
In order to marry a 31-year-old boy, the 47-year-old aunt did not hesitate to abandon her husband and son, and after 11 years of marriage, she cried and said that she regretted that the 47-year-old aunt met the cruel real life of true love and woke up the impulse of the dreamer is the devil

author:Fat Tiger says history
In order to marry a 31-year-old boy, the 47-year-old aunt did not hesitate to abandon her husband and son, and after 11 years of marriage, she cried and said that she regretted that the 47-year-old aunt met the cruel real life of true love and woke up the impulse of the dreamer is the devil

"Amorous hatred has been empty since ancient times, and this hatred has no end."

It is said that marriage is the graveyard of love, and in recent years, many people's concept of marriage has been greatly deviated, and even many outrageous marriages have emerged. Although it is said that age is not a big problem in married life, the age difference of 16 years old still cannot escape the world's vision, and in the end it is still a bamboo basket to hit the water.

In order to marry a 31-year-old boy, the 47-year-old aunt did not hesitate to abandon her husband and son, and after 11 years of marriage, she cried and said that she regretted that the 47-year-old aunt met the cruel real life of true love and woke up the impulse of the dreamer is the devil

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" > 47-year-old aunt meets true love</h1>

For ordinary people, when they are nearly fifty years old, they have already lived a peaceful and peaceful life, not only their family life is very happy, but also have very filial piety, such a state of life is the envy of others. But there is such a 47-year-old aunt who upset everyone's concept, met the so-called "true love" when she was 47 years old, regardless of the good words and persuasion of her family, chose to remarry and live, and as a result, after remarriing, she began to regret it again.

The 47-year-old aunt, Xu Ying, is the owner of a clothing store and the mother of five children. The family's life is very happy and fulfilling, but no one can imagine that good days are always short. The appearance of a man completely broke this otherwise peaceful state of life.

In order to marry a 31-year-old boy, the 47-year-old aunt did not hesitate to abandon her husband and son, and after 11 years of marriage, she cried and said that she regretted that the 47-year-old aunt met the cruel real life of true love and woke up the impulse of the dreamer is the devil

The man was only 31 years old, and he was very capable, always coaxing Xu Ying to be very happy, and the two also talked about everything. At first, they were just close friends, but over time the relationship between the two changed, and the bud of love was quietly developing. They fell in love and even wanted to get married.

But both of them are people with families, and it is not easy to talk about forming a family again, especially for Xu Ying, her original family is very happy, her children and husband love her very much, and there is no reason to divorce. But at this time, Xu Ying was like a demon, no matter whether he was going to divorce three or seven twenty-one, even if he broke off relations with his own children.

In order to marry a 31-year-old boy, the 47-year-old aunt did not hesitate to abandon her husband and son, and after 11 years of marriage, she cried and said that she regretted that the 47-year-old aunt met the cruel real life of true love and woke up the impulse of the dreamer is the devil

In the end, both of them successfully divorced and walked together. But after reorganizing the family, Xu Ying really saw the true face of this man, it turned out that everything was hypocritical, and he had been living in a hypocritical lie all along.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" Data-track="11" wakes up dreamers > harsh real life</h1>

I thought that Xu Ying's life after marriage was like imagined, but she did not get the results as expected. It is not easy for the two of them to be together, but the real life is that the man in front of her has said some lies before, the serious work that was said before has become the current idleness, and the bmw car before it is just a motorcycle. This is the harsh reality, but at this time, Xu Ying has no way but to accept it.

In order to marry a 31-year-old boy, the 47-year-old aunt did not hesitate to abandon her husband and son, and after 11 years of marriage, she cried and said that she regretted that the 47-year-old aunt met the cruel real life of true love and woke up the impulse of the dreamer is the devil

Because Xu Ying also has a clothing store that can maintain normal economic expenditure, it is still okay to barely survive. But this man did not work well, often asked Xu Ying for money, and over time Xu Ying's savings were gone. She thought that as long as the two people could be together, everything could start all over again, but she thought it was too simple.

In the 11 years of marriage, she often found that her husband was in contact with strange women, and even confessed to her own cheating incidents, which Xu Ying could not stand. Such a fragmented marriage is a terrible nightmare for her, and she has finally woken up, and finally Xu Ying has also filed for divorce, but there is a condition that the other party needs to pay 100,000 yuan.

In order to marry a 31-year-old boy, the 47-year-old aunt did not hesitate to abandon her husband and son, and after 11 years of marriage, she cried and said that she regretted that the 47-year-old aunt met the cruel real life of true love and woke up the impulse of the dreamer is the devil

Over the years, Xu Ying and her family have lost contact, and even have no economic income, and in the end it is a bamboo basket to hit the water. This may also be a kind of karma of her own, if she did not insist on divorce, now she should live in a loving family, the children are often accompanied, rather than like the current lonely and lonely, even if she is sick, she can only carry it alone.

In order to marry a 31-year-old boy, the 47-year-old aunt did not hesitate to abandon her husband and son, and after 11 years of marriage, she cried and said that she regretted that the 47-year-old aunt met the cruel real life of true love and woke up the impulse of the dreamer is the devil

Such an ending was something that Xu Ying had never thought of in any way, and if she had calmed down and thought about it, there would have been no such situation as it is now. Therefore, when we are faced with a choice, we need to calm down and think about it, and we must not do things that we regret because of a momentary impulse.

In order to marry a 31-year-old boy, the 47-year-old aunt did not hesitate to abandon her husband and son, and after 11 years of marriage, she cried and said that she regretted that the 47-year-old aunt met the cruel real life of true love and woke up the impulse of the dreamer is the devil

Now it seems that after Xu Ying remarried, not only did not get his true love, but also has been making money to support his family, and has been renting a house to live. This kind of life is very different from my previous life, but this is the truth, and it is impossible to go back to the past.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="21" > impulse is the devil</h1>

From Xu Ying's body, we can see that a momentary impulse will cause very terrible consequences. If Xu Ying had been able to analyze it carefully at that time, perhaps it would not have created such a situation today. Love is certainly beautiful, but it is not the whole of life, we need to have the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, rather than being confused by some beautiful phenomena in front of us, and eventually there will be backfire consequences.

In order to marry a 31-year-old boy, the 47-year-old aunt did not hesitate to abandon her husband and son, and after 11 years of marriage, she cried and said that she regretted that the 47-year-old aunt met the cruel real life of true love and woke up the impulse of the dreamer is the devil

A person's life will face a lot of different things, some things will be done right, some things will take a detour, and even make wrong decisions, but as long as we can recognize the mistakes in time and turn back in time, everything is not too late.

Now it seems that Xu Ying was just very clever, so he would make such a major mistake and even ruin his happy life with his own hands, which is actually a kind of karma of his own. Therefore, no matter what we do, we need to have a pair of eyes to distinguish between right and wrong, not to be confused by superficial phenomena, but to consider carefully all aspects of factors, so as to help us make better choices.

In order to marry a 31-year-old boy, the 47-year-old aunt did not hesitate to abandon her husband and son, and after 11 years of marriage, she cried and said that she regretted that the 47-year-old aunt met the cruel real life of true love and woke up the impulse of the dreamer is the devil

When we encounter difficulties in work and life, we need to calm ourselves down and not be blinded by the beautiful phenomena in front of us. This will cause major mistakes, and eventually make you make a wrong decision, resulting in irreparable consequences, which is really a sad ending.