitors competing with her were the same age as her son, and most of them were not yet born when she first competed in the Olympic Games, the "grandma" level gymnast did not feel old, she said that she was still eighteen years old, and the younger players should be more stressed than her, because she has a wealth of experience on the field.

"Fight for Your Children"

You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!

▲ Chusovkina and her husband

In 1996, the successful Chusovykina chose to retire after the Atlanta Olympics and entered the palace of marriage, and her husband was also an athlete, Uzbekistan wrestler Bakder Kepanov.

Three years after their marriage, his son Arish was born in November 1999. Immersed in the joy of being a new mother, Chusovkina felt that a happy life had quietly begun.

You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!

▲ Chusovkina and her son

However, in 2002, his son Arish was diagnosed with leukemia.

With little savings as an athlete, Chusovkina and her husband sold their house and car, but they were still overwhelmed by the high medical expenses.

At that time, she resolutely chose to make a comeback:

"One World Championship gold medal equals €3,000 in prize money, which is my only option."

You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!

The husband gave up his beloved wrestling career to take care of his son at home. She began to resume training, began to compete everywhere, and the reason for participating became to earn money.

Chusovkina never shyed away from this, because she was a mother and was willing to give everything to save her son's life:

"If I don't play, Arish won't live, it's that simple, I don't have a choice."

You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!

▲ Chusovkina was injured during a match.

Returning to the game, Chusovkina forced herself to develop into an all-rounder. Whenever there is a chance to compete, she always signs up for all the events.

Don't dare to get sick, don't dare to hurt, don't dare to retreat, in the years when her son was ill, Chusovkina always kept these three points in mind, because any small accident of herself may make her son in the hospital bed lose the opportunity to live:

"For me, my son is my whole life. As long as he was sick, I kept going. He is my motivation. ”

You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!

▲ 2002, Busan Asian Games.

At the 2002 Asian Games in Busan, Chusovkina shocked the world by winning gold medals in vaulting and free gymnastics.

And this time, Chusovykina attracted the attention of the German sports department, and they threw an olive branch at her.

In order to save her son, Chusovkina moved her family to Germany.

You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!

Two years later, my son's condition gradually improved.

In 2006, THE FEDERATION recognized Chusovykina's German citizenship, and she began representing the German team at the World Championships and olympic games.

You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!

▲ In 2006, Chusovkina competed for gold in the women's individual all-around at an international event.

The original intention of her decision to change her nationality was because the treatment conditions in Germany were relatively good, and the germans helped her and her son:

"It was not easy to make the decision to join the German team, and what happened at home in the past 4 years was an important reason for my visit to Germany. Without the help of german gymnastics people, my son would have died a long time ago. ”

You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!

▲ Chusovkina and her 17-year-old son

In 2010, Arish's condition was brought under control, and apart from regular blood tests, he rarely went to the hospital. She no longer has financial pressure.

When everyone thought she finally didn't have to continue to compete, Chusovkina chose to persevere. She said that she could finally enjoy gymnastics and feel pure sports with ease:

"I'm not competing anymore for prize money, but I really like the sport."

You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!

▲ 2014, Incheon Asian Games.

At the 2014 Incheon Asian Games, when she won the silver medal in the women's vault, Olympic champion Liu Xuan said:

"The phrase 'you are not healed, I dare not grow old' has touched countless people, and many people have paid tribute to you with tears. Miracles come from the power you yearn for in your heart! You are the real goddess. ”

"What I'm doing now, every woman can do, you have to take care of your family, your husband and your kids. The most important thing is not to lose hope at any time, to remain optimistic, and to believe that you can do anything. ”


『Tribute to legends』

Once, for the sake of her son, she detonated all her energy.

Today, for the sake of her dreams, she still competes in her favorite arena.

You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!
You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!
You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!
You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!
You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!
You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!
You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!
You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!
You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!
You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!
You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!
You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!
You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!
You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!
You are not cured, I dare not grow old! 41 years old 7 times to compete in the Olympics, pay tribute to the legend!

- The End -


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